Category listing - security: ports with commits on branch 2024Q1 |
System security software.
- Number of ports in this category (with commits on branch 2024Q1): 42
Ports marked with a * actually reside within another category but
have security listed as a secondary category. |
- amavisd-new Mail scanner interface between mailer and content checkers
- 2.12.3_1,1 2.12.3_1,1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-03-17 15:33:08
- License: GPLv2
- Dependency lines:
- amavisd-new>0:security/amavisd-new
- archlinux-keyring Arch Linux PGP keyring
- 20231222 20231222Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-29 04:57:16
- License: GPLv3+
- Dependency lines:
- archlinux-keyring>0:security/archlinux-keyring
- clamav Open-source (GPL) anti-virus engine (Regular Feature Release)
- 1.2.2,1 1.2.2,1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-02-08 05:42:04
- License: GPLv2
- Dependency lines:
- clamav-lts Open-source (GPL) anti-virus engine (LTS Feature Release)
- 1.0.5,1 1.0.5,1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-02-08 05:42:31
- License: GPLv2
- Dependency lines:
- clamav-lts>0:security/clamav-lts
- crowdsec CrowdSec lightweight and collaborative security engine
- 1.5.5_2 1.5.5_2Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-03-06 22:27:39
- License: MIT
- Dependency lines:
- crowdsec>0:security/crowdsec
- crowdsec-firewall-bouncer CrowdSec bouncer written in golang for firewalls
- 0.0.28_4 0.0.28_4Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-03-19 14:24:22
- License: MIT
- Dependency lines:
- crowdsec-firewall-bouncer>0:security/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer
- diswall Distributed firewall
- 0.4.3_1 0.4.3_1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-15 07:36:04
- License: GPLv3
- Dependency lines:
- diswall>0:security/diswall
- gopass Rewrite of the pass password manager in Go
- 1.15.11_2 1.15.11_2Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-03-06 22:27:39
- License: MIT
- Dependency lines:
- heimdal Popular BSD-licensed implementation of Kerberos 5
- 7.8.0_6 7.8.0_8Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-03-15 00:30:07
- License: BSD3CLAUSE
- Dependency lines:
- heimdal>0:security/heimdal
- libxcrypt Extended crypt library for descrypt, md5crypt, bcrypt, and others
- 4.4.36_1 4.4.36_1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-21 03:33:09
- License: LGPL21
- Dependency lines:
- libxcrypt>0:security/libxcrypt
- metasploit Exploit-Framework for Penetration-Testing
- 6.2.23_11 6.2.23_11Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-05 10:15:09
- License: BSD3CLAUSE
- Dependency lines:
- metasploit>0:security/metasploit
- nebula Scalable overlay networking tool
- 1.8.2 1.8.2Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-08 23:30:11
- License: MIT
- Dependency lines:
- nmap Port scanning utility for large networks
- 7.94_2 7.94_2Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-24 09:51:05
- License: NPSL
- Dependency lines:
- nss Libraries to support development of security-enabled applications
- 3.98 3.98Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-27 19:03:06
- License: MPL20
- Dependency lines:
- nuclei Fast vulnerability scanner
- 3.1.3_1 3.1.3_1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-03-06 22:27:39
- License: MIT
- Dependency lines:
- openssh-portable The portable version of OpenBSD's OpenSSH
- 9.6.p1_1,1 9.6.p1_1,1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-11 18:12:05
- License: OPENSSH
- Dependency lines:
- openssh-portable>0:security/openssh-portable
- openssl TLSv1.3 capable SSL and crypto library
- 3.0.13,1 3.0.13,1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-31 19:45:07
- Also Listed In: devel
- License: APACHE20
- Dependency lines:
- openssl>0:security/openssl
- openssl-quictls QUIC capable fork of OpenSSL
- 3.0.13 3.0.13Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-31 19:54:03
- Also Listed In: devel
- License: APACHE20
- Dependency lines:
- openssl-quictls>0:security/openssl-quictls
- openssl31 TLSv1.3 capable SSL and crypto library
- 3.1.5 3.1.5Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-31 19:48:05
- Also Listed In: devel
- License: APACHE20
- Dependency lines:
- openssl31>0:security/openssl31
- openssl31-quictls QUIC capable fork of OpenSSL
- 3.1.5 3.1.4_2Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-31 19:57:06
- Also Listed In: devel
- License: APACHE20
- Dependency lines:
- openssl31-quictls>0:security/openssl31-quictls
- openvpn Secure IP/Ethernet tunnel daemon
- 2.6.9 2.6.9Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-02-13 18:15:08
- Also Listed In: net net-vpn
- License: GPLv2
- Dependency lines:
- openvpn>0:security/openvpn
- osv-scanner Vulnerability scanner written in Go which uses the OSV database
- 1.4.3_2 1.4.3_2Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-03-06 22:27:39
- License: APACHE20
- Dependency lines:
- osv-scanner>0:security/osv-scanner
- pecl-xxtea XXTEA encryption algorithm extension for PHP
- 1.0.11 1.0.11Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-03-13 01:00:06
- License: MIT
- Dependency lines:
- ${PHP_PKGNAMEPREFIX}pecl-xxtea>0:security/pecl-xxtea
- py-cryptography Cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python developers
- 42.0.5,1 42.0.5,1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-03-09 18:01:12
- Also Listed In: python
- Dependency lines:
- ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}cryptography>0:security/py-cryptography@${PY_FLAVOR}
- py-cryptography-vectors Test vectors for the cryptography package
- 42.0.5 42.0.5Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-03-09 18:01:15
- Also Listed In: python
- Dependency lines:
- ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}cryptography-vectors>0:security/py-cryptography-vectors@${PY_FLAVOR}
- sequoia Meta-port for Sequoia
- 1.18.0 1.18.0Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-29 04:57:18
- License: NA
- Dependency lines:
- sequoia>0:security/sequoia
- sequoia-sq Sequoia-PGP command line tool
- 0.33.0_1 0.33.0_1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-29 04:57:08
- License: LGPL20+
- Dependency lines:
- sequoia-sq>0:security/sequoia-sq
- solana Web-scale blockchain for decentralized apps and marketplaces
- 1.17.9 1.17.9Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-12 06:24:14
- License: APACHE20
- Dependency lines:
- starttls Simple wrapper program for STARTTLS on emacs29
- 0.10_32 0.10_32Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-03-27 00:00:05
- License: GPLv2
- Dependency lines:
- starttls>0:security/starttls
- suricata High Performance Network IDS, IPS and Security Monitoring engine
- 7.0.3 7.0.3Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-02-24 16:57:04
- License: GPLv2
- Dependency lines:
- suricata>0:security/suricata
- tailscale Mesh VPN that makes it easy to connect your devices
- 1.58.2 1.58.2Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-18 22:39:09
- Also Listed In: net-vpn
- License: BSD3CLAUSE
- Dependency lines:
- tailscale>0:security/tailscale
- trivy Security scanner written in go
- 0.50.0 0.50.0Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-03-26 08:00:09
- License: APACHE20
- Dependency lines:
- trufflehog Find and verify credentials
- 3.63.7_1 3.63.7_1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-21 00:42:10
- License: AGPLv3
- Dependency lines:
- trufflehog>0:security/trufflehog
- uacme Lightweight C ACMEv2 client which uses external authenticators
- 1.7.5 1.7.5Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-30 11:12:07
- Also Listed In: www
- License: GPLv3+
- Dependency lines:
- wazuh-agent Security tool to monitor and check logs and intrusions (agent)
- 4.7.2 4.7.2Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-29 17:48:06
- License: GPLv2
- Dependency lines:
- wazuh-agent>0:security/wazuh-agent
- wazuh-dashboard Web user interface for data visualization and analysis
- 4.7.2 4.7.2Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-29 17:48:06
- License: GPLv2
- Dependency lines:
- wazuh-dashboard>0:security/wazuh-dashboard
- wazuh-indexer A highly scalable, full-text search and analytics engine
- 4.7.2 4.7.2Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-29 17:48:06
- License: GPLv2
- Dependency lines:
- wazuh-indexer>0:security/wazuh-indexer
- wazuh-manager Security tool to monitor and check logs and intrusions (manager)
- 4.7.2 4.7.2Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-08 00:36:07
- License: GPLv2
- Dependency lines:
- wazuh-manager>0:security/wazuh-manager
- wazuh-server Components for analyze the data received from the agents
- 4.7.2 4.7.2Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-29 17:48:06
- License: GPLv2
- Dependency lines:
- wazuh-server>0:security/wazuh-server
- wolfssh Lightweight SSH Library
- 1.4.15 1.4.15Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-03-31 07:18:27
- License: GPLv3
- Dependency lines:
- wolfssh>0:security/wolfssh
- xray-core Set of network penetration tools
- 1.8.4_2 1.8.4_2Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-03-06 22:27:39
- License: MPL20
- Dependency lines:
- xray-core>0:security/xray-core
- zeek System for detecting network intruders in real-time
- 6.0.3 6.0.2_1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer:
- Port Added: 2024-01-22 18:09:06
- License: CC-BY-4.0
- Dependency lines: