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Port details on branch 2023Q4
openjdk8 Java Development Kit 8
8.432.06.1 java on this many watch lists=35 search for ports that depend on this port An older version of this port was marked as vulnerable. Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 8.432.06.1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2014-03-28 22:11:38
Last Update: 2025-01-12 21:36:42
Commit Hash: 03737df
People watching this port, also watch:: pkg, git, libxml2, curl, glib
Also Listed In: devel
License: GPLv2
An open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition,
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (3 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. /usr/local/share/licenses/openjdk8-8.432.06.1/
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/openjdk8-8.432.06.1/LICENSE
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/openjdk8-8.432.06.1/GPLv2
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • openjdk8>0:java/openjdk8
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/java/openjdk8/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install java/openjdk8
  • pkg install openjdk8
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: openjdk8
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
ONLY_FOR_ARCHS: aarch64 amd64 armv6 armv7 i386 powerpc powerpc64 powerpc64le
TIMESTAMP = 1731344884 SHA256 (jtreg4.1-b08.tar.gz) = a9fbfac903313c12687e60978c4688c20189cdf873560125917d6ad53d55b30c SIZE (jtreg4.1-b08.tar.gz) = 6834252

Expand this list (2 items)

Collapse this list.

SHA256 (battleblow-jdk8u-8.432.06.1-jdk8u432-b06.1_GH0.tar.gz) = c001c170b003f982a86aae0321446ea7ddb1c78380e4e2c7945da3d1f59e60e5 SIZE (battleblow-jdk8u-8.432.06.1-jdk8u432-b06.1_GH0.tar.gz) = 93361779

Collapse this list.

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
Slave ports:
  1. java/openjdk8-jre
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. zip : archivers/zip
  2. autoconf>0 : devel/autoconf
  3. cups.h : print/cups
  4. bash : shells/bash
  5. gmake>=4.4.1 : devel/gmake
  6. pkgconf>=1.3.0_1 : devel/pkgconf
  7. javac : java/bootstrap-openjdk8
  8. x11.pc : x11/libX11
  9. xext.pc : x11/libXext
  10. xi.pc : x11/libXi
  11. xrender.pc : x11/libXrender
  12. xt.pc : x11-toolkits/libXt
  13. xtst.pc : x11/libXtst
Runtime dependencies:
  1. javavm : java/javavmwrapper
  2. dejavu>0 : x11-fonts/dejavu
  3. java-zoneinfo>0 : java/java-zoneinfo
  4. x11.pc : x11/libX11
  5. xext.pc : x11/libXext
  6. xi.pc : x11/libXi
  7. xrender.pc : x11/libXrender
  8. xt.pc : x11-toolkits/libXt
  9. xtst.pc : x11/libXtst
Library dependencies:
  1. : x11-fonts/fontconfig
  2. : print/freetype2
  3. : devel/libinotify
  4. : audio/alsa-lib
  5. : graphics/giflib
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. archivers/snappy-java
  2. audio/jid3lib
  3. audio/nyquist
  4. benchmarks/scimark2
  5. biology/artemis
  6. biology/canu
  7. biology/cytoscape
Expand this list (251 items / 244 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. biology/gkl
  3. cad/sweethome3d
  4. comms/java-simple-serial-connector
  5. comms/rxtx
  6. databases/cassandra3
  7. databases/cassandra4
  8. databases/hsqldb
  9. databases/jrrd
  10. databases/libgda5-jdbc
  11. databases/mysql-connector-java51
  12. databases/postgresql-jdbc
  13. deskutils/freemind
  14. devel/antlr
  15. devel/apache-commons-daemon
  16. devel/arduino18
  17. devel/charva
  18. devel/dbus-java
  19. devel/doctorj
  20. devel/flexdock
  21. devel/jiic
  22. devel/jline
  23. devel/jna
  24. devel/libastylej
  25. devel/libastylej-arduino
  26. devel/libmatthew
  27. devel/libreadline-java
  28. devel/libvirt-java
  29. devel/listserialc
  30. devel/luajava
  31. devel/ocaml-camljava
  32. devel/p5-Inline-Java
  33. devel/p5-Java
  34. devel/py-jep
  35. devel/rubygem-jruby-jars
  36. devel/sabre
  37. devel/spark
  38. devel/statcvs
  39. devel/statsvn
  40. devel/swank-clojure
  41. devel/tijmp
  42. devel/umlgraph
  43. dns/dnsjava
  44. editors/openoffice-4
  45. editors/openoffice-devel
  46. filesystems/hfsexplorer
  47. games/blackjackclient
  48. games/gogui
  49. games/java-games-suite
  50. games/jchessboard
  51. games/jin
  52. games/jinput
  53. games/jutils
  54. games/lizzie
  55. games/lwjgl
  56. games/lwjgl3
  57. games/multimc
  58. games/prismlauncher
  59. games/sokobano
  60. games/stendhal
  61. graphics/jogamp-jogl
  62. graphics/jogl
  63. graphics/lightzone
  64. java/apache-commons-beanutils
  65. java/apache-commons-collections
  66. java/apache-commons-httpclient
  67. java/apache-commons-lang
  68. java/aparapi
  69. java/avis
  70. java/berkeley-db
  71. java/bouncycastle
  72. java/eclipse-ecj
  73. java/icedtea-web
  74. java/jakarta-oro
  75. java/jasmin
  76. java/java-getopt
  77. java/java-subversion
  78. java/java3d
  79. java/javahelp
  80. java/javamail
  81. java/jcalendar
  82. java/jcommon
  83. java/jdom
  84. java/jfreechart
  85. java/jgraph
  86. java/jgraphx
  87. java/jlex
  88. java/jode
  89. java/jump
  90. java/jxgrabkey
  91. java/lightweight-java-profiler
  92. java/phpeclipse
  93. java/servingxml
  94. java/sigar
  95. java/sqlitejdbc
  96. lang/abcl
  97. lang/bsh
  98. lang/erlang-java
  99. lang/kawa
  100. lang/rhino
  101. mail/davmail
  102. math/apache-commons-math
  103. math/cvc5
  104. math/jacop
  105. math/jtransforms
  106. math/octave
  107. math/scilab
  108. misc/freeguide
  109. misc/jbidwatcher
  110. misc/openhab2
  111. multimedia/kodi
  112. multimedia/projectx
  113. net/belle-sip
  114. net/jgroups
  115. net/jicmp
  116. net/jicmp6
  117. net/jsch
  118. net/seda
  119. net/spread-j
  120. net/tigervnc-viewer-java
  121. net-im/convey
  122. net-mgmt/confregdecode
  123. net-mgmt/zabbix5-java
  124. net-mgmt/zabbix6-java
  125. net-mgmt/zabbix7-java
  126. net-mgmt/zabbix72-java
  127. net-p2p/vuze
  128. print/pdf-renderer
  129. print/pdftk
  130. science/colt
  131. science/openmodelica
  132. science/opensim-core
  133. security/i2p
  134. security/iaikpkcs11wrapper
  135. security/owasp-dependency-check
  136. security/xml-security
  137. sysutils/facter
  138. sysutils/javaservicewrapper
  139. sysutils/jdiskreport
  140. sysutils/jvmtop
  141. textproc/denature
  142. textproc/fop
  143. textproc/jalingo
  144. textproc/jaxup
  145. textproc/xincluder
  146. textproc/xmlenc
  147. www/jericho-html
  148. www/tomcat-native
  149. www/tomcat-native2
  150. www/unit-java
  151. www/vertx
  152. x11-toolkits/swt
  153. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 93 deleted ports
  1. accessibility/java-access-bridge*
  2. archivers/*
  3. archivers/jzlib*
  4. audio/gervill*
  5. audio/tuxguitar*
  6. biology/biojava*
  7. comms/java-commapi-freebsd*
  8. comms/yaac*
  9. databases/hbase*
  10. databases/opentsdb*
  11. devel/arduino16*
  12. devel/bazel-clang38*
  13. devel/bazel029*
  14. devel/electron11*
  15. devel/electron12*
  16. devel/electron5*
  17. devel/electron6*
  18. devel/electron7*
  19. devel/electron9*
  20. devel/geoip-java*
  21. devel/hadoop*
  22. devel/hadoop2*
  23. devel/hive*
  24. devel/itext*
  25. devel/jakarta-commons-daemon*
  26. devel/jep*
  27. devel/ocfpcsc*
  28. devel/oozie*
  29. devel/pig*
  30. devel/py-jcc*
  31. graphics/opencv-java*
  32. graphics/opencv2-java*
  33. java/apache-commons-primitives*
  34. java/bouncycastle15*
  35. java/jakarta-commons-beanutils*
  36. java/jakarta-commons-collections*
  37. java/jakarta-commons-httpclient*
  38. java/jakarta-commons-lang*
  39. java/jakarta-commons-primitives*
  40. java/jakarta-regexp*
  41. java/jboss71*
  42. java/jboss72*
  43. java/openjfx8-devel*
  44. java/openjfx8-scenebuilder*
  45. java/rubygem-rjb*
  46. java/wildfly10*
  47. java/wildfly100*
  48. java/wildfly11*
  49. java/wildfly12*
  50. java/wildfly13*
  51. java/wildfly14*
  52. java/wildfly15*
  53. java/wildfly16*
  54. java/wildfly17*
  55. java/wildfly18*
  56. java/wildfly24*
  57. java/wildfly25*
  58. java/wildfly26*
  59. java/wildfly80*
  60. java/wildfly81*
  61. java/wildfly82*
  62. java/wildfly90*
  63. mail/openemm2013*
  64. mail/openemm2015*
  65. math/cvc4*
  66. math/jakarta-commons-math3*
  67. math/libjbigi*
  68. math/sage*
  69. multimedia/iriverter*
  70. multimedia/kodi-devel*
  71. net/mpich2*
  72. net-im/jitsi*
  73. net-mgmt/zabbix2-java*
  74. net-mgmt/zabbix22-java*
  75. net-mgmt/zabbix3-java*
  76. net-mgmt/zabbix32-java*
  77. net-mgmt/zabbix34-java*
  78. net-mgmt/zabbix4-java*
  79. net-mgmt/zabbix42-java*
  80. net-mgmt/zabbix44-java*
  81. net-mgmt/zabbix52-java*
  82. net-mgmt/zabbix54-java*
  83. net-mgmt/zabbix62-java*
  84. net-mgmt/zabbix64-java*
  85. science/datawarrior*
  86. science/dlpoly-classic*
  87. security/quantis*
  88. sysutils/hfsexplorer*
  89. textproc/ant-xinclude-task*
  90. www/helma*
  91. www/resin3*
  92. www/rssowl*
  93. x11-toolkits/swt-devel*
  94. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Patch
  1. games/robocode
  2. games/robocode-naval
  3. java/netty

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 4 deleted ports
  1. sysutils/logstash*
  2. sysutils/logstash5*
  3. www/bigbluebutton*
  4. www/graylog-web-interface*
  5. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Run
  1. archivers/apache-commons-compress
  2. archivers/javatar
  3. astro/mkgmap
  4. astro/mkgmap-splitter
  5. audio/atunes
  6. audio/jid3lib
  7. audio/musiccontrol
Expand this list (609 items / 602 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. audio/nyquist
  3. benchmarks/scimark2
  4. benchmarks/typometer
  5. biology/artemis
  6. biology/bbmap
  7. biology/canu
  8. biology/cytoscape
  9. biology/ddocent
  10. biology/erminej
  11. biology/fastqc
  12. biology/gkl
  13. biology/picard-tools
  14. biology/readseq
  15. biology/trimmomatic
  16. cad/electric-ng
  17. cad/impact
  18. cad/logisim
  19. cad/sweethome3d
  20. comms/java-simple-serial-connector
  21. comms/rxtx
  22. databases/apache-commons-dbutils
  23. databases/c3p0
  24. databases/cassandra3
  25. databases/frontbase-jdbc
  26. databases/hsqldb
  27. databases/jrobin
  28. databases/jrrd
  29. databases/libgda5-jdbc
  30. databases/liquibase
  31. databases/metabase
  32. databases/mysql-connector-j
  33. databases/mysql-connector-java51
  34. databases/postgis-jdbc
  35. databases/postgresql-jdbc
  36. databases/powerarchitect
  37. databases/puppetdb7
  38. deskutils/docear
  39. deskutils/freemind
  40. deskutils/freeplane
  41. deskutils/projectlibre
  42. deskutils/thinkingrock
  43. devel/R-cran-rJava
  44. devel/ammonite
  45. devel/antlr
  46. devel/antlr3
  47. devel/antlr4
  48. devel/apache-ant
  49. devel/apache-commons-configuration
  50. devel/apache-commons-daemon
  51. devel/apache-commons-io
  52. devel/apache-commons-jxpath
  53. devel/apache-log4j2
  54. devel/apache-rat
  55. devel/arduino
  56. devel/arduino18
  57. devel/argouml
  58. devel/artifactory
  59. devel/astah-community
  60. devel/avalon-framework
  61. devel/bfg
  62. devel/cfr
  63. devel/charva
  64. devel/coursier
  65. devel/dbus-java
  66. devel/doctorj
  67. devel/flex-sdk
  68. devel/flex-sdk35
  69. devel/flexdock
  70. devel/flexjson
  71. devel/gradle
  72. devel/gradle5
  73. devel/gradle6
  74. devel/gradle62
  75. devel/gradle761
  76. devel/ireport
  77. devel/java-findbugs
  78. devel/jcmdline
  79. devel/jgoodies-looks
  80. devel/jiic
  81. devel/jline
  82. devel/jsap
  83. devel/leiningen
  84. devel/libastylej
  85. devel/libastylej-arduino
  86. devel/libmatthew
  87. devel/libreadline-java
  88. devel/listserialc
  89. devel/log4j
  90. devel/luajava
  91. devel/maven
  92. devel/maven363
  93. devel/maven39
  94. devel/mill
  95. devel/netscape-java40
  96. devel/nexus2-oss
  97. devel/ocaml-camljava
  98. devel/p5-Inline-Java
  99. devel/p5-Java
  100. devel/pmd
  101. devel/protobuf-java
  102. devel/py-jep
  103. devel/rubygem-jruby-jars
  104. devel/sabre
  105. devel/sbt
  106. devel/scalatest
  107. devel/simian
  108. devel/slf4j
  109. devel/smc
  110. devel/soapui
  111. devel/sonarqube-ant-task
  112. devel/spark
  113. devel/sparsebitset
  114. devel/subversive
  115. devel/swank-clojure
  116. devel/tinylaf
  117. devel/violet
  118. devel/zanata-cli
  119. devel/zookeeper
  120. dns/denominator
  121. editors/bined
  122. editors/drjava
  123. editors/openoffice-4
  124. editors/openoffice-devel
  125. editors/treeform
  126. emulators/javatari
  127. filesystems/hfsexplorer
  128. finance/jgnash
  129. finance/venice
  130. french/jdictionary-fre-hun
  131. ftp/dmachine
  132. ftp/jftp
  133. games/blackjackclient
  134. games/dmjava
  135. games/domination
  136. games/gogui
  137. games/java-games-suite
  138. games/jchessboard
  139. games/jin
  140. games/jinput
  141. games/jtans
  142. games/jutils
  143. games/lizzie
  144. games/lwjgl
  145. games/minecraft-client
  146. games/moagg
  147. games/multimc
  148. games/pcgen
  149. games/prismlauncher
  150. games/rescue
  151. games/robocode
  152. games/robocode-naval
  153. games/sokobano
  154. games/spicetrade
  155. games/stendhal
  156. german/jdictionary-eng-ger
  157. german/jdictionary-ger-hun
  158. graphics/aoi
  159. graphics/batik
  160. graphics/cbviewer
  161. graphics/cosmoplayer
  162. graphics/ditaa
  163. graphics/geoapi
  164. graphics/jalbum
  165. graphics/jave6
  166. graphics/jdraw
  167. graphics/jogamp-jogl
  168. graphics/jogl
  169. graphics/jpatch
  170. graphics/lightzone
  171. graphics/mapyrus
  172. graphics/openjump
  173. graphics/plantuml
  174. graphics/processing
  175. graphics/tintfu
  176. graphics/xmlgraphics-commons
  177. graphics/yed
  178. hungarian/jdictionary-eng-hun
  179. hungarian/jdictionary-eng-hun-expr
  180. java/apache-bcel
  181. java/apache-commons-beanutils
  182. java/apache-commons-cli
  183. java/apache-commons-codec
  184. java/apache-commons-collections
  185. java/apache-commons-collections4
  186. java/apache-commons-dbcp
  187. java/apache-commons-httpclient
  188. java/apache-commons-lang
  189. java/apache-commons-lang3
  190. java/apache-commons-logging
  191. java/apache-commons-pool
  192. java/aparapi
  193. java/berkeley-db
  194. java/bouncycastle
  195. java/cos
  196. java/dbvis
  197. java/eclipse-cdt
  198. java/eclipse-drjava
  199. java/eclipse-ecj
  200. java/eclipse-findbugs
  201. java/eclipse-pydev
  202. java/eclipse-shelled
  203. java/hamcrest
  204. java/icedtea-web
  205. java/intellij
  206. java/jai
  207. java/jakarta-oro
  208. java/jasmin
  209. java/java-cup
  210. java/java-getopt
  211. java/java-subversion
  212. java/java3d
  213. java/javahelp
  214. java/javamail
  215. java/jaxen
  216. java/jcalendar
  217. java/jcckit
  218. java/jcommon
  219. java/jd-gui
  220. java/jdom
  221. java/jflex
  222. java/jfreechart
  223. java/jgraph
  224. java/jgraphx
  225. java/jlex
  226. java/jmf
  227. java/jode
  228. java/jrosetta
  229. java/jta
  230. java/jtiger
  231. java/jump
  232. java/junit
  233. java/jxgrabkey
  234. java/lightweight-java-profiler
  235. java/mx4j
  236. java/netrexx
  237. java/phpeclipse
  238. java/proguard
  239. java/sigar
  240. java/springframework
  241. java/springframework31
  242. java/sqlitejdbc
  243. java/trove4j
  244. java/visualvm
  245. lang/abcl
  246. lang/apache-commons-jelly
  247. lang/bsh
  248. lang/ceylon
  249. lang/clojure
  250. lang/erlang-java
  251. lang/groovy
  252. lang/jruby
  253. lang/jython
  254. lang/kawa
  255. lang/kotlin
  256. lang/linux-j
  257. lang/rhino
  258. lang/scala
  259. lang/sisc
  260. mail/davmail
  261. mail/james
  262. mail/mime4j
  263. math/R-cran-XLConnect
  264. math/apache-commons-math
  265. math/jacop
  266. math/jeuclid
  267. math/jlatexmath
  268. math/jtransforms
  269. math/octave
  270. math/plman
  271. math/scilab
  272. misc/freeguide
  273. misc/jbidwatcher
  274. misc/openhab2
  275. misc/pauker
  276. misc/pipe
  277. multimedia/ffdec
  278. multimedia/gdialog
  279. multimedia/projectx
  280. net/apache-commons-net
  281. net/java-beepcore
  282. net/jcifs
  283. net/jgroups
  284. net/jicmp
  285. net/jicmp6
  286. net/jrdesktop
  287. net/jsch
  288. net/ldapbrowser
  289. net/seda
  290. net/spread-j
  291. net/tigervnc-viewer-java
  292. net/toonel
  293. net-im/convey
  294. net-mgmt/confregdecode
  295. net-mgmt/zabbix5-java
  296. net-mgmt/zabbix6-java
  297. net-mgmt/zabbix7-java
  298. net-mgmt/zabbix72-java
  299. net-p2p/phex
  300. print/pdf-renderer
  301. print/pdfbox
  302. print/pdftk
  303. science/colt
  304. science/devisor
  305. science/openmodelica
  306. science/opensim-core
  307. science/simsmith
  308. security/dirbuster
  309. security/iaikpkcs11wrapper
  310. security/owasp-dependency-check
  311. security/xml-security
  312. sysutils/digdag
  313. sysutils/javaservicewrapper
  314. sysutils/jdiskreport
  315. sysutils/jtopen
  316. sysutils/jvmtop
  317. sysutils/puppetserver7
  318. sysutils/rundeck
  319. textproc/apache-commons-csv
  320. textproc/apache-commons-digester
  321. textproc/apache-poi
  322. textproc/denature
  323. textproc/dom4j
  324. textproc/dtd2relax
  325. textproc/fop
  326. textproc/jalingo
  327. textproc/jarnal
  328. textproc/jaxup
  329. textproc/jdictionary
  330. textproc/jdictionary-int-eng
  331. textproc/jing
  332. textproc/lucene
  333. textproc/lucene5
  334. textproc/nux
  335. textproc/ppower4
  336. textproc/qrcodegen
  337. textproc/resume
  338. textproc/saxon
  339. textproc/saxon-devel
  340. textproc/saxon-he
  341. textproc/tagsoup
  342. textproc/trang
  343. textproc/weka
  344. textproc/xalan-j
  345. textproc/xerces-j
  346. textproc/xincluder
  347. textproc/xml-commons
  348. textproc/xmlenc
  349. textproc/xom
  350. textproc/xp
  351. textproc/xstream
  352. www/archiva
  353. www/axis2
  354. www/glassfish
  355. www/glassfish4
  356. www/grails
  357. www/htmlcompressor
  358. www/httpasyncclient
  359. www/httpclient
  360. www/httpcore
  361. www/jericho-html
  362. www/jmeter
  363. www/payara
  364. www/scloader
  365. www/servlet-api
  366. www/tomcat-native
  367. www/tomcat-native2
  368. www/tomcat9
  369. www/tomee
  370. www/unit-java
  371. www/vertx
  372. www/yuicompressor
  373. x11-toolkits/skinlf
  374. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 230 deleted ports
  1. accessibility/java-access-bridge*
  2. archivers/*
  3. archivers/jzlib*
  4. audio/gervill*
  5. audio/jmusic*
  6. audio/jxm*
  7. audio/tuxguitar*
  8. biology/biojava*
  9. comms/esmska*
  10. comms/java-commapi*
  11. comms/yaac*
  12. databases/datamodeler*
  13. databases/hbase*
  14. databases/isql-viewer*
  15. databases/jakarta-commons-dbutils*
  16. databases/jasperreports*
  17. databases/java-mybatis*
  18. databases/jdbc-oracle10g*
  19. databases/jdbc-oracle11g*
  20. databases/jdbc-oracle9i*
  21. databases/jdbm2*
  22. databases/mysql-connector-java*
  23. databases/openbase-jdbc*
  24. databases/opentsdb*
  25. databases/puppetdb*
  26. databases/puppetdb3*
  27. databases/puppetdb4*
  28. databases/puppetdb5*
  29. databases/puppetdb6*
  30. deskutils/openproj*
  31. devel/antlrworks*
  32. devel/apache-commons-modeler*
  33. devel/arduino16*
  34. devel/atlassian-plugin-sdk*
  35. devel/bazel-clang38*
  36. devel/bazel029*
  37. devel/fujaba*
  38. devel/geoip-java*
  39. devel/gitblit*
  40. devel/gogland-eap*
  41. devel/gradle4*
  42. devel/gradle46*
  43. devel/hadoop*
  44. devel/hadoop2*
  45. devel/hive*
  46. devel/itext*
  47. devel/jakarta-commons-configuration*
  48. devel/jakarta-commons-daemon*
  49. devel/jakarta-commons-io*
  50. devel/jakarta-commons-jxpath*
  51. devel/jakarta-commons-modeler*
  52. devel/jenkins2*
  53. devel/jep*
  54. devel/kickassembler*
  55. devel/looks*
  56. devel/maven-ant-tasks*
  57. devel/maven3*
  58. devel/maven31*
  59. devel/maven33*
  60. devel/obfuscatejs*
  61. devel/ocfpcsc*
  62. devel/oozie*
  63. devel/pig*
  64. devel/py-jcc*
  65. devel/sonar-ant-task*
  66. devel/sonarqube*
  67. devel/svnkit*
  68. dns/crossip*
  69. french/belote*
  70. french/geonext*
  71. games/castlevox*
  72. games/ftjava*
  73. german/geonext*
  74. german/mediathek*
  75. german/mediathekview*
  76. graphics/barbecue*
  77. graphics/deegree-csw*
  78. graphics/deegree-igeoportal*
  79. graphics/deegree-wcs*
  80. graphics/deegree-wfs*
  81. graphics/deegree-wms*
  82. graphics/deegree-wps*
  83. graphics/deegree-wpvs*
  84. graphics/opencv-java*
  85. graphics/opencv2-java*
  86. irc/pircbot*
  87. japanese/xgate*
  88. java/apache-commons-discovery*
  89. java/apache-commons-primitives*
  90. java/castor*
  91. java/cryptix-jce*
  92. java/eclipse-lomboz*
  93. java/eclipse-windowbuilder*
  94. java/infobus*
  95. java/intellij-pycharm*
  96. java/jaf*
  97. java/jakarta-bcel*
  98. java/jakarta-commons-beanutils*
  99. java/jakarta-commons-cli*
  100. java/jakarta-commons-codec*
  101. java/jakarta-commons-collections*
  102. java/jakarta-commons-dbcp*
  103. java/jakarta-commons-discovery*
  104. java/jakarta-commons-httpclient*
  105. java/jakarta-commons-lang*
  106. java/jakarta-commons-lang3*
  107. java/jakarta-commons-logging*
  108. java/jakarta-commons-pool*
  109. java/jakarta-commons-primitives*
  110. java/jakarta-regexp*
  111. java/jakarta-struts*
  112. java/java-checkstyle*
  113. java/jboss7*
  114. java/jboss71*
  115. java/jboss72*
  116. java/jdbcpool*
  117. java/jomp*
  118. java/netbeans-devel*
  119. java/netcomponents*
  120. java/openjfx8-devel*
  121. java/openjfx8-scenebuilder*
  122. java/rubygem-rjb*
  123. java/wildfly10*
  124. java/wildfly100*
  125. java/wildfly11*
  126. java/wildfly12*
  127. java/wildfly13*
  128. java/wildfly14*
  129. java/wildfly15*
  130. java/wildfly16*
  131. java/wildfly17*
  132. java/wildfly18*
  133. java/wildfly24*
  134. java/wildfly25*
  135. java/wildfly26*
  136. java/wildfly80*
  137. java/wildfly81*
  138. java/wildfly82*
  139. java/wildfly90*
  140. java/xdoclet*
  141. lang/jakarta-commons-jelly*
  142. lang/spec.alpha*
  143. lang/starlogo*
  144. math/geonext*
  145. math/jakarta-commons-math3*
  146. math/sage*
  147. math/truthtable*
  148. multimedia/iriverter*
  149. net/jakarta-commons-net*
  150. net/mpich2*
  151. net-im/jitsi*
  152. net-mgmt/unifi-devel*
  153. net-mgmt/unifi-lts*
  154. net-mgmt/unifi2*
  155. net-mgmt/unifi3*
  156. net-mgmt/unifi4*
  157. net-mgmt/unifi5*
  158. net-mgmt/unifi6*
  159. net-mgmt/zabbix2-java*
  160. net-mgmt/zabbix22-java*
  161. net-mgmt/zabbix3-java*
  162. net-mgmt/zabbix32-java*
  163. net-mgmt/zabbix34-java*
  164. net-mgmt/zabbix4-java*
  165. net-mgmt/zabbix42-java*
  166. net-mgmt/zabbix44-java*
  167. net-mgmt/zabbix52-java*
  168. net-mgmt/zabbix54-java*
  169. net-mgmt/zabbix62-java*
  170. net-mgmt/zabbix64-java*
  171. net-p2p/frost*
  172. net-p2p/xnap*
  173. portuguese/irpf-pt_BR*
  174. print/jabref*
  175. science/datawarrior*
  176. science/dlpoly-classic*
  177. security/jbrofuzz*
  178. security/quantis*
  179. security/webscarab*
  180. shells/ammonite*
  181. sysutils/hfsexplorer*
  182. sysutils/logstash*
  183. sysutils/logstash5*
  184. sysutils/logstash6*
  185. sysutils/puppetserver*
  186. sysutils/puppetserver5*
  187. sysutils/puppetserver6*
  188. sysutils/rundeck2*
  189. sysutils/rundeck3*
  190. textproc/ant-xinclude-task*
  191. textproc/apache-solr3*
  192. textproc/crimson*
  193. textproc/dtdinst*
  194. textproc/elasticsearch*
  195. textproc/elasticsearch2*
  196. textproc/elasticsearch5*
  197. textproc/elasticsearch6*
  198. textproc/jakarta-commons-digester*
  199. textproc/lucene4*
  200. textproc/xt*
  201. www/apache-forrest*
  202. www/axis*
  203. www/dojo-shrinksafe*
  204. www/geronimo*
  205. www/graylog-web-interface*
  206. www/helma*
  207. www/hudson*
  208. www/jetty8*
  209. www/jetty9*
  210. www/jspwiki*
  211. www/libresonic-standalone*
  212. www/madsonic*
  213. www/madsonic-standalone*
  214. www/myfaces*
  215. www/paros*
  216. www/red5*
  217. www/resin3*
  218. www/rssowl*
  219. www/sahi*
  220. www/sakai*
  221. www/subsonic*
  222. www/subsonic-standalone*
  223. www/sventon*
  224. www/tomcat10*
  225. www/tomcat6*
  226. www/tomcat7*
  227. www/tomcat8*
  228. www/tomcat85*
  229. x11-toolkits/swt-devel*
  230. x11-wm/lxmed*
  231. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
* - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...

Configuration Options:
===> The following configuration options are available for openjdk8-8.432.06.1: ALSA=on: ALSA audio architecture support FONTCONFIG=off: X11 font configuration support POLICY=on: Install the Unlimited Strength Policy Files TEST=off: Run regression tests TZUPDATE=on: Update the time zone data X11=on: X11 (graphics) support ====> Select OpenJDK build type: you have to select exactly one of them DEBUG=off: Build for debugging (without optimizations) DEBUGFAST=off: Build for debugging (with optimizations) RELEASE=on: Build for release (default) ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
Options name:
compiler:features cpe gmake iconv pkgconfig xorg
For install:
This OpenJDK implementation may require fdescfs(5) mounted on /dev/fd and procfs(5) mounted on /proc for some applications. If you have not done it yet, please do the following: mount -t fdescfs fdesc /dev/fd mount -t procfs proc /proc To make it permanent, you need the following lines in /etc/fstab: fdesc /dev/fd fdescfs rw 0 0 proc /proc procfs rw 0 0
Master Sites:
Expand this list (1 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.

There are no commits on branch 2023Q4 for this port