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non port: textproc/Makefile

Number of commits found: 3011 (showing only 100 on this page)

[First Page]  «  10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20  »  [Last Page]

Thursday, 8 May 2014
05:43 kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
This module provides functions to treat half-width and full-width
characters and display correct size of text in one line on terminals
and mobile phones.  You can know the visual width of any text and
truncate text by the visual width. Now this module support EUC-JP and
UTF-8 and tested only with Japanese.

Original commitRevision:353275 
05:15 sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
- Add rubygem-parslet 1.6.0

Parslet is a small Ruby library for constructing parsers in the PEG (Parsing
Expression Grammar) fashion.

Parslet makes developing complex parsers easy. It does so by
- providing the best error reporting possible
- not generating reams of code for you to debug

Parslet takes the long way around to make your job easier. It allows for
incremental language construction. Often, you start out small, implementing the
atoms of your language first; parslet takes pride in making this possible.

Original commitRevision:353270 
04:18 sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
- Add rubygem-jekyll-sass-converter 1.0.0

rubygem-jekyll-sass-converter is a basic Sass converter for Jekyll.

Original commitRevision:353264 
Friday, 18 Apr 2014
11:17 rene search for other commits by this committer
Remove expired ports:
2014-04-16 ports-mgmt/pkgsearch: Upstream disappeared
2014-04-17 science/flounder: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 security/nbaudit: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 security/saint: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 graphics/gozer: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 misc/pdfmap: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 devel/showgrammar: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 biology/libgenome: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 deskutils/narval: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 devel/fampp: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 net-p2p/py-fngrab: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 misc/wmfirew: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 x11-wm/e16utils: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 misc/salias: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 print/latex2slides: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 lang/sxm: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 textproc/pybook: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 mail/mailcrypt: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 japanese/elvis: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 devel/prototype: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 print/wprint: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 science/euler: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 multimedia/gopchop: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 science/gdis: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 net/googolplex: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 lang/logo: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 textproc/roap: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 x11-wm/afterstep-i18n: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 games/yamsweeper: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 net-mgmt/echolot: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 security/pam_smb: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-18 devel/lua-redis-parser: Broken for more than 6 months
2014-04-18 biology/finchtv: Broken for more than 6 months
2014-04-18 net-im/ari-yahoo: Broken for more than 1 year
Original commitRevision:351531 
Sunday, 13 Apr 2014
16:51 olivierd search for other commits by this committer
Lasem aims to be a C/GObject based SVG/MathML renderer and editor. It uses
cairo and pango as it's rendering abstraction layer.

Original commitRevision:351230 
10:55 rene search for other commits by this committer
Remove expired ports:
2014-04-12 net/pvm++: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 devel/ixlib: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 mail/althea: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 graphics/claraocr: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 graphics/qvplay: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 print/guitartex: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 print/pnm2ppa: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 graphics/opendis: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 net/gnome-mud: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 graphics/maverik: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 biology/rasmol: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 mail/mail2procmailrc: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 science/felt: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 textproc/pardiff: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 lang/klone: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 net/rmsg: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 net/sharity-light: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 biology/genpak: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 net/forg: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 misc/txt2regex: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 textproc/ipdf: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 graphics/plotmtv: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 devel/happydoc: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 print/cpp2latex: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 graphics/svg2swf: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 devel/flick: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 mail/smail: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 net/net-http: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 security/cfv: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 graphics/camediaplay: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 math/umatrix: Unmaintained since 2001
Original commitRevision:351202 
03:16 nivit search for other commits by this committer
SassC is a wrapper around libsass ( used
to generate a useful command-line application that can be installed and
packaged for several operating systems.

Original commitRevision:351182 
03:15 nivit search for other commits by this committer
Libsass is a C/C++ port of the Sass CSS precompiler.
The original version was written in Ruby, but this version is meant
for efficiency and portability.

This library strives to be light, simple, and easy to build and integrate
with a variety of platforms and languages.

Original commitRevision:351181 
Friday, 11 Apr 2014
13:20 rene search for other commits by this committer
Remove expired ports:
2014-03-10 www/p5-CGI-modules: No more public distfiles
2014-04-10 www/p5-WWW-Link: Depends on expired www/p5-CGI-modules
2014-03-10 www/sbox-dtc: No more public distfiles
2014-04-10 sysutils/dtc: Depends on expired www/sbox-dtc
2014-03-10 textproc/glimpse: No more public distfiles
2014-04-10 ftp/ftplocate: Depends on expired textproc/glimpse
2014-04-10 misc/tkman: Depends on expired textproc/glimpse
2014-04-09 devel/asl: Unmaintained since 1997
2014-04-09 net/pcnfsd: Unmaintained since 1997
2014-04-10 cad/chipmunk: Unmaintained since 1999
2014-04-10 graphics/comix: Insists on installing in /usr/local, and uses
nautilus2 which is deprecated.
2014-04-10 www/mambo: Broken for more than 6 months
2014-04-10 devel/lua-rds-parser: Broken for more than 6 months
2014-04-10 editors/the: Unmaintained since 1999
2014-04-10 japanese/exmh2: Unmaintained since 1999
2014-04-10 net/freewais-sf: Unmaintained since 1999
2014-04-10 editors/elvis: Unmaintained since 1999
2014-04-10 japanese/sed: Unmaintained since 1999
2014-04-10 x11-fm/xfm: Unmaintained since 1999
2014-04-10 print/rtf2latex: Unmaintained since 1999
2014-04-10 graphics/fbm: Unmaintained since 1999
2014-04-11 devel/p5-Penguin-Easy: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 emulators/prodosemu: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 security/gtkportscan: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 graphics/xmfract: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 databases/xmbase-grok: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 emulators/svr4_base: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 math/freefem: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 graphics/tiff2png: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 math/wingz: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 lang/STk: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 graphics/kdc2tiff: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 math/xlispstat: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 databases/typhoon: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 graphics/dc20ctrl: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 www/fhttpd: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 graphics/xmorph: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 editors/axe: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 www/cgic: Unmaintained since 2000
Original commitRevision:350942 
12:42 bapt search for other commits by this committer
2014-04-10 deskutils/nautilus-locked-folder: nautilus will be updated to the 3.x
version which is not compatible with 2.x
2014-04-10 www/screem: gnome-menus 2.x will be updated in the GNOME 3 import
2014-04-10 deskutils/nautilus-actions: nautilus will be updated to the 3.x
version which is not compatible with 2.x
2014-04-10 deskutils/nautilus-sendto: nautilus will be updated to the 3.x
version which is not compatible with 2.x
2014-04-10 deskutils/nautilus-open-terminal: nautilus will be updated to the 3.x
version which is not compatible with 2.x
2014-04-10 sysutils/eiciel: nautilus will be updated to the 3.x version which is
not compatible with 2.x
2014-04-10 sysutils/nautilus-cd-burner: nautilus will be updated to the 3.x
version which is not compatible with 2.x
2014-04-10 x11-fm/py-nautilus: nautilus will be updated to the 3.x version which
is not compatible with 2.x
2014-04-10 sysutils/sensors-applet: gnome-panel 2.x will be updated in the GNOME
3 import
2014-04-10 net/link-monitor-applet: gnome-panel 2.x will be updated in the GNOME
3 import
2014-04-10 net/netspeed_applet: gnome-panel 2.x will be updated in the GNOME 3
2014-04-10 net/remmina-applet: gnome-panel 2.x will be updated in the GNOME 3
2014-04-10 misc/uf-view: gnome-desktop 2.x will be updated in the GNOME 3 import
2014-04-10 textproc/uim-gnome: gnome-panel 2.x will be updated in the GNOME 3
2014-04-10 audio/istream: gnome-panel will be updated to the 3.x version which
is not compatible with 2.x
2014-04-10 mail/contact-lookup-applet: gnome-panel will be updated to the 3.x
version which is not compatible with 2.x
2014-04-10 security/tuntun: gnome-panel 2.x will be updated in the GNOME 3
2014-04-10 misc/quick-lounge-applet: gnome-panel 2.x will be updated in the
GNOME 3 import
2014-04-10 sysutils/bubblemon2: gnome-panel 2.x will be updated in the GNOME 3
Original commitRevision:350933 
Thursday, 3 Apr 2014
19:36 tj search for other commits by this committer
Add Elasticsearch Marvel management plugin.

Original commitRevision:350043 
06:13 antoine search for other commits by this committer
Finish rename
Original commitRevision:349972 
Monday, 31 Mar 2014
01:03 swills search for other commits by this committer
Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector
inheritance, and more. It's translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using
the command line tool or a web-framework plugin.

This older version will be used by rubygem-compass.

Original commitRevision:349696 
Sunday, 30 Mar 2014
16:47 dinoex search for other commits by this committer
Graphical Diff for X

LICENSE: GPL2 or later

Original commitRevision:349647 
Monday, 24 Mar 2014
22:25 antoine search for other commits by this committer
Fix a typo
Original commitRevision:349079 
21:34 tj search for other commits by this committer
RDF Framework for Perl

Original commitRevision:349069 
18:09 tj search for other commits by this committer
Simple support for XML Namespaces.

Original commitRevision:349044 
18:00 tj search for other commits by this committer
A list of commonly used namespaces.

Original commitRevision:349040 
17:51 tj search for other commits by this committer
Simple factory objects for SAX namespaced names.

Original commitRevision:349038 
16:47 swills search for other commits by this committer
This is a small package containing a Sphinx theme named "Cloud",
along with some related Sphinx extensions. To see an example
of the theme in action, check out it's documentation.


PR:		ports/187893
Submitted by:	Horia Racoviceanu <>
Original commitRevision:349026 
Sunday, 23 Mar 2014
02:11 nemysis search for other commits by this committer
XSV is a command-line tool for performing schema-validity
assessment of XML documents in accord with the
W3C XML Schema specification, second edition.

XSV (XML Schema Validator) is an open source (GPLed) work-in-progress
attempt at a conformant schema-aware processor, as defined by
XML Schema Part 1: Structures, Second Edition of 28 October 2004.
It has been developed at the Language Technology Group of the Human
Communication Research Centre in the School of Informatics at the
University of Edinburgh, with support for one of us (Thompson)
from the World Wide Web Consortium.

Original commitRevision:348825 
Sunday, 16 Mar 2014
10:09 kwm search for other commits by this committer
Add gtkspell3 3.0.4.

Gtkspell check library based on Gtk+ 3.
This version isn't compatible with gtkspell.
Original commitRevision:348399 
Saturday, 15 Mar 2014
23:43 marino search for other commits by this committer
Add new Ada port: textproc/xml_ez_out

XML EZ_Out is a small set of packages intended to aid the creation of
XML-formatted output from within Ada programs.  It basically wraps the
tags and data provided to it with XML syntax and writes them to a
user-supplied medium.

This medium can be any sort of writable entity, such as a file, a
memory buffer, or even a communications link, such as a socket.  The
only functionality required of the medium is that it supply a
meaningful "Put" (for writing a string) and "New_Line" procedure.

Original commitRevision:348387 
15:58 danfe search for other commits by this committer
Kill bogus EOL whitespace.
Original commitRevision:348337 
Friday, 14 Mar 2014
13:43 marino search for other commits by this committer
Add new Ada port: textproc/opentoken 5.0a

OpenToken is a facility for performing token analysis and parsing within
the Ada language. It is designed to provide all the functionality of a
traditional lexical analyzer/parser generator, such as lex/yacc. But due
to the magic of inheritance and runtime polymorphism it is implemented
entirely in Ada as withed-in code. No precompilation step is required, and
no messy tool-generated source code is created. The tradeoff is that the
grammar is generated at runtime.

Original commitRevision:348229 
Monday, 10 Mar 2014
11:50 rene search for other commits by this committer
Remove expired ports:
2014-03-10 deskutils/libopensync-plugin-synce: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 irc/irchat-pj-xemacs21-mule: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 irc/pure-xemacs21-mule: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 lang/dice: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 irc/dcc: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 sysutils/backupme: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 net/freeswitch-curl-devel: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 misc/freeswitch-pizzademo-devel: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 emulators/cygne-sdl: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 mail/newmail: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 x11-toolkits/xscoop: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 security/didentd: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 sysutils/wait_on: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 net/freeswitch-sbc-devel: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 multimedia/gxanim: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 www/nd: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 lang/fbbi: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 textproc/csv2xml: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 www/trac-calendar: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 misc/stan: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 japanese/gtkicq: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 net/nc6: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 net/jpcap: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 games/quake-extras: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 net/asfrecorder: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 sysutils/pyrenamer: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 palm/synce-sync-engine: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 www/linux-mplayer-plugin: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 net-mgmt/airport: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 textproc/manued.el: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 sysutils/jailer: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 sysutils/blimitd: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 print/abntex: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 sysutils/monkeytail: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 dns/dns_mre: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 japanese/libjcode: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 sysutils/jailutils: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 net/freeswitch-vanilla-devel: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 sysutils/hdup: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 print/cups-smb-backend: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 x11/settitle: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 sysutils/anteater: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 www/trac-pendingticket: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 www/admuser: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 x11-themes/gnome-icons-snowish: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 www/metacafe_dl: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 irc/irchat-pj-emacs21: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 www/horde3-wicked: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 java/drexelsnmp: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 mail/sigit: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 misc/freeswitch-scripts-devel: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 www/vtiger-customerportal: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 irc/pure-emacs21: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 www/extsm: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 misc/cwish: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 www/phpscheduleit: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 palm/synce-serial: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 palm/synce-vdccm: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 net/freeswitch-insideout-devel: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 sysutils/fusefs-fur: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 mail/clamfilter: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 textproc/cost: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 palm/synce-gvfs: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 net/nxserver: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 sysutils/throttle: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 japanese/aterm: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 mail/teapop: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 www/eldav.el: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 graphics/gsnapshot: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 japanese/zangband: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 audio/xmms-wma: No more public distfiles
2014-03-10 misc/projectionlib: No more public distfiles
Original commitRevision:347742 
Saturday, 8 Mar 2014
16:41 kwm search for other commits by this committer
yelp-tools: Utilities to help manage documentation for Yelp and the web
yelp-xsl: DocBook XSLT stylesheets for yelp

Obtained from:	GNOME dev repo
Original commitRevision:347522 
Monday, 3 Mar 2014
16:50 makc search for other commits by this committer
KDE/FreeBSD team is happy to present Qt 5 in ports!

Alberto Villa (avilla@) has done all the hard work to create Qt 5 ports.
Trivial update from 5.2.0-beta1 to 5.2.1 by me.

Special thanks for Adriaan de Groot <> for his assistance for
Qt-5.2.0 update.

Approved by:	portmgr (bapt) (for Mk/
Original commitRevision:346930 
Saturday, 1 Mar 2014
00:06 rene search for other commits by this committer
PHP 5.2 has reached it end-of-life in the FreeBSD Ports Tree, time
to say goodbye.  Upstream unsupported it since 2011-01-06 (see )

Strip PHP 5.2 out of Mk/
Original commitRevision:346583 
Friday, 28 Feb 2014
18:40 rene search for other commits by this committer
Remove expired port:
2014-02-27 textproc/py-lucene: Broken for more than 6 month
Original commitRevision:346564 
Monday, 24 Feb 2014
23:05 jkim search for other commits by this committer
libodfgen is a library for generating documents in Open Document Format
(ODF).  It provides generator implementation for the following libraries:

* libwpd (::WPXDocumentInterface): text documents
* libwpg (libwpg::WPGPaintInterface): vector drawings
* libetonyek (libetonyek::KEYPresentationInterface): presentations

As these APIs are used by multiple libraries, libodfgen can be used to
generate ODF from many sources.

Original commitRevision:345908 
23:00 jkim search for other commits by this committer
libmwaw contains some import filters for old Macintosh text documents
(MacWrite, ClarisWorks, ... ) and some spreadsheet documents.

Original commitRevision:345906 
14:40 bapt search for other commits by this committer
Remove (depend on an unsupported version of xerces-c)
Original commitRevision:345855 
Wednesday, 19 Feb 2014
14:45 mat search for other commits by this committer
Consolidate the docbook ports into -sgml and -xml variants.

Submitted by:	hrs (based on)
Sponsored by:	Absolight
Original commitRevision:345097 
06:05 koobs search for other commits by this committer
textproc/py-transifex-client: Command line interface for Transifex

The Transifex Command-line Client is a command line tool that enables you
to easily manage your translations within a project without the need of an
elaborate UI system.

You can use the command line client to easily create new resources, map
locale files to translations and synchronize your Transifex project with
your local repository and vice verca. Translators and localization managers
can also use it to handle large volumes of translation files easily and
without much hassle.

Original commitRevision:345005 
Tuesday, 18 Feb 2014
14:23 makc search for other commits by this committer
KDE/FreeBSD team presents KDE SC 4.12.2 and KDE Workspace 4.11.6!

Among changes:
- Remove now needless misc/kde4-shared-mime-info port
- Add stage support
- Remove ancient CONFLICTS (KDE 4.9 and less) and LATEST_LINK
- Convert LIB_DEPENDS to new style
- Use options helpers
- Drop support for FreeBSD 7.x
- Remove Qt/KDE 3 related workarounds
- Remove local patches and use upstream version scheme for libraries
- sysutils/kdeadmin4, net/kdenetwork4, devel/kdesdk4,
  and x11-clocks/kdetoys4 ports have been split.
- devel/kcachegrind is now a part of KDE SC [1]
- more logs in area51 repo...

New ports:
  devel/kde-dev-scripts:	KDE development scripts
  devel/kde-dev-utils:		KDE development utilities
  games/klickety:		Tetris themed solitaire
  games/picmi:			Single player logic-based puzzle game
  textproc/libkomparediff2:	Library to compare files and strings

The area51 repository features commits by Schaich Alonso, avilla, rakuco
and myself.

PR:		ports/186491
Exp-run:	by bdrewery
Approved by:	beat (former maintainer) [1]
Original commitRevision:344893 
Saturday, 15 Feb 2014
12:43 olivierd search for other commits by this committer
This is a wrapper around a SPARQL service. It helps in creating the query URI
and, possibly, convert the result into a more manageable format.

Original commitRevision:344376 
Wednesday, 12 Feb 2014
17:45 tj search for other commits by this committer
New port textproc/p5-Elasticsearch.

ElasticSearch is a thin API which makes it easy to communicate with
an ElasticSearch cluster.

Original commitRevision:343946 
17:20 tj search for other commits by this committer
Move p5-ElasticSearch to p5-ElasticSearch-legacy to make space for the offical

Update to 0.66.
Original commitRevision:343944 
Sunday, 9 Feb 2014
08:48 koobs search for other commits by this committer
[NEW PORT] textproc/py-regex: Alternative regular expression module

This new regex implementation is intended eventually to replace Python's
current re module implementation.


PR:		ports/186029
Submitted by:	Eero Hanninen <>
Original commitRevision:343437 
Monday, 3 Feb 2014
11:37 rene search for other commits by this committer
Remove expired ports:
2013-12-31 multimedia/xbmc-pvr: multimedia/xbmc and multimedia/xbmc-addon-pvr
are newer
2013-12-31 misc/libmcal: No more used and development discontinued
2014-02-01 textproc/py-4suite: only builds with Python up to version 2.4
2014-02-01 multimedia/xbmc-addon-xvdr: Depends on expired multimedia/xbmc-pvr
2014-02-01 deskutils/gmcal: Depends on expired misc/libmcal
2014-02-01 deskutils/mcal: Depends on expired misc/libmcal
2014-02-01 sysutils/relpath: unfetchable distfiles
2014-02-01 sysutils/decomment: unfetchable distfiles
2014-02-03 multimedia/openmovieeditor: segfaults, upstread development ceased
Original commitRevision:342429 
Sunday, 2 Feb 2014
10:05 koobs search for other commits by this committer
[NEW PORT] textproc/py-scss: Compiler for SCSS flavor of the Sass language

pyScss is a compiler for SCSS flavor of the Sass language, a superset of
CSS3 that adds programming capabilities and some other syntactic sugar.


PR:		ports/186268
Submitted by:	"Ilya A. Arkhipov" <>
Original commitRevision:342259 
Wednesday, 29 Jan 2014
07:10 bapt search for other commits by this committer
Remove ispell which is deprecated for long, consider using aspell instead or the
aspell-ispell wrapper

Original commitRevision:341681 
Tuesday, 28 Jan 2014
12:02 bapt search for other commits by this committer
Extract the ispell wrapper out of aspell into a dedicated port
Cleanup up the aspell port
Propertly strip aspell libraries
Use short form of MASTER_SITES
Original commitRevision:341537 
03:25 amdmi3 search for other commits by this committer
- Keep category Makefiles sorted
Original commitRevision:341499 
Sunday, 19 Jan 2014
14:23 rakuco search for other commits by this committer
Remove textproc/redland-bindings-python.

This port was added at a time when people could not easily enable all the
bindings offered in textproc/redland-bindings using options, which has not
been the case for quite a while.

The same files installed by redland-bindings-python can also be installed
using redland-bindings with the PYTHON option on. In fact, ever since we
moved away from WITH_<LANG> redland-bindings-python has worked simply
because PYTHON is a default option in the master port.

PR:		ports/185215
Submitted by:	rakuco@
Approved by:	maintainer timeout (24 days)
Original commitRevision:340303 
Sunday, 12 Jan 2014
21:44 jlaffaye search for other commits by this committer
- Add go.text, a collection of Go packages for text processing.
Original commitRevision:339552 
Monday, 6 Jan 2014
16:16 makc search for other commits by this committer
In preparation for Qt 5 ports:

- Add support for out-of-source builds
- Add support for Qt 5 ports
- Respect WITH_DEBUG

- Massive rework for Qt 5 ports
- Remove '-phonon' from global configure args, thus allow qt4-designer and
  qt4-qtconfig to be built without Phonon support [1]

- Improve mkspecs for gcc (mainly sync with linux version) and clang

- Convert to USES=iconv
- Remove ancient patch

- Remove reference to WRKSRC from installed pkgconfig files [2]
- Don't build Qt Designer plugin for Phonon from outdated Qt sources.
  Separate port for plugin will be committed later

devel/qt4-assistant-adp, devel/qt4-libqtassistantclient:
- Convert to USES=qmake

Clean up Qt4 ports:
- Update comments
- Update description; use common description
- Consistently use QT_INCDIR, QT_LIBDIR, etc.
- Use options helpers
- Convert to new LIB_DEPENDS syntax
- Update DESKTOP_ENTRIES to avoid conflicts with Qt 5 ports
- Rename/move several ports for unification with Qt 5 ports

PR:		ports/184620 [1]
Reported by:	Kevin Zheng <>

PR:		ports/181141 [2]
Reported by:	thierry

PR:		ports/185101
Exp-run by:	bdrewery

This is mostly solely avilla's work in area51, kudos to him! And a couple
commits from myself, so you know who's collecting pointyhats :)
Original commitRevision:338902 
Wednesday, 1 Jan 2014
12:22 rene search for other commits by this committer
Remove expired ports:
2014-01-01 net/pypvm: Dead upstream and suspected that there are no users of
2014-01-01 www/mawstats: Upstream development dead, use www/[j]awstats instead
2014-01-01 devel/p5-Dialog
2014-01-01 textproc/referrercop: distfile unfetchable
2014-01-01 www/notftp: distfile unfetchable
2014-01-01 www/mod_lisp2: distfile unfetchable
Original commitRevision:338374 
Thursday, 26 Dec 2013
17:18 antoine search for other commits by this committer
New port: textproc/kibana
Kibana is an open source (Apache Licensed), browser based analytics and search
interface to Logstash and other timestamped data sets stored in ElasticSearch.
With those in place Kibana is a snap to setup and start using (seriously).
Kibana strives to be easy to get started with, while also being flexible and

Original commitRevision:337562 
Friday, 20 Dec 2013
19:02 rene search for other commits by this committer
Remove expired ports:
2013-12-18 x11-fonts/ppantsfonts: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-12-19 x11-toolkits/gtksourceview-sharp: Depends on expired devel/mono-tools
2013-11-18 devel/mono-tools: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-12-19 textproc/p5-XML-SAXDriver-Sablotron: Depends on expired
2013-11-18 textproc/p5-XML-Sablotron: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 net/freeswitch-core: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-12-19 misc/freeswitch-pizzademo: Depends on expired net/freeswitch-core
2013-12-19 misc/freeswitch-scripts: Depends on expired net/freeswitch-core
2013-12-19 www/p5-HTML-Webmake: Depends on expired textproc/p5-XML-Sablotron
Original commitRevision:337077 
Sunday, 15 Dec 2013
17:05 nemysis search for other commits by this committer
Loook is a simple Python tool that searches for text strings in
LibreOffice and files.

AND, OR and phrase searches are supported. It doesn't create an index,
but searching should be fast enough unless you have really many files.


PR:		ports/171734
Submitted by:	nemysis (self)
Approved by:	wg (mentor)
Original commitRevision:336558 
Thursday, 5 Dec 2013
13:50 kwm search for other commits by this committer
Remove libxml, last release in 2002. And unsupport upstream.
Original commitRevision:335670 
Sunday, 1 Dec 2013
16:05 sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
- Add p5-Text-WrapI18N 0.06

Text::WrapI18N intends to be a better Text::Wrap module. This module is needed
to support multibyte character encodings such as UTF-8, EUC-JP, EUC-KR, GB2312,
and Big5. This module also supports characters with irregular widths, such as
combining characters (which occupy zero columns on terminal, like diacritical
marks in UTF-8) and fullwidth characters (which occupy two columns on terminal,
like most of east Asian characters). Also, minimal handling of languages which
doesn't use whitespaces between words (like Chinese and Japanese) is supported.

Like Text::Wrap, hyphenation and "kinsoku" processing are not supported, to keep

Original commitRevision:335400 
Friday, 29 Nov 2013
20:02 sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
- Add py-pdfminer
- While I'm here, update to 20131113

PDFMiner is a tool for extracting information from PDF documents. Unlike other
PDF-related tools, it focuses entirely on getting and analyzing text data.
PDFMiner allows to obtain the exact location of texts in a page, as well as
other information such as fonts or lines. It includes a PDF converter that can
transform PDF files into other text formats (such as HTML).
It has an extensible PDF parser that can be used for other purposes instead
of text analysis.


PR:		ports/181992
Submitted by:	Kozlov Sergey <>
Original commitRevision:335218 
Saturday, 23 Nov 2013
21:25 antoine search for other commits by this committer
New port: textproc/py-pyelasticsearch
pyelasticsearch is a clean, future-proof, high-scale API to elasticsearch. It
provides features like...

* Transparent conversion of Python data types to and from JSON
* Translating HTTP status codes representing failure into exceptions
* Connection pooling
* Load-balancing of requests across nodes in a cluster
* Failed-node marking to avoid downed nodes for a period
* Optional automatic retrying of failed requests

Original commitRevision:334695 
11:39 kwm search for other commits by this committer
Say hello to Mate 1.6.

Mate is a lite desktop forked from gnome2.

Most of the work is done by Jeremy Messenger (mezz@). The only thing I did
was update a few ports to later 1.6 release and attempting to keep up with
ports infra changes. Resulting bugs are all mine.

Mate is a sort of replacement for Gnome 2. So people wanting to keep a
Gnome 2 like desktop should switch. Gnome 2 will be replaced by Gnome 3
in the near future. This switch will be announce with a transition time
so people have more time to switch if they haven't already.

This release was made possible by everyone that send friendly pokes to
keep mate on my mind.

Approved by:	portmgr (bapt)
Original commitRevision:334661 
Wednesday, 20 Nov 2013
03:15 sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
- Add rubygem-yard-chef 1.0.0

yard-chef is a YARD plugin for Chef that adds support for documenting Chef
resources, providers, and definitions.


PR:		ports/183852
Submitted by:	Douglas William Thrift <>
Original commitRevision:334374 
Monday, 18 Nov 2013
19:27 sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
- Add p5-XML-Declare 0.06
- While I'm here:
  - Fix *_DEPENDS
  - Convert to new Perl framework
  - Support STAGEDIR
  - Sort PLIST

Create XML documents with declaration style.


PR:		ports/180318
Submitted by:	Anes Mukhametov <>
Original commitRevision:334251 
13:54 rene search for other commits by this committer
Remove expired ports:
2013-11-18 devel/libXGP: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 deskutils/google-gadgets: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 palm/synce-trayicon: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 security/linux-pam-docs: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 net-p2p/mooseekd: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 textproc/p5-Lucene: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 net-mgmt/zenpack-dellmonitor: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 x11-wm/fbpager: BRoken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 net/hf6to4: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 x11-themes/kde-icons-exquisite: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 x11-themes/kde-icons-marbles-translucent: Broken for more than 6
2013-11-18 security/dissembler: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 net-mgmt/zenpack-apachemonitor: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 textproc/rst.el: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 net-mgmt/zenpack-ntpmonitor: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 x11-themes/kde-icons-steel: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 databases/drizzle: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 devel/p5-File-Lock: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 devel/valide: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 databases/gomysql: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 databases/p5-DBZ_File: BRoken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 devel/monodevelop-vala: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 devel/gonzui: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 devel/monodevelop-java: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 lang/objc: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 devel/klee: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 databases/p5-DBD-InterBase: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 devel/simulavr: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 japanese/mobileimap: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 devel/libYGP: Broken for more than 6 month
2013-11-18 devel/monodevelop-python: Broken for more than 6 month
Original commitRevision:334196 
Sunday, 17 Nov 2013
16:45 makc search for other commits by this committer
- Rename ports
- Fix fetch
- Simplify Makefile, bring stage support
- Take maintainership

PR:		ports/183812
Approved by:	timur (former maintainer)
Original commitRevision:334104 
Saturday, 16 Nov 2013
17:57 sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
- Fix PKGNAMEPREFIX: it should be sv- for Swedish
Original commitRevision:334015 
Friday, 15 Nov 2013
15:59 mat search for other commits by this committer
Add p5-Pod-WikiDoc 0.20, generate Pod from inline wiki style text.
Original commitRevision:333880 
Friday, 8 Nov 2013
02:05 kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
Labeled Tab-separated Values (LTSV) format is a variant of
Tab-separated Values (TSV).  Each record in a LTSV file is represented
as a single line.  Each field is separated by TAB and has a label and
a value. The label and the value have been separated by ':'.

Original commitRevision:333177 
Thursday, 7 Nov 2013
20:32 gabor search for other commits by this committer
- Retire textproc/docproj-nojadetex since JadeTeX is not a dependency any more
Original commitRevision:333154 
16:42 bapt search for other commits by this committer
textproc/lexxia: No public distfiles available anymore

Submitted by:	maintainer (via pkg-fallout)
Original commitRevision:333138 
10:35 rene search for other commits by this committer
Remove expired ports:
2013-11-07 textproc/stardict2: Newer version available in ports:
Original commitRevision:333077 
03:55 vanilla search for other commits by this committer

clsung@ import to wrong directory :(
Original commitRevision:333057 
Tuesday, 5 Nov 2013
11:48 rene search for other commits by this committer
Remove expired ports:
2013-11-05 net-im/qutim: Old version, a new one needs to be ported from scratch
2013-11-05 textproc/gtkdiff: Gnome1 EOLed by upstream for a while.
Original commitRevision:332832 
07:58 kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
This module dumps your data structure as YAML with color using ANSI
escape sequences. To change the colors, see %theme in source code.

Original commitRevision:332817 
Monday, 4 Nov 2013
14:44 wg search for other commits by this committer
- Fix build INDEX

Pointy hat:	wg
Original commitRevision:332734 
Sunday, 3 Nov 2013
18:38 rene search for other commits by this committer
Remove expired port:
2013-10-31 textproc/p5-Text-Emoticon-MSN: Primary MSN Messenger service
terminated 30 APR 2013
Original commitRevision:332639 
Friday, 1 Nov 2013
18:52 nemysis search for other commits by this committer
Docbook2odf is a toolkit that automaticaly converts DocBook to OASIS
OpenDocument (ODF, the ISO standardized format used for texts, spreadsheets
and presentations). Conversion is based on a XSLT which makes it easy to
convert DocBook->ODF, ODT, ODS and ODP as all these documents are XML based.

Also goal of docbook2odf is to generate well formatted documents in
OpenDocument, ready to be used in instant, with actually considering current
rules of the Corporate Identity of organizations. Final results should not be
restricted to text like documents but also many other forms could be generated,
like presentations, charts or forms with images and multimedia.

The result is provided in a one zipped ODF file (.odt/.odp/.ods) with all
required content. There are group of utilities like docbook2odt, docbook2ods
and docbook2odp as docbook2odf is actually universally converting to these
respective formats.


PR:		ports/171820
Submitted by:	nemysis (self)
Approved by:	pawel (mentor)
Original commitRevision:332401 
Tuesday, 29 Oct 2013
20:44 wg search for other commits by this committer
textproc/py-pysrt: SubRip (.srt) subtitle parser and writer

Original commitRevision:331998 
20:32 wg search for other commits by this committer
textproc/py-charade: Universal encoding detector for python 2 and 3

 - ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16 (2 variants), UTF-32 (4 variants)
 - Big5, GB2312, EUC-TW, HZ-GB-2312, ISO-2022-CN
   (Traditional and Simplified Chinese)
 - EUC-JP, SHIFT_JIS, ISO-2022-JP (Japanese)
 - EUC-KR, ISO-2022-KR (Korean)
 - KOI8-R, MacCyrillic, IBM855, IBM866, ISO-8859-5, windows-1251 (Cyrillic)
 - ISO-8859-2, windows-1250 (Hungarian)
 - ISO-8859-5, windows-1251 (Bulgarian)
 - windows-1252 (English)
 - ISO-8859-7, windows-1253 (Greek)
 - ISO-8859-8, windows-1255 (Visual and Logical Hebrew)
 - TIS-620 (Thai)

Original commitRevision:331994 
16:36 swills search for other commits by this committer
- Oops, textproc/rubygem-fast_xs073 is actually needed, revert r331949
- Make package name unique while here by adding PKGNAMESUFFIX
Original commitRevision:331966 
14:17 swills search for other commits by this committer
Remove textproc/rubygem-fast_xs073 since it is no longer needed
Original commitRevision:331949 
Monday, 28 Oct 2013
19:54 zi search for other commits by this committer
New port: devel/rubygem-rich:

Rich is an opinionated WYSIWYG editor for Rails based on CKEditor.

Original commitRevision:331894 
Friday, 25 Oct 2013
03:01 swills search for other commits by this committer
Grit is a Ruby library for extracting information from a git repository in an
object oriented manner. GitLab fork


PR:		ports/182770
Submitted by:	Loic Blot <>
Original commitRevision:331550 
Thursday, 24 Oct 2013
19:52 swills search for other commits by this committer
Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 1.9+


PR:		ports/182756
Submitted by:	Loic Blot <>
Original commitRevision:331524 
19:32 swills search for other commits by this committer
This gem is used by GitHub to render any fancy markup such as Markdown,
Textile, Org-Mode, etc. Fork it and add your own!


PR:		ports/182738
Submitted by:	Loic Blot <>
Original commitRevision:331519 
19:26 swills search for other commits by this committer
Self-contained Markdown parser for GitHub, with all our custom extensions


PR:		ports/182737
Submitted by:	Loic Blot <>
Original commitRevision:331518 
19:06 swills search for other commits by this committer
GitHub Language detection


PR:		ports/182735
Submitted by:	Loic Blot <>
Original commitRevision:331515 
15:39 nemysis search for other commits by this committer
This is a Perl script that extracts URLs from correctly-encoded MIME
email messages or plain text. This can be used either as a
pre-parser for urlview, or to replace urlview entirely.

This is designed primarily for use with the mutt emailer. The idea
is that if you want to access a URL in an email, you pipe the email
to a URL extractor (like this one) which then lets you select a URL
to view in some third program (such as Firefox). An alternative
design is to access URLs from within mutt's pager by defining macros
and tagging the URLs in the display to indicate which macro to use.
A script you can use to do that is

Main features:
    - Configurable
    - Handles URLs that have been broken over several lines in
      format=flowed delsp=yes email messages
    - Handles quoted-printable email messages
    - Sanitizes URLs so that they can't break out of the command shell


PR:		ports/180022
Submitted by:	Horia Racoviceanu <>
Approved by:	wg (mentor)
Original commitRevision:331496 
Sunday, 20 Oct 2013
21:45 swills search for other commits by this committer
Format dates and times based on human-friendly examples, not arcane strftime


PR:		ports/182691
Submitted by:	Loic Blot <>
Original commitRevision:331064 
19:14 swills search for other commits by this committer
A fast Gherkin lexer/parser based on the Ragel State Machine Compiler.


PR:		ports/182687
Submitted by:	Loic Blot <>
Original commitRevision:331056 
15:56 swills search for other commits by this committer
Emoji assets


PR:		ports/182677
Submitted by:	Loic Blot <>
Original commitRevision:331032 
04:29 swills search for other commits by this committer
Integrate Compass into Rails 2.3 and up.


PR:		ports/182656
Submitted by:	Loic Blot <>
Original commitRevision:330974 
02:03 swills search for other commits by this committer
A fast, open source text processor and publishing toolchain, written in Ruby,
for transforming AsciiDoc markup into HTML 5, DocBook 4.5, DocBook 5.0 and
custom outupt formats.


PR:		ports/182650
Submitted by:	Loic Blot <>
Original commitRevision:330959 
Tuesday, 15 Oct 2013
19:34 antoine search for other commits by this committer
Finish some ports removal
Original commitRevision:330441 
12:44 bapt search for other commits by this committer
2013-10-15 www/rubygem-staticmatic: No longer maintained upstream
2013-10-10 www/ruby-nora: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 textproc/ruby-amrita: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-15 security/flowtag: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 lang/ruby-lua4: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-15 dns/dnsdoctor: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
Original commitRevision:330396 
Friday, 11 Oct 2013
05:34 tabthorpe search for other commits by this committer
2013-10-10 audio/ruby-vorbisfile: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 audio/ruby-xmms: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 databases/ruby-interbase: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 databases/ruby-bdb1: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 devel/ruby-fam: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 devel/ruby-rcov: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 devel/ruby-rudl: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 devel/ruby-gemfinder: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 devel/ruby-sysvipc: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 devel/rubygem-sdl: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 devel/rubygem-ncurses: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 devel/rubygem-parsetree: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 devel/ruby-sexp: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 devel/rubygem-getopt-declare: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 devel/ruby-slang: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 japanese/ruby-slang: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 devel/ruby-gettext: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 devel/ruby-jttui: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 devel/ruby-mmap: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 devel/ruby-racc: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 devel/rubygem-rparsec: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 devel/rubygem-zoom: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 games/ruby-exmars: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 graphics/ruby-pgplot: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 graphics/ruby-opengl: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 graphics/rubygem-turing: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 japanese/ruby-chasen: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 japanese/ruby-gyokuro: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 japanese/ruby-rdic: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 lang/ruby-mode.el: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 misc/rubygem-ohcount: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 net-im/rubygem-xmpp4r: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 security/ruby-acl: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 textproc/ruby-xslt: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 textproc/ruby-erbscan: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 textproc/ruby-mwdom: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 textproc/ruby-xmlscan-old: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 textproc/rubygem-formosa: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 textproc/rubygem-htmltools: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 www/ruby-cruisecontrolrb: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 www/rubygem-rubyfulsoup: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
2013-10-10 x11/ruby-gtktrayicon: Does not work with Ruby 1.9
Original commitRevision:330056 
Monday, 7 Oct 2013
14:20 rene search for other commits by this committer
Remove devel/linux-f10-libglade and textproc/linux-f10-libxml, both
have newer versions in the ports tree and both are unused.

OK from:	emulation@
Original commitRevision:329708 
10:49 bapt search for other commits by this committer
Remove one more gnome1 component
Original commitRevision:329685 
Saturday, 5 Oct 2013
13:41 bapt search for other commits by this committer
gnome1 is deprecated, remove unmaintained ports depending on it.
Original commitRevision:329457 
Friday, 4 Oct 2013
05:59 bapt search for other commits by this committer
Removed old now unused Word Press libraries
This resolves conflicts in pkgname with actual versions
Original commitRevision:329264 
Monday, 23 Sep 2013
10:57 rene search for other commits by this committer
Remove expired ports:
2013-09-21 devel/ppl: obsolete version; fails to build
2013-09-23 textproc/fileshuffle: Does not work, use gshuf from
sysutils/coreutils instead
Original commitRevision:327972 
Sunday, 22 Sep 2013
17:59 sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
- Add p5-Text-Hyphen 0.11
- While I'm here, add LICENSE and NO_STAGE

Determine positions for hyphens inside words
This module implements Knuth-Liang algorithm to find positions
inside words where it is possible to insert hyphens to break a line.


PR:		ports/180297
Submitted by:	Anes Mukhametov <>
Original commitRevision:327883 
Friday, 20 Sep 2013
09:59 rene search for other commits by this committer
Remove expired port:
2013-09-20 textproc/rotix: no longer maintained upstream
Original commitRevision:327676 
Saturday, 14 Sep 2013
06:56 fluffy search for other commits by this committer
- liblinebreak was superceded by it's successor, libunibreak
- Use new headers style
Original commitRevision:327227 

Number of commits found: 3011 (showing only 100 on this page)

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