Port details on branch 2024Q3 |
- hdf5 Hierarchical Data Format library (from NCSA) (latest)
- 1.12.2_2,1 science
=16 1.12.2_2,1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch. - Maintainer: sunpoet@FreeBSD.org
 - Port Added: 2004-02-25 22:55:51
- Last Update: 2025-01-18 17:23:17
- Commit Hash: c18ce60
- People watching this port, also watch:: freetype2, wget, libxml2, aspell, expat
- Also Listed In: archivers graphics
- License: BSD4CLAUSE
- WWW:
- https://www.hdfgroup.org/
- https://github.com/HDFGroup/hdf5
- Description:
- HDF5 is a completely new Hierarchical Data Format product consisting of a data
format specification and a supporting library implementation. HDF5 is designed
to address some of the limitations of the older HDF product and to address
current and anticipated requirements of modern systems and applications.
HDF5 includes the following improvements:
- A new file format designed to address some of the deficiencies of HDF4.x,
particularly the need to store larger files and more objects per file.
- A simpler, more comprehensive data model that includes only two basic
structures: a multidimensional array of record structures, and a grouping
- A simpler, better-engineered library and API, with improved support for
parallel I/O, threads, and other requirements imposed by modern systems
and applications.
 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 
- Manual pages:
- FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
- pkg-plist: as obtained via:
make generate-plist - Dependency lines:
- Conflicts:
- To install the port:
- cd /usr/ports/science/hdf5/ && make install clean
- To add the package, run one of these commands:
- pkg install science/hdf5
- pkg install hdf5
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.- PKGNAME: hdf5
- Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
- distinfo:
- TIMESTAMP = 1652642679
SHA256 (CMake-hdf5-1.12.2.tar.gz) = 04621dd1b96426f7f7883d508657fb1ee579ddd22f4c38ababfd8a408abd6525
SIZE (CMake-hdf5-1.12.2.tar.gz) = 34474552
Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
- Dependencies
- NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
- Build dependencies:
- cmake : devel/cmake-core
- gfortran13 : lang/gcc13
- as : devel/binutils
- perl5>=5.36<5.37 : lang/perl5.36
- Runtime dependencies:
- gfortran13 : lang/gcc13
- Library dependencies:
- libsz.so : science/libaec
- This port is required by:
- for Build
- science/avogadro2
- for Libraries
- archivers/vbz-compression
- astro/oskar
- biology/kallisto
- cad/appcsxcad
- cad/csxcad
- cad/freecad
- cad/gmsh
Deleted ports which required this port:
- for Run
- biology/sra-tools
Configuration Options:
- ===> The following configuration options are available for hdf5-1.12.2_2,1:
DEBUG=off: Build with debugging support
EXAMPLES=on: Build and/or install examples
FORTRAN=on: Fortran language support
SZIP=on: Szip compression support
====> Options available for the radio SUPPORT: you can only select none or one of them
CXX=on: C++ language support
PARALLEL=off: Parallel support
===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
- Options name:
- science_hdf5
- cmake:testing compiler:c11 localbase perl5 fortran
- FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
- Master Sites: