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Port details
mbedtls2 SSL/TLS and cryptography library
2.28.9 security on this many watch lists=0 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout Package not present on quarterly.This port was created during this quarter. It will be in the next quarterly branch but not the current one.
Deprecated DEPRECATED: Upstream support ends at the end of 2024
Expired This port expired on: 2024-12-31
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2025-01-02 16:34:53
Last Update: 2025-01-02 16:31:07
Commit Hash: 5e762dc
Also Listed In: devel
License: APACHE20 GPLv2+
mbed TLS is a lightweight, portable, fully featured and standards compliant SSL/TLS and cryptography library.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb - no subversion history for this port

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (174 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. @ldconfig
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/mbedtls2-2.28.9/
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/mbedtls2-2.28.9/LICENSE
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/mbedtls2-2.28.9/APACHE20
  5. /usr/local/share/licenses/mbedtls2-2.28.9/GPLv2+
  6. bin/mbedtls_benchmark
  7. bin/mbedtls_cert_app
  8. bin/mbedtls_cert_req
  9. bin/mbedtls_cert_write
  10. bin/mbedtls_crl_app
  11. bin/mbedtls_crypt_and_hash
  12. bin/mbedtls_crypto_examples
  13. bin/mbedtls_dh_client
  14. bin/mbedtls_dh_genprime
  15. bin/mbedtls_dh_server
  16. bin/mbedtls_dtls_client
  17. bin/mbedtls_dtls_server
  18. bin/mbedtls_ecdh_curve25519
  19. bin/mbedtls_ecdsa
  20. bin/mbedtls_gen_entropy
  21. bin/mbedtls_gen_key
  22. bin/mbedtls_gen_random_ctr_drbg
  23. bin/mbedtls_gen_random_havege
  24. bin/mbedtls_generic_sum
  25. bin/mbedtls_hello
  26. bin/mbedtls_key_app
  27. bin/mbedtls_key_app_writer
  28. bin/mbedtls_key_ladder_demo
  29. bin/
  30. bin/mbedtls_load_roots
  31. bin/mbedtls_metatest
  32. bin/mbedtls_mini_client
  33. bin/mbedtls_mpi_demo
  34. bin/mbedtls_pem2der
  35. bin/mbedtls_pk_decrypt
  36. bin/mbedtls_pk_encrypt
  37. bin/mbedtls_pk_sign
  38. bin/mbedtls_pk_verify
  39. bin/mbedtls_psa_constant_names
  40. bin/mbedtls_query_compile_time_config
  41. bin/mbedtls_req_app
  42. bin/mbedtls_rsa_decrypt
  43. bin/mbedtls_rsa_encrypt
  44. bin/mbedtls_rsa_genkey
  45. bin/mbedtls_rsa_sign
  46. bin/mbedtls_rsa_sign_pss
  47. bin/mbedtls_rsa_verify
  48. bin/mbedtls_rsa_verify_pss
  49. bin/mbedtls_selftest
  50. bin/mbedtls_ssl_client1
  51. bin/mbedtls_ssl_client2
  52. bin/mbedtls_ssl_context_info
  53. bin/mbedtls_ssl_fork_server
  54. bin/mbedtls_ssl_mail_client
  55. bin/mbedtls_ssl_pthread_server
  56. bin/mbedtls_ssl_server
  57. bin/mbedtls_ssl_server2
  58. bin/mbedtls_strerror
  59. bin/mbedtls_udp_proxy
  60. bin/mbedtls_zeroize
  61. include/mbedtls/aes.h
  62. include/mbedtls/aesni.h
  63. include/mbedtls/arc4.h
  64. include/mbedtls/aria.h
  65. include/mbedtls/asn1.h
  66. include/mbedtls/asn1write.h
  67. include/mbedtls/base64.h
  68. include/mbedtls/bignum.h
  69. include/mbedtls/blowfish.h
  70. include/mbedtls/bn_mul.h
  71. include/mbedtls/camellia.h
  72. include/mbedtls/ccm.h
  73. include/mbedtls/certs.h
  74. include/mbedtls/chacha20.h
  75. include/mbedtls/chachapoly.h
  76. include/mbedtls/check_config.h
  77. include/mbedtls/cipher.h
  78. include/mbedtls/cipher_internal.h
  79. include/mbedtls/cmac.h
  80. include/mbedtls/compat-1.3.h
  81. include/mbedtls/config.h
  82. include/mbedtls/config_psa.h
  83. include/mbedtls/constant_time.h
  84. include/mbedtls/ctr_drbg.h
  85. include/mbedtls/debug.h
  86. include/mbedtls/des.h
  87. include/mbedtls/dhm.h
  88. include/mbedtls/ecdh.h
  89. include/mbedtls/ecdsa.h
  90. include/mbedtls/ecjpake.h
  91. include/mbedtls/ecp.h
  92. include/mbedtls/ecp_internal.h
  93. include/mbedtls/entropy.h
  94. include/mbedtls/entropy_poll.h
  95. include/mbedtls/error.h
  96. include/mbedtls/gcm.h
  97. include/mbedtls/havege.h
  98. include/mbedtls/hkdf.h
  99. include/mbedtls/hmac_drbg.h
  100. include/mbedtls/md.h
  101. include/mbedtls/md2.h
  102. include/mbedtls/md4.h
  103. include/mbedtls/md5.h
  104. include/mbedtls/md_internal.h
  105. include/mbedtls/memory_buffer_alloc.h
  106. include/mbedtls/net.h
  107. include/mbedtls/net_sockets.h
  108. include/mbedtls/nist_kw.h
  109. include/mbedtls/oid.h
  110. include/mbedtls/padlock.h
  111. include/mbedtls/pem.h
  112. include/mbedtls/pk.h
  113. include/mbedtls/pk_internal.h
  114. include/mbedtls/pkcs11.h
  115. include/mbedtls/pkcs12.h
  116. include/mbedtls/pkcs5.h
  117. include/mbedtls/platform.h
  118. include/mbedtls/platform_time.h
  119. include/mbedtls/platform_util.h
  120. include/mbedtls/poly1305.h
  121. include/mbedtls/psa_util.h
  122. include/mbedtls/ripemd160.h
  123. include/mbedtls/rsa.h
  124. include/mbedtls/rsa_internal.h
  125. include/mbedtls/sha1.h
  126. include/mbedtls/sha256.h
  127. include/mbedtls/sha512.h
  128. include/mbedtls/ssl.h
  129. include/mbedtls/ssl_cache.h
  130. include/mbedtls/ssl_ciphersuites.h
  131. include/mbedtls/ssl_cookie.h
  132. include/mbedtls/ssl_internal.h
  133. include/mbedtls/ssl_ticket.h
  134. include/mbedtls/threading.h
  135. include/mbedtls/timing.h
  136. include/mbedtls/version.h
  137. include/mbedtls/x509.h
  138. include/mbedtls/x509_crl.h
  139. include/mbedtls/x509_crt.h
  140. include/mbedtls/x509_csr.h
  141. include/mbedtls/xtea.h
  142. include/psa/crypto.h
  143. include/psa/crypto_builtin_composites.h
  144. include/psa/crypto_builtin_primitives.h
  145. include/psa/crypto_compat.h
  146. include/psa/crypto_config.h
  147. include/psa/crypto_driver_common.h
  148. include/psa/crypto_driver_contexts_composites.h
  149. include/psa/crypto_driver_contexts_primitives.h
  150. include/psa/crypto_extra.h
  151. include/psa/crypto_platform.h
  152. include/psa/crypto_se_driver.h
  153. include/psa/crypto_sizes.h
  154. include/psa/crypto_struct.h
  155. include/psa/crypto_types.h
  156. include/psa/crypto_values.h
  157. lib/libmbedcrypto.a
  158. lib/
  159. lib/
  160. lib/
  161. lib/libmbedtls.a
  162. lib/
  163. lib/
  164. lib/
  165. lib/libmbedx509.a
  166. lib/
  167. lib/
  168. lib/
  169. libdata/pkgconfig/mbedcrypto.pc
  170. libdata/pkgconfig/mbedtls.pc
  171. libdata/pkgconfig/mbedx509.pc
  172. @owner
  173. @group
  174. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • mbedtls2>0:security/mbedtls2
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/security/mbedtls2/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install security/mbedtls2
  • pkg install mbedtls2
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: mbedtls2
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1725116635 SHA256 (mbedtls-2.28.9.tar.bz2) = e85ea97aaf78dd6c0a5ba2e54dd5932ffa15f39abfc189c26beef7684630c02b SIZE (mbedtls-2.28.9.tar.bz2) = 3357068

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. cmake : devel/cmake-core
  2. ninja : devel/ninja
  3. python3.11 : lang/python311
Test dependencies:
  1. python3.11 : lang/python311
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. net/bctoolbox
for Libraries
  1. lang/julia
  2. lang/neko
  3. net/bctoolbox
  4. net/pichi
  5. net-im/sayaka
  6. www/hiawatha

Configuration Options:
No options to configure
Options name:
cmake:testing pathfix python:build,test shebangfix tar:bz2
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (1 items)
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Port Moves
  • port moved here from security/mbedtls on 2025-01-02
    REASON: Legacy version

Number of commits found: 1

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
02 Jan 2025 16:31:07
commit hash: 5e762dcd493ecca7a26edae08db4ebebf8f9a5d6commit hash: 5e762dcd493ecca7a26edae08db4ebebf8f9a5d6commit hash: 5e762dcd493ecca7a26edae08db4ebebf8f9a5d6commit hash: 5e762dcd493ecca7a26edae08db4ebebf8f9a5d6 files touched by this commit
Tijl Coosemans (tijl) search for other commits by this committer
security/mbedtls: Move to security/mbedtls2

The port has expired but isn't removed yet because there are still too
many consumers.  Rename it because the name "security/mbedtls" makes it
look like it's the default version.

PR:		283792

Number of commits found: 1