Django REST framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit that makes
it easy to build Web APIs.
Note: This is the 3.9.x branch which supports Django 1.11 and later
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Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
www/py-djangorestframework: Update to 3.11.0
* Switch the port to Django 2.2 (current LTS release) as well because
Django 1.11 is End-of-Life since April. Do the same for www/py-drf-yasg.
* Repo-copy www/py-djangorestframework to www/py-djangorestframework311
which will be used as a transitional package by www/seahub until it gets
support for Django 2.2+ in the next weeks/months.
* Drop the Python 2.7 support of the remaining consumers to avoid breakage
of "bulk -a".
* Mark both repo-copied ports www/py-dj22-{djangorestframework,drf-yasg} as
deprecated because they're obsolete now.
PR: 245309
Reviewed by: sunpoet (earlier revision), ultima
Differential Revision: