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Port details on branch 2023Q1
libXmu X Miscellaneous Utilities libraries
1.1.4,1 x11-toolkits on this many watch lists=94 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 1.1.4,1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2004-01-25 10:21:04
Last Update: 2023-10-21 14:20:31
Commit Hash: f86ef2c
People watching this port, also watch:: expat, libXt, freetype2, libXau, libSM
License: MIT
This package contains the X Miscellaneous Utilities libraries.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (42 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. @ldconfig
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/libXmu-1.1.4,1/
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/libXmu-1.1.4,1/LICENSE
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/libXmu-1.1.4,1/MIT
  5. include/X11/Xmu/Atoms.h
  6. include/X11/Xmu/CharSet.h
  7. include/X11/Xmu/CloseHook.h
  8. include/X11/Xmu/Converters.h
  9. include/X11/Xmu/CurUtil.h
  10. include/X11/Xmu/CvtCache.h
  11. include/X11/Xmu/DisplayQue.h
  12. include/X11/Xmu/Drawing.h
  13. include/X11/Xmu/Editres.h
  14. include/X11/Xmu/EditresP.h
  15. include/X11/Xmu/Error.h
  16. include/X11/Xmu/ExtAgent.h
  17. include/X11/Xmu/Initer.h
  18. include/X11/Xmu/Lookup.h
  19. include/X11/Xmu/Misc.h
  20. include/X11/Xmu/StdCmap.h
  21. include/X11/Xmu/StdSel.h
  22. include/X11/Xmu/SysUtil.h
  23. include/X11/Xmu/WhitePoint.h
  24. include/X11/Xmu/WidgetNode.h
  25. include/X11/Xmu/WinUtil.h
  26. include/X11/Xmu/Xct.h
  27. include/X11/Xmu/Xmu.h
  28. lib/libXmu.a
  29. lib/
  30. lib/
  31. lib/
  32. lib/libXmuu.a
  33. lib/
  34. lib/
  35. lib/
  36. libdata/pkgconfig/xmu.pc
  37. libdata/pkgconfig/xmuu.pc
  38. share/doc/libXmu/Xmu.xml
  39. share/doc/libXmu/xlogo.svg
  40. @owner
  41. @group
  42. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • libXmu>0:x11-toolkits/libXmu
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/libXmu/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install x11-toolkits/libXmu
  • pkg install libXmu
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1697741126 SHA256 (xorg/lib/libXmu-1.1.4.tar.xz) = 210de3ab9c3e9382572c25d17c2518a854ce6e2c62c5f8315deac7579e758244 SIZE (xorg/lib/libXmu-1.1.4.tar.xz) = 349264

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. pkgconf>=1.3.0_1 : devel/pkgconf
  2. xorgproto>=0 : x11/xorgproto
  3. xorg-macros.pc : devel/xorg-macros
  4. x11.pc : x11/libX11
  5. xt.pc : x11-toolkits/libXt
  6. xext.pc : x11/libXext
Runtime dependencies:
  1. x11.pc : x11/libX11
  2. xt.pc : x11-toolkits/libXt
  3. xext.pc : x11/libXext
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. astro/openuniverse
  2. astro/xephem
  3. astro/xtide
  4. audio/nas
  5. audio/timidity++-xaw
  6. audio/xanalyser
  7. audio/xmcd
Expand this list (378 items / 371 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. audio/xmix
  3. audio/xmixer
  4. biology/molden
  5. biology/ncbi-toolkit
  6. biology/protomol
  7. cad/calculix
  8. cad/dinotrace
  9. cad/electric
  10. cad/magic
  11. cad/netgen
  12. cad/ngspice_rework
  13. cad/opencascade
  14. cad/opencascade740
  15. cad/spice
  16. comms/acfax
  17. databases/grass7
  18. databases/grass8
  19. databases/sqsh
  20. deskutils/autocutsel
  21. deskutils/xcalendar
  22. deskutils/xpostit
  23. deskutils/xpostitPlus
  24. devel/glui
  25. devel/m17n-lib
  26. devel/pdcurses
  27. devel/root
  28. devel/simgear
  29. devel/t1lib
  30. devel/xxgdb
  31. editors/e93
  32. editors/emacs
  33. emulators/darcnes
  34. emulators/qmc2
  35. emulators/vice
  36. emulators/virtualbox-ose
  37. emulators/virtualbox-ose-70
  38. emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions
  39. emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions-legacy
  40. emulators/virtualbox-ose-legacy
  41. games/3dc
  42. games/KnightCap
  43. games/atr3d
  44. games/billardgl
  45. games/brutalchess
  46. games/cake
  47. games/connectfive
  48. games/crack-attack
  49. games/editss
  50. games/ensemblist
  51. games/falconseye
  52. games/flightgear
  53. games/freetennis
  54. games/glaxium
  55. games/gnubg
  56. games/gracer
  57. games/nethack36
  58. games/netradiant
  59. games/openssn
  60. games/searchandrescue
  61. games/sol
  62. games/torcs
  63. games/tuxracer
  64. games/vamos
  65. games/wmeyes
  66. games/xbill
  67. games/xblackjack
  68. games/xboard
  69. games/xboard-devel
  70. games/xbubble
  71. games/xconq
  72. games/xfrisk
  73. games/xgalaga
  74. games/xinvaders
  75. games/xisola
  76. games/xjumpx
  77. games/xmine
  78. games/xmris
  79. games/xmulti
  80. games/xnethack
  81. games/xpipeman
  82. games/xrobots
  83. games/xshisen
  84. games/xshogi
  85. games/xspacewarp
  86. games/xtic
  87. games/xtrojka
  88. graphics/blender
  89. graphics/ftgl
  90. graphics/fv
  91. graphics/gauche-gl
  92. graphics/geomview
  93. graphics/gimp-app
  94. graphics/gle
  95. graphics/graphviz
  96. graphics/libgltext
  97. graphics/ocaml-lablgl
  98. graphics/opencolorio
  99. graphics/opencolorio-tools
  100. graphics/opendx
  101. graphics/openrm
  102. graphics/p5-OpenGL
  103. graphics/partio
  104. graphics/plotutils
  105. graphics/quesa
  106. graphics/togl
  107. graphics/xbmbrowser
  108. graphics/xfig
  109. graphics/xpaint
  110. graphics/xtexcad
  111. japanese/kdrill
  112. japanese/kinput2
  113. japanese/kterm
  114. japanese/skkinput
  115. japanese/skkinput3
  116. lang/elk
  117. mail/coolmail
  118. mail/exim-monitor
  119. mail/xfaces
  120. mail/xmail
  121. mail/xmailwatcher
  122. mail/xpbiff
  123. math/R
  124. math/hexcalc
  125. math/mathgl
  126. math/openmesh
  127. math/the-algorithms-c++
  128. math/xgap
  129. misc/dartsim
  130. misc/free42
  131. misc/hotkeys
  132. misc/magicpoint
  133. misc/xless
  134. net/boinc-client
  135. net/pload
  136. net/pvm
  137. net/tightvnc
  138. news/knews
  139. print/asprint
  140. print/bibview
  141. print/gv
  142. print/libotf
  143. print/tex-xdvik
  144. print/xmbibtex
  145. print/xpdfopen
  146. russian/xruskb
  147. science/afni
  148. science/cgnslib
  149. science/dakota
  150. science/gabedit
  151. science/geant4
  152. science/medit
  153. science/molscript
  154. science/opensim-core
  155. science/simbody
  156. science/smoldyn
  157. science/xcrysden
  158. security/dsniff
  159. sysutils/pwsafe
  160. sysutils/xbatt
  161. sysutils/xcpustate
  162. sysutils/xdu
  163. textproc/mgdiff
  164. x11/3ddesktop
  165. x11/bitmap
  166. x11/cde
  167. x11/cde-25
  168. x11/cde-devel
  169. x11/editres
  170. x11/imwheel
  171. x11/keyboardcast
  172. x11/libXcm
  173. x11/libsx
  174. x11/listres
  175. x11/rxvt-unicode
  176. x11/slim
  177. x11/smproxy
  178. x11/trayer
  179. x11/viewres
  180. x11/wdm
  181. x11/wmctrl-fork
  182. x11/wmsystemtray
  183. x11/workrave
  184. x11/x11perf
  185. x11/x3270
  186. x11/xauth
  187. x11/xballoon
  188. x11/xbiff
  189. x11/xbrightness
  190. x11/xcb
  191. x11/xclip
  192. x11/xcm
  193. x11/xcmd
  194. x11/xcoloredit
  195. x11/xcolors
  196. x11/xconsole
  197. x11/xditview
  198. x11/xdm
  199. x11/xedit
  200. x11/xeyes
  201. x11/xf86dga
  202. x11/xfce4-taskmanager
  203. x11/xfd
  204. x11/xforward
  205. x11/xhost
  206. x11/xkeycaps
  207. x11/xkill
  208. x11/xload
  209. x11/xlogo
  210. x11/xlsclients
  211. x11/xlupe
  212. x11/xmascot
  213. x11/xmh
  214. x11/xmotd
  215. x11/xmsg
  216. x11/xpr
  217. x11/xprompt
  218. x11/xrdb
  219. x11/xscreensaver
  220. x11/xset
  221. x11/xseticon
  222. x11/xsetroot
  223. x11/xstdcmap
  224. x11/xterm
  225. x11/xvkbd
  226. x11/zutty
  227. x11-clocks/bclock
  228. x11-clocks/emiclock
  229. x11-clocks/glclock
  230. x11-clocks/oclock
  231. x11-clocks/xalarm
  232. x11-clocks/xclock
  233. x11-fm/xcruise
  234. x11-fonts/xfontsel
  235. x11-toolkits/SoXt
  236. x11-toolkits/Xaw3d
  237. x11-toolkits/gnustep-back
  238. x11-toolkits/libXaw
  239. x11-toolkits/libxaw3dxft
  240. x11-toolkits/mowitz
  241. x11-toolkits/neXtaw
  242. x11-toolkits/open-motif
  243. x11-toolkits/open-motif-devel
  244. x11-toolkits/otk
  245. x11-toolkits/plib
  246. x11-toolkits/xmhtml
  247. x11-wm/amiwm
  248. x11-wm/ctwm
  249. x11-wm/fbcmd
  250. x11-wm/gamescope
  251. x11-wm/jwm
  252. x11-wm/libwraster
  253. x11-wm/piewm
  254. x11-wm/twm
  255. x11-wm/vtwm
  256. x11-wm/windowmaker
  257. x11-wm/wm2
  258. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 115 deleted ports
  1. audio/xmms-sndfile*
  2. audio/xmradio*
  3. benchmarks/xengine*
  4. biology/njplot*
  5. cad/cider*
  6. cad/linuxcnc-devel*
  7. cad/slffea*
  8. chinese/cxterm*
  9. comms/seyon*
  10. databases/grass*
  11. databases/grass6*
  12. deskutils/mrundlg*
  13. editors/asedit*
  14. editors/axe*
  15. editors/xemacs-devel*
  16. emulators/kcemu*
  17. emulators/yabause*
  18. finance/opentaxsolver*
  19. ftp/IglooFTP*
  20. games/BillardGL*
  21. games/asteroid*
  22. games/cultivation*
  23. games/flightgear-atlas*
  24. games/gru*
  25. games/imaze*
  26. games/oneko*
  27. games/openalchemist*
  28. games/ppracer*
  29. games/speyes*
  30. games/spider*
  31. games/vegastrike*
  32. games/xgospel*
  33. games/xminesweep*
  34. games/yamsweeper*
  35. graphics/ayam*
  36. graphics/blender-lts28*
  37. graphics/blender-lts29*
  38. graphics/cinepaint*
  39. graphics/ffff*
  40. graphics/gsnapshot*
  41. graphics/libglut*
  42. graphics/mhgui*
  43. graphics/pixmap*
  44. graphics/py-gimp*
  45. graphics/pyro*
  46. graphics/ruby-opengl*
  47. graphics/tiffgt*
  48. graphics/wdune*
  49. graphics/xfig-devel*
  50. graphics/xmandel*
  51. japanese/aterm*
  52. japanese/gxditview*
  53. japanese/ja-tex-xdvik*
  54. java/jdk15*
  55. lang/hugs*
  56. lang/kroc*
  57. lang/modula3*
  58. mail/ml*
  59. mail/xlbiff*
  60. math/libR*
  61. math/surf*
  62. misc/xgas*
  63. misc/xpns*
  64. misc/xtypo*
  65. multimedia/fxtv*
  66. multimedia/nxtvepg*
  67. multimedia/plexhometheater*
  68. multimedia/xbmc*
  69. multimedia/xbmc-pvr*
  70. net/nam*
  71. net/opennx*
  72. net/ssvnc*
  73. net/tridiavnc*
  74. net/xipdump*
  75. net/xipmsg*
  76. net-im/linpopup*
  77. news/xrn*
  78. print/xdvi*
  79. russian/prawda*
  80. science/coot*
  81. science/gwyddion*
  82. science/molden*
  83. sysutils/mmore*
  84. sysutils/nvtv*
  85. sysutils/xloadface*
  86. sysutils/xvidcap*
  87. textproc/gxditview*
  88. vietnamese/vnterm*
  89. www/chimera*
  90. www/ump*
  91. x11/cde-24*
  92. x11/dynamag*
  93. x11/emu*
  94. x11/libdnd*
  95. x11/trayer-srg*
  96. x11/wmctrl*
  97. x11/xaniroc*
  98. x11/xbelld*
  99. x11/xlogout*
  100. x11/xmon*
  101. x11/xsel*
  102. x11-clocks/swisswatch*
  103. x11-clocks/xtimer*
  104. x11-fm/FSViewer*
  105. x11-fm/xfm*
  106. x11-servers/xorg-dmx*
  107. x11-toolkits/gnustep-art*
  108. x11-toolkits/gnustep-cairo*
  109. x11-toolkits/gnustep-xdps*
  110. x11-toolkits/v*
  111. x11-wm/fvwm*
  112. x11-wm/larswm*
  113. x11-wm/skippy*
  114. x11-wm/treewm*
  115. x11-wm/tvtwm*
  116. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Libraries
  1. x11-toolkits/open-motif
  2. x11-toolkits/open-motif-devel
for Run
  1. astro/openuniverse
  2. astro/xephem
  3. astro/xtide
  4. audio/nas
  5. audio/timidity++-xaw
  6. audio/xanalyser
  7. audio/xmcd
Expand this list (379 items / 372 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. audio/xmix
  3. audio/xmixer
  4. biology/molden
  5. biology/ncbi-toolkit
  6. biology/protomol
  7. cad/calculix
  8. cad/dinotrace
  9. cad/electric
  10. cad/magic
  11. cad/netgen
  12. cad/ngspice_rework
  13. cad/opencascade
  14. cad/opencascade740
  15. cad/spice
  16. comms/acfax
  17. databases/grass7
  18. databases/grass8
  19. databases/sqsh
  20. deskutils/autocutsel
  21. deskutils/xcalendar
  22. deskutils/xpostit
  23. deskutils/xpostitPlus
  24. devel/glui
  25. devel/m17n-lib
  26. devel/pdcurses
  27. devel/root
  28. devel/simgear
  29. devel/t1lib
  30. devel/xxgdb
  31. editors/e93
  32. editors/emacs
  33. emulators/darcnes
  34. emulators/qmc2
  35. emulators/vice
  36. emulators/virtualbox-ose
  37. emulators/virtualbox-ose-70
  38. emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions
  39. emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions-legacy
  40. emulators/virtualbox-ose-legacy
  41. games/3dc
  42. games/KnightCap
  43. games/atr3d
  44. games/billardgl
  45. games/brutalchess
  46. games/cake
  47. games/connectfive
  48. games/crack-attack
  49. games/editss
  50. games/ensemblist
  51. games/falconseye
  52. games/flightgear
  53. games/freetennis
  54. games/glaxium
  55. games/gnubg
  56. games/gracer
  57. games/nethack36
  58. games/netradiant
  59. games/openssn
  60. games/searchandrescue
  61. games/sol
  62. games/torcs
  63. games/tuxracer
  64. games/vamos
  65. games/wmeyes
  66. games/xbill
  67. games/xblackjack
  68. games/xboard
  69. games/xboard-devel
  70. games/xbubble
  71. games/xconq
  72. games/xfrisk
  73. games/xgalaga
  74. games/xinvaders
  75. games/xisola
  76. games/xjumpx
  77. games/xmine
  78. games/xmris
  79. games/xmulti
  80. games/xnethack
  81. games/xpipeman
  82. games/xrobots
  83. games/xshisen
  84. games/xshogi
  85. games/xspacewarp
  86. games/xtic
  87. games/xtrojka
  88. graphics/blender
  89. graphics/ftgl
  90. graphics/fv
  91. graphics/gauche-gl
  92. graphics/geomview
  93. graphics/gimp-app
  94. graphics/gle
  95. graphics/graphviz
  96. graphics/libgltext
  97. graphics/ocaml-lablgl
  98. graphics/opencolorio
  99. graphics/opencolorio-tools
  100. graphics/opendx
  101. graphics/openrm
  102. graphics/p5-OpenGL
  103. graphics/partio
  104. graphics/plotutils
  105. graphics/quesa
  106. graphics/togl
  107. graphics/xbmbrowser
  108. graphics/xfig
  109. graphics/xpaint
  110. graphics/xtexcad
  111. japanese/kdrill
  112. japanese/kinput2
  113. japanese/kterm
  114. japanese/skkinput
  115. japanese/skkinput3
  116. lang/elk
  117. mail/coolmail
  118. mail/exim-monitor
  119. mail/xfaces
  120. mail/xmail
  121. mail/xmailwatcher
  122. mail/xpbiff
  123. math/R
  124. math/hexcalc
  125. math/mathgl
  126. math/openmesh
  127. math/the-algorithms-c++
  128. math/xgap
  129. misc/dartsim
  130. misc/free42
  131. misc/hotkeys
  132. misc/magicpoint
  133. misc/xless
  134. net/boinc-client
  135. net/pload
  136. net/pvm
  137. net/tightvnc
  138. news/knews
  139. print/asprint
  140. print/bibview
  141. print/gv
  142. print/libotf
  143. print/tex-xdvik
  144. print/xmbibtex
  145. print/xpdfopen
  146. russian/xruskb
  147. science/afni
  148. science/cgnslib
  149. science/dakota
  150. science/gabedit
  151. science/geant4
  152. science/medit
  153. science/molscript
  154. science/opensim-core
  155. science/simbody
  156. science/smoldyn
  157. science/xcrysden
  158. security/dsniff
  159. sysutils/pwsafe
  160. sysutils/xbatt
  161. sysutils/xcpustate
  162. sysutils/xdu
  163. textproc/mgdiff
  164. x11/3ddesktop
  165. x11/bitmap
  166. x11/cde
  167. x11/cde-25
  168. x11/cde-devel
  169. x11/editres
  170. x11/imwheel
  171. x11/keyboardcast
  172. x11/libXcm
  173. x11/libsx
  174. x11/listres
  175. x11/rxvt-unicode
  176. x11/slim
  177. x11/smproxy
  178. x11/trayer
  179. x11/viewres
  180. x11/wdm
  181. x11/wmctrl-fork
  182. x11/wmsystemtray
  183. x11/workrave
  184. x11/x11perf
  185. x11/x3270
  186. x11/xauth
  187. x11/xballoon
  188. x11/xbiff
  189. x11/xbrightness
  190. x11/xcb
  191. x11/xclip
  192. x11/xcm
  193. x11/xcmd
  194. x11/xcoloredit
  195. x11/xcolors
  196. x11/xconsole
  197. x11/xditview
  198. x11/xdm
  199. x11/xedit
  200. x11/xeyes
  201. x11/xf86dga
  202. x11/xfce4-taskmanager
  203. x11/xfd
  204. x11/xforward
  205. x11/xhost
  206. x11/xkeycaps
  207. x11/xkill
  208. x11/xload
  209. x11/xlogo
  210. x11/xlsclients
  211. x11/xlupe
  212. x11/xmascot
  213. x11/xmh
  214. x11/xmotd
  215. x11/xmsg
  216. x11/xorg-libraries
  217. x11/xpr
  218. x11/xprompt
  219. x11/xrdb
  220. x11/xscreensaver
  221. x11/xset
  222. x11/xseticon
  223. x11/xsetroot
  224. x11/xstdcmap
  225. x11/xterm
  226. x11/xvkbd
  227. x11/zutty
  228. x11-clocks/bclock
  229. x11-clocks/emiclock
  230. x11-clocks/glclock
  231. x11-clocks/oclock
  232. x11-clocks/xalarm
  233. x11-clocks/xclock
  234. x11-fm/xcruise
  235. x11-fonts/xfontsel
  236. x11-toolkits/SoXt
  237. x11-toolkits/Xaw3d
  238. x11-toolkits/gnustep-back
  239. x11-toolkits/libXaw
  240. x11-toolkits/libxaw3dxft
  241. x11-toolkits/mowitz
  242. x11-toolkits/neXtaw
  243. x11-toolkits/open-motif
  244. x11-toolkits/open-motif-devel
  245. x11-toolkits/otk
  246. x11-toolkits/plib
  247. x11-toolkits/xmhtml
  248. x11-wm/amiwm
  249. x11-wm/ctwm
  250. x11-wm/fbcmd
  251. x11-wm/gamescope
  252. x11-wm/jwm
  253. x11-wm/libwraster
  254. x11-wm/piewm
  255. x11-wm/twm
  256. x11-wm/vtwm
  257. x11-wm/windowmaker
  258. x11-wm/wm2
  259. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 115 deleted ports
  1. audio/xmms-sndfile*
  2. audio/xmradio*
  3. benchmarks/xengine*
  4. biology/njplot*
  5. cad/cider*
  6. cad/linuxcnc-devel*
  7. cad/slffea*
  8. chinese/cxterm*
  9. comms/seyon*
  10. databases/grass*
  11. databases/grass6*
  12. deskutils/mrundlg*
  13. editors/asedit*
  14. editors/axe*
  15. editors/xemacs-devel*
  16. emulators/kcemu*
  17. emulators/yabause*
  18. finance/opentaxsolver*
  19. ftp/IglooFTP*
  20. games/BillardGL*
  21. games/asteroid*
  22. games/cultivation*
  23. games/flightgear-atlas*
  24. games/gru*
  25. games/imaze*
  26. games/oneko*
  27. games/openalchemist*
  28. games/ppracer*
  29. games/speyes*
  30. games/spider*
  31. games/vegastrike*
  32. games/xgospel*
  33. games/xminesweep*
  34. games/yamsweeper*
  35. graphics/ayam*
  36. graphics/blender-lts28*
  37. graphics/blender-lts29*
  38. graphics/cinepaint*
  39. graphics/ffff*
  40. graphics/gsnapshot*
  41. graphics/libglut*
  42. graphics/mhgui*
  43. graphics/pixmap*
  44. graphics/py-gimp*
  45. graphics/pyro*
  46. graphics/ruby-opengl*
  47. graphics/tiffgt*
  48. graphics/wdune*
  49. graphics/xfig-devel*
  50. graphics/xmandel*
  51. japanese/aterm*
  52. japanese/gxditview*
  53. japanese/ja-tex-xdvik*
  54. java/jdk15*
  55. lang/hugs*
  56. lang/kroc*
  57. lang/modula3*
  58. mail/ml*
  59. mail/xlbiff*
  60. math/libR*
  61. math/surf*
  62. misc/xgas*
  63. misc/xpns*
  64. misc/xtypo*
  65. multimedia/fxtv*
  66. multimedia/nxtvepg*
  67. multimedia/plexhometheater*
  68. multimedia/xbmc*
  69. multimedia/xbmc-pvr*
  70. net/nam*
  71. net/opennx*
  72. net/ssvnc*
  73. net/tridiavnc*
  74. net/xipdump*
  75. net/xipmsg*
  76. net-im/linpopup*
  77. news/xrn*
  78. print/xdvi*
  79. russian/prawda*
  80. science/coot*
  81. science/gwyddion*
  82. science/molden*
  83. sysutils/mmore*
  84. sysutils/nvtv*
  85. sysutils/xloadface*
  86. sysutils/xvidcap*
  87. textproc/gxditview*
  88. vietnamese/vnterm*
  89. www/chimera*
  90. www/ump*
  91. x11/cde-24*
  92. x11/dynamag*
  93. x11/emu*
  94. x11/libdnd*
  95. x11/trayer-srg*
  96. x11/wmctrl*
  97. x11/xaniroc*
  98. x11/xbelld*
  99. x11/xlogout*
  100. x11/xmon*
  101. x11/xsel*
  102. x11-clocks/swisswatch*
  103. x11-clocks/xtimer*
  104. x11-fm/FSViewer*
  105. x11-fm/xfm*
  106. x11-servers/xorg-dmx*
  107. x11-toolkits/gnustep-art*
  108. x11-toolkits/gnustep-cairo*
  109. x11-toolkits/gnustep-xdps*
  110. x11-toolkits/v*
  111. x11-wm/fvwm*
  112. x11-wm/larswm*
  113. x11-wm/skippy*
  114. x11-wm/treewm*
  115. x11-wm/tvtwm*
  116. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
* - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...

Configuration Options:
No options to configure
Options name:
tar:xz xorg xorg-cat:lib xorg
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (12 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.

There are no commits on branch 2023Q1 for this port