non port: www/Makefile |
Number of commits found: 5248 (showing only 100 on this page) |
Tuesday, 11 Jan 2022
18:43 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/rubygem-cssbundling-rails: Add rubygem-cssbundling-rails 1.0.0
Use Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, Bulma, PostCSS, or Dart Sass to bundle and process
your CSS, then deliver it via the asset pipeline in Rails. This gem provides
installers to get you going with the bundler of your choice in a new Rails
application, and a convention to use app/assets/builds to hold your bundled
output as artifacts that are not checked into source control (the installer adds
this directory to .gitignore by default).
You develop using this approach by running the bundler in watch mode in a
terminal with yarn build:css --watch (and your Rails server in another, if
you're not using something like puma-dev). You can also use ./bin/dev, which
will start both the Rails server and the CSS build watcher (along with a JS
build watcher, if you're also using jsbundling-rails).
1f4cc8f |
18:43 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/rubygem-importmap-rails: Add rubygem-importmap-rails 1.0.1
Import maps let you import JavaScript modules using logical names that map to
versioned/digested files -- directly from the browser. So you can build modern
JavaScript applications using JavaScript libraries made for ESM without the need
for transpiling or bundling.This frees you from needing Webpack, Yarn, npm, or
any other part of the JavaScript toolchain. All you need is the asset pipeline
that's already included in Rails.
With this approach you'll ship many small JavaScript files instead of one big
JavaScript file. Thanks to HTTP/2 that no longer carries a material performance
penalty during the initial transport, and in fact offers substantial benefits
over the long run due to better caching dynamics. Whereas before any change to
any JavaScript file included in your big bundle would invalidate the cache for
the the whole bundle, now only the cache for that single file is invalidated.
There's native support for import maps in Chrome/Edge 89+, and a shim available
for any browser with basic ESM support. So your app will be able to work with
all the evergreen browsers.
2c7fd16 |
18:43 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/rubygem-websocket-client-simple: Add rubygem-websocket-client-simple 0.5.1
websocket-client-simple is a simple WebSocket client for Ruby.
79b17c5 |
18:43 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
*/Makefile: Sort SUBDIRs
c50d576 |
Friday, 31 Dec 2021
13:40 Rene Ladan (rene)
cleanup: Remove expired ports:
2021-10-31 devel/sdl_sge: Upstream no longer maintained
2021-12-31 net/appkonference: Outdated, depends on unsupported version of
2021-12-31 dns/bind911: End of life, please migrate to a newer version of BIND9
2021-12-31 net/zebra: Abandoned upstream, last release in 2005. Consider
migrating to net/frr7 or net/bird2
2021-12-31 audio/osalp: Abandoned upstream, listed as beta and no new release
since 2008
2021-12-31 games/stransball2: Depends on expired devel/sdl_sge
2021-12-31 devel/rubygem-ruby-sdl-ffi: Depends on expired devel/sdl_sge
2021-12-31 devel/rubygem-rubygame: Depends on expired devel/sdl_sge
2021-12-31 devel/ruby-sdl: Depends on expired devel/sdl_sge
2021-12-31 games/magicmaze: Depends on expired devel/sdl_sge
2021-12-31 games/trophy: Depends on expired devel/clanlib1
2021-12-31 devel/clanlib1: Older than expired and removed devel/clanlib
2021-12-31 www/py-django31: Upgrade to Django 3.2+. Mainstream support ended
(April 6, 2021). Extended support ends December 2021. See
2021-12-31 www/py-dj31-django-prometheus: Extended support of Django 3.1 ends
December 2021, upgrade to the Django 3.2+ version of this port. See
2021-12-31 databases/postgis24: Deprecated in favour of databases/postgis3x
2021-12-31 net-im/ekiga: Last release in 2013, not actively maintained
2021-12-31 sysutils/sample: abandoned upstream, incompatible with newer kernels
2021-12-31 www/mediawiki131: Upstream EOL
2021-12-31 www/py-dj31-django-mptt: Extended support of Django 3.1 ends December
2021, upgrade to the Django 3.2+ version of this port. See
2021-12-31 net/py-flask-xml-rpc: No longer maintained upstream
2021-12-31 audio/libaacplus: Abandoned upstream, no new release since 2011
2021-12-31 security/obfsclient:
2021-12-31 devel/eric6: Uses EOL Python 2.7 via www/py-qt5-webengine
2021-12-31 www/grafana: No longer maintained upstream, use www/grafana8
2021-12-31 www/py-dj31-django-auth-ldap: Extended support of Django 3.1 ends
December 2021, upgrade to the Django 3.2+ version of this port. See
2021-12-31 www/py-dj31-django-filter: Extended support of Django 3.1 ends
December 2021, upgrade to the Django 3.2+ version of this port. See
2021-12-31 www/py-dj31-drf-yasg: Extended support of Django 3.1 ends December
2021, upgrade to the Django 3.2+ version of this port. See
2021-12-31 www/py-dj31-django-js-asset: Extended support of Django 3.1 ends
December 2021, upgrade to the Django 3.2+ version of this port. See
2021-12-31 www/py-dj31-django-timezone-field: Extended support of Django 3.1
ends December 2021, upgrade to the Django 3.2+ version of this port. See
2021-12-31 www/py-dj31-django-tables2: Extended support of Django 3.1 ends
December 2021, upgrade to the Django 3.2+ version of this port. See
2021-12-31 www/py-dj31-django-taggit: Extended support of Django 3.1 ends
December 2021, upgrade to the Django 3.2+ version of this port. See
2021-12-31 graphics/librasterlite: Deprecated in favour of
2021-12-31 www/py-dj31-django-cacheops: Extended support of Django 3.1 ends
December 2021, upgrade to the Django 3.2+ version of this port. See
2021-12-31 net-mgmt/p0f2: newer version available in net-mgmt/p0f
2021-12-31 devel/libhash: Abandoned upstream
2021-12-31 www/py-dj31-django-debug-toolbar: Extended support of Django 3.1 ends
December 2021, upgrade to the Django 3.2+ version of this port. See
2021-12-31 www/py-dj31-django-cors-headers: Extended support of Django 3.1 ends
December 2021, upgrade to the Django 3.2+ version of this port. See
2021-12-31 audio/flake: Abandoned upstream, no new release since 2007
2021-12-31 audio/ifp-line: Abandoned upstream, no new release since 2005
2021-12-31 audio/libnjb: Abandoned upstream, no new release since 2011
2021-12-31 audio/lpac: Abandoned upstream in 2003
2021-12-31 multimedia/mmsclient: Abandoned upstream, Microsoft deprecated MMS in
2021-12-31 www/plugger: Uses incompatible plugin interface NPAPI
2021-12-31 audio/mpiosh: Abandoned upstream, no new release since 2004
2021-12-31 audio/rplay: Abandoned upstream, no new releases since 1999
2021-12-31 audio/celt: Deprecated and considered obsolete by upstream in 2016 in
favour of (lib)opus
2021-12-31 security/nacl: Unmaintained by upstream, use libsodium instead
2021-12-31 net-mgmt/unifi-poller: Now called unpoller by upstream
2021-12-31 lang/nml: Abandoned upstream, last release 2004-04-19
2021-12-31 audio/mp32ogg: Abandoned upstream and unfetchable from upstream
2021-12-31 net/libstorj: Deprecated in favour of net/storj due to v3
2021-12-31 devel/yasm-devel: No need to keep the -devel version due to upstream
2021-12-31 www/py-dj31-django-redis: Extended support of Django 3.1 ends
December 2021, upgrade to the Django 3.2+ version of this port. See
2021-12-31 devel/py-dj31-django-rq: Extended support of Django 3.1 ends December
2021, upgrade to the Django 3.2+ version of this port. See
2021-12-31 graphics/libreatlas: Abandoned upstream, no new release since 2012
2021-12-31 www/py-dj31-djangorestframework: Extended support of Django 3.1 ends
December 2021, upgrade to the Django 3.2+ version of this port. See
75b9550 |
11:17 Kai Knoblich (kai)
www/py-social-auth-app-django: New port
Python Social Auth is an easy to setup social
authentication/registration mechanism with support for several
frameworks and auth providers.
This is the Django component of the python-social-auth ecosystem, it
implements the needed functionality to integrate social-auth-core in
a Django based project.
5ea9b3e |
Wednesday, 29 Dec 2021
02:09 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh)
Add php81 to the tree
Fixed inclusion order for phpize builds on Windows.
Added missing hashtable insertion APIs for arr/obj/ref.
Implemented FR #77372 (Relative file path is removed from uploaded
Fixed bug #81607 (CE_CACHE allocation with concurrent access).
Fixed bug #81507 (Fiber does not compile on AIX).
Fixed bug #78647 (SEGFAULT in zend_do_perform_implementation_check).
Fixed bug #81518 (Header injection via default_mimetype / default_charset).
Fixed bug #75941 (Fix compile failure on Solaris with clang).
Fixed bug #81380 (Observer may not be initialized properly).
Fixed bug #81514 (Using Enum as key in WeakMap triggers GC + SegFault).
Fixed bug #81520 (TEST_PHP_CGI_EXECUTABLE badly set in run-tests.php).
Fixed bug #81377 (unset() of $GLOBALS sub-key yields warning).
Fixed bug #81342 (New ampersand token parsing depends on new line after it).
Fixed bug #81280 (Unicode characters in cli.prompt causes segfault).
Fixed bug #81192 ("Declaration should be compatible with" gives incorrect line
number with traits).
Fixed bug #78919 (CLI server: insufficient cleanup if request startup fails).
Fixed bug #81303 (match error message improvements).
Fixed bug #81238 (Fiber support missing for Solaris Sparc).
Fixed bug #81237 (Comparison of fake closures doesn't work).
Fixed bug #81202 (powerpc64 build fails on fibers).
Fixed bug #80072 (Cyclic unserialize in TMPVAR operand may leak).
Fixed bug #81163 (__sleep allowed to return non-array).
Fixed bug #75474 (function scope static variables are not bound to a unique
Fixed bug #53826 (__callStatic fired in base class through a parent call if
the method is private).
Fixed bug #81076 (incorrect debug info on Closures with implicit binds).
Fixed bug #81496 (Server logs incorrect request method).
Fixed bug #81085 (Support CURLOPT_SSLCERT_BLOB for cert strings).
Fixed bug #81458 (Regression Incorrect difference after timezone change).
Fixed bug #81500 (Interval serialization regression since 7.3.14 / 7.4.2).
Fixed bug #81504 (Incorrect timezone transition details for POSIX data).
Fixed bug #80998 (Missing second with inverted interval).
Speed up finding timezone offset information.
Fixed bug #79580 (date_create_from_format misses leap year).
Fixed bug #80963 (DateTimeZone::getTransitions() truncated).
Fixed bug #80974 (Wrong diff between 2 dates in different timezones).
Fixed bug #80998 (Missing second with inverted interval).
Fixed bug #81097 (DateTimeZone silently falls back to UTC when providing an
offset with seconds).
Fixed bug #81106 (Regression in 8.1: add() now truncate ->f).
Fixed bug #81273 (Date interval calculation not correct).
Fixed bug #52480 (Incorrect difference using DateInterval).
Fixed bug #62326 (date_diff() function returns false result).
Fixed bug #64992 (dst not handled past 2038).
Fixed bug #65003 (Wrong date diff).
Fixed bug #66545 (DateTime. diff returns negative values).
Fixed bug #68503 (date_diff on two dates with timezone set localised returns
wrong results).
Fixed bug #69806 (Incorrect date from timestamp).
Fixed bug #71700 (Extra day on diff between begin and end of march 2016).
Fixed bug #71826 (DateTime::diff confuse on timezone 'Asia/Tokyo').
Fixed bug #73460 (Datetime add not realising it already applied DST change).
Fixed bug #74173 (DateTimeImmutable::getTimestamp() triggers DST switch in
incorrect time).
Fixed bug #74274 (Handling DST transitions correctly).
Fixed bug #74524 (Date diff is bad calculated, in same time zone).
Fixed bug #75167 (DateTime::add does only care about backward DST transition,
not forward).
Fixed bug #76032 (DateTime->diff having issues with leap days for timezones
ahead of UTC).
Fixed bug #76374 (Date difference varies according day time).
Fixed bug #77571 (DateTime's diff DateInterval incorrect in timezones from
UTC+01:00 to UTC+12:00).
Fixed bug #78452 (diff makes wrong in hour for Asia/Tehran).
Fixed bug #79452 (DateTime::diff() generates months differently between time
Fixed bug #79698 (timelib mishandles future timestamps (triggered by 'zic -b
Fixed bug #79716 (Invalid date time created (with day "00")).
Fixed bug #80610 (DateTime calculate wrong with DateInterval).
Fixed bug #80664 (DateTime objects behave incorrectly around DST transition).
Fixed bug #80913 (DateTime(Immutable)::sub around DST yield incorrect time).
Fixed bug #81588 (TokyoCabinet driver leaks memory).
Fixed bug #81433 (DOMElement::setIdAttribute() called twice may remove ID).
Fixed bug #79576 ("TYPE *" shows unhelpful message when type is not defined).
Fixed bug #81513 (Future possibility for heap overflow in FPM zlog).
Fixed bug #81026 (PHP-FPM oob R/W in root process leading to privilege
escalation) (CVE-2021-21703).
Added openmetrics status format.
Enable process renaming on macOS.
Added pm.max_spawn_rate option to configure max spawn child processes rate.
Fixed bug #65800 (Events port mechanism).
Convert resource<ftp> to object \FTP\Connection.
Fixed bug #71316 (libpng warning from imagecreatefromstring).
Convert resource<gd font> to object \GdFont.
Added support for Avif images
Implemented FR #68109 (Add MurmurHash V3).
Implemented FR #73385 (Add xxHash support).
Fixed bug #81532 (Change of $depth behaviour in json_encode() on PHP
Convert resource<ldap link> to object \LDAP\Connection.
Convert resource<ldap result> to object \LDAP\Result.
Convert resource<ldap result entry> to object \LDAP\ResultEntry.
Fixed bug #76167 (mbstring may use pointer from some previous request).
Fixed bug #81390 (mb_detect_encoding() regression).
Fixed bug #81349 (mb_detect_encoding misdetcts ASCII in some cases).
Fixed bug #81298 (mb_detect_encoding() segfaults when 7bit encoding is
Fixed bug #70372 (Emulate mysqli_fetch_all() for libmysqlclient).
Fixed bug #80330 (Replace language in APIs and source code/docs).
Fixed bug #80329 (Add option to specify LOAD DATA LOCAL white list folder
(including libmysql)).
Fixed bug #63327 (Crash (Bus Error) in mysqlnd due to wrong alignment).
Fixed bug #80761 (PDO uses too much memory).
Fixed bug #81409 (Incorrect JIT code for ADD with a reference to array).
Fixed bug #81255 (Memory leak in PHPUnit with functional JIT).
Fixed bug #80959 (infinite loop in building cfg during JIT compilation).
Fixed bug #81225 (Wrong result with pow operator with JIT enabled).
Fixed bug #81249 (Intermittent property assignment failure with JIT enabled).
Fixed bug #81256 (Assertion `zv != ((void *)0)' failed for "preload" with
Fixed bug #81133 (building opcache with phpize fails).
Fixed bug #81136 (opcache header not installed).
Added inheritance cache.
Fixed bug #81502 ($tag argument of openssl_decrypt() should accept null/empty
Bump minimal OpenSSL version to 1.0.2.
Fixed bug #81424 (PCRE2 10.35 JIT performance regression).
Bundled PCRE2 is 10.37.
Fixed bug #40913 (PDO_MYSQL: PDO::PARAM_LOB does not bind to a stream for
fetching a BLOB).
Fixed bug #80908 (PDO::lastInsertId() return wrong).
Fixed bug #81037 (PDO discards error message text from prepared statement).
Fixed bug #77120 (Support 'success with info' at connection).
Fixed bug #81343 (pdo_pgsql: Inconsitent boolean conversion after calling
Fixed bug #38334 (Proper data-type support for PDO_SQLITE).
Fixed bug #81509 (pg_end_copy still expects a resource).
Convert resource<pgsql link> to object \PgSql\Connection.
Convert resource<pgsql result> to object \PgSql\Result.
Convert resource<pgsql large object> to object \PgSql\Lob.
Use SHA256 by default for signature.
Add support for OpenSSL_SHA256 and OpenSSL_SHA512 signature.
Fixed bug #81135 (unknown help topic causes assertion failure).
Convert resource<pspell> to object \PSpell\Dictionary.
Convert resource<pspell config> to object \PSpell\Config.
Fixed bug #72998 (invalid read in readline completion).
Fixed bug #81611 (ArgumentCountError when getting default value from
ReflectionParameter with new).
Fixed bug #81630 (PHP 8.1: ReflectionClass->getTraitAliases() crashes with
Internal error).
Fixed bug #81457 (Enum: ReflectionMethod->getDeclaringClass() return a
Fixed bug #81474 (Make ReflectionEnum and related class non-final).
Fixed bug #80821 (ReflectionProperty::getDefaultValue() returns current value
for statics).
Fixed bug #80564 (ReflectionProperty::__toString() renders current value, not
default value).
Fixed bug #80097 (ReflectionAttribute is not a Reflector).
Fixed bug #81200 (no way to determine if Closure is static).
Implement ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getClosureUsedVariables.
Fixed bug #81407 (shmop_open won't attach and causes php to crash).
Fixed bug #81325 (Segfault in zif_simplexml_import_dom).
Implement SHA256 and SHA512 for security protocol.
Added the XChaCha20 stream cipher functions.
Added the Ristretto255 functions, which are available in libsodium 1.0.18.
Fixed bug #66588 (SplFileObject::fgetcsv incorrectly returns a row on
premature EOF).
Fixed bug #80663 (Recursive SplFixedArray::setSize() may cause double-free).
Fixed bug #81477 (LimitIterator + SplFileObject regression in 8.0.1).
Fixed bug #81112 (Special json_encode behavior for SplFixedArray).
Fixed bug #80945 ("Notice: Undefined index" on unset() ArrayObject
non-existing key).
Fixed bug #80724 (FilesystemIterator::FOLLOW_SYMLINKS remove KEY_AS_FILE from
Fixed bug #81441 (gethostbyaddr('::1') returns ip instead of name after
calling some other method).
Fixed bug #81491 (Incorrectly using libsodium for argon2 hashing).
Fixed bug #81142 (PHP 7.3+ memory leak when unserialize() is used on an
associative array).
Fixed bug #81111 (Serialization is unexpectedly allowed on anonymous classes
with __serialize()).
Fixed bug #81137 (hrtime breaks build on OSX before Sierra).
Fixed bug #77627 (method_exists on Closure::__invoke inconsistency).
Fixed bug #81475 (stream_isatty emits warning with attached stream wrapper).
Fixed bug #79971 (special character is breaking the path in xml function)
Fixed bug #70962 (XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE strips embedded whitespace).
Fixed bug #81490 (ZipArchive::extractTo() may leak memory).
Fixed bug #77978 (Dirname ending in colon unzips to wrong dir).
Fixed bug #81420 (ZipArchive::extractTo extracts outside of destination)
Fixed bug #80833 (ZipArchive::getStream doesn't use setPassword).
FLAVORS won't be available untill it is added to the Uses framework
which can be followed up :
Sponsored by: Bounce Experts
44e99de |
01:23 Dan Langille (dvl)
www/glewlwyd: Add new port: Single-Sign-On server
This SSO server supports multiple factor authentication and multiple
authentication processes.
0ecc220 |
01:23 Dan Langille (dvl)
www/ulfius: Web Framework to build REST APIs in C
Added because it is a dependency of www/glewlwyd - see upcoming commit
192ce85 |
Tuesday, 21 Dec 2021
20:12 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
*/Makefile: Remove obsoleted ports (followup of
6a0dec8 |
18:38 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/py-pyjwt: Add py-pyjwt 2.3.0
PyJWT is a Python implementation of RFC 7519.
1688f5f |
Thursday, 16 Dec 2021
16:49 Mateusz Piotrowski (0mp)
www/py-grafana-dashboard-manager: Add new port
This port provides a simple CLI utility for importing or exporting
dashboard JSON definitions using the Grafana HTTP API.
Sponsored by: Ekco
Sponsored by: Klara Inc.
caae0ed |
Thursday, 9 Dec 2021
22:23 Max Brazhnikov (makc)
www/kristall: add new port
Minimalistic Gemini/HTTP(S) browser
PR: 254567 (based on)
Submitted by: Olga Smirnova
201e9ae |
Wednesday, 8 Dec 2021
10:53 Wen Heping (wen)
www/py-django40: Add new port, repocopied from www/py-django32
Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development
and clean, pragmatic design.
Developed and used over the past two years by a fast-moving online-news
operation, Django was designed from scratch to handle two challenges: the
intensive deadlines of a newsroom and the stringent requirements of experienced
Web developers. It has convenient niceties for developing content-management
systems, but it's an excellent tool for building any Web site.
4a27ee6 |
Sunday, 5 Dec 2021
10:47 Rene Ladan (rene)
cleanup: Remove expired ports:
2021-12-05 sysutils/bareos17-client: Deprecated, no new release since 2020
2021-12-05 sysutils/bareos17-client-static: Deprecated, no new release since
2021-12-05 sysutils/bareos17-server: Deprecated, no new release since 2020
2021-12-05 www/bareos17-webui: Deprecated, no new release since 2020
7580872 |
Tuesday, 30 Nov 2021
11:49 Wen Heping (wen)
www/Makefile: Add mediawiki137
f7b61ce |
Sunday, 21 Nov 2021
18:18 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/rubygem-uglifier-node16: Add rubygem-uglifier-node16 4.1.20 (copied from
0b896c2 |
18:18 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/rubygem-rails61-node16: Add rubygem-rails61-node16 (copied from
5db8705 |
09:31 Jimmy Olgeni (olgeni)
www/xcaddy: add port
This command line tool and associated Go package makes it easy to
make custom builds of the Caddy Web Server.
Custom caddy builds are required to activate 3rd party plugins.
The resulting 'caddy' executable is not part of the package, and
you will have to manage it on your own.
180fcf0 |
Thursday, 18 Nov 2021
11:48 Dmitry Marakasov (amdmi3)
www/libhsts: add port: Library to check a domain against the Chromium HSTS
Preload list
The HSTS preload list is a list of domains that support HTTPS. The
list is compiled by Google and is utilised by Chrome, Firefox and
With this information, a HTTP client may contact a website without
trying a plain-text HTTP connection first. It prevents interception
with redirects that take place over HTTP. None of the sent data
will ever be unencrypted.
fa046e6 |
11:48 Dmitry Marakasov (amdmi3)
www/wget2: add port: File and recursive website downloader
GNU Wget2 is the successor of GNU Wget, a file and recursive website
Designed and written from scratch it wraps around libwget, that
provides the basic functions needed by a web client.
Wget2 works multi-threaded and uses many features to allow fast
In many cases Wget2 downloads much faster than Wget1.x due to HTTP2,
HTTP compression, parallel connections and use of If-Modified-Since
HTTP header.
Unlike wget, this was placed into www category as it does no longer
support ftp.
33aebe3 |
Friday, 12 Nov 2021
05:54 Matthias Fechner (mfechner)
*/*: use new nodejs USES flag
Simply define which nodejs version is required using the nodejs USES flag.
PR: 259783
Differential Revision:
f4ffcdf |
Monday, 8 Nov 2021
10:50 Santhosh Raju (fox)
www/jira-cli: New port
Feature-rich Interactive Jira Command Line
JiraCLI is a command line tool for Jira created with an idea to avoid
the Jira UI as much as possible. It includes features like navigation,
issue creation, cloning, linking, ticket transition, and so on.
a5d7195 |
Friday, 5 Nov 2021
19:14 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/npm-node16: Add npm-node16 6.14.8 (copied from npm-node14)
da2fe4c |
19:13 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
*/Makefile: Sort SUBDIRs
3c48004 |
18:24 Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez (acm)
www/dolibarr13: New port: Modern software package to manage your company or
Dolibarr ERP & CRM is a modern software package to manage your organization's
activity (contacts, suppliers, invoices, orders, stocks, agenda)
It's an Open Source Software (written in PHP language) designed for small,
medium or large companies, foundations and freelances.
You can freely use, study, modify or distribute it according to its Free
Software licence.
You can use it as a standalone application or as a web application to be able
to access it from the Internet or a LAN.
44f9734 |
08:35 Kai Knoblich (kai)
www/py-django-radius: Add new port
django-radius enables you to authenticate your Django users against one
or many RADIUS servers easily.
6e6ef37 |
Sunday, 31 Oct 2021
23:12 Sergey A. Osokin (osa)
www/Makefile: connect www/tusc to build
0b00f3a |
Friday, 29 Oct 2021
06:32 Matthias Fechner (mfechner) Author: Jose Luis Duran
www/yarn: make yarn-node16 available
Currently many node packages do not support node 17 which is
used for www/node.
This for example fixes the usage of www/gitlab-ce which cannot
run the upgrade step if node 17 is used.
PR: 259475
PR: 259476
PR: 259477
Approved by: pizzamig (maintainer)
d2948b5 |
Wednesday, 27 Oct 2021
06:20 Matthias Fechner (mfechner)
*/*: Revert "*/*: Make rails 6.1.3 available"
This reverts commit f4511dc4a7c439b30c898b75246d314a574f01cb.
Add MOVED entries.
These ports are not required anymore as gitlab 14.4.0 has upgrade
now to rails
4a7e890 |
Monday, 25 Oct 2021
21:46 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/p5-HTTP-Tiny-UNIX: Add p5-HTTP-Tiny-UNIX 0.051
HTTP::Tiny::UNIX is a subclass of HTTP::Tiny to connect to HTTP server over Unix
socket. URL syntax is "http:" + path to unix socket + "/" + uri path. For
example: http:/var/run/apid.sock//api/v1/matches. URL not matching this pattern
will be passed to HTTP::Tiny.
ff41aa1 |
15:57 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/rubygem-kensa: Remove obsoleted port
Kensa is deprecated in favor of the addons-admin Heroku CLI plugin since
December 14, 2018.
c47ac4b |
Saturday, 23 Oct 2021
11:00 Bradley T. Hughes (bhughes)
www/node16: copy from www/node, update 16.11.1 -> 16.12.0
Create a new port for the latest Node.js v16.x release, which will
become the v16.x LTS release line. Update CONFLICTS for the existing
Node.js ports to include the new node16 port and remove non-existent ports.
MFH: 2021Q4
Sponsored by: Miles AS
bd8376f |
Tuesday, 5 Oct 2021
07:40 Matthias Fechner (mfechner)
*/*: Make rails 6.1.3 available
The upgrade of rails to 6.1.4 broke www/gitlab-ce.
PR: 258855
f4511dc |
00:38 Wen Heping (wen)
www/typo3-11: New port
PR: 258841
Reported by:
994f0c4 |
Monday, 4 Oct 2021
17:10 Rainer Hurling (rhurlin) Author: Goran Mekic
www/py-pyjwt: Rename to www/py-pyjwt1
To make it possible to easily import py-pyjwt v2.x move the current port
to a versioned directory. Bump consumers after rename of the dependency.
PR: 254038
e6ec12f |
Thursday, 30 Sep 2021
20:19 Rene Ladan (rene)
cleanup: Remove expired ports:
devel/erlang-exmpp: last upstream patches over 10 years ago
sysutils/showbeastie: Broken on FreeBSD 12 and above since 2018
2021-09-30 www/squid3: Unsupported by upstream
2021-09-30 sysutils/cfengine310: OpenSSL 1.1.X is not supported.
2021-09-30 security/py-paramiko1: Out of date version. No consumer now. Use
2021-09-30 sysutils/cfengine-masterfiles310: cfengine310 will retire at FreeBSD
11 EOL
2021-09-30 security/openca-tools-forked: Use modern port security/libscep
2021-09-30 multimedia/sms1xxx-kmod: Supports DVB API v3 only. Use
multimedia/webcamd instead
2021-09-30 sysutils/cfengine311: OpenSSL 1.1.X is not supported.
2021-09-30 sysutils/cfengine-masterfiles311: cfengine311 will retire at FreeBSD
11 EOL
2021-09-30 mail/postfix35: It is only here until FreeBSD 11 is EoL (Postfix >=
3.6 requires OpenSSL >= 1.1.x)
b19fd15 |
Monday, 27 Sep 2021
20:33 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/py-ghp-import: Add py-ghp-import 2.0.2
GitHub Pages is a pretty awesome service that GitHub provides for hosting
project documentation. The only thing is that it requires a gh-pages branch that
is the site's document root. This means that keeping documentation sources in
the branch with code is a bit difficult. And it really turns into a head
scratcher for things like Sphinx that want to access documentation sources and
code sources at the same time.
Then I stumbled across an interesting looking package called github-tools that
looked almost like what I wanted. It was a tad complicated and more involved
than I wanted but it gave me an idea. Why not just write a script that can copy
a directory to the gh-pages branch of the repository. This saves me from even
having to think about the branch and everything becomes magical.
This is what ghp-import was written for.
edcdb5e |
Friday, 24 Sep 2021
11:57 Kai Knoblich (kai)
www/py-dj32-django-graphiql-debug-toolbar: Add new port
This package is an extension for Django Debug Toolbar which enables
support for debugging GraphiQL queries in Django Projects.
NB: This port is assigned to Django 3.2 and
www/py-django-graphiql-debug-toolbar was used as a template.
8611d2f |
Tuesday, 21 Sep 2021
03:35 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/py-quilt3: Add py-quilt3 3.5.0
Quilt is for data-driven teams and offers features for coders (data scientists,
data engineers, developers) and business users alike.
Quilt consists of a Python client, web catalog, lambda functions -- all of which
are open source -- plus a suite of backend services and Docker containers
orchestrated by CloudFormation.
2a0be5a |
Sunday, 19 Sep 2021
10:39 Kai Knoblich (kai)
www/py-dj32-django-treebeard: Add new port
django-treebeard is a library that implements efficient tree
implementations for the Django Web Framework 1.8 and later.
- Flexible: Includes 3 different tree implementations with the same API:
* Adjacency List
* Materialized Path
* Nested Sets
- Fast: Optimized non-naive tree operations
- Easy: Uses Django Model Inheritance with abstract classes to define
your own models.
- Clean: Testable and well tested code base. Code/branch test coverage
is above 96%.
NB: This port is assigned to Django 3.2 and www/py-django-treebeard was
used as a template.
Reported by: sunpoet (via mail)
99b83a6 |
05:40 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/py-dj32-django-modelcluster: Add py-py-dj32-django-modelcluster 5.1 (copied
from py-django-modelcluster)
2236477 |
05:40 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/llhttp: Add llhttp 6.0.4
llhttp is a port of http_parser to llparse.
This project aims to:
- Make it maintainable
- Verifiable
- Improving benchmarks where possible
706aa4d |
Friday, 17 Sep 2021
08:47 Rene Ladan (rene)
cleanup: Remove expired ports:
2021-09-15 www/py-django-rest-swagger: Has expired: Upstream no longer
maintained, please use www/py-drf-yasg instead
2021-09-15 www/py-django-taggit-serializer: Obsolete, please use
www/py-django-taggit instead
2021-09-16 www/efront: Unsupported by upstream
e5a2328 |
Monday, 13 Sep 2021
07:54 Kai Knoblich (kai)
www/py-django-graphiql-debug-toolbar: Add new port
This package is an extension for Django Debug Toolbar which enables
support for debugging GraphiQL queries in Django Projects.
0528c57 |
Saturday, 11 Sep 2021
07:13 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
www/py-habanero: New port: Low-level client for Crossref search API
8246f2d |
Saturday, 28 Aug 2021
12:23 Ashish SHUKLA (ashish)
www/cinny: New Port: Matrix client for the web
5862ead |
Friday, 27 Aug 2021
02:12 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
www/openarc: New port: Open source ARC implementation
e2354f39 |
Monday, 23 Aug 2021
08:13 Mateusz Piotrowski (0mp)
www/h2c: Add a new port
h2c stands for headers 2 curl. Provided a set of HTTP request headers,
it outputs the curl command line for generating the desired request.
4c31ba9 |
Sunday, 22 Aug 2021
15:09 Joseph Mingrone (jrm) Author: Robert Clausecker
www/writefreely: Clean, markdown-based publishing for writers
PR: 257358
Reviewed by: lwhsu
6da4b7a |
Sunday, 8 Aug 2021
14:53 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/rubygem-faraday-rack: Add rubygem-faraday-rack 1.0.0
Faraday Rack adapter is a Faraday adapter for a Rack app. Faraday is an HTTP
client library that provides a common interface over many adapters. Every
adapter is defined into its own gem. This gem defines the adapter fora Rack app.
5ac5d2c |
13:25 Matthias Fechner (mfechner)
devel/rubygem-inspec-core: Update to 4.38.9
This commit adds a new port www/rubygem-faraday14 copied from
and modified to match version 1.4.
This fixes a runtime error for chef-client (includes also problems
with rubygem-zip).
PR: 256622
2d502fe |
10:04 Jesper Schmitz Mouridsen (jsm) Author: Vanilla I. Shu
www/janus: New port
Janus is an open source, general purpose,
WebRTC gateway designed and
developed by Meetecho
PR: 219444
31811bb |
Sunday, 25 Jul 2021
06:13 Matthias Fechner (mfechner)
cleanup: Remove expired ports:
7ce8642 |
Wednesday, 21 Jul 2021
18:11 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/rubygem-http-accept: Add rubygem-http-accept 2.1.1
HTTP::Accept provides a robust set of parsers for dealing with HTTP Accept,
Accept-Language, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Charset headers.
1fb7e80 |
Tuesday, 20 Jul 2021
12:26 Kai Knoblich (kai)
*: Create Django 3.2 ports for net-mgmt/netbox
* Django 2.2 is currently the "default" version in the ports tree due
its long term support until April 2022. Thus ports that are assigned
to that version will exist until then.
The following ports are required to make the upgrade of
net-mgmt/netbox to the 2.11 release possible because it requires
Django 3.2. All of the ports listed below were created on the basis
of their respective original ports:
- devel/py-dj32-django-rq
- www/py-dj32-django-auth-ldap
- www/py-dj32-django-cacheops (updated to a newer release)
- www/py-dj32-django-cors-headers
- www/py-dj32-django-debug-toolbar
- www/py-dj32-django-filter
- www/py-dj32-django-js-asset
- www/py-dj32-django-mptt
- www/py-dj32-django-prometheus
- www/py-dj32-django-redis
- www/py-dj32-django-tables2 (updated to a newer release)
- www/py-dj32-django-taggit (updated to a newer release)
- www/py-dj32-django-timezone-field
- www/py-dj32-djangorestframework
- www/py-dj32-drf-yasg
* Add/update the related CONFLICTS_INSTALL entries as well.
Reviewed by: koobs, sunpoet
Differential Revision:
fd76d1a |
Sunday, 18 Jul 2021
17:46 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/py-pygsheets: Add py-pygsheets 2.0.5
A simple, intuitive library for google sheets which gets your work done.
- Open, create, delete and share spreadsheets using title or key
- Intuitive models - spreadsheet, worksheet, cell, datarange
- Control permissions of spreadsheets.
- Set cell format, text format, color, write notes
- Named and Protected Ranges Support
- Work with range of cells easily with DataRange and Gridrange
- Data validation support. checkboxes, drop-downs etc.
- Conditional formatting support
- get multiple ranges with get_values_batch and update wit update_values_batch
83f1d92 |
17:46 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/p5-Plack-Middleware-DBIx-DisconnectAll: Add
p5-Plack-Middleware-DBIx-DisconnectAll 0.02
Plack::Middleware::DBIx::DisconnectAll calls DBIx::DisconnectAll at end of
request and disconnects all database connections.
This modules is useful for freeing resources.
7411fb8 |
Saturday, 17 Jul 2021
16:10 Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) Author: Robert Clausecker
www/writeas-cli: new port -- Command line client for / WriteFreely
Command line utility for publishing to any WriteFreely instance.
The WriteFreely CLI is compatible with WriteFreely v0.11 or later.
* Authenticate with any WriteFreely instance
* Publish drafts
* Manage multiple WriteFreely accounts on multiple instances
* A stable, easy back-end for your GUI app or desktop-based workflow
* Locally keeps track of any posts you make
* Update and delete posts
* Fetch any post by ID
PR: 257233
75f61e66 |
Wednesday, 14 Jul 2021
16:09 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/py-django-hashid-field: Add py-django-hashid-field 3.2.1
A custom Model Field that uses the Hashids library to obfuscate an IntegerField
or AutoField. It can be used in new models or dropped in place of an existing
IntegerField, explicit AutoField, or an automatically generated AutoField.
517fda3 |
Sunday, 11 Jul 2021
12:05 Wen Heping (wen)
www/Makefile: Hook www/mediawiki136 to the build
7beb045 |
Saturday, 10 Jul 2021
20:37 Antoine Brodin (antoine)
www/Makefile: unbreak INDEX and bulk -a
697a4b6 |
Friday, 9 Jul 2021
18:28 Bernhard Froehlich (decke)
www/yarr: Add new port
yarr (yet another rss reader) is a web-based feed aggregator which can
be used both as a desktop application and a personal self-hosted server.
It is written in Go with the frontend in Vue.js. The storage is backed
by SQLite.
9d0bb93 |
Tuesday, 6 Jul 2021
19:14 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/rubygem-faraday-patron: Add rubygem-faraday-patron 1.0.0
Faraday::Patron is a Faraday adapter for the Patron library. Faraday is an HTTP
client library that provides a common interface over many adapters. Every
adapter is defined into its own gem. This gem defines the adapter for Patron.
0dcdb33 |
19:14 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/rubygem-faraday-httpclient: Add rubygem-faraday-httpclient 1.0.1
Faraday::Faraday is a Faraday adapter for the HTTPClient library. Faraday is an
HTTP client library that provides a common interface over many adapters. Every
adapter is defined into its own gem. This gem defines the adapter for
484a579 |
14:54 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/py-priority1: Add py-priority1 1.3.0 (copied from py-priority)
4b327b7 |
Saturday, 3 Jul 2021
06:03 Matthias Fechner (mfechner)
*/*: Added ports required by gitlab-ce 14.0.0.
eafbc05 |
Saturday, 26 Jun 2021
18:46 Rene Ladan (rene) Author: Daniel Engberg
*/*: Remove expired ports:
www/dojo-shrinksafe: deprecated upstream
www/blastbeat: abandoned upstream, broken on 12.X since 2019
www/demoroniser: made for Microsoft Powerpoint 9x with Perl 4.0
PR: 256634
PR: 256637
PR: 256638
0110116 |
12:19 Rene Ladan (rene)
*/*: Remove expired ports:
www/npm-node10: Uses EOL Python 2.7 via www/node10
2021-06-23 www/yarn-node10: Uses EOL Python 2.7 via www/node10
4096169 |
12:00 Rene Ladan (rene)
*/*: Remove expired ports:
2020-12-31 www/node12: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
www/npm-node12: uses www/node12
2021-06-23 www/yarn-node12: Uses EOL Python 2.7 via www/node12
25e4567 |
11:35 Rene Ladan (rene)
*/*: Remove expired ports:
2021-06-23 www/aws: Uses EOL Python 2.7 via devel/gnatpython
2021-06-23 www/aws-demos: Uses EOL Python 2.7 via www/aws
2020-12-31 devel/gnatpython: Uses Python 2.7 which is EOLed upstream
619332f |
Sunday, 20 Jun 2021
20:45 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/py-beautifulsoup448: Remove obsoleted port
Use www/py-beautifulsoup instead.
715ddce |
16:15 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/py-google-cloud-appengine-logging: Add py-google-cloud-appengine-logging
This package contains generated Python types for
aabe349 |
16:15 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/py-google-cloud-audit-log: Add py-google-cloud-audit-log 0.1.0
The python classes generated from the google/cloud/audit protos in the
googleapis/googleapis repository.
1baaf40 |
Wednesday, 16 Jun 2021
22:16 Guangyuan Yang (ygy) Author: Boris Korzun
www/grafana8: New port: Dashboard and graph editor for multiple data stores
Updated from grafana7:
- rc-script: grafana_conf renamed to grafana_config
- grafana.conf moved to etc/grafana/grafana.ini
- provisioning dir moved to etc/grafana/provisioning
PR: 256479
Approved by: lwhsu (mentor), Robson Mantovani <>
(maintainer, www/grafana7)
d09b481 |
Monday, 14 Jun 2021
17:32 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/py-respx: Add py-respx 0.17.0
RESPX is a simple, yet powerful, utility for mocking out the HTTPX, and HTTP
Core, libraries.
1f3a81a |
Sunday, 13 Jun 2021
13:51 Rainer Hurling (rhurlin) Author: Zane C. Bowers-Hadley
www/py-httpx-socks: New port - Proxy (HTTP, SOCKS) transports for httpx
PR: 256527
c87e993 |
Thursday, 10 Jun 2021
14:45 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/rubygem-rack-proxy06: Add rubygem-rack-proxy06 0.6.5 (copied from
96fd635 |
Sunday, 6 Jun 2021
08:09 Tobias Kortkamp (tobik)
*: Clean up some things
- Fix typos
- Remove duplicate variables
- Remove nop variables
- Sort categories
- Add missing USES
Reported by: portscan
8989320 |
Wednesday, 2 Jun 2021
02:18 Guangyuan Yang (ygy) Author: Frank Scholl
www/civetweb: New port: Embedded C/C++ web server
PR: 255974
Approved by: lwhsu (mentor)
f1e7184 |
Sunday, 30 May 2021
23:42 Wen Heping (wen)
www/p5-CGI-Tiny: New port
CGI::Tiny provides a modern interface to write CGI scripts to
dynamically respond to HTTP requests as defined in RFC 3875.
7e4ef0e |
21:12 Guangyuan Yang (ygy) Author: Aaron LI
www/mirrorselect: New port
HTTP service that selects pkg(8) mirrors near to the client.
PR: 253622
Submitted by: Aaron LI <>
Approved by: lwhsu (mentor)
8bee9d3 |
11:21 Danilo G. Baio (dbaio)
www/py-protego: Pure-Python robots.txt parser
Protego is a pure-Python robots.txt parser with support for modern conventions.
It is mainly used by Scrapy application when crawling websites.
be1be4c |
Friday, 28 May 2021
11:38 Mikael Urankar (mikael)
www/redmine42: Add new port
This is the 4.2 branch of redmine
2a5d353 |
Thursday, 27 May 2021
14:22 Lewis Cook (lcook)
www/xh: New port: Friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests
42f5e58 |
Wednesday, 26 May 2021
18:59 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/rubygem-faraday-em_http: Add rubygem-faraday-em_http 1.0.0
Faraday Em::Http is a Faraday adapter for the Em::Http::Request library.
8595c4a |
18:59 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/rubygem-faraday-em_synchrony: Add rubygem-faraday-em_synchrony 1.0.0
Faraday Em::Synchrony is a Faraday adapter for the Em::Synchrony library.
b464851 |
12:40 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
*/Makefile: Sort SUBDIRs
3eb7395 |
Tuesday, 25 May 2021
02:31 Li-Wen Hsu (lwhsu) Author: Eric Camachat
www/dooble: (new) qt5-webengine based browser, minimal, cute, and usually stable
PR: 250854
ca62af7 |
Monday, 17 May 2021
22:53 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
New port: www/wslay: C WebSocket library
3d7c67e |
01:43 Wen Heping (wen)
Add www/moodle311, copied and updated from www/moodle310
90f07c5 |
Sunday, 16 May 2021
22:12 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
New port: www/srt: Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) Protocol
af445a3 |
20:53 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
New port: www/libdatachannel: WebRTC Data Channels, WebRTC Media Transport, and
WebSockets library
53b381f |
15:23 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/rubygem-http4: Add rubygem-http4 4.4.1 (copied from rubygem-http)
7ed166c |
15:23 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
www/rubygem-llhttp-ffi: Add rubygem-llhttp-ffi 0.0.1
This is a monorepo that includes projects for MRI and FFI. Generally speaking,
you should prefer the MRI version and fallback to the FFI version for better
compatibility. There is parity between the two implementations, but the MRI
implementation is more performant.
5a20874 |
11:29 Rene Ladan (rene)
Remove expired ports:
2021-05-16 www/py-django30: Has expired: Extended support has expired on April
6th, 2021. Use www/py-django31 or www/py-django32 instead
2021-05-16 net-mgmt/unifi-devel: Use net-mgmt/unifi6 instead
dcb66ed2 |
Thursday, 13 May 2021
21:49 Neel Chauhan (nc)
New port: www/py-fastapi: High-performance Python API Framework
432ac2b |
20:54 Serhii (Sergey) Kozlov (skozlov)
[NEW] www/pydio-cells: nextgen file sharing platform
Installed on your own infrastructure, Pydio Cells provides a central
place for your users to collaborate and share files internally and
externally, while empowering your IT admins to monitor and protect your
company's data.
Reviewed by: koobs
Differential Revision: D30199
0941b0a |
Friday, 30 Apr 2021
11:38 Rene Ladan (rene)
Remove expired ports:
2021-04-30 www/py-django111: Django 1.11 is End-of-Life since April 2020. Switch
to Django 2.2+ as soon as possible.
2021-04-30 archivers/par2cmdline-tbb: Unmaintained upstream, does not build with
oneTbb. Use archivers/par2cmdline instead
55643f9 |
Tuesday, 27 Apr 2021
16:53 Stefan Eßer (se)
www/owncast: new port of a self-hosted streaming service
PR: 255439
Obtained from: Markus Mann, de-freebsd at
0c973ae |
Number of commits found: 5248 (showing only 100 on this page) |