Port details |
- bareos16-webui PHP-Frontend to manage Bareos over the web
- 16.2.7_2 www
=0 16.2.7_2Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch. DEPRECATED: Unmaintained, please migrate to a newer version of bareos
This port expired on: 2021-01-23
- Maintainer: acm@FreeBSD.org
 - Port Added: 2018-05-18 05:10:02
- Last Update: 2021-01-24 10:53:10
- SVN Revision: 562459
- Also Listed In: sysutils
- License: AGPLv3+
- WWW:
- http://www.bareos.org/
- Description:
- The bareos-webui is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to monitor
and manage Bareos over the web.
The webui is based on Zend Framework 2, an open source framework for developing
web applications and services using PHP 5.3+ and makes extensive use of the
Twitter Bootstrap front-end framework.
The bareos-webui is licensed under AGPL Version 3.
WWW: http://www.bareos.org/
cgit ¦ GitHub ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ 
- Manual pages:
- FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
- pkg-plist: as obtained via:
make generate-plist - Dependency lines:
- bareos16-webui>0:www/bareos16-webui
- No installation instructions:
- This port has been deleted.
- PKGNAME: bareos16-webui
- Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
- distinfo:
- TIMESTAMP = 1510775254
SHA256 (bareos-bareos-webui-Release-16.2.7_GH0.tar.gz) = 2f2ab51c8998a043a58fbf67dad230b2d90da511e6ea123caafd1d8db708d17d
SIZE (bareos-bareos-webui-Release-16.2.7_GH0.tar.gz) = 3364805
Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
- Dependencies
- NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
- Runtime dependencies:
- php.h : lang/php74
- openssl.so : security/php74-openssl
- gettext.so : devel/php74-gettext
- ctype.so : textproc/php74-ctype
- json.so : devel/php74-json
- session.so : www/php74-session
- iconv.so : converters/php74-iconv
- pdo_pgsql.so : databases/php74-pdo_pgsql
- There are no ports dependent upon this port
Configuration Options:
- ===> The following configuration options are available for bareos16-webui-16.2.7_2:
MYSQL=off: MySQL database support
PGSQL=on: PostgreSQL database support
ZENDFRAMEWORK=off: Install zend framework
===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
- Options name:
- N/A
- php
- FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
- Master Sites:
Port Moves |
- port moved to www/bareos18-webui on 2021-01-24
REASON: Has expired: Unmaintained, please migrate to a newer version of bareos
Number of commits found: 7
Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page) |
Commit | Credits | Log message |
16.2.7_2 24 Jan 2021 10:53:10
rene  |
Remove expired ports:
2021-01-23 sysutils/bareos16-client: Unmaintained, please migrate to a newer
version of bareos
2021-01-23 sysutils/bareos16-client-static: Unmaintained, please migrate to a
newer version of bareos
2021-01-23 sysutils/bareos16-server: Unmaintained, please migrate to a newer
version of bareos
2021-01-23 www/bareos16-webui: Unmaintained, please migrate to a newer version
of bareos |
16.2.7_2 24 Dec 2020 02:42:32
acm  |
- Set DEPRECATED and EXPIRATE_DATE (this version is unmaintained anymore) |
16.2.7_2 14 Aug 2019 12:25:09
mat  |
Convert to UCL & cleanup pkg-message (categories w) |
16.2.7_2 26 Jul 2019 20:46:57
gerald  |
Bump PORTREVISION for ports depending on the canonical version of GCC
as defined in Mk/bsd.default-versions.mk which has moved from GCC 8.3
to GCC 9.1 under most circumstances now after revision 507371.
This includes ports
- with USE_GCC=yes or USE_GCC=any,
- with USES=fortran,
- using Mk/bsd.octave.mk which in turn features USES=fortran, and
- with USES=compiler specifying openmp, nestedfct, c11, c++0x, c++11-lang,
c++11-lib, c++14-lang, c++17-lang, or gcc-c++11-lib
plus, everything INDEX-11 shows with a dependency on lang/gcc9 now.
PR: 238330 |
16.2.7_1 12 Dec 2018 01:35:36
gerald  |
Bump PORTREVISION for ports depending on the canonical version of GCC
defined via Mk/bsd.default-versions.mk which has moved from GCC 7.4 t
GCC 8.2 under most circumstances.
This includes ports
- with USE_GCC=yes or USE_GCC=any,
- with USES=fortran,
- using Mk/bsd.octave.mk which in turn features USES=fortran, and
- with USES=compiler specifying openmp, nestedfct, c11, c++0x, c++11-lang,
c++11-lib, c++14-lang, c++17-lang, or gcc-c++11-lib
plus, as a double check, everything INDEX-11 showed depending on lang/gcc7.
PR: 231590 |
16.2.7 18 May 2018 21:03:54
antoine  |
Fix PKGBASE collision with www/bareos-webui |
16.2.7 18 May 2018 05:09:42
acm  |
- Copy bareos-webui to bareos16-webui. bareos-webui will be updated to 17.x
- Few other modifications |
Number of commits found: 7