Port details on branch 2024Q4 |
- ipython Enhanced Interactive Python shell
- 8.18.1_1 devel =7 8.18.1_1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
- Maintainer: python@FreeBSD.org
- Port Added: 2003-12-06 18:16:22
- Last Update: 2024-04-08 12:37:28
- Commit Hash: 0a4260b
- People watching this port, also watch:: screen, sudo, postfix, delegate, pfqueue
- Also Listed In: python
- License: BSD3CLAUSE
- WWW:
- https://ipython.org/
- https://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
- https://github.com/ipython/ipython
- Description:
- IPython is a free software project which tries to:
1. Provide an interactive shell superior to Python's
default. IPython has many features for object introspection,
system shell access, and its own special command system for
adding functionality when working interactively. It tries to be
a very efficient environment both for Python code development
and for exploration of problems using Python objects (in
situations like data analysis).
2. Serve as an embeddable, ready to use interpreter for your own
programs. IPython can be started with a single call from inside
another program, providing access to the current namespace. This
can be very useful both for debugging purposes and for
situations where a blend of batch-processing and interactive
exploration are needed.
3. Offer a flexible framework which can be used as the base
environment for other systems with Python as the underlying
language. Specifically scientific environments like Mathematica,
IDL and Mathcad inspired its design, but similar ideas can be
useful in many fields.
- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
- Manual pages:
- FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
- pkg-plist: as obtained via:
make generate-plist - There is no configure plist information for this port.
- Dependency lines:
- ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}ipython>0:devel/ipython@${PY_FLAVOR}
- Conflicts:
- To install the port:
- cd /usr/ports/devel/ipython/ && make install clean
- To add the package, run one of these commands:
- pkg install devel/ipython
- pkg install py39-ipython
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above. NOTE: This is a Python port. Instead of py39-ipython listed in the above command, you can pick from the names under the Packages section.- PKGNAME: py39-ipython
- Package flavors (<flavor>: <package>)
- distinfo:
- TIMESTAMP = 1701364506
SHA256 (ipython-8.18.1.tar.gz) = ca6f079bb33457c66e233e4580ebfc4128855b4cf6370dddd73842a9563e8a27
SIZE (ipython-8.18.1.tar.gz) = 5486330
Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
- Dependencies
- NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
- Build dependencies:
- py39-setuptools>=51.0.0 : devel/py-setuptools@py39
- py39-wheel>=0 : devel/py-wheel@py39
- python3.9 : lang/python39
- py39-build>=0 : devel/py-build@py39
- py39-installer>=0 : devel/py-installer@py39
- Test dependencies:
- python3.9 : lang/python39
- Runtime dependencies:
- py39-decorator>=0 : devel/py-decorator@py39
- py39-exceptiongroup>=1.1.1 : devel/py-exceptiongroup@py39
- py39-jedi>=0.16 : devel/py-jedi@py39
- py39-pexpect>=4.3 : misc/py-pexpect@py39
- py39-prompt-toolkit>=3.0.41<3.1.0 : devel/py-prompt-toolkit@py39
- py39-pygments>=2.4.0 : textproc/py-pygments@py39
- py39-sqlite3>=2 : databases/py-sqlite3@py39
- py39-stack-data>0 : devel/py-stack-data@py39
- py39-traitlets>=5 : devel/py-traitlets@py39
- py39-matplotlib-inline>0 : math/py-matplotlib-inline@py39
- python3.9 : lang/python39
- py39-typing-extensions>=0 : devel/py-typing-extensions@py39
- This port is required by:
- for Build
- science/py-OpenMC
- science/py-py3Dmol
Deleted ports which required this port:
- for Run
- biology/py-scikit-bio
- devel/py-ipdb
- devel/py-ipykernel
- devel/py-ipympl
- devel/py-ipyparallel
- devel/py-ipywidgets
- devel/py-jira
Deleted ports which required this port:
- * - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...
Configuration Options:
- ===> The following configuration options are available for py39-ipython-8.18.1_1:
EXAMPLES=on: Build and/or install examples
===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
- Options name:
- devel_ipython
- cpe python:3.9+
- FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
- Master Sites: