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I remember
2024-11-06 brought a new category: filesystems. Sadly, the website did not process it well. I''m working on that. It may take a few days.
Port details on branch 2024Q4
py-scipy Scientific tools for Python
1.11.1_1,1 science on this many watch lists=6 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 1.11.1_1,1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2004-08-26 08:44:44
Last Update: 2024-09-08 19:43:18
Commit Hash: 3053489
People watching this port, also watch:: py39-matplotlib, libogg, thunderbird, pftop, firefox
Also Listed In: python
SciPy is an open source library of scientific tools for Python. SciPy supplements the popular Numpy module, gathering a variety of high level science and engineering modules together as a single package. SciPy includes modules for graphics and plotting, optimization, integration, special functions, signal and image processing, genetic algorithms, ODE solvers, and others.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
There is no configure plist information for this port.
Dependency lines:
  • ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}scipy>0:science/py-scipy@${PY_FLAVOR}
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/science/py-scipy/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install science/py-scipy
  • pkg install py311-scipy
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
NOTE: This is a Python port. Instead of py311-scipy listed in the above command, you can pick from the names under the Packages section.
PKGNAME: py311-scipy
Package flavors (<flavor>: <package>)
  • py311: py311-scipy
TIMESTAMP = 1723220234 SHA256 (scipy-1.11.1.tar.gz) = fb5b492fa035334fd249f0973cc79ecad8b09c604b42a127a677b45a9a3d4289 SIZE (scipy-1.11.1.tar.gz) = 56031509

Expand this list (4 items)

Collapse this list.

SHA256 ( = e0a90d5fb0b93f0433c63cc1f80c8084e54c0402606a60a7898f61b53be60f13 SIZE ( = 50389323 SHA256 (ab7d08c6148286059f6498ab5c3070268d13cbd9.patch) = 41f357e513cdad1f4dcef1ff299915f2e540d95dcc722d72c9b25bc5a4abfab8 SIZE (ab7d08c6148286059f6498ab5c3070268d13cbd9.patch) = 1105

Collapse this list.

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):


NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. py311-numpy>=1.16,1<1.27,1 : math/py-numpy@py311
  2. py311-pip>0 : devel/py-pip@py311
  3. py311-pybind11>0 : devel/py-pybind11@py311
  4. py311-pythran>=0 : devel/py-pythran@py311
  5. unzip>0 : archivers/unzip
  6. gfortran13 : lang/gcc13
  7. cython-3.11 : lang/cython@py311
  8. py311-setuptools>=63.1.0 : devel/py-setuptools@py311
  9. python3.11 : lang/python311
  10. as : devel/binutils
Test dependencies:
  1. py311-gmpy2>0 : math/py-gmpy2@py311
  2. py311-mpmath>0 : math/py-mpmath@py311
  3. py311-pooch>0 : devel/py-pooch@py311
  4. py311-pytest-cov>0 : devel/py-pytest-cov@py311
  5. py311-pytest-timeout>0 : devel/py-pytest-timeout@py311
  6. py311-pytest-xdist>0 : devel/py-pytest-xdist@py311
  7. py311-scikit-umfpack>0 : math/py-scikit-umfpack@py311
  8. python3.11 : lang/python311
Runtime dependencies:
  1. py311-numpy>=1.16,1<1.27,1 : math/py-numpy@py311
  2. gfortran13 : lang/gcc13
  3. py311-setuptools>=63.1.0 : devel/py-setuptools@py311
  4. python3.11 : lang/python311
Library dependencies:
  1. : math/blas
  2. : math/openblas
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. comms/nanovna-saver
  2. devel/cpp2py
  3. devel/py-qutip
  4. devel/py-trimesh
  5. math/openturns
  6. math/py-apgl
  7. math/py-diffcp
Expand this list (62 items / 55 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. math/py-formulaic
  3. math/py-hmmlearn
  4. math/py-ipyopt
  5. math/py-keras
  6. math/py-linearmodels
  7. math/py-lmfit
  8. math/py-minorminer
  9. math/py-mnnpy
  10. math/py-numdifftools
  11. math/py-osqp
  12. math/py-primme
  13. math/py-pyFFTW
  14. math/py-pyhdfe
  15. math/py-scikit-umfpack
  16. math/py-ssm
  17. math/py-statsmodels
  18. math/sage
  19. misc/py-gluoncv
  20. misc/py-lightgbm
  21. misc/py-shap2
  22. misc/py-torchmetrics
  23. science/py-OpenMC
  24. science/py-PyNE
  25. science/py-arch
  26. science/py-boutdata
  27. science/py-boututils
  28. science/py-chempy
  29. science/py-dwave-system
  30. science/py-obspy
  31. science/py-oddt
  32. science/py-penaltymodel
  33. science/py-phono3py
  34. science/py-pyscf
  35. science/py-scikit-fuzzy
  36. science/py-scikit-learn
  37. science/py-scikit-sparse
  38. science/py-thewalrus
  39. science/salome-kernel
  40. science/ttk
  41. science/wwplot
  42. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 15 deleted ports
  1. audio/pulseeffects*
  2. comms/wsjt*
  3. math/py-graphtool*
  4. math/py-pymc*
  5. math/py-statsmodels010*
  6. misc/py-anndata*
  7. misc/py-qiskit-machine-learning*
  8. science/brian*
  9. science/py-obspy-core*
  10. science/py-qiskit-dynamics*
  11. science/py-qiskit-experiments*
  12. science/py-qiskit-finance*
  13. science/py-qiskit-nature*
  14. science/py-qiskit-optimization*
  15. science/py-qiskit-terra*
  16. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Run
  1. astro/py-astlib
  2. astro/py-astroML
  3. astro/py-metpy
  4. astro/py-pykep
  5. astro/py-skyfield
  6. astro/py-sunpy
  7. audio/py-librosa
Expand this list (207 items / 200 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. audio/py-pydub
  3. audio/py-simpleaudio
  4. biology/checkm
  5. biology/groopm
  6. biology/py-PySCeS
  7. biology/py-biom-format
  8. biology/py-deeptools
  9. biology/py-goatools
  10. biology/py-loompy
  11. biology/py-orange3-bioinformatics
  12. biology/py-scikit-bio
  13. cad/py-lcapy
  14. cad/py-pyfda
  15. cad/uranium
  16. comms/apitran
  17. comms/nanovna-saver
  18. devel/cpp2py
  19. devel/py-anndata
  20. devel/py-cereslib
  21. devel/py-fastf1
  22. devel/py-pyquil
  23. devel/py-qutip
  24. devel/py-qutip-qip
  25. devel/py-sparse
  26. devel/py-trimesh
  27. devel/py-xarray-einstats
  28. finance/py-ffn
  29. finance/py-quantecon
  30. graphics/py-albumentations
  31. graphics/py-colorz
  32. graphics/py-fury
  33. graphics/py-giddy
  34. graphics/py-mapclassify
  35. graphics/py-mgwr
  36. graphics/py-pointpats
  37. graphics/py-pyqtgraph
  38. graphics/py-scikit-image
  39. graphics/py-urbansim
  40. math/openturns
  41. math/py-CyLP
  42. math/py-Diofant
  43. math/py-GridDataFormats
  44. math/py-POT
  45. math/py-Py-BOBYQA
  46. math/py-apgl
  47. math/py-arviz
  48. math/py-baycomp
  49. math/py-bayesian-optimization
  50. math/py-chaospy
  51. math/py-clarabel
  52. math/py-cvxpy
  53. math/py-cyipopt
  54. math/py-dgl
  55. math/py-diffcp
  56. math/py-ecos
  57. math/py-formulaic
  58. math/py-hdbscan
  59. math/py-hepstats
  60. math/py-hmmlearn
  61. math/py-ipyopt
  62. math/py-jax
  63. math/py-keras
  64. math/py-linearmodels
  65. math/py-lmfit
  66. math/py-luminol
  67. math/py-mathics
  68. math/py-minorminer
  69. math/py-mnnpy
  70. math/py-networkx
  71. math/py-numdifftools
  72. math/py-openTSNE
  73. math/py-osqp
  74. math/py-point-annotator
  75. math/py-primme
  76. math/py-pyFFTW
  77. math/py-pyhdfe
  78. math/py-pymc3
  79. math/py-pyneqsys
  80. math/py-pynndescent
  81. math/py-pyodesys
  82. math/py-pytensor
  83. math/py-python-picard
  84. math/py-qats
  85. math/py-qdldl
  86. math/py-resample
  87. math/py-scikit-fem
  88. math/py-scikit-umfpack
  89. math/py-scs
  90. math/py-seaborn
  91. math/py-seriate
  92. math/py-spglm
  93. math/py-spint
  94. math/py-spopt
  95. math/py-spreg
  96. math/py-spvcm
  97. math/py-ssm
  98. math/py-statsmodels
  99. math/py-theano
  100. math/py-umap-learn
  101. math/sage
  102. misc/caffe
  103. misc/orange3
  104. misc/py-aider-chat
  105. misc/py-eemeter
  106. misc/py-gluoncv
  107. misc/py-lightgbm
  108. misc/py-mmdet
  109. misc/py-mmsegmentation
  110. misc/py-orange3-associate
  111. misc/py-orange3-timeseries
  112. misc/py-pymatreader
  113. misc/py-scikit-fusion
  114. misc/py-shap2
  115. misc/py-thermocouples_reference
  116. misc/py-torch-geometric
  117. misc/py-torchmetrics
  118. misc/py-xgboost
  119. science/agrum
  120. science/bout++
  121. science/cantera
  122. science/meep
  123. science/py-GPy
  124. science/py-GPyOpt
  125. science/py-MDAnalysis
  126. science/py-OpenFermion
  127. science/py-OpenMC
  128. science/py-PyNE
  129. science/py-abipy
  130. science/py-arch
  131. science/py-ase
  132. science/py-boutdata
  133. science/py-boututils
  134. science/py-chainer-chemistry
  135. science/py-chempy
  136. science/py-cirq-core
  137. science/py-dipy
  138. science/py-dwave-system
  139. science/py-esda
  140. science/py-gpaw
  141. science/py-hiphive
  142. science/py-inequality
  143. science/py-kliff
  144. science/py-libpysal
  145. science/py-lifelines
  146. science/py-mplhep
  147. science/py-nilearn
  148. science/py-obspy
  149. science/py-oddt
  150. science/py-openpiv
  151. science/py-paramz
  152. science/py-penaltymodel
  153. science/py-phono3py
  154. science/py-pymatgen
  155. science/py-pyphot
  156. science/py-pyscf
  157. science/py-qcelemental
  158. science/py-qspin
  159. science/py-rmsd
  160. science/py-sarpy
  161. science/py-scikit-fuzzy
  162. science/py-scikit-learn
  163. science/py-scikit-optimize
  164. science/py-scikit-sparse
  165. science/py-scoria
  166. science/py-sdf
  167. science/py-segregation
  168. science/py-sklearn-pandas
  169. science/py-skrebate
  170. science/py-spaghetti
  171. science/py-thewalrus
  172. science/py-tobler
  173. science/py-trainstation
  174. science/pybrain
  175. science/salome-kernel
  176. science/ttk
  177. science/wwplot
  178. textproc/py-gensim
  179. textproc/py-orange3-text
  180. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 22 deleted ports
  1. astro/py-astLib*
  2. audio/pulseeffects*
  3. biology/py-fastTSNE*
  4. comms/wsjt*
  5. comms/wspr*
  6. math/py-networkx1*
  7. math/py-optuna*
  8. math/py-pymc*
  9. math/py-statsmodels010*
  10. misc/py-anndata*
  11. misc/py-qiskit-machine-learning*
  12. print/py-fonttools-interpolatable*
  13. science/brian*
  14. science/psychopy*
  15. science/py-obspy-core*
  16. science/py-qiskit-aer*
  17. science/py-qiskit-dynamics*
  18. science/py-qiskit-experiments*
  19. science/py-qiskit-finance*
  20. science/py-qiskit-nature*
  21. science/py-qiskit-optimization*
  22. science/py-qiskit-terra*
  23. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
* - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...

Configuration Options:
===> The following configuration options are available for py311-scipy-1.11.1_1,1: DOCS=on: Build and/or install documentation ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
Options name:
compiler:c++14-lang cpe fortran python:3.9-3.11 shebangfix
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
  1. There is no master site for this port.

There are no commits on branch 2024Q4 for this port