Port details on branch 2023Q1 |
- neon HTTP and WebDAV client library for Unix systems
- 0.32.5_3 www
=123 0.32.5_3Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch. - Maintainer: lev@FreeBSD.org
 - Port Added: 2000-10-25 22:04:55
- Last Update: 2024-02-26 11:22:54
- Commit Hash: 8c73dce
- People watching this port, also watch:: expat, libiconv, gmake, freetype2, png
- License: GPLv2
- WWW:
- https://notroj.github.io/neon/
- Description:
- Neon is an HTTP and WebDAV client library for Unix systems, with a C
interface. Featuring:
. High-level interface to HTTP and WebDAV methods
(PUT, GET, HEAD etc)
. Low-level interface to HTTP request handling, to allow
implementing new methods easily.
. HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/1.0 persistent connections
. RFC2617 basic and digest authentication
(including auth-int, md5-sess)
. Proxy support (including basic/digest authentication)
. Generic WebDAV 207 XML response handling mechanism
. XML parsing using the expat or libxml parsers
. Easy generation of error messages from 207 error responses
. WebDAV resource manipulation: MOVE, COPY, DELETE, MKCOL
. WebDAV metadata support: set and remove properties, query
any set of properties (PROPPATCH/PROPFIND).
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 
- Manual pages:
- FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
- pkg-plist: as obtained via:
make generate-plist - Dependency lines:
- To install the port:
- cd /usr/ports/www/neon/ && make install clean
- To add the package, run one of these commands:
- pkg install www/neon
- pkg install neon
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.- PKGNAME: neon
- Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
- distinfo:
- TIMESTAMP = 1696275308
SHA256 (neon-0.32.5.tar.gz) = 4872e12f802572dedd4b02f870065814b2d5141f7dbdaf708eedab826b51a58a
SIZE (neon-0.32.5.tar.gz) = 896177
Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
- Dependencies
- NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
- Build dependencies:
- xmlto : textproc/xmlto
- docbook-xml>0 : textproc/docbook-xml
- pkgconf>=1.3.0_1 : devel/pkgconf
- gettext-runtime>=0.22_1 : devel/gettext-runtime
- msgfmt : devel/gettext-tools
- Library dependencies:
- libexpat.so : textproc/expat2
- libintl.so : devel/gettext-runtime
- This port is required by:
- for Libraries
- audio/libcoverart
- audio/libmusicbrainz5
- devel/pysvn
- filesystems/davfs2
- misc/far2l
- multimedia/audacious-plugins
- sysutils/nut
Deleted ports which required this port:
- * - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...
Configuration Options:
- ===> The following configuration options are available for neon-0.32.5_3:
DOCS=on: Build and/or install documentation (including manpages)
GSSAPI=on: GSSAPI Security API support
NLS=on: Native Language Support
PROXY=off: libproxy support
====> XML parser library: you have to select exactly one of them
EXPAT=on: XML parser support via Expat
LIBXML2=off: libxml2 XML parser support
====> SSL protocol support: you can only select none or one of them
GNUTLS=off: SSL/TLS support via GnuTLS
OPENSSL=on: SSL/TLS support via OpenSSL
===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
- Options name:
- www_neon
- cpe libtool localbase:ldflags pathfix pkgconfig gettext ssl
- FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
- Master Sites: