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Port details on branch 2024Q1
redland High-level interface for RDF
1.0.17_6 textproc on this many watch lists=23 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 1.0.17_6Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2001-11-22 04:03:00
Last Update: 2024-01-29 22:25:55
Commit Hash: dc106b4
People watching this port, also watch:: pcre, freetype2, libxml2, iso8879, expat
License: APACHE20 GPLv2 GPLv3 LGPL21
Redland is a set of libraries that provide a high-level interface for RDF allowing the model to be stored, queried and manipulated. Redland implements each of the RDF model concepts in its own class and provides an object based API for them. Some of the classes providing the parsers, storage mechanisms and other elements are built as modules that can be added or removed as required.
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Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (104 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. @ldconfig
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/redland-1.0.17_6/
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/redland-1.0.17_6/LICENSE
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/redland-1.0.17_6/APACHE20
  5. /usr/local/share/licenses/redland-1.0.17_6/GPLv2
  6. /usr/local/share/licenses/redland-1.0.17_6/GPLv3
  7. /usr/local/share/licenses/redland-1.0.17_6/LGPL21
  8. bin/rdfproc
  9. bin/redland-config
  10. bin/redland-db-upgrade
  11. include/librdf.h
  12. include/rdf_concepts.h
  13. include/rdf_digest.h
  14. include/rdf_hash.h
  15. include/rdf_init.h
  16. include/rdf_iterator.h
  17. include/rdf_list.h
  18. include/rdf_log.h
  19. include/rdf_model.h
  20. include/rdf_node.h
  21. include/rdf_parser.h
  22. include/rdf_query.h
  23. include/rdf_raptor.h
  24. include/rdf_serializer.h
  25. include/rdf_statement.h
  26. include/rdf_storage.h
  27. include/rdf_storage_module.h
  28. include/rdf_stream.h
  29. include/rdf_uri.h
  30. include/rdf_utf8.h
  31. include/redland.h
  32. lib/librdf.a
  33. lib/
  34. lib/
  35. lib/
  36. @comment lib/redland/librdf_storage_mysql.a
  37. @comment lib/redland/
  38. @comment lib/redland/librdf_storage_postgresql.a
  39. @comment lib/redland/
  40. lib/redland/librdf_storage_sqlite.a
  41. lib/redland/
  42. libdata/pkgconfig/redland.pc
  43. share/man/man1/rdfproc.1.gz
  44. share/man/man1/redland-config.1.gz
  45. share/man/man1/redland-db-upgrade.1.gz
  46. share/man/man3/redland.3.gz
  47. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/home.png
  48. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/index.html
  49. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/index.sgml
  50. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/indexes.html
  51. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/introduction.html
  52. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/left.png
  53. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/objects.html
  54. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-changes-1-0-12-to-1-0-13.html
  55. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-changes-1-0-13-to-1-0-14.html
  56. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-changes-1-0-14-to-1-0-15.html
  57. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-changes-1-0-15-to-1-0-16.html
  58. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-changes-1-0-16-to-1-0-16.html
  59. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-changes.html
  60. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-concepts.html
  61. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-digest.html
  62. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-files.html
  63. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-general.html
  64. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-hash.html
  65. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-heuristics.html
  66. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-iterator.html
  67. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-list.html
  68. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-log.html
  69. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-model.html
  70. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-node.html
  71. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-parser.html
  72. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-query-results.html
  73. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-query.html
  74. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-serializer.html
  75. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-statement.html
  76. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-storage-module-file.html
  77. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-storage-module-hashes.html
  78. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-storage-module-memory.html
  79. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-storage-module-mysql.html
  80. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-storage-module-postgresql.html
  81. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-storage-module-sqlite.html
  82. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-storage-module-tstore.html
  83. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-storage-module-uri.html
  84. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-storage-module-virtuoso.html
  85. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-storage-modules.html
  86. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-storage.html
  87. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-stream.html
  88. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-unicode.html
  89. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-uri.html
  90. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland-world.html
  91. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland.devhelp2
  92. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/redland.html
  93. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/reference-manual.html
  94. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/right.png
  95. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/style.css
  96. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/tutorial-introduction.html
  97. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/tutorial.html
  98. share/gtk-doc/html/redland/up.png
  99. @comment share/redland/mysql-v1.ttl
  100. @comment share/redland/mysql-v2.ttl
  101. share/redland/Redland.i
  102. @owner
  103. @group
  104. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • redland>0:textproc/redland
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/textproc/redland/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install textproc/redland
  • pkg install redland
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: redland
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
SHA256 (redland-1.0.17.tar.gz) = de1847f7b59021c16bdc72abb4d8e2d9187cd6124d69156f3326dd34ee043681 SIZE (redland-1.0.17.tar.gz) = 1621566

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. gmake>=4.3 : devel/gmake
  2. pkgconf>=1.3.0_1 : devel/pkgconf
  3. perl5>=5.36<5.37 : lang/perl5.36
Library dependencies:
  1. : devel/libltdl
  2. : textproc/raptor2
  3. : textproc/rasqal
  4. : databases/sqlite3
This port is required by:
for Libraries
  1. editors/libreoffice
  2. editors/openoffice-4
  3. editors/openoffice-devel
  4. textproc/redland-bindings

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 9 deleted ports
  1. audio/slv2*
  2. editors/libreoffice-legacy*
  3. editors/libreoffice4*
  4. editors/libreoffice6*
  5. editors/morla*
  6. editors/openoffice-3*
  7. editors/openoffice-3-devel*
  8. textproc/redland-bindings-python*
  9. textproc/soprano*
  10. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
* - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...

Configuration Options:
===> The following configuration options are available for redland-1.0.17_6: THREADS=off: Threading support ====> Options available for the group STORAGE BDB=off: Berkeley DB support MYSQL=off: MySQL database support PGSQL=off: PostgreSQL database support SQLITE=on: SQLite database support ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
Options name:
gmake libtool pathfix perl5 pkgconfig shebangfix sqlite:3
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
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There are no commits on branch 2024Q1 for this port