FreshPorts - VuXML

This page displays vulnerability information about FreeBSD Ports.

The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-12-11 14:10:47 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
949c470e-528f-11d9-ac20-00065be4b5b6golddig -- local buffer overflow vulnerabilities

Two buffer overflow vulnerabilities where detected. Both issues can be used by local users to gain group games privileges on affected systems.

The first overflow exists in the map name handling and can be triggered when a very long name is given to the program during command-line execution

The second overflow exists in the username processing while writing the players score to disk. Excessivly long usernames, set via the USER environment variable, are stored without any length checks in a memory buffer.

Discovery 2004-11-11
Entry 2005-01-03
Modified 2005-01-19
<= 2.0
