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Port details
svgalib Low level console graphics library
1.4.3_8 graphics on this many watch lists=226 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 1.4.3_8Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
There is no maintainer for this port.
Any concerns regarding this port should be directed to the FreeBSD Ports mailing list via search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2000-08-25 06:08:01
Last Update: 2024-03-14 11:34:10
Commit Hash: 5633fbe
People watching this port, also watch:: libiconv, png, gmake, tiff, freetype2
Also Listed In: devel
License: PD
This is a low level console graphics library, originally based on VGAlib 1.2 by Tommy Frandsen. VGAlib supported a number of standard VGA graphics modes, as well as high resolution/high color modes found on many popular graphics adapters. As of now, support for many more chipsets had been added. It supports transparent virtual console switching, that is, you can switch consoles to and from text and graphics mode consoles using Alt-[Function Key]. Also, SVGAlib corrects most of VGAlib's textmode corruption behavior by catching SIGSEGV, SIGFPE, SIGILL, and other fatal signals and ensuring that a program is running in the currently visible virtual console before setting a graphics mode.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (270 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. @ldconfig
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/svgalib-1.4.3_8/
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/svgalib-1.4.3_8/LICENSE
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/svgalib-1.4.3_8/PD
  5. bin/dumpreg
  6. bin/restorefont
  7. bin/restorepalette
  8. bin/restoretextmode
  9. bin/savetextmode
  10. bin/svgakeymap
  11. bin/textmode
  12. etc/vga/dvorak-us.keymap
  13. etc/vga/libvga.config
  14. etc/vga/libvga.et4000
  15. etc/vga/null.keymap
  16. include/linux/kd.h
  17. include/linux/keyboard.h
  18. include/vga.h
  19. include/vgagl.h
  20. include/vgajoystick.h
  21. include/vgakeyboard.h
  22. include/vgamouse.h
  23. lib/libvga.a
  24. lib/
  25. lib/
  26. lib/libvgagl.a
  27. lib/
  28. lib/
  29. share/man/man1/convfont.1.gz
  30. share/man/man1/dumpreg.1.gz
  31. share/man/man1/fix132x43.1.gz
  32. share/man/man1/restorefont.1.gz
  33. share/man/man1/restorepalette.1.gz
  34. share/man/man1/restoretextmode.1.gz
  35. share/man/man1/runx.1.gz
  36. share/man/man1/savetextmode.1.gz
  37. share/man/man1/setmclk.1.gz
  38. share/man/man1/svgakeymap.1.gz
  39. share/man/man1/textmode.1.gz
  40. share/man/man3/currentcontext.3.gz
  41. share/man/man3/gl_allocatecontext.3.gz
  42. share/man/man3/gl_bcircle.3.gz
  43. share/man/man3/gl_circle.3.gz
  44. share/man/man3/gl_clearscreen.3.gz
  45. share/man/man3/gl_colorfont.3.gz
  46. share/man/man3/gl_compileboxmask.3.gz
  47. share/man/man3/gl_compiledboxmasksize.3.gz
  48. share/man/man3/gl_copybox.3.gz
  49. share/man/man3/gl_copyboxfromcontext.3.gz
  50. share/man/man3/gl_copyboxtocontext.3.gz
  51. share/man/man3/gl_copyscreen.3.gz
  52. share/man/man3/gl_disableclipping.3.gz
  53. share/man/man3/gl_enableclipping.3.gz
  54. share/man/man3/gl_enablepageflipping.3.gz
  55. share/man/man3/gl_expandfont.3.gz
  56. share/man/man3/gl_fillbox.3.gz
  57. share/man/man3/gl_fillcircle.3.gz
  58. share/man/man3/gl_font8x8.3.gz
  59. share/man/man3/gl_freecontext.3.gz
  60. share/man/man3/gl_getbox.3.gz
  61. share/man/man3/gl_getcontext.3.gz
  62. share/man/man3/gl_getpalette.3.gz
  63. share/man/man3/gl_getpalettecolor.3.gz
  64. share/man/man3/gl_getpalettecolors.3.gz
  65. share/man/man3/gl_getpixel.3.gz
  66. share/man/man3/gl_getpixelrgb.3.gz
  67. share/man/man3/gl_hline.3.gz
  68. share/man/man3/gl_line.3.gz
  69. share/man/man3/gl_printf.3.gz
  70. share/man/man3/gl_putbox.3.gz
  71. share/man/man3/gl_putboxmask.3.gz
  72. share/man/man3/gl_putboxmaskcompiled.3.gz
  73. share/man/man3/gl_putboxpart.3.gz
  74. share/man/man3/gl_rgbcolor.3.gz
  75. share/man/man3/gl_scalebox.3.gz
  76. share/man/man3/gl_setclippingwindow.3.gz
  77. share/man/man3/gl_setcontext.3.gz
  78. share/man/man3/gl_setcontextheight.3.gz
  79. share/man/man3/gl_setcontextvga.3.gz
  80. share/man/man3/gl_setcontextvgavirtual.3.gz
  81. share/man/man3/gl_setcontextvirtual.3.gz
  82. share/man/man3/gl_setcontextwidth.3.gz
  83. share/man/man3/gl_setdisplaystart.3.gz
  84. share/man/man3/gl_setfont.3.gz
  85. share/man/man3/gl_setfontcolors.3.gz
  86. share/man/man3/gl_setpalette.3.gz
  87. share/man/man3/gl_setpalettecolor.3.gz
  88. share/man/man3/gl_setpalettecolors.3.gz
  89. share/man/man3/gl_setpixel.3.gz
  90. share/man/man3/gl_setpixelrgb.3.gz
  91. share/man/man3/gl_setrgbpalette.3.gz
  92. share/man/man3/gl_setscreenoffset.3.gz
  93. share/man/man3/gl_setwritemode.3.gz
  94. share/man/man3/gl_striangle.3.gz
  95. share/man/man3/gl_swtriangle.3.gz
  96. share/man/man3/gl_triangle.3.gz
  97. share/man/man3/gl_trigetcolorlookup.3.gz
  98. share/man/man3/gl_trisetcolorlookup.3.gz
  99. share/man/man3/gl_trisetdrawpoint.3.gz
  100. share/man/man3/gl_write.3.gz
  101. share/man/man3/gl_writen.3.gz
  102. share/man/man3/gl_wtriangle.3.gz
  103. share/man/man3/graph_mem.3.gz
  104. share/man/man3/joystick_button1.3.gz
  105. share/man/man3/joystick_button2.3.gz
  106. share/man/man3/joystick_button3.3.gz
  107. share/man/man3/joystick_button4.3.gz
  108. share/man/man3/joystick_close.3.gz
  109. share/man/man3/joystick_getaxis.3.gz
  110. share/man/man3/joystick_getb1.3.gz
  111. share/man/man3/joystick_getb2.3.gz
  112. share/man/man3/joystick_getb3.3.gz
  113. share/man/man3/joystick_getb4.3.gz
  114. share/man/man3/joystick_getbutton.3.gz
  115. share/man/man3/joystick_getnumaxes.3.gz
  116. share/man/man3/joystick_getnumbuttons.3.gz
  117. share/man/man3/joystick_getx.3.gz
  118. share/man/man3/joystick_gety.3.gz
  119. share/man/man3/joystick_getz.3.gz
  120. share/man/man3/joystick_init.3.gz
  121. share/man/man3/joystick_setdefaulthandler.3.gz
  122. share/man/man3/joystick_sethandler.3.gz
  123. share/man/man3/joystick_update.3.gz
  124. share/man/man3/joystick_x.3.gz
  125. share/man/man3/joystick_y.3.gz
  126. share/man/man3/joystick_z.3.gz
  127. share/man/man3/keyboard_clearstate.3.gz
  128. share/man/man3/keyboard_close.3.gz
  129. share/man/man3/keyboard_getstate.3.gz
  130. share/man/man3/keyboard_init.3.gz
  131. share/man/man3/keyboard_init_return_fd.3.gz
  132. share/man/man3/keyboard_keypressed.3.gz
  133. share/man/man3/keyboard_setdefaulteventhandler.3.gz
  134. share/man/man3/keyboard_seteventhandler.3.gz
  135. share/man/man3/keyboard_translatekeys.3.gz
  136. share/man/man3/keyboard_update.3.gz
  137. share/man/man3/keyboard_waitforupdate.3.gz
  138. share/man/man3/mouse_close.3.gz
  139. share/man/man3/mouse_getbutton.3.gz
  140. share/man/man3/mouse_getcaps.3.gz
  141. share/man/man3/mouse_getposition_6d.3.gz
  142. share/man/man3/mouse_getx.3.gz
  143. share/man/man3/mouse_gety.3.gz
  144. share/man/man3/mouse_init.3.gz
  145. share/man/man3/mouse_init_return_fd.3.gz
  146. share/man/man3/mouse_setdefaulteventhandler.3.gz
  147. share/man/man3/mouse_seteventhandler.3.gz
  148. share/man/man3/mouse_setposition.3.gz
  149. share/man/man3/mouse_setposition_6d.3.gz
  150. share/man/man3/mouse_setrange_6d.3.gz
  151. share/man/man3/mouse_setscale.3.gz
  152. share/man/man3/mouse_setwrap.3.gz
  153. share/man/man3/mouse_setxrange.3.gz
  154. share/man/man3/mouse_setyrange.3.gz
  155. share/man/man3/mouse_update.3.gz
  156. share/man/man3/mouse_waitforupdate.3.gz
  157. share/man/man3/vga_accel.3.gz
  158. share/man/man3/vga_addmode.3.gz
  159. share/man/man3/vga_addtiming.3.gz
  160. share/man/man3/vga_bitblt.3.gz
  161. share/man/man3/vga_blitwait.3.gz
  162. share/man/man3/vga_changetiming.3.gz
  163. share/man/man3/vga_claimvideomemory.3.gz
  164. share/man/man3/vga_clear.3.gz
  165. share/man/man3/vga_copytoplanar16.3.gz
  166. share/man/man3/vga_copytoplanar256.3.gz
  167. share/man/man3/vga_copytoplane.3.gz
  168. share/man/man3/vga_disabledriverreport.3.gz
  169. share/man/man3/vga_drawline.3.gz
  170. share/man/man3/vga_drawpixel.3.gz
  171. share/man/man3/vga_drawscanline.3.gz
  172. share/man/man3/vga_drawscansegment.3.gz
  173. share/man/man3/vga_dumpregs.3.gz
  174. share/man/man3/vga_ext_set.3.gz
  175. share/man/man3/vga_fillblt.3.gz
  176. share/man/man3/vga_flip.3.gz
  177. share/man/man3/vga_getch.3.gz
  178. share/man/man3/vga_getcolors.3.gz
  179. share/man/man3/vga_getcurrentchipset.3.gz
  180. share/man/man3/vga_getcurrentmode.3.gz
  181. share/man/man3/vga_getcurrenttiming.3.gz
  182. share/man/man3/vga_getdefaultmode.3.gz
  183. share/man/man3/vga_getgraphmem.3.gz
  184. share/man/man3/vga_getkey.3.gz
  185. share/man/man3/vga_getmodeinfo.3.gz
  186. share/man/man3/vga_getmodename.3.gz
  187. share/man/man3/vga_getmodenumber.3.gz
  188. share/man/man3/vga_getmonitortype.3.gz
  189. share/man/man3/vga_getmousetype.3.gz
  190. share/man/man3/vga_getpalette.3.gz
  191. share/man/man3/vga_getpalvec.3.gz
  192. share/man/man3/vga_getpixel.3.gz
  193. share/man/man3/vga_getscansegment.3.gz
  194. share/man/man3/vga_gettextfont.3.gz
  195. share/man/man3/vga_gettextmoderegs.3.gz
  196. share/man/man3/vga_getxdim.3.gz
  197. share/man/man3/vga_getydim.3.gz
  198. share/man/man3/vga_guesstiming.3.gz
  199. share/man/man3/vga_hasmode.3.gz
  200. share/man/man3/vga_hlinelistblt.3.gz
  201. share/man/man3/vga_imageblt.3.gz
  202. share/man/man3/vga_init.3.gz
  203. share/man/man3/vga_lastmodenumber.3.gz
  204. share/man/man3/vga_lockvc.3.gz
  205. share/man/man3/vga_oktowrite.3.gz
  206. share/man/man3/vga_puttextfont.3.gz
  207. share/man/man3/vga_runinbackground.3.gz
  208. share/man/man3/vga_runinbackground_version.3.gz
  209. share/man/man3/vga_safety_fork.3.gz
  210. share/man/man3/vga_screenoff.3.gz
  211. share/man/man3/vga_screenon.3.gz
  212. share/man/man3/vga_setchipset.3.gz
  213. share/man/man3/vga_setchipsetandfeatures.3.gz
  214. share/man/man3/vga_setcolor.3.gz
  215. share/man/man3/vga_setdisplaystart.3.gz
  216. share/man/man3/vga_setegacolor.3.gz
  217. share/man/man3/vga_setflipchar.3.gz
  218. share/man/man3/vga_setlinearaddressing.3.gz
  219. share/man/man3/vga_setlogicalwidth.3.gz
  220. share/man/man3/vga_setmode.3.gz
  221. share/man/man3/vga_setmodeX.3.gz
  222. share/man/man3/vga_setmousesupport.3.gz
  223. share/man/man3/vga_setpage.3.gz
  224. share/man/man3/vga_setpalette.3.gz
  225. share/man/man3/vga_setpalvec.3.gz
  226. share/man/man3/vga_setreadpage.3.gz
  227. share/man/man3/vga_setrgbcolor.3.gz
  228. share/man/man3/vga_settextmoderegs.3.gz
  229. share/man/man3/vga_setwritepage.3.gz
  230. share/man/man3/vga_unlockvc.3.gz
  231. share/man/man3/vga_waitevent.3.gz
  232. share/man/man3/vga_waitretrace.3.gz
  233. share/man/man3/vga_white.3.gz
  234. share/man/man5/libvga.config.5.gz
  235. share/man/man5/libvga.et4000.5.gz
  236. share/man/man5/svgalibrc.5.gz
  237. share/man/man6/accel.6.gz
  238. share/man/man6/bg_test.6.gz
  239. share/man/man6/eventtest.6.gz
  240. share/man/man6/forktest.6.gz
  241. share/man/man6/fun.6.gz
  242. share/man/man6/joytest.6.gz
  243. share/man/man6/keytest.6.gz
  244. share/man/man6/lineart.6.gz
  245. share/man/man6/mach32info.6.gz
  246. share/man/man6/mjoytest.6.gz
  247. share/man/man6/mousetest.6.gz
  248. share/man/man6/plane.6.gz
  249. share/man/man6/printftest.6.gz
  250. share/man/man6/scrolltest.6.gz
  251. share/man/man6/speedtest.6.gz
  252. share/man/man6/spin.6.gz
  253. share/man/man6/svidtune.6.gz
  254. share/man/man6/testaccel.6.gz
  255. share/man/man6/testgl.6.gz
  256. share/man/man6/testlinear.6.gz
  257. share/man/man6/threed.6.gz
  258. share/man/man6/vgatest.6.gz
  259. share/man/man6/wrapdemo.6.gz
  260. share/man/man7/svgalib.7.gz
  261. share/man/man7/svgalib.chips.7.gz
  262. share/man/man7/svgalib.et4000.7.gz
  263. share/man/man7/svgalib.faq.7.gz
  264. share/man/man7/svgalib.mach32.7.gz
  265. share/man/man7/threedkit.7.gz
  266. share/man/man7/vgagl.7.gz
  267. share/man/man8/mode3.8.gz
  268. @owner
  269. @group
  270. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • svgalib>0:graphics/svgalib
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/graphics/svgalib/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install graphics/svgalib
  • pkg install svgalib
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: svgalib
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
ONLY_FOR_ARCHS: i386 amd64
SHA256 (svgalib-1.4.3.tar.gz) = 5cc75a3a4acb26b57b302b19df406dd772a85cc218d1527c4a57eff53b29ce13 SIZE (svgalib-1.4.3.tar.gz) = 840282

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. gmake>=4.4.1 : devel/gmake
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. games/retroarch
for Libraries
  1. graphics/linplasma
  2. graphics/seejpeg
  3. graphics/zgv

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 14 deleted ports
  1. emulators/gnuboy*
  2. graphics/acidwarp*
  3. graphics/povray36*
  4. print/ghostscript7*
  5. print/ghostscript7-base*
  6. print/ghostscript7-nox11*
  7. print/ghostscript8*
  8. print/ghostscript8-base*
  9. print/ghostscript8-nox11*
  10. print/ghostscript9*
  11. print/ghostscript9-agpl*
  12. print/ghostscript9-agpl-nox11*
  13. print/ghostscript9-base*
  14. print/ghostscript9-nox11*
  15. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
* - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...

Configuration Options:
No options to configure
Options name:
cpe gmake uidfix dos2unix shebangfix
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (1 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.

Number of commits found: 61

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
14 Mar 2024 11:34:10
commit hash: 5633fbeafad42705c9c296732b62abf42017479dcommit hash: 5633fbeafad42705c9c296732b62abf42017479dcommit hash: 5633fbeafad42705c9c296732b62abf42017479dcommit hash: 5633fbeafad42705c9c296732b62abf42017479d files touched by this commit
Christian Weisgerber (naddy) search for other commits by this committer
graphics/svgalib: Move man pages to share/man

Approved by:	portmgr (blanket)
07 Sep 2022 21:58:51
commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Remove WWW entries moved into port Makefiles

Commit b7f05445c00f has added WWW entries to port Makefiles based on
WWW: lines in pkg-descr files.

This commit removes the WWW: lines of moved-over URLs from these
pkg-descr files.

Approved by:		portmgr (tcberner)
07 Sep 2022 21:10:59
commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Add WWW entries to port Makefiles

It has been common practice to have one or more URLs at the end of the
ports' pkg-descr files, one per line and prefixed with "WWW:". These
URLs should point at a project website or other relevant resources.

Access to these URLs required processing of the pkg-descr files, and
they have often become stale over time. If more than one such URL was
present in a pkg-descr file, only the first one was tarnsfered into
the port INDEX, but for many ports only the last line did contain the
port specific URL to further information.

There have been several proposals to make a project URL available as
a macro in the ports' Makefiles, over time.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
20 Jul 2022 15:52:49
commit hash: 6fd5ce4b2ae8c7df72cc97f7303a99a7b14915d7commit hash: 6fd5ce4b2ae8c7df72cc97f7303a99a7b14915d7commit hash: 6fd5ce4b2ae8c7df72cc97f7303a99a7b14915d7commit hash: 6fd5ce4b2ae8c7df72cc97f7303a99a7b14915d7 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
graphics/svgalib: prevent "make all" from deleting files

The Makefile provided with this software made "make install" imply
"make uninstall" as a pre-condition. This caused the installation of
files to the stage directory to be preceded by the removal of those
files from the base system.

This is unacceptable behavior for a port: no files outside of the
work directory and possibly $TMPDIR (i.e. /tmp) must be affected by
"make all" to build a port.

This issue did not affect building a package in poudriere, since
there were no installed files to delete, and the generated package
was correct. Therefore, the PORTREVISION has not been bumped.

Reported by:	Andy Farkas <>
20 Jul 2022 14:22:04
commit hash: 022e658bd10b8753ede87b3dfda087efabddac98commit hash: 022e658bd10b8753ede87b3dfda087efabddac98commit hash: 022e658bd10b8753ede87b3dfda087efabddac98commit hash: 022e658bd10b8753ede87b3dfda087efabddac98 files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
graphics: remove 'Created by' lines

A big Thank You to the original contributors of these ports:

  *  "Waitman Gobble" <>
  *  Aaron Dalton <>
  *  Abel Chow <>
  *  Adam Weinberger <>
  *  Ade Lovett <>
  *  Ade Lovett <>
  *  Akinori MUSHA aka knu <>
  *  Aldis Berjoza <>
  *  Alex Hayward <>
  *  Alex Ivasyuv <>
  *  Alex Samorukov <>
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
02 May 2022 10:46:28
commit hash: d64256b72d6c06774342e032ebb1364df52d3bf6commit hash: d64256b72d6c06774342e032ebb1364df52d3bf6commit hash: d64256b72d6c06774342e032ebb1364df52d3bf6commit hash: d64256b72d6c06774342e032ebb1364df52d3bf6 files touched by this commit
Rene Ladan (rene) search for other commits by this committer
grimreaper: return zeising's ports to the pool after safekeeping his ports bit.
29 Aug 2021 11:46:05
commit hash: 9de5f160f54d1dd2cfff54df4351551cb7e14c46commit hash: 9de5f160f54d1dd2cfff54df4351551cb7e14c46commit hash: 9de5f160f54d1dd2cfff54df4351551cb7e14c46commit hash: 9de5f160f54d1dd2cfff54df4351551cb7e14c46 files touched by this commit
Bernhard Froehlich (decke) search for other commits by this committer
graphics/svgalib: Add CPE information

Approved by:	portmgr (blanket)
06 Apr 2021 14:31:07
commit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344eb files touched by this commit
Mathieu Arnold (mat) search for other commits by this committer
Remove # $FreeBSD$ from Makefiles.
31 Jan 2019 18:19:06
Revision:491748Original commit files touched by this commit
tobik search for other commits by this committer
Only append to MAKE_ENV after
16 Jul 2018 09:07:44
Revision:474721Original commit files touched by this commit
amdmi3 search for other commits by this committer
- Whitespace fix

Approved by:	portmgr blanket
01 Feb 2017 05:24:35
Revision:432966Original commit files touched by this commit
jbeich search for other commits by this committer
graphics/svgalib: unbreak with clang 4.0

In file included from gl/grlib.c:7:
gl/inlstring.h:71:9: error: asm-specifier for input or output variable conflicts
with asm clobber list
  :         "cx", "di");
gl/inlstring.h:281:17: error: asm-specifier for input or output variable
conflicts with asm clobber list
                         :"ax", "0", "1", "2");
gl/inlstring.h:297:17: error: asm-specifier for input or output variable
conflicts with asm clobber list
                         :"ax", "0", "1", "2");
gl/inlstring.h:314:17: error: asm-specifier for input or output variable
conflicts with asm clobber list
                         :"ax", "0", "1", "2");

PR:		216154
Reported by:	antoine (via exp-run)
Submitted by:	dim
Approved by:	portmgr blanket
16 Jul 2015 21:29:36
Revision:392325Original commit files touched by this commit
zeising search for other commits by this committer
Break build when WITH_DEBUG= is set

PR:		196576
Submitted by:
20 Oct 2014 17:04:21
Revision:371283Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Cleanup plist
04 Sep 2014 18:35:10
Revision:367303Original commit files touched by this commit
amdmi3 search for other commits by this committer
@dirrmtry include/linux, which is used by multiple ports

Approved by:	portmgr blanket
29 Jul 2014 17:12:50
Revision:363362Original commit files touched by this commit
adamw search for other commits by this committer
Rename all patches that contain '::' as a path separator, and use
'__' instead.
28 Jul 2014 21:54:34
Revision:363261Original commit files touched by this commit
adamw search for other commits by this committer
Rename german/ and graphics/ patch-xy patches to reflect the files they modify.
13 Jun 2014 07:36:28
Revision:357654Original commit files touched by this commit
olgeni search for other commits by this committer
Remove indefinite articles and trailing periods from COMMENT, plus
minor COMMENT typos and surrounding whitespace fixes. Categories G-I.

CR:		D201
Approved by:	portmgr (bapt)
24 Apr 2014 20:09:17
Revision:352061Original commit files touched by this commit Refresh
antoine search for other commits by this committer
Do not create strange stage orphans
18 Apr 2014 17:10:16
Revision:351551Original commit files touched by this commit
mat search for other commits by this committer
Fix build as a user.
USES+=uidfix dos2unix shebangfix

Sponsored by:	Absolight
08 Feb 2014 16:31:30
Revision:343361Original commit files touched by this commit
miwi search for other commits by this committer
- Stage support
- Convert to USES
20 Sep 2013 18:35:46
Revision:327733Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Add NO_STAGE all over the place in preparation for the staging support (cat:
14 Aug 2013 22:35:54
Revision:324744Original commit files touched by this commit Sanity Test Failure
ak search for other commits by this committer
- Remove MAKE_JOBS_SAFE variable

Approved by:	portmgr (bdrewery)
30 Jan 2013 16:21:27
Revision:311232Original commit files touched by this commit
zeising search for other commits by this committer
Add patches to fix build with clang by replacing some inline assembly with
optimal code, and removing some unneded casts.

Submitted by:	dim
Approved by:	kwm, miwi (mentors, implicit)
18 Jan 2013 12:47:14
Revision:310602Original commit files touched by this commit
zeising search for other commits by this committer
While here, trim makefile headers.

Approved by:	kwm, miwi (mentors, implicit)
03 Sep 2012 04:00:32
Revision:303586Original commit files touched by this commit
eadler search for other commits by this committer
Mark ports MAKE_JOBS_SAFE after some testing.
01 Nov 2011 20:46:07
Original commit files touched by this commit
dougb search for other commits by this committer
Remove references to unsupported FreeBSD versions. Mostly of the form:
.if ${OSVERSION} < 700000
14 Jul 2011 15:54:25
Original commit files touched by this commit
arved search for other commits by this committer
Fix build with clang

PR:             158548
Submitted by:   Niclas Zeising
03 Jul 2011 14:12:23
Original commit files touched by this commit
ohauer search for other commits by this committer
-remove MD5
17 May 2011 14:17:02
Original commit files touched by this commit
danfe search for other commits by this committer
Reformat description text.
19 Oct 2010 21:34:37
Original commit files touched by this commit
pav search for other commits by this committer
- Mark BROKEN on amd64/6

Reported by:    pointyhat
09 Oct 2010 12:32:21
Original commit files touched by this commit
danfe search for other commits by this committer
- Allow to build on at least amd64 [*]
- Bring in some nice patches from Debian
- Clean up Makefile, drop maintainership

PR:             ports/150392 [*]
Submitted by:   acm
Obtained from:  Debian
07 Feb 2007 17:06:01
Original commit files touched by this commit
pav search for other commits by this committer
- Fix build with gcc4
- Portlint

PR:             ports/108232
Submitted by:   rafan
Approved by:    maintainer timeout (danfe; 15 days)
04 Oct 2006 00:02:05
Original commit files touched by this commit
danfe search for other commits by this committer
Fix the build with upcoming GCC 4.1.
05 Dec 2005 13:30:44
Original commit files touched by this commit
danfe search for other commits by this committer
Add some more SHA256 sums to my ports.
30 Jul 2005 11:52:40
Original commit files touched by this commit
danfe search for other commits by this committer are still needed for correct MANx

Noticed by:     lofi
29 Jul 2005 06:21:15
Original commit files touched by this commit
danfe search for other commits by this committer
- Add a patch to allow SVGAlib to work with nVidia cards [1]
- Remove obsolete OSVERSION check in Makefile
- Minor nits in pkg-descr

Submitted by:   Mark Tinguely <tinguely(at)> [1]
27 Aug 2004 08:46:33
Original commit files touched by this commit
danfe search for other commits by this committer
Update my email address to `'.
Relinquish ports I happen to no longer use.  They seem to be of the latest
versions, and non-broken, so this is a "clean" dump.

Approved by:    fjoe (mentor)
30 Jul 2004 09:39:42
Original commit files touched by this commit
krion search for other commits by this committer
The last try to fix install with gcc-3.4.2

Submitted by:   maintainer
30 Jul 2004 07:58:12
Original commit files touched by this commit
krion search for other commits by this committer
Fix build with gcc-3.4.2

Submitted by:   maintainer
14 Mar 2004 11:34:05
Original commit files touched by this commit
pav search for other commits by this committer
- Add patch to set useful default for mouse

PR:             ports/63609
Submitted by:   Simon Barner <>
Approved by:    maintainer timeout (2 weeks)
29 Feb 2004 20:50:30
Original commit files touched by this commit
krion search for other commits by this committer
- SIZEify

PR:             ports/63548
Submitted by:   maintainer
04 Feb 2004 05:21:48
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION on all ports that depend on gettext to aid with upgrading.

(Part 2)
24 Sep 2003 08:14:11
Original commit files touched by this commit
edwin search for other commits by this committer
(bump port-revision, my mistake)

PR:             ports/57052
24 Sep 2003 08:13:29
Original commit files touched by this commit
edwin search for other commits by this committer
[patch] graphics/svgalib checks wrong virtual console for ownership

        graphics/svgalib contains an off-by-one error in the code
        that checks that the user is the owner of the current virtual
        terminal.  Instead of checking /dev/ttyv[X], it checks

        Submitted by:   Chris Pressey <>

        This happens because svgalib was written for Linnex, and
        they start tty numbering from 1, contrary to FreeBSD, which
        does it from 0.  I always knew that FreeBSD is better: who
        counts from 1 in this world?! ;-)

PR:             ports/57052
Submitted by:   Alexey Dokuchaev <>
31 Jul 2003 13:25:26
Original commit files touched by this commit
krion search for other commits by this committer
Update to 1.4.3
Hand maintainership to submitter

PR:             55106 55107
Submitted by:   Alexey Dokuchaev <>
Approved by:    fjoe (mentor) (implicit)
31 Jul 2003 07:16:22
Original commit files touched by this commit
maho search for other commits by this committer
graphics/svgalib itself calls ldconfig.
Later on the ports makefile does it again.
the ports Makefile does it and should not
the Makefile in the tarball.

PR:             47996
Submitted by:   Edwin Groothuis <>
29 Jul 2003 09:12:37
Original commit files touched by this commit
sobomax search for other commits by this committer
Let be hohest: I really don't have a time now to properly maintain all
these great pieces of software, so that let others with more free time
to take over them.
29 Jul 2003 07:28:18
Original commit files touched by this commit
des search for other commits by this committer
Remove unnecessary ## which caused the build to fail with gcc 3.3.

Approved by:    maintainer (sobomax)
07 Mar 2003 06:04:15
Original commit files touched by this commit
ade search for other commits by this committer
Clear moonlight beckons.
Requiem mors pacem pkg-comment,
And be calm ports tree.

E Nomini Patri, E Fili, E Spiritu Sancti.
14 Jan 2003 13:58:23
Original commit files touched by this commit
sobomax search for other commits by this committer

Submitted by:   kris
05 Nov 2002 00:26:28
Original commit files touched by this commit
edwin search for other commits by this committer
Fix damage done by replacing PERL into REINPLACE_CMD.
Noticed on: bento
04 Nov 2002 05:46:38
Original commit files touched by this commit
edwin search for other commits by this committer
And some ports have USE_PERL5=yes now.
17 May 2002 08:34:04
Original commit files touched by this commit
sobomax search for other commits by this committer
Mark as a ONLY_FOR_ARCH=i386.

Prompted by:    kris
19 Jun 2001 16:22:29
commit hash: fp1.15293@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.15293@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.15293@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
sobomax search for other commits by this committer
Fix a breakage caused by changed chown semantics.    
08 Oct 2000 02:35:34
commit hash: fp1.4750@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.4750@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.4750@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
asami search for other commits by this committer
Convert category graphics to new layout.  
02 Oct 2000 09:27:40
commit hash: fp1.4525@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.4525@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.4525@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
sobomax search for other commits by this committer
Fixes and cleanups:   - add support for Chinese (two-byte) Character text
writing and fonts (vanilla);   - move rather long manpages listing from Makefile
into separate files (sobomax);   - bump PORTREVISION as a result.    
05 Sep 2000 13:14:41
commit hash: fp1.3561@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.3561@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.3561@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
sobomax search for other commits by this committer
Mark as BROKEN if OSVERSION < 400000 (3.* and downward not supported).    
01 Sep 2000 17:10:29
commit hash: fp1.3427@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.3427@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.3427@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
sobomax search for other commits by this committer
Properly name tty (use %x instead of %d to get device name).    
01 Sep 2000 16:12:11
commit hash: fp1.3426@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.3426@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.3426@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
sobomax search for other commits by this committer
Yet again improve keyboard support.    
30 Aug 2000 18:41:09
commit hash: fp1.3391@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.3391@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.3391@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
sobomax search for other commits by this committer
Improve FreeBSD support:    
25 Aug 2000 10:08:01
commit hash: fp1.3237@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.3237@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.3237@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
sobomax search for other commits by this committer
Add svgalib - a *native* port of well-knows Linux console graphics library.    

Number of commits found: 61