Port details |
- py-iocage FreeBSD jail manager written in Python
- 0.9.5_1 sysutils
=5 0.9.5_1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch. DEPRECATED: obsoleted by sysutils/py3-iocage port using Python 3 instead of Python 2
This port expired on: 2017-07-07
- Maintainer: robak@FreeBSD.org
 - Port Added: 2017-01-14 23:29:33
- Last Update: 2017-07-10 19:27:38
- SVN Revision: 445459
- People watching this port, also watch:: nginx, iohyve, pkg, irssi, zrep
- Also Listed In: python
- License: BSD2CLAUSE
- WWW:
- https://github.com/iocage/iocage
- Description:
- iocage is a jail/container manager amalgamating some of the best
features and technologies the FreeBSD operating system has
to offer. It is geared for ease of use with a simple and easy
to understand command syntax.
WWW: https://github.com/iocage/iocage
cgit ¦ GitHub ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ 
- Manual pages:
- FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
- pkg-plist: as obtained via:
make generate-plist - There is no configure plist information for this port.
- Dependency lines:
- ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}iocage>0:sysutils/py-iocage@${PY_FLAVOR}
- No installation instructions:
- This port has been deleted.
- PKGNAME: py27-iocage
- Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
- distinfo:
- TIMESTAMP = 1487336983
SHA256 (iocage-iocage-0.9.5_GH0.tar.gz) = 699a15d2e9299204c2e90dfa84e8987422378e6eaca7b3dc8f6b9a06b822913d
SIZE (iocage-iocage-0.9.5_GH0.tar.gz) = 318152
No package information for this port in our database- Sometimes this happens. Not all ports have packages. Perhaps there is a build error. Check the fallout link:

- Dependencies
- NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
- Build dependencies:
- py27-setuptools>0 : devel/py27-setuptools
- python2.7 : lang/python27
- python2 : lang/python2
- Runtime dependencies:
- py27-backports.lzma>=0.0.6 : archivers/py-backports.lzma
- py27-click>=6.7 : devel/py-click
- py27-future>=0.15 : devel/py-future
- py27-tqdm>=4.10.0 : misc/py-tqdm
- ca_root_nss>0 : security/ca_root_nss
- py27-texttable>=0.8.7 : textproc/py-texttable
- py27-requests>=2.11.1 : www/py-requests
- py27-setuptools>0 : devel/py27-setuptools
- python2.7 : lang/python27
- python2 : lang/python2
- There are no ports dependent upon this port
Configuration Options:
- No options to configure
- Options name:
- N/A
- python:2
- FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
- Master Sites:
Number of commits found: 8
Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page) |
Commit | Credits | Log message |
0.9.5_1 10 Jul 2017 19:27:38
rene  |
Remove expired ports:
2017-07-07 sysutils/py-iocage: obsoleted by sysutils/py3-iocage port using
Python 3 instead of Python 2
2017-07-08 www/mediawiki126: Upstream support EoL |
0.9.5_1 06 Jun 2017 20:59:52
robak  |
sysutils/py-iocage: mark as DEPRECATED, obsoleted by sysutils/py3-iocage |
0.9.5_1 21 Feb 2017 09:30:16
robak  |
sysutils/py-iocage: fix dependencies
Reported by: Jeff Hinrichs <jeffh@dundeemt.com>
MFH: 2017Q1 |
0.9.5 17 Feb 2017 14:16:53
robak  |
sysutils/py-iocage: update 0.9.4 -> 0.9.5 |
0.9.4 30 Jan 2017 08:34:51
robak  |
sysutils/py-iocage: update 0.9.3 -> 0.9.4
- Correct supported Python version
- Remove obsolete GH_ACCOUNT and GH_PROJECT
MFH: 2017Q1 |
0.9.3_1 25 Jan 2017 14:46:52
robak  |
sysutils/py-iocage: fix missing dependencies
PR: 216453
Reported by: Brandon Schneider <brandon.freebsd@gmail.com> |
0.9.3 24 Jan 2017 09:22:13
robak  |
sysutils/py-iocage: update 0.9 -> 0.9.3 |
0.9 14 Jan 2017 23:29:25
robak  |
[NEW PORT] sysutils/py-iocage: FreeBSD jail manager written in Python
iocage is a jail/container manager amalgamating some of the best
features and technologies the FreeBSD operating system has
to offer. It is geared for ease of use with a simple and easy
to understand command syntax.
WWW: https://github.com/iocage/iocage
Submitted by: robak |
Number of commits found: 8