Port details |
- polkit-qt5 Qt5 wrapper around Polkit libraries
- 0.112.0 sysutils
=0 0.112.0Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch. - Maintainer: kde@FreeBSD.org
 - Port Added: 2015-06-04 11:40:48
- Last Update: 2018-04-14 13:30:12
- SVN Revision: 467318
- License: LGPL21
- WWW:
- http://projects.kde.org/projects/kdesupport/polkit-qt-1
- Description:
- Polkit-Qt is a library that lets developers use the Polkit API through
a nice Qt-styled API. It is mainly a wrapper around QAction and
QAbstractButton that lets you integrate those two component easily
with Polkit.
WWW: http://projects.kde.org/projects/kdesupport/polkit-qt-1
cgit ¦ GitHub ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ 
- Manual pages:
- FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
- pkg-plist: as obtained via:
make generate-plist - Dependency lines:
- polkit-qt5>0:sysutils/polkit-qt5
- No installation instructions:
- This port has been deleted.
- PKGNAME: polkit-qt5
- Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
- distinfo:
- SHA256 (polkit-qt-1-0.112.0.tar.bz2) = 67fb03bf6ca3e0bdbd98d374dfb5b1651a07d17ae6c23e11a81b4b084447e7c6
SIZE (polkit-qt-1-0.112.0.tar.bz2) = 67725
No package information for this port in our database- Sometimes this happens. Not all ports have packages. Perhaps there is a build error. Check the fallout link:

- Master port: sysutils/polkit-qt
- Dependencies
- NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
- Build dependencies:
- cmake : devel/cmake
- ninja : devel/ninja
- pkgconf>=1.3.0_1 : devel/pkgconf
- moc : devel/qt5-buildtools
- qmake : devel/qt5-qmake
- Library dependencies:
- libpolkit-agent-1.so : sysutils/polkit
- libglib-2.0.so : devel/glib20
- libintl.so : devel/gettext-runtime
- libQt5Core.so : devel/qt5-core
- libQt5DBus.so : devel/qt5-dbus
- libQt5Gui.so : x11-toolkits/qt5-gui
- libQt5Widgets.so : x11-toolkits/qt5-widgets
- There are no ports dependent upon this port
Configuration Options:
- No options to configure
- Options name:
- N/A
- cmake:outsource pkgconfig tar:bzip2 qmake:_env gnome
- FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
- Master Sites:
Number of commits found: 4
Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page) |
This is a slave port. You may also want to view the commits to the master port: sysutils/polkit-qt | Commit | Credits | Log message |
0.112.0 14 Apr 2018 13:30:12
tcberner  |
sysutils/polkit-qt, sysutils/polkit-qt5: convert to flavor
Approved by: portmgr (mat)
Differential Revision: https://reviews.freebsd.org/D14642 |
0.112.0 05 Oct 2016 09:59:12
tcberner  |
Enslave sysutils/polkit-qt5 onto sysutils/polkit-qt
sysutils/polkit-qt and sysutils/polkit-qt5 have same distfiles, similar
Unify them.
Reviewed by: mat, rakuco
Approved by: rakuco (mentor)
Differential Revision: https://reviews.freebsd.org/D7900 |
0.112.0 01 Apr 2016 14:25:18
mat  |
Remove ${PORTSDIR}/ from dependencies, categories r, s, t, and u.
With hat: portmgr
Sponsored by: Absolight |
0.112.0 04 Jun 2015 11:40:29
rakuco  |
Add sysutils/polkit-qt5.
This is the Qt5 version of sysutils/polkit-qt. From pkg-descr:
Polkit-Qt is a library that lets developers use the Polkit API through a
nice Qt-styled API. It is mainly a wrapper around QAction and
QAbstractButton that lets you integrate those two component easily with
Submitted by: Tobias Berner <tcberner@gmail.com> to the kde@ mailing list |
Number of commits found: 4