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Port details
linux-freetube The Private YouTube Client (Linux version)
0.23.2.b www on this many watch lists=0 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 0.22.1.bVersion of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2024-08-26 14:18:09
Last Update: 2025-02-27 13:05:08
Commit Hash: 102d735
FreeTube is an open source desktop YouTube player built with privacy in mind. Use YouTube without advertisements and prevent Google from tracking you with their cookies and JavaScript. Features: - Watch videos without ads - Use YouTube without Google tracking you using cookies and JavaScript - Subscribe to channels without an account - Connect to an externally setup proxy such as Tor - View and search your local subscriptions, history, and saved videos - Organize your subscriptions into "Profiles" to create a more focused feed - Export & import subscriptions - Youtube Trending - Youtube Chapters - Most popular videos page based on the set Invidious instance - Watch videos using an external player - ... and much more
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb - no subversion history for this port

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (97 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. /usr/local/share/licenses/linux-freetube-0.23.2.b/
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/linux-freetube-0.23.2.b/LICENSE
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/linux-freetube-0.23.2.b/AGPLv3
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/linux-freetube-0.23.2.b/BSD3CLAUSE
  5. /usr/local/share/licenses/linux-freetube-0.23.2.b/LGPL21
  6. /usr/local/share/licenses/linux-freetube-0.23.2.b/MIT
  7. /usr/local/share/licenses/linux-freetube-0.23.2.b/MPL11
  8. bin/linux-freetube
  9. share/applications/linux-freetube.desktop
  10. share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/freetube.png
  11. share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/freetube.png
  12. share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/freetube.png
  13. share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/freetube.png
  14. share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/freetube.png
  15. share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/freetube.png
  16. share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/freetube-black.svg
  17. share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/freetube-white.svg
  18. share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/freetube.svg
  19. share/linux-freetube/chrome_100_percent.pak
  20. share/linux-freetube/chrome_200_percent.pak
  21. share/linux-freetube/icudtl.dat
  22. share/linux-freetube/
  23. share/linux-freetube/
  24. share/linux-freetube/
  25. share/linux-freetube/
  26. share/linux-freetube/
  27. share/linux-freetube/locales/af.pak
  28. share/linux-freetube/locales/am.pak
  29. share/linux-freetube/locales/ar.pak
  30. share/linux-freetube/locales/bg.pak
  31. share/linux-freetube/locales/bn.pak
  32. share/linux-freetube/locales/ca.pak
  33. share/linux-freetube/locales/cs.pak
  34. share/linux-freetube/locales/da.pak
  35. share/linux-freetube/locales/de.pak
  36. share/linux-freetube/locales/el.pak
  37. share/linux-freetube/locales/en-GB.pak
  38. share/linux-freetube/locales/en-US.pak
  39. share/linux-freetube/locales/es-419.pak
  40. share/linux-freetube/locales/es.pak
  41. share/linux-freetube/locales/et.pak
  42. share/linux-freetube/locales/fa.pak
  43. share/linux-freetube/locales/fi.pak
  44. share/linux-freetube/locales/fil.pak
  45. share/linux-freetube/locales/fr.pak
  46. share/linux-freetube/locales/gu.pak
  47. share/linux-freetube/locales/he.pak
  48. share/linux-freetube/locales/hi.pak
  49. share/linux-freetube/locales/hr.pak
  50. share/linux-freetube/locales/hu.pak
  51. share/linux-freetube/locales/id.pak
  52. share/linux-freetube/locales/it.pak
  53. share/linux-freetube/locales/ja.pak
  54. share/linux-freetube/locales/kn.pak
  55. share/linux-freetube/locales/ko.pak
  56. share/linux-freetube/locales/lt.pak
  57. share/linux-freetube/locales/lv.pak
  58. share/linux-freetube/locales/ml.pak
  59. share/linux-freetube/locales/mr.pak
  60. share/linux-freetube/locales/ms.pak
  61. share/linux-freetube/locales/nb.pak
  62. share/linux-freetube/locales/nl.pak
  63. share/linux-freetube/locales/pl.pak
  64. share/linux-freetube/locales/pt-BR.pak
  65. share/linux-freetube/locales/pt-PT.pak
  66. share/linux-freetube/locales/ro.pak
  67. share/linux-freetube/locales/ru.pak
  68. share/linux-freetube/locales/sk.pak
  69. share/linux-freetube/locales/sl.pak
  70. share/linux-freetube/locales/sr.pak
  71. share/linux-freetube/locales/sv.pak
  72. share/linux-freetube/locales/sw.pak
  73. share/linux-freetube/locales/ta.pak
  74. share/linux-freetube/locales/te.pak
  75. share/linux-freetube/locales/th.pak
  76. share/linux-freetube/locales/tr.pak
  77. share/linux-freetube/locales/uk.pak
  78. share/linux-freetube/locales/ur.pak
  79. share/linux-freetube/locales/vi.pak
  80. share/linux-freetube/locales/zh-CN.pak
  81. share/linux-freetube/locales/zh-TW.pak
  82. share/linux-freetube/resources.pak
  83. share/linux-freetube/resources/app-update.yml
  84. share/linux-freetube/resources/app.asar
  85. share/linux-freetube/snapshot_blob.bin
  86. share/linux-freetube/v8_context_snapshot.bin
  87. share/linux-freetube/vk_swiftshader_icd.json
  88. @mode 4555
  89. share/linux-freetube/chrome-sandbox
  90. @mode
  91. @mode 555
  92. share/linux-freetube/freetube
  93. share/linux-freetube/chrome_crashpad_handler
  94. @mode
  95. @owner
  96. @group
  97. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • linux-freetube>0:www/linux-freetube
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/www/linux-freetube/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install www/linux-freetube
  • pkg install linux-freetube
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: linux-freetube
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1740660876 SHA256 ( = 90a4f1f36176d5e5ceccc59d59ef9a63295e363f8cc55d864be5b5a228f806fc SIZE ( = 104146121

Expand this list (2 items)

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SHA256 ( = d76906cce52ac5cc730113a6d8598009467480d70a11e7ad81cbe9655bbd941e SIZE ( = 10580

Collapse this list.

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Runtime dependencies:
  1. pulseaudio : audio/pulseaudio
  2. linux-rl9-alsa-plugins-oss>0 : audio/linux-rl9-alsa-plugins-oss
  3. linux-rl9-alsa-plugins-pulseaudio>0 : audio/linux-rl9-alsa-plugins-pulseaudio
  4. linux-rl9-alsa-lib>0 : audio/linux-rl9-alsa-lib
  5. linux-rl9-at-spi2-atk>0 : accessibility/linux-rl9-at-spi2-atk
  6. linux-rl9-atk>0 : accessibility/linux-rl9-atk
  7. linux-rl9-cups-libs>0 : print/linux-rl9-cups-libs
  8. linux-rl9-dbus-libs>0 : devel/linux-rl9-dbus-libs
  9. linux-rl9-devtools>0 : devel/linux-rl9-devtools
  10. linux-rl9-gtk3>0 : x11-toolkits/linux-rl9-gtk3
  11. linux-rl9-jpeg>0 : graphics/linux-rl9-jpeg
  12. linux-rl9-libdrm>0 : graphics/linux-rl9-libdrm
  13. linux-rl9-libsigsegv>0 : devel/linux-rl9-libsigsegv
  14. linux-rl9-nss>0 : security/linux-rl9-nss
  15. linux-rl9-opus>0 : audio/linux-rl9-opus
There are no ports dependent upon this port

Configuration Options:
No options to configure
Options name:
linux:rl9 zip
For install:
If the user's directory is located in /usr/home and doesn't exists the link /home, then create one with the command: ln -s /usr/home /home FreeTube uses pulseaudio(1), so you have to start the relative server.
Master Sites:
Expand this list (1 items)
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Number of commits found: 6

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
27 Feb 2025 13:05:08
commit hash: 102d7354552d06a0b2e878d1e73a663381bfbef5commit hash: 102d7354552d06a0b2e878d1e73a663381bfbef5commit hash: 102d7354552d06a0b2e878d1e73a663381bfbef5commit hash: 102d7354552d06a0b2e878d1e73a663381bfbef5 files touched by this commit
Nicola Vitale (nivit) search for other commits by this committer
www/linux-freetube: Update to 0.23.2.b

Reported by:	FreeTubeApp/FreeTube <>
12 Feb 2025 08:34:45
commit hash: bd2879f388cc4dbe5bc3fb09e6e02a67270fb1e1commit hash: bd2879f388cc4dbe5bc3fb09e6e02a67270fb1e1commit hash: bd2879f388cc4dbe5bc3fb09e6e02a67270fb1e1commit hash: bd2879f388cc4dbe5bc3fb09e6e02a67270fb1e1 files touched by this commit
Nicola Vitale (nivit) search for other commits by this committer
www/linux-freetube: Update to 0.23.1.b

13 Dec 2024 09:22:53
commit hash: 17b83ad0173340356729237b90b457b4c6c24539commit hash: 17b83ad0173340356729237b90b457b4c6c24539commit hash: 17b83ad0173340356729237b90b457b4c6c24539commit hash: 17b83ad0173340356729237b90b457b4c6c24539 files touched by this commit
Nicola Vitale (nivit) search for other commits by this committer
www/linux-freetube: Update to 0.22.1.b

Reported by:	efb4f5ff-1298-471a-8973-3d47447115dc <>
11 Nov 2024 21:48:50
commit hash: 90c40220393f926ae8e4c3b3b5cb5fbf5fa61306commit hash: 90c40220393f926ae8e4c3b3b5cb5fbf5fa61306commit hash: 90c40220393f926ae8e4c3b3b5cb5fbf5fa61306commit hash: 90c40220393f926ae8e4c3b3b5cb5fbf5fa61306 files touched by this commit
Nicola Vitale (nivit) search for other commits by this committer
Author: Yusuf Yaman
www/linux-freetube: Add missing dependency

- Add graphics/linux-rl9-jpeg to run dependencies

PR:		282700
30 Oct 2024 08:30:15
commit hash: 59ad847eb216e2214b181b78bc779b9857bf6b42commit hash: 59ad847eb216e2214b181b78bc779b9857bf6b42commit hash: 59ad847eb216e2214b181b78bc779b9857bf6b42commit hash: 59ad847eb216e2214b181b78bc779b9857bf6b42 files touched by this commit
Nicola Vitale (nivit) search for other commits by this committer
www/linux-freetube: Update to 0.22.0.b
26 Aug 2024 14:03:05
commit hash: 9f4fdeb116e560d8899dfb8a04b9d5c873ae87c9commit hash: 9f4fdeb116e560d8899dfb8a04b9d5c873ae87c9commit hash: 9f4fdeb116e560d8899dfb8a04b9d5c873ae87c9commit hash: 9f4fdeb116e560d8899dfb8a04b9d5c873ae87c9 files touched by this commit
Nicola Vitale (nivit) search for other commits by this committer
www/linux-freetube: Add new port

FreeTube is an open source desktop YouTube player built with privacy in mind.
Use YouTube without advertisements and prevent Google from tracking you with
their cookies and JavaScript.


    - Watch videos without ads
    - Use YouTube without Google tracking you using cookies and JavaScript
    - Subscribe to channels without an account
    - Connect to an externally setup proxy such as Tor
    - View and search your local subscriptions, history, and saved videos
    - Organize your subscriptions into "Profiles" to create a more focused feed
    - Export & import subscriptions
    - Youtube Trending
    - Youtube Chapters
    - Most popular videos page based on the set Invidious instance
    - Watch videos using an external player
    - ... and much more

Number of commits found: 6