Port details |
- mediawiki133 Wiki engine used by Wikipedia
- 1.33.3 www
=0 1.33.3Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch. - Maintainer: wen@FreeBSD.org
 - Port Added: 2019-07-06 00:34:25
- Last Update: 2020-12-31 15:07:02
- SVN Revision: 559743
- License: GPLv2
- WWW:
- http://www.mediawiki.org/
- Description:
- MediaWiki is the collaborative editing software that runs Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia, and other projects.
It's designed to handle a large number of users and pages without imposing
too rigid a structure or workflow.
WWW: http://www.mediawiki.org/
cgit ¦ GitHub ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ 
- Manual pages:
- FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
- pkg-plist: as obtained via:
make generate-plist - There is no configure plist information for this port.
- Dependency lines:
- mediawiki133${PHP_PKGNAMESUFFIX}>0:www/mediawiki133
- Conflicts:
- mediawiki131-[0-9]*
- mediawiki13[4-5]-[0-9]*
- No installation instructions:
- This port has been deleted.
- PKGNAME: mediawiki133-php74
- Package flavors (<flavor>: <package>)
- php74: mediawiki133-php74
- php72: mediawiki133-php72
- php73: mediawiki133-php73
- distinfo:
- TIMESTAMP = 1585311540
SHA256 (mediawiki-1.33.3.tar.gz) = 1cc8f08378697296c206b6010a92a9f25fadb5c3be685d1880dc88eeffa3b467
SIZE (mediawiki-1.33.3.tar.gz) = 37866227
No package information for this port in our database- Sometimes this happens. Not all ports have packages. Perhaps there is a build error. Check the fallout link:

- Dependencies
- NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
- Runtime dependencies:
- php.h : lang/php74
- ctype.so : textproc/php74-ctype
- dom.so : textproc/php74-dom
- fileinfo.so : sysutils/php74-fileinfo
- iconv.so : converters/php74-iconv
- intl.so : devel/php74-intl
- json.so : devel/php74-json
- mbstring.so : converters/php74-mbstring
- openssl.so : security/php74-openssl
- readline.so : devel/php74-readline
- session.so : www/php74-session
- xml.so : textproc/php74-xml
- xmlreader.so : textproc/php74-xmlreader
- zlib.so : archivers/php74-zlib
- mysqli.so : databases/php74-mysqli
- sockets.so : net/php74-sockets
- Library dependencies:
- libmysqlclient.so.20 : databases/mysql57-client
- There are no ports dependent upon this port
Configuration Options:
- ===> The following configuration options are available for mediawiki133-php74-1.33.3:
IMAGICK=off: Use ImageMagick
LDAP=off: LDAP protocol support
MEMCACHED=off: Use memcached
SOCKETS=on: Use sockets
====> Options available for the single DB: you have to select exactly one of them
MYSQL=on: MySQL database support
PGSQL=off: PostgreSQL database support
SQLITE=off: SQLite database support
===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
- Options name:
- N/A
- php:flavors shebangfix mysql
- FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
- Master Sites:
Number of commits found: 8
Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page) |
Commit | Credits | Log message |
1.33.3 31 Dec 2020 15:07:02
rene  |
Remove expired ports not depending on Python 2.7:
2020-12-31 devel/arm-none-eabi-gdb: This is an old, obsolete version of gdb
2020-12-31 devel/pecl-weakref2: PHP 7.2 extension
2020-12-31 graphics/py-imageio24: Use graphics/py-imageio instead
2020-12-31 mail/bogofilter-tc: TokyoCabinet is being phased out in favor of
2020-12-31 net/pecl-yaz: PHP 7.2 extension
2020-12-31 print/cloudprint: Google Cloud Print is being shut down by Google by
end of 2020
2020-12-31 science/py-eccodes-python: Use science/py-eccodes instead
2020-12-31 sysutils/cfengine-masterfiles312: EOL
2020-12-31 sysutils/cfengine-masterfiles313: EOL
2020-12-31 sysutils/cfengine312: EOL
2020-12-31 sysutils/cfengine313: EOL
2020-12-31 sysutils/rubygem-chef-zero5: Please use sysutils/rubygem-chef-zero
2020-12-31 sysutils/syslog-ng325: Reduction of syslog-ng ports to one
2020-12-31 sysutils/syslog-ng326: Reduction of syslog-ng ports to one
2020-12-31 sysutils/syslog-ng328: Reduction of syslog-ng ports to one
2020-12-31 sysutils/syslog-ng329: Reduction of syslog-ng ports to one
2020-12-31 www/flashplayer: Depends on a deprecated port
2020-12-31 www/linux-flashplayer: Deprecated by upstream
2020-12-31 www/mediawiki133: Upstream end of life
2020-12-31 www/mediawiki134: Upstream end of life
2020-12-31 www/py-aiohttp2: Use www/py-aiohttp instead
sysutils/drm-legacy-kmod is left in for now. |
1.33.3 01 Oct 2020 12:23:07
wen  |
- Update CONFLICTS |
1.33.3 27 Mar 2020 13:28:57
wen  |
- UPdate mediawiki to 1.31.7, 1.33.3 and 1.34.1
(security releases)
MFH: 2020Q1 |
1.33.1 22 Dec 2019 17:43:24
delphij  |
Upgrade mediawiki LTS (www/mediawiki131) to 1.31.6;
Create port for mediawiki stable (www/mediawiki134)
Reported by: wen
MFH: 2019Q4 |
1.33.1 15 Nov 2019 10:12:08
tobik  |
Move remaining USE_MYSQL, WANT_MYSQL_VER to USES=mysql |
1.33.1 24 Oct 2019 15:43:41
wen  |
- Update mediawiki to 1.31.5, 1.32.5 and 1.33.1(include security fix)
MFH: 2019Q4 |
1.33.0 14 Aug 2019 12:25:09
mat  |
Convert to UCL & cleanup pkg-message (categories w) |
1.33.0 06 Jul 2019 00:34:15
wen  |
- Repocopy www/mediawiki132 --> www/mediawiki133 and update to 1.33.0 |
Number of commits found: 8