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Port details on branch 2024Q2
libxslt XML stylesheet transformation library
1.1.37_1 textproc on this many watch lists=436 search for ports that depend on this port An older version of this port was marked as vulnerable. Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 1.1.37_1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2001-02-09 20:19:44
Last Update: 2024-01-26 15:56:31
Commit Hash: 8708343
People watching this port, also watch:: libxml2, expat, png, libiconv, freetype2
Also Listed In: gnome
License: MIT
Libxslt is the XSLT C library developed for the GNOME project. XSLT itself is a an XML language to define transformation for XML. Libxslt is based on libxml2, the XML C library developed for the GNOME project. It also implements most of the EXSLT set of processor-portable extensions functions and some of Saxon's evaluate and expressions extensions. People can either embed the library in their application or use xsltproc the command line processing tool.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (89 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. @ldconfig
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/libxslt-1.1.37_1/
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/libxslt-1.1.37_1/LICENSE
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/libxslt-1.1.37_1/MIT
  5. bin/xslt-config
  6. bin/xsltproc
  7. include/libexslt/exslt.h
  8. include/libexslt/exsltconfig.h
  9. include/libexslt/exsltexports.h
  10. include/libxslt/attributes.h
  11. include/libxslt/documents.h
  12. include/libxslt/extensions.h
  13. include/libxslt/extra.h
  14. include/libxslt/functions.h
  15. include/libxslt/imports.h
  16. include/libxslt/keys.h
  17. include/libxslt/namespaces.h
  18. include/libxslt/numbersInternals.h
  19. include/libxslt/pattern.h
  20. include/libxslt/preproc.h
  21. include/libxslt/security.h
  22. include/libxslt/templates.h
  23. include/libxslt/transform.h
  24. include/libxslt/variables.h
  25. include/libxslt/xslt.h
  26. include/libxslt/xsltInternals.h
  27. include/libxslt/xsltconfig.h
  28. include/libxslt/xsltexports.h
  29. include/libxslt/xsltlocale.h
  30. include/libxslt/xsltutils.h
  31. lib/cmake/libxslt/FindGcrypt.cmake
  32. lib/cmake/libxslt/libxslt-config.cmake
  33. lib/libexslt.a
  34. lib/
  35. lib/
  36. lib/
  37. lib/libxslt.a
  38. lib/
  39. lib/
  40. lib/
  41. lib/
  42. libdata/pkgconfig/libexslt.pc
  43. libdata/pkgconfig/libxslt.pc
  44. share/man/man1/xsltproc.1.gz
  45. share/man/man3/libexslt.3.gz
  46. share/man/man3/libxslt.3.gz
  47. share/aclocal/libxslt.m4
  48. share/gtk-doc/html/libexslt/general.html
  49. share/gtk-doc/html/libexslt/home.png
  50. share/gtk-doc/html/libexslt/index.html
  51. share/gtk-doc/html/libexslt/left.png
  52. share/gtk-doc/html/libexslt/libexslt-exslt.html
  53. share/gtk-doc/html/libexslt/libexslt-exsltexports.html
  54. share/gtk-doc/html/libexslt/libexslt.devhelp2
  55. share/gtk-doc/html/libexslt/right.png
  56. share/gtk-doc/html/libexslt/style.css
  57. share/gtk-doc/html/libexslt/up.png
  58. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/general.html
  59. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/home.png
  60. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/index.html
  61. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/left.png
  62. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/libxslt-attributes.html
  63. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/libxslt-documents.html
  64. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/libxslt-extensions.html
  65. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/libxslt-extra.html
  66. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/libxslt-functions.html
  67. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/libxslt-imports.html
  68. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/libxslt-keys.html
  69. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/libxslt-namespaces.html
  70. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/libxslt-numbersInternals.html
  71. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/libxslt-pattern.html
  72. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/libxslt-preproc.html
  73. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/libxslt-security.html
  74. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/libxslt-templates.html
  75. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/libxslt-transform.html
  76. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/libxslt-variables.html
  77. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/libxslt-xslt.html
  78. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/libxslt-xsltInternals.html
  79. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/libxslt-xsltexports.html
  80. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/libxslt-xsltlocale.html
  81. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/libxslt-xsltutils.html
  82. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/libxslt.devhelp2
  83. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/right.png
  84. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/style.css
  85. share/gtk-doc/html/libxslt/up.png
  86. @dir lib/libxslt-plugins
  87. @owner
  88. @group
  89. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • libxslt>0:textproc/libxslt
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/textproc/libxslt/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install textproc/libxslt
  • pkg install libxslt
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: libxslt
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1661816621 SHA256 (gnome/libxslt-1.1.37.tar.xz) = 3a4b27dc8027ccd6146725950336f1ec520928f320f144eb5fa7990ae6123ab4 SIZE (gnome/libxslt-1.1.37.tar.xz) = 1588572

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. gmake>=4.3 : devel/gmake
  2. pkgconf>=1.3.0_1 : devel/pkgconf
Library dependencies:
  1. : security/libgcrypt
  2. : security/libgpg-error
  3. : textproc/libxml2
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. accessibility/caribou
  2. archivers/xarchiver
  3. audio/drumstick
  4. audio/easytag
  5. audio/gsequencer
  6. audio/kid3
  7. audio/swh-lv2
Expand this list (187 items / 180 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. audio/vmpk
  3. cad/brlcad
  4. comms/deforaos-phone
  5. comms/fldigi
  6. converters/pdf2djvu
  7. databases/akonadi
  8. deskutils/deforaos-todo
  9. deskutils/gnome-contacts
  10. deskutils/gnome-dictionary
  11. deskutils/hs-arbtt
  12. devel/appstream
  13. devel/appstream-compose
  14. devel/appstream-glib
  15. devel/appstream-qt
  16. devel/cppcheck
  17. devel/dconf
  18. devel/deforaos-libsystem
  19. devel/glade
  20. devel/gvfs
  21. devel/libdatovka
  22. devel/libnotify
  23. devel/libvirt
  24. devel/sjasmplus
  25. devel/valgrind
  26. devel/valgrind-devel
  27. devel/xdg-dbus-proxy
  28. devel/xdg-user-dirs
  29. editors/bless
  30. editors/deforaos-editor
  31. emulators/virtualbox-ose
  32. emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions
  33. emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions-legacy
  34. emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions-nox11
  35. emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions-nox11-legacy
  36. emulators/virtualbox-ose-legacy
  37. emulators/virtualbox-ose-nox11
  38. emulators/virtualbox-ose-nox11-legacy
  39. finance/gnucash-docs
  40. finance/skrooge
  41. games/gogui
  42. games/pentobi
  43. graphics/colord
  44. graphics/colord-gtk
  45. graphics/darktable
  46. graphics/gdk-pixbuf2
  47. graphics/gdk-pixbuf2-xlib
  48. graphics/gtk-update-icon-cache
  49. graphics/tesseract
  50. graphics/waffle
  51. graphics/wayland
  52. irc/bitlbee
  53. lang/oo2c
  54. lang/vala
  55. mail/deforaos-mailer
  56. mail/neomutt
  57. math/scilab
  58. misc/gimp-help-en
  59. multimedia/deforaos-player
  60. multimedia/mkvtoolnix
  61. net/gnome-online-accounts
  62. net/mosquitto
  63. net/nmsg
  64. net/pacemaker2
  65. net-im/telepathy-farstream
  66. net-im/telepathy-gabble
  67. net-im/telepathy-glib
  68. net-im/telepathy-idle
  69. net-im/telepathy-logger
  70. net-im/telepathy-qt
  71. net-im/telepathy-salut
  72. net-mgmt/adcli
  73. net-mgmt/fence-agents
  74. net-mgmt/realmd
  75. net-mgmt/resource-agents
  76. ports-mgmt/packagekit
  77. print/deforaos-pdfviewer
  78. science/bodr
  79. science/chemical-mime-data
  80. security/gnome-keyring
  81. security/gvmd
  82. security/libsecret
  83. security/opensc
  84. security/p11-kit
  85. security/pam_pkcs11
  86. security/sssd
  87. security/sssd2
  88. sysutils/cluster-glue
  89. sysutils/libudisks
  90. sysutils/nix
  91. sysutils/upower
  92. sysutils/yazi
  93. textproc/gtk-doc
  94. textproc/po4a
  95. textproc/rarian
  96. textproc/refdb
  97. textproc/xmlto
  98. textproc/yelp-tools
  99. www/deforaos-surfer
  100. x11/deforaos-keyboard
  101. x11/deforaos-libdesktop
  102. x11/deforaos-locker
  103. x11/gnome-shell
  104. x11/gnome-terminal
  105. x11/roxterm
  106. x11/stalonetray
  107. x11/xkeyboard-config
  108. x11-fm/deforaos-browser
  109. x11-wm/compton
  110. x11-wm/deforaos-panel
  111. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 71 deleted ports
  1. audio/deforaos-mixer*
  2. audio/kid3-kde4*
  3. audio/kid3-kf5*
  4. audio/kid3-qt4*
  5. audio/kid3-qt5*
  6. chinese/gimp-help-zh_CN*
  7. chinese/mutt*
  8. databases/akonadi-google*
  9. databases/akonadi-kde4*
  10. databases/postgis*
  11. deskutils/alacarte*
  12. deskutils/gnome-documents*
  13. deskutils/kdepim-kde4*
  14. deskutils/kdepim-runtime-kde4*
  15. deskutils/kdepim4*
  16. deskutils/kdepim4-runtime*
  17. deskutils/kdepimlibs-kde4*
  18. deskutils/kdepimlibs4*
  19. devel/appstream-qt5*
  20. devel/buildtool-doc*
  21. devel/eggdbus*
  22. devel/hs-haddock-docs*
  23. devel/libhid*
  24. devel/rapidsvn*
  25. editors/libreoffice-legacy*
  26. emulators/virtualbox-ose-lite*
  27. french/gimp-help*
  28. games/spring*
  29. german/gimp-help*
  30. graphics/aqsis*
  31. graphics/darktable38*
  32. graphics/darktable40*
  33. graphics/darktable42*
  34. graphics/djvusmooth*
  35. graphics/gnofract4d*
  36. graphics/passepartout*
  37. japanese/gimp-help*
  38. korean/gimp-help*
  39. mail/mutt-devel*
  40. misc/gimp-help-ca*
  41. misc/gimp-help-da*
  42. misc/gimp-help-el*
  43. misc/gimp-help-en_GB*
  44. misc/gimp-help-es*
  45. misc/gimp-help-it*
  46. misc/gimp-help-nl*
  47. misc/gimp-help-nn*
  48. misc/gimp-help-sl*
  49. misc/gimp-help-sv*
  50. multimedia/mkvtoolnix-nox11*
  51. net/pacemaker*
  52. net/pacemaker1*
  53. net-im/libtelepathy*
  54. net-im/telepathy-farsight*
  55. net-im/telepathy-haze*
  56. net-im/telepathy-python*
  57. net-im/telepathy-qt4*
  58. net-im/telepathy-qt5*
  59. net-im/telepathy-rakia*
  60. palm/pilot-link*
  61. portuguese/gimp-help-pt_BR*
  62. russian/gimp-help*
  63. security/sssd-devel*
  64. sysutils/policykit*
  65. sysutils/syslog-ng37*
  66. www/libsocialweb*
  67. www/tidy-devel*
  68. www/tidy-lib*
  69. x11/deforaos-panel*
  70. x11-servers/wayland*
  71. x11-toolkits/gtkmathview*
  72. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Libraries
  1. audio/aqualung
  2. audio/easytag
  3. audio/icecast
  4. audio/icecast-kh
  5. comms/wsjtx
  6. databases/libgda5
  7. databases/libgda5-jdbc
Expand this list (334 items / 327 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. databases/libgda5-ldap
  3. databases/libgda5-mysql
  4. databases/libgda5-postgresql
  5. databases/libgda5-ui
  6. databases/libgdamm5
  7. databases/pgadmin3
  8. databases/sequeler
  9. deskutils/gnote
  10. deskutils/recoll
  11. deskutils/subsurface
  12. devel/compiz-bcop
  13. devel/electron27
  14. devel/electron28
  15. devel/electron29
  16. devel/electron30
  17. devel/goffice
  18. devel/gtranslator
  19. devel/kf5-kdoctools
  20. devel/kf5-kio
  21. devel/kf6-kdoctools
  22. devel/kf6-kio
  23. devel/libdatovka
  24. devel/libdbusmenu
  25. devel/libosinfo
  26. devel/py-lxml
  27. devel/shiboken2
  28. devel/shiboken6
  29. devel/tclxml
  30. devel/umbrello
  31. devel/xfce4-dev-tools
  32. editors/abiword
  33. editors/libreoffice
  34. editors/openoffice-4
  35. editors/openoffice-devel
  36. editors/vscode
  37. editors/xmlcopyeditor
  38. finance/gnucash
  39. finance/odoo
  40. finance/odoo14
  41. finance/odoo15
  42. finance/odoo16
  43. games/lordsawar
  44. graphics/cptutils
  45. graphics/dia
  46. graphics/digikam
  47. graphics/inkscape
  48. graphics/swfmill
  49. java/openjfx14
  50. lang/gnustep-base
  51. mail/balsa
  52. math/polymake
  53. misc/parley
  54. misc/tellico
  55. multimedia/avidemux
  56. multimedia/avidemux-cli
  57. multimedia/avidemux-plugins
  58. multimedia/avidemux-qt5
  59. multimedia/kodi
  60. net/liferea
  61. net/mobile-broadband-provider-info
  62. net/pacemaker2
  63. net/yaz
  64. net-im/kopete
  65. net-im/signal-desktop
  66. net-im/telepathy-mission-control
  67. net-p2p/retroshare
  68. print/miktex
  69. security/lasso
  70. security/py-xmlsec
  71. security/xmlsec1
  72. sysutils/accountsservice
  73. sysutils/consolekit2
  74. sysutils/osinfo-db-tools
  75. textproc/apertium
  76. textproc/asciidoc
  77. textproc/docbook2X
  78. textproc/docbook2odf
  79. textproc/libfo
  80. textproc/p5-XML-LibXSLT
  81. textproc/php81-xsl
  82. textproc/php82-xsl
  83. textproc/php83-xsl
  84. textproc/raptor2
  85. textproc/rubygem-nokogiri
  86. textproc/rubygem-nokogiri111
  87. textproc/rubygem-ruby-xslt
  88. textproc/xmlroff
  89. textproc/xmlstarlet
  90. textproc/zorba
  91. www/angie-module-dav-ext
  92. www/angie-module-njs
  93. www/angie-module-xslt
  94. www/chromium
  95. www/epiphany
  96. www/hiawatha
  97. www/iridium
  98. www/nginx-full
  99. www/qt5-webengine
  100. www/qt6-webengine
  101. www/tidy-html5
  102. www/ungoogled-chromium
  103. www/webkit2-gtk3
  104. www/webkit2-gtk4
  105. x11/mate-session-manager
  106. x11/yelp
  107. x11-wm/compiz
  108. x11-wm/compiz-plugins-extra
  109. x11-wm/compiz-plugins-main
  110. x11-wm/compiz-plugins-unsupported
  111. x11-wm/lxsession
  112. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 217 deleted ports
  1. accessibility/dasher*
  2. astro/glunarclock*
  3. audio/icecast2*
  4. audio/istream*
  5. comms/spandsp-devel*
  6. databases/glom*
  7. databases/libgda2*
  8. databases/libgda3*
  9. databases/libgda3-firebird*
  10. databases/libgda3-freetds*
  11. databases/libgda3-ldap*
  12. databases/libgda3-mdb*
  13. databases/libgda3-mysql*
  14. databases/libgda3-odbc*
  15. databases/libgda3-postgresql*
  16. databases/libgda4*
  17. databases/libgda4-bdb*
  18. databases/libgda4-jdbc*
  19. databases/libgda4-ldap*
  20. databases/libgda4-mdb*
  21. databases/libgda4-mysql*
  22. databases/libgda4-postgresql*
  23. databases/libgda5-bdb*
  24. databases/libgda5-mdb*
  25. databases/libgdamm*
  26. databases/libgnomedb*
  27. databases/mergeant*
  28. databases/postgresql84-contrib*
  29. databases/postgresql90-contrib*
  30. databases/postgresql91-contrib*
  31. databases/postgresql92-contrib*
  32. databases/postgresql93-contrib*
  33. databases/postgresql94-contrib*
  34. databases/postgresql95-contrib*
  35. deskutils/blogtk*
  36. deskutils/california*
  37. deskutils/conduit*
  38. deskutils/drivel*
  39. deskutils/gdesklets*
  40. deskutils/global-menu*
  41. deskutils/gnome-main-menu*
  42. deskutils/hamster-applet*
  43. deskutils/labyrinth*
  44. deskutils/mate-character-map*
  45. deskutils/nautilus-locked-folder*
  46. deskutils/nautilus-open-terminal*
  47. devel/anjuta*
  48. devel/apiextractor*
  49. devel/bug-buddy*
  50. devel/datadesigner*
  51. devel/electron11*
  52. devel/electron12*
  53. devel/electron13*
  54. devel/electron17*
  55. devel/electron18*
  56. devel/electron19*
  57. devel/electron21*
  58. devel/electron22*
  59. devel/electron23*
  60. devel/electron24*
  61. devel/electron25*
  62. devel/electron26*
  63. devel/electron4*
  64. devel/electron5*
  65. devel/electron6*
  66. devel/electron7*
  67. devel/electron9*
  68. devel/glade3*
  69. devel/goffice010*
  70. devel/libopensync*
  71. devel/libopkele*
  72. devel/mono-tools*
  73. devel/nemiver*
  74. devel/py3-lxml*
  75. devel/shiboken*
  76. devel/umbrello-kde4*
  77. editors/atom*
  78. editors/gphpedit*
  79. editors/libreoffice4*
  80. editors/libreoffice6*
  81. editors/mlview*
  82. editors/morla*
  83. editors/openoffice-3*
  84. editors/openoffice-3-devel*
  85. editors/scribes*
  86. emulators/virtualbox-ose-lite*
  87. emulators/wine-compholio*
  88. emulators/wine-doors*
  89. games/gnomesudoku*
  90. games/monkeybubble*
  91. graphics/agave*
  92. graphics/albumshaper*
  93. graphics/amide*
  94. graphics/f-spot*
  95. graphics/ocrfeeder*
  96. graphics/solang*
  97. irc/xchat-gnome*
  98. japanese/xdtp*
  99. java/openjfx8-devel*
  100. lang/gambas*
  101. lang/kroc*
  102. lang/q*
  103. lang/vala-vapigen*
  104. mail/contact-lookup-applet*
  105. math/gcalctool*
  106. misc/bigboard*
  107. misc/krecipes-kde4*
  108. misc/parley-kde4*
  109. misc/quick-lounge-applet*
  110. misc/tellico-kde4*
  111. misc/uf-view*
  112. misc/xmonad-log-applet*
  113. multimedia/avidemux2*
  114. multimedia/avidemux2-plugins*
  115. multimedia/avidemux26*
  116. multimedia/avidemux26-cli*
  117. multimedia/avidemux26-plugins*
  118. multimedia/avidemux26-qt4*
  119. multimedia/banshee*
  120. multimedia/gxmms*
  121. multimedia/imagination*
  122. multimedia/kodi-devel*
  123. multimedia/moonlight*
  124. multimedia/plexhometheater*
  125. multimedia/xbmc*
  126. net/desktop-data-model*
  127. net/ekiga*
  128. net/gnome-netstatus*
  129. net/link-monitor-applet*
  130. net/netspeed_applet*
  131. net/online-desktop*
  132. net/pacemaker*
  133. net/pacemaker1*
  134. net/pecl-yaz*
  135. net/remmina-applet*
  136. net-im/kmess-kde4*
  137. net-im/kopete-kde4*
  138. net-im/sim-im*
  139. net-im/sim-im-devel*
  140. net-im/webinar*
  141. palm/gnome-pilot*
  142. ports-mgmt/gnome-packagekit*
  143. science/omnetpp*
  144. security/fwbuilder*
  145. security/fwbuilder-devel*
  146. security/greenbone-security-assistant8*
  147. security/greenbone-security-assistant9*
  148. security/hotssh*
  149. security/seahorse-plugins*
  150. security/tuntun*
  151. sysutils/bubblemon2*
  152. sysutils/eiciel*
  153. sysutils/gnome-device-manager*
  154. sysutils/gnome-system-tools*
  155. sysutils/lire*
  156. sysutils/nautilus-cd-burner*
  157. sysutils/pessulus*
  158. sysutils/sensors-applet*
  159. sysutils/serpentine*
  160. sysutils/tracker-gnome*
  161. textproc/ecromedos*
  162. textproc/gnome-doc-utils*
  163. textproc/gnome-translate*
  164. textproc/mate-doc-utils*
  165. textproc/php4-domxml*
  166. textproc/php5-xsl*
  167. textproc/php52-xsl*
  168. textproc/php53-xsl*
  169. textproc/php55-xsl*
  170. textproc/php56-xsl*
  171. textproc/php70-xsl*
  172. textproc/php71-xsl*
  173. textproc/php72-xsl*
  174. textproc/php73-xsl*
  175. textproc/php74-xsl*
  176. textproc/php80-xsl*
  177. textproc/pure-xml*
  178. textproc/py-libxslt*
  179. textproc/ruby-xslt*
  180. textproc/rubygem-nokogiri114*
  181. textproc/rubygem-nokogiri14*
  182. textproc/rubygem-nokogiri18*
  183. textproc/rubygem-xslt*
  184. textproc/scrollkeeper*
  185. textproc/uim-gnome*
  186. www/kdewebdev-kde4*
  187. www/kdewebdev4*
  188. www/libgtkhtml*
  189. www/py-webkitgtk*
  190. www/qt5-webkit*
  191. www/screem*
  192. www/tengine*
  193. www/webkit-gtk2*
  194. www/webkit-gtk3*
  195. www/webkit-qt5*
  196. x11/avant-window-navigator-gnome*
  197. x11/gnome-applets*
  198. x11/gnome-panel*
  199. x11/gnome-screensaver*
  200. x11/gnome-swallow*
  201. x11/gtstarter*
  202. x11/kdelibs-kde4*
  203. x11/kdelibs3*
  204. x11/kdelibs3-nocups*
  205. x11/kdelibs4*
  206. x11-fm/gnome-commander2*
  207. x11-fm/py-nautilus*
  208. x11-toolkits/eel*
  209. x11-toolkits/gnome-desktop-sharp20*
  210. x11-toolkits/libgail-gnome*
  211. x11-toolkits/libpanelappletmm*
  212. x11-toolkits/p5-Gtk2-Html2*
  213. x11-toolkits/py-gnome-desktop*
  214. x11-toolkits/py-gnome-extras*
  215. x11-wm/compiz-fusion*
  216. x11-wm/compizconfig-backend-gconf*
  217. x11-wm/compizconfig-python*
  218. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Run
  1. math/scilab
  2. security/vuxml
  3. textproc/db2latex
  4. textproc/dblatex
  5. textproc/docproj-legacy
  6. textproc/gtk-doc
  7. textproc/minixmlto
Expand this list (23 items / 16 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. textproc/po4a
  3. textproc/py-textract
  4. textproc/rarian
  5. textproc/svn2cl
  6. textproc/unoconv
  7. textproc/xmlto
  8. textproc/yelp-tools
  9. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 9 deleted ports
  1. graphics/passepartout*
  2. ports-mgmt/portaudit-db*
  3. security/openvas-cli*
  4. security/openvas8-cli*
  5. security/openvas8-manager*
  6. security/openvas9-cli*
  7. security/openvas9-manager*
  8. textproc/docproj-jadetex*
  9. textproc/docproj-nojadetex*
  10. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
* - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...

Configuration Options:
===> The following configuration options are available for libxslt-1.1.37_1: CRYPTO=on: Enable crypto support MEM_DEBUG=off: Enable memory debugging STATIC=on: Build static executables and/or libraries ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
Options name:
cpe gmake gnome libtool localbase:ldflags pathfix pkgconfig tar:xz
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (12 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.

There are no commits on branch 2024Q2 for this port