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Port details
glewlwyd Single Sign On server, multiple factor authentication
2.7.4_1 www Deleted on this many watch lists=2 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 2.7.4_1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Deprecated DEPRECATED: Upstream repo archived on Oct 20, 2024
Expired This port expired on: 2025-02-28
There is no maintainer for this port.
Any concerns regarding this port should be directed to the FreeBSD Ports mailing list via search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2021-12-29 01:27:24
Last Update: 2025-03-01 16:14:50
Commit Hash: c8137d7
People watching this port, also watch:: jdictionary, py311-Automat, py311-python-gdsii, py311-PyOpenGL, p5-Sane
License: GPLv3
Single-Sign-On (SSO) server with multiple factor authentication. Authentication processes supported: * OAuth2 * OpenID Connect * Allows users to authenticate via multiple factors: Password * One-time password (TOTP/HOTP) * Webauthn (Yubikey, Android devices) * One-time password sent via e-mail * TLS Certificate * Users and clients can be stored and managed from various backends: Database * LDAP service * HTTP Backend service providing Basic Authentication
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb - no subversion history for this port

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (169 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. /usr/local/share/licenses/glewlwyd-2.7.4_1/
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/glewlwyd-2.7.4_1/LICENSE
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/glewlwyd-2.7.4_1/GPLv3
  4. bin/glewlwyd
  5. @sample(root,glewlwyd,0640) etc/glewlwyd/config.json.sample
  6. @sample(root,glewlwyd,0640) etc/glewlwyd/glewlwyd.conf.sample
  7. etc/rc.d/glewlwyd
  8. lib/glewlwyd/client/
  9. lib/glewlwyd/plugin/
  10. lib/glewlwyd/plugin/
  11. lib/glewlwyd/plugin/
  12. lib/glewlwyd/scheme/
  13. lib/glewlwyd/scheme/
  14. lib/glewlwyd/scheme/
  15. lib/glewlwyd/scheme/
  16. lib/glewlwyd/scheme/
  17. lib/glewlwyd/scheme/
  18. lib/glewlwyd/user/
  19. lib/glewlwyd/user/
  20. sbin/glewlwyd
  21. share/glewlwyd/
  22. share/glewlwyd/
  23. share/glewlwyd/docs/
  24. share/glewlwyd/docs/
  25. share/glewlwyd/docs/
  26. share/glewlwyd/docs/
  27. share/glewlwyd/docs/
  28. share/glewlwyd/docs/
  29. share/glewlwyd/docs/
  30. share/glewlwyd/docs/
  31. share/glewlwyd/docs/
  32. share/glewlwyd/docs/
  33. share/glewlwyd/docs/
  34. share/glewlwyd/docs/
  35. share/glewlwyd/docs/
  36. share/glewlwyd/docs/
  37. share/glewlwyd/docs/
  38. share/glewlwyd/docs/
  39. share/glewlwyd/docs/
  40. share/glewlwyd/docs/
  41. share/glewlwyd/docs/
  42. share/glewlwyd/docs/
  43. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/
  44. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/init-core.mariadb.sql
  45. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/init-core.postgre.sql
  46. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/init-core.sqlite3.sql
  47. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/init.mariadb.sql
  48. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/init.postgre.sql
  49. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/init.sqlite3.sql
  50. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/upgrade-2.2-core.mariadb.sql
  51. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/upgrade-2.2-core.postgre.sql
  52. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/upgrade-2.2-core.sqlite3.sql
  53. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/upgrade-2.3-core.mariadb.sql
  54. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/upgrade-2.3-core.postgre.sql
  55. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/upgrade-2.3-core.sqlite3.sql
  56. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/upgrade-2.4-core.mariadb.sql
  57. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/upgrade-2.4-core.postgre.sql
  58. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/upgrade-2.4-core.sqlite3.sql
  59. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/upgrade-2.5-core.mariadb.sql
  60. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/upgrade-2.5-core.postgre.sql
  61. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/upgrade-2.5-core.sqlite3.sql
  62. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/upgrade-2.6-core.mariadb.sql
  63. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/upgrade-2.6-core.postgre.sql
  64. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/upgrade-2.6-core.sqlite3.sql
  65. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/upgrade-2.7-core.mariadb.sql
  66. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/upgrade-2.7-core.postgre.sql
  67. share/glewlwyd/docs/database/upgrade-2.7-core.sqlite3.sql
  68. share/glewlwyd/docs/fail2ban/
  69. share/glewlwyd/docs/fail2ban/glewlwyd-log.conf
  70. share/glewlwyd/docs/fail2ban/glewlwyd-syslog.conf
  71. share/glewlwyd/docs/fail2ban/jail.local
  72. share/glewlwyd/docs/glewlwyd-init
  73. share/glewlwyd/docs/glewlwyd.service
  74. share/glewlwyd/webapp/admin.js
  75. share/glewlwyd/webapp/callback.html
  76. share/glewlwyd/webapp/callback.js
  77. share/glewlwyd/webapp/config.json.sample
  78. share/glewlwyd/webapp/css/admin-custom.css
  79. share/glewlwyd/webapp/css/bootstrap.css
  80. share/glewlwyd/webapp/css/
  81. share/glewlwyd/webapp/css/bootstrap.min.css
  82. share/glewlwyd/webapp/css/
  83. share/glewlwyd/webapp/css/fork-awesome.css
  84. share/glewlwyd/webapp/css/fork-awesome.min.css
  85. share/glewlwyd/webapp/css/
  86. share/glewlwyd/webapp/css/glewlwyd-custom.css
  87. share/glewlwyd/webapp/css/glewlwyd.css
  88. share/glewlwyd/webapp/css/login-custom.css
  89. share/glewlwyd/webapp/css/profile-custom.css
  90. share/glewlwyd/webapp/css/v5-compat.css
  91. share/glewlwyd/webapp/css/v5-compat.min.css
  92. share/glewlwyd/webapp/css/
  93. share/glewlwyd/webapp/favicon.ico
  94. share/glewlwyd/webapp/fonts/forkawesome-webfont.eot
  95. share/glewlwyd/webapp/fonts/forkawesome-webfont.svg
  96. share/glewlwyd/webapp/fonts/forkawesome-webfont.ttf
  97. share/glewlwyd/webapp/fonts/forkawesome-webfont.woff
  98. share/glewlwyd/webapp/fonts/forkawesome-webfont.woff2
  99. share/glewlwyd/webapp/img/logo-admin.png
  100. share/glewlwyd/webapp/img/logo-login.png
  101. share/glewlwyd/webapp/img/logo-profile.png
  102. share/glewlwyd/webapp/index.html
  103. share/glewlwyd/webapp/js/bootstrap.js
  104. share/glewlwyd/webapp/js/
  105. share/glewlwyd/webapp/js/bootstrap.min.js
  106. share/glewlwyd/webapp/js/
  107. share/glewlwyd/webapp/js/jquery.js
  108. share/glewlwyd/webapp/js/jquery.min.js
  109. share/glewlwyd/webapp/js/popper.js
  110. share/glewlwyd/webapp/js/popper.min.js
  111. share/glewlwyd/webapp/locales/de/translations.json
  112. share/glewlwyd/webapp/locales/en/translations.json
  113. share/glewlwyd/webapp/locales/fr/translations.json
  114. share/glewlwyd/webapp/locales/nl/translations.json
  115. share/glewlwyd/webapp/login.html
  116. share/glewlwyd/webapp/login.js
  117. share/glewlwyd/webapp/profile.html
  118. share/glewlwyd/webapp/profile.js
  119. share/glewlwyd/webapp/robots.txt
  120. share/man/man8/glewlwyd.8.gz
  121. www/glewlwyd/admin.js
  122. www/glewlwyd/callback.html
  123. www/glewlwyd/callback.js
  124. www/glewlwyd/config.json
  125. www/glewlwyd/css/admin-custom.css
  126. www/glewlwyd/css/bootstrap.css
  127. www/glewlwyd/css/
  128. www/glewlwyd/css/bootstrap.min.css
  129. www/glewlwyd/css/
  130. www/glewlwyd/css/fork-awesome.css
  131. www/glewlwyd/css/fork-awesome.min.css
  132. www/glewlwyd/css/
  133. www/glewlwyd/css/glewlwyd-custom.css
  134. www/glewlwyd/css/glewlwyd.css
  135. www/glewlwyd/css/login-custom.css
  136. www/glewlwyd/css/profile-custom.css
  137. www/glewlwyd/css/v5-compat.css
  138. www/glewlwyd/css/v5-compat.min.css
  139. www/glewlwyd/css/
  140. www/glewlwyd/favicon.ico
  141. www/glewlwyd/fonts/forkawesome-webfont.eot
  142. www/glewlwyd/fonts/forkawesome-webfont.svg
  143. www/glewlwyd/fonts/forkawesome-webfont.ttf
  144. www/glewlwyd/fonts/forkawesome-webfont.woff
  145. www/glewlwyd/fonts/forkawesome-webfont.woff2
  146. www/glewlwyd/img/logo-admin.png
  147. www/glewlwyd/img/logo-login.png
  148. www/glewlwyd/img/logo-profile.png
  149. www/glewlwyd/index.html
  150. www/glewlwyd/js/bootstrap.js
  151. www/glewlwyd/js/
  152. www/glewlwyd/js/bootstrap.min.js
  153. www/glewlwyd/js/
  154. www/glewlwyd/js/jquery.js
  155. www/glewlwyd/js/jquery.min.js
  156. www/glewlwyd/js/popper.js
  157. www/glewlwyd/js/popper.min.js
  158. www/glewlwyd/locales/de/translations.json
  159. www/glewlwyd/locales/en/translations.json
  160. www/glewlwyd/locales/fr/translations.json
  161. www/glewlwyd/locales/nl/translations.json
  162. www/glewlwyd/login.html
  163. www/glewlwyd/login.js
  164. www/glewlwyd/profile.html
  165. www/glewlwyd/profile.js
  166. www/glewlwyd/robots.txt
  167. @owner
  168. @group
  169. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • glewlwyd>0:www/glewlwyd
No installation instructions:
This port has been deleted.
PKGNAME: glewlwyd
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1670088858 SHA256 (babelouest-glewlwyd-v2.7.4_GH0.tar.gz) = dfa10717b024303b2c2f978e88ad8e4833fbde5d106140c2b1ce3e6ed24de7bb SIZE (babelouest-glewlwyd-v2.7.4_GH0.tar.gz) = 5943372

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. yder>1.4.14 : devel/yder
  2. orcania>2.2.1 : devel/orcania
  3. ulfius>2.7.7 : www/ulfius
  4. hoel>1.4.18 : devel/hoel
  5. oath-toolkit>0 : security/oath-toolkit
  6. cmake : devel/cmake-core
  7. ninja : devel/ninja
Runtime dependencies:
  1. yder>1.4.14 : devel/yder
  2. ulfius>2.7.7 : www/ulfius
  3. libjwt>0 : www/libjwt
  4. libcbor>0 : devel/libcbor
  5. libmicrohttpd>0 : www/libmicrohttpd
  6. gnutls>0 : security/gnutls
  7. libconfig>0 : devel/libconfig
  8. orcania>2.2.1 : devel/orcania
  9. oath-toolkit>0 : security/oath-toolkit
Library dependencies:
  1. : devel/jansson
  2. : security/nettle
  3. : devel/hoel
  4. : security/oath-toolkit
  5. : www/libjwt
  6. : security/gnutls
  7. : devel/libconfig
  8. : security/rhonabwy
  9. : security/iddawc
  10. : net/openldap26-client
  11. : databases/postgresql16-client
  12. : databases/sqlite3
There are no ports dependent upon this port

Configuration Options:
No options to configure
Options name:
cmake cpe ldap:24 pgsql sqlite
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (1 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.
Port Moves
  • port deleted on 2025-03-01
    REASON: Has expired: Upstream repo archived on Oct 20, 2024

Number of commits found: 19

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
01 Mar 2025 16:14:50
commit hash: c8137d70d9818cdec486af3f2c85b9860a1e69b9commit hash: c8137d70d9818cdec486af3f2c85b9860a1e69b9commit hash: c8137d70d9818cdec486af3f2c85b9860a1e69b9commit hash: c8137d70d9818cdec486af3f2c85b9860a1e69b9 files touched by this commit
Rene Ladan (rene) search for other commits by this committer
www/glewlwyd: Remove expired port

2025-02-28 www/glewlwyd: Upstream repo archived on Oct 20, 2024
09 Feb 2025 12:19:30
commit hash: 23ba39d8e197fa224587563a3359faaae552e8f1commit hash: 23ba39d8e197fa224587563a3359faaae552e8f1commit hash: 23ba39d8e197fa224587563a3359faaae552e8f1commit hash: 23ba39d8e197fa224587563a3359faaae552e8f1 files touched by this commit
Daniel Engberg (diizzy) search for other commits by this committer
www/glewlwyd: Deprecate and set expiration date to 2025-02-28

Upstream repo archived on Oct 20, 2024
26 May 2023 12:23:24
commit hash: b096af3b26a4a828400728f25feae41617dc3b34commit hash: b096af3b26a4a828400728f25feae41617dc3b34commit hash: b096af3b26a4a828400728f25feae41617dc3b34commit hash: b096af3b26a4a828400728f25feae41617dc3b34 files touched by this commit
Dan Langille (dvl) search for other commits by this committer
www/glewlwyd: Give up maintainership

Give up maintainership of www/glewlwyd and related ports.

I no longer use this and have no interest/motivation to maintain them.
I hope someone can pick it up and get it working/up to date. It seems
like a good solution, but I cannot devote time to it.
08 Feb 2023 10:53:56
commit hash: 6e1233be229212a0496f42d611bd40f3e3a628dacommit hash: 6e1233be229212a0496f42d611bd40f3e3a628dacommit hash: 6e1233be229212a0496f42d611bd40f3e3a628dacommit hash: 6e1233be229212a0496f42d611bd40f3e3a628da files touched by this commit
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
Mk/** Convert USE_LDAP to USES=ldap

Convert the USE_LDAP=yes to USES=ldap and adds the following features:

- Adds the argument USES=ldap:server to add openldap2{4|5|6}-server as
- Adds the argument USES=ldap<version> and replaces WANT_OPENLDAP_VER
- Adds OPENLDAP versions in
- Changes consumers to use the features

Reviewed by:	delphij
Approved by:	portmgr
Differential Revision:
30 Jan 2023 12:59:11
commit hash: 5b3d2118c412358dee2f84e9648d79521680b690commit hash: 5b3d2118c412358dee2f84e9648d79521680b690commit hash: 5b3d2118c412358dee2f84e9648d79521680b690commit hash: 5b3d2118c412358dee2f84e9648d79521680b690 files touched by this commit
Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
www/libjwt: Update to 1.15.2

- Bump PORTREVISION of dependent ports for shlib change

03 Dec 2022 18:30:56
commit hash: 367f278a019cae5750bad36ed0412822a53e081ecommit hash: 367f278a019cae5750bad36ed0412822a53e081ecommit hash: 367f278a019cae5750bad36ed0412822a53e081ecommit hash: 367f278a019cae5750bad36ed0412822a53e081e files touched by this commit
Dan Langille (dvl) search for other commits by this committer
www/glewlwyd: Update to 2.7.4
03 Dec 2022 17:28:09
commit hash: 5177b048898dc457c6a7ce00554c2f7f4bf2bc3ccommit hash: 5177b048898dc457c6a7ce00554c2f7f4bf2bc3ccommit hash: 5177b048898dc457c6a7ce00554c2f7f4bf2bc3ccommit hash: 5177b048898dc457c6a7ce00554c2f7f4bf2bc3c files touched by this commit
Dan Langille (dvl) search for other commits by this committer
www/glewlwyd: Don't overwrite sample files

Use @sample on *.conf files
chown root:glewlwyd them
chmod p= them too.

Sorry about that.
07 Sep 2022 21:58:51
commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Remove WWW entries moved into port Makefiles

Commit b7f05445c00f has added WWW entries to port Makefiles based on
WWW: lines in pkg-descr files.

This commit removes the WWW: lines of moved-over URLs from these
pkg-descr files.

Approved by:		portmgr (tcberner)
07 Sep 2022 21:10:59
commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Add WWW entries to port Makefiles

It has been common practice to have one or more URLs at the end of the
ports' pkg-descr files, one per line and prefixed with "WWW:". These
URLs should point at a project website or other relevant resources.

Access to these URLs required processing of the pkg-descr files, and
they have often become stale over time. If more than one such URL was
present in a pkg-descr file, only the first one was tarnsfered into
the port INDEX, but for many ports only the last line did contain the
port specific URL to further information.

There have been several proposals to make a project URL available as
a macro in the ports' Makefiles, over time.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
25 Aug 2022 19:47:03
commit hash: 623eeaccd2b35ace169682640f8a15a1a2ebd815commit hash: 623eeaccd2b35ace169682640f8a15a1a2ebd815commit hash: 623eeaccd2b35ace169682640f8a15a1a2ebd815commit hash: 623eeaccd2b35ace169682640f8a15a1a2ebd815 files touched by this commit
Dan Langille (dvl) search for other commits by this committer
www/glewlwyd: Update to 2.7.3
08 Jul 2022 22:00:14
commit hash: f7774a308cef6ee99a91d204273af354a5dd2b07commit hash: f7774a308cef6ee99a91d204273af354a5dd2b07commit hash: f7774a308cef6ee99a91d204273af354a5dd2b07commit hash: f7774a308cef6ee99a91d204273af354a5dd2b07 files touched by this commit
Dan Langille (dvl) search for other commits by this committer
www/glewlwyd: Update to 2.7.2

Now builds on FreeBSD 13 and 14
14 Jun 2022 12:46:26
commit hash: 97dedbd9a15feb680ae3675d293f4223554d4163commit hash: 97dedbd9a15feb680ae3675d293f4223554d4163commit hash: 97dedbd9a15feb680ae3675d293f4223554d4163commit hash: 97dedbd9a15feb680ae3675d293f4223554d4163 files touched by this commit
Dan Langille (dvl) search for other commits by this committer
www/glewlwyd: Update to 2.7.1

10 May 2022 14:57:13
commit hash: 494ae78ec2222a2a8c2f36b817b74f9f0563d986commit hash: 494ae78ec2222a2a8c2f36b817b74f9f0563d986commit hash: 494ae78ec2222a2a8c2f36b817b74f9f0563d986commit hash: 494ae78ec2222a2a8c2f36b817b74f9f0563d986 files touched by this commit
Bernhard Froehlich (decke) search for other commits by this committer
www/glewlwyd: Add CPE information

Approved by:	portmgr (blanket)
09 May 2022 01:47:33
commit hash: b7c0ad6333f83f46174cc84e6e3f1a6e2b3bf747commit hash: b7c0ad6333f83f46174cc84e6e3f1a6e2b3bf747commit hash: b7c0ad6333f83f46174cc84e6e3f1a6e2b3bf747commit hash: b7c0ad6333f83f46174cc84e6e3f1a6e2b3bf747 files touched by this commit
Dan Langille (dvl) search for other commits by this committer
www/glewlwyd: Update to 2.7.0
08 May 2022 23:34:23
commit hash: 0ac66d5733e93f53363344e30e2564076b6d9befcommit hash: 0ac66d5733e93f53363344e30e2564076b6d9befcommit hash: 0ac66d5733e93f53363344e30e2564076b6d9befcommit hash: 0ac66d5733e93f53363344e30e2564076b6d9bef files touched by this commit
Dan Langille (dvl) search for other commits by this committer
www/glewlwyd: Mark as broken on FreeBSD > 12.x

The error is: ld: error: duplicate symbol: global_handler_close_cond

20 Mar 2022 21:57:32
commit hash: 281087264b9b13d1e5aeb377cb0537f8c1306bcecommit hash: 281087264b9b13d1e5aeb377cb0537f8c1306bcecommit hash: 281087264b9b13d1e5aeb377cb0537f8c1306bcecommit hash: 281087264b9b13d1e5aeb377cb0537f8c1306bce files touched by this commit
Dan Langille (dvl) search for other commits by this committer
www/glewlwyd: Update to 2.6.2

This is a security release, if you use the webauthn scheme, please
upgrade your Glewlwyd version:

12 Mar 2022 18:59:34
commit hash: 01647f66925e4764531d9171e1a9ebf537f1c9c5commit hash: 01647f66925e4764531d9171e1a9ebf537f1c9c5commit hash: 01647f66925e4764531d9171e1a9ebf537f1c9c5commit hash: 01647f66925e4764531d9171e1a9ebf537f1c9c5 files touched by this commit
Daniel Engberg (diizzy) search for other commits by this committer
www/glewlwyd: Mark BROKEN and set expiration date to 2022-03-31

This port has been broken for months on multiple build environments

Reported by:	pkg-fallout
26 Jan 2022 07:46:25
commit hash: 8c30deb681a941ce9974c57c7f45c9f294908d67commit hash: 8c30deb681a941ce9974c57c7f45c9f294908d67commit hash: 8c30deb681a941ce9974c57c7f45c9f294908d67commit hash: 8c30deb681a941ce9974c57c7f45c9f294908d67 files touched by this commit
Marius Strobl (marius) search for other commits by this committer
devel/libconfig: update to 1.7.3

- Chase shared library bump across dependant ports.
- Fetch releases rather than tags from GitHub. [1]
- Properly depend on makeinfo, adding an INFO knob.
- Refresh pkg-descr and COMMENT accordingly.

PR:		261062
Reported by:	dizzy [1]
Approved by:	maintainer timeout
29 Dec 2021 01:23:02
commit hash: 0ecc22072ebf57bc15002884e4baecf9c1d8dc92commit hash: 0ecc22072ebf57bc15002884e4baecf9c1d8dc92commit hash: 0ecc22072ebf57bc15002884e4baecf9c1d8dc92commit hash: 0ecc22072ebf57bc15002884e4baecf9c1d8dc92 files touched by this commit
Dan Langille (dvl) search for other commits by this committer
www/glewlwyd: Add new port: Single-Sign-On server

This SSO server supports multiple factor authentication and multiple
authentication processes.

Number of commits found: 19