Port details |
- hs-xml-enumerator Pure utilities for dealing with XML with the enumerator
- textproc
=0 of this port present on the latest quarterly branch. - Maintainer: haskell@FreeBSD.org
 - Port Added: 2012-02-18 16:37:02
- Last Update: 2012-06-03 23:28:40
- SVN Revision: UNKNOWN
- Also Listed In: haskell
- License: BSD
- WWW:
- http://github.com/snoyberg/xml
- Description:
- This package provides parsing and rendering functions for XML. It is
based on the datatypes found in the xml-types package. This package is
broken up into the following modules:
* Text.XML: DOM-based parsing and rendering. This is the most commonly
used module.
* Text.XML.Cursor: A wrapper around Text.XML which allows bidirectional
traversing of the DOM, similar to XPath.
* Text.XML.Unresolved: A slight modification to Text.XML which does not
require all entities to be resolved at parsing. The datatypes are
slightly more complicated here, and therefore this module is only
recommended when you need to deal directly with raw entities.
* Text.XML.Stream.Parse: Streaming parser, including some streaming
parser combinators.
* Text.XML.Stream.Render: Streaming renderer.
WWW: http://github.com/snoyberg/xml
cgit ¦ GitHub ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ 
- Manual pages:
- FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
- pkg-plist: as obtained via:
make generate-plist - There is no configure plist information for this port.
- Dependency lines:
- hs-xml-enumerator>0:textproc/hs-xml-enumerator
- No installation instructions:
- This port has been deleted.
- PKGNAME: hs-xml-enumerator
- Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
- distinfo:
- There is no distinfo for this port.
No package information for this port in our database- Sometimes this happens. Not all ports have packages. Perhaps there is a build error. Check the fallout link:

- Dependencies
- NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
- Build dependencies:
- ghc : lang/ghc
- ghc>=7.0.4 : lang/ghc
- hs-attoparsec>=0.10 : textproc/hs-attoparsec
- hs-attoparsec-enumerator>=0.3 : textproc/hs-attoparsec-enumerator
- hs-blaze-builder>=0.2 : devel/hs-blaze-builder
- hs-blaze-builder-enumerator>=0.2 : devel/hs-blaze-builder-enumerator
- hs-data-default>=0.2 : devel/hs-data-default
- hs-enumerator>=0.4.5 : devel/hs-enumerator
- hs-failure>=0.1 : devel/hs-failure
- hs-text>=0.7 : devel/hs-text
- hs-transformers>=0.2 : devel/hs-transformers
- hs-xml-types>=0.3 : textproc/hs-xml-types
- haddock : devel/hs-haddock
- Runtime dependencies:
- ghc : lang/ghc
- ghc>=7.0.4 : lang/ghc
- hs-attoparsec>=0.10 : textproc/hs-attoparsec
- hs-attoparsec-enumerator>=0.3 : textproc/hs-attoparsec-enumerator
- hs-blaze-builder>=0.2 : devel/hs-blaze-builder
- hs-blaze-builder-enumerator>=0.2 : devel/hs-blaze-builder-enumerator
- hs-data-default>=0.2 : devel/hs-data-default
- hs-enumerator>=0.4.5 : devel/hs-enumerator
- hs-failure>=0.1 : devel/hs-failure
- hs-text>=0.7 : devel/hs-text
- hs-transformers>=0.2 : devel/hs-transformers
- hs-xml-types>=0.3 : textproc/hs-xml-types
- There are no ports dependent upon this port
Configuration Options:
- No options to configure
- Options name:
- N/A
- FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
- Master Sites:
Number of commits found: 2
Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page) |
Commit | Credits | Log message | 03 Jun 2012 23:28:40
pgj  |
- Remove obsoleted Haskell ports:
devel/hs-binary: this package became part of lang/ghc.
devel/hs-convertible-text: this package is obsolete.
devel/hs-control-monad-attempt: this package is obsolete.
devel/hs-data-object: this package is obsolete.
devel/hs-data-object-yaml: this package is obsolete.
devel/hs-deepseq: this package became part of lang/ghc.
devel/hs-ghc-paths-docs: not needed any more.
devel/hs-haddock-docs: not needed any more.
devel/hs-mtl-docs: not needed any more.
devel/hs-pool: this package is obsolete.
devel/hs-transformers-docs: not needed any more.
print/hs-hscolour-docs: not needed any more.
textproc/hs-xhtml-docs: not needed any more.
textproc/hs-xml-enumerator: this package is obsolete.
www/hs-happstack-data: this package is obsolete.
www/hs-happstack-ixset: this package is obsolete.
www/hs-happstack-state: this package is obsolete.
www/hs-happstack-util: this package is obsolete.
www/hs-http-enumerator: this package is obsolete.
Obtained from: FreeBSD Haskell | 18 Feb 2012 16:36:34
pgj  |
This package provides parsing and rendering functions for XML. It is
based on the datatypes found in the xml-types package. This package is
broken up into the following modules:
* Text.XML: DOM-based parsing and rendering. This is the most commonly
used module.
* Text.XML.Cursor: A wrapper around Text.XML which allows bidirectional
traversing of the DOM, similar to XPath.
* Text.XML.Unresolved: A slight modification to Text.XML which does not
require all entities to be resolved at parsing. The datatypes are
slightly more complicated here, and therefore this module is only
recommended when you need to deal directly with raw entities.
* Text.XML.Stream.Parse: Streaming parser, including some streaming
parser combinators.
* Text.XML.Stream.Render: Streaming renderer.
WWW: http://github.com/snoyberg/xml
Obtained from: FreeBSD Haskell |
Number of commits found: 2