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Port details
libglade2 GNOME glade library
2.6.4_13 devel on this many watch lists=229 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 2.6.4_13Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2002-02-14 10:40:29
Last Update: 2025-03-17 04:02:08
Commit Hash: e87d813
People watching this port, also watch:: glib, png, popt, libiconv, freetype2
Also Listed In: gnome
License: LGPL20
LibGlade allows GLADE interfaces to be handled at runtime, freeing GUI development from code development. This allows an interface to be changed without requiring a re-compilation.
cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (21 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. @ldconfig
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/libglade2-2.6.4_13/
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/libglade2-2.6.4_13/LICENSE
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/libglade2-2.6.4_13/LGPL20
  5. include/libglade-2.0/glade/glade-build.h
  6. include/libglade-2.0/glade/glade-init.h
  7. include/libglade-2.0/glade/glade-parser.h
  8. include/libglade-2.0/glade/glade-xml.h
  9. include/libglade-2.0/glade/glade.h
  10. lib/libglade-2.0.a
  11. lib/
  12. lib/
  13. lib/
  14. libdata/pkgconfig/libglade-2.0.pc
  15. share/xml/libglade/glade-2.0.dtd
  16. @postunexec /usr/local/bin/xmlcatalog --noout --del %D/share/xml/libglade/glade-2.0.dtd /usr/local/share/xml/catalog.ports || /usr/bin/true
  17. @postexec /usr/local/bin/xmlcatalog --noout --add "system" "" %D/share/xml/libglade/glade-2.0.dtd /usr/local/share/xml/catalog.ports || /usr/bin/true
  18. @dir lib/libglade/2.0
  19. @owner
  20. @group
  21. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • libglade2>0:devel/libglade2
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/devel/libglade2/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install devel/libglade2
  • pkg install libglade2
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: libglade2
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
SHA256 (gnome2/libglade-2.6.4.tar.bz2) = 64361e7647839d36ed8336d992fd210d3e8139882269bed47dc4674980165dec SIZE (gnome2/libglade-2.6.4.tar.bz2) = 356119

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. gmake>=4.4.1 : devel/gmake
  2. pkgconf>=1.3.0_1 : devel/pkgconf
Runtime dependencies:
  1. xmlcatmgr : textproc/xmlcatmgr
Library dependencies:
  1. : print/freetype2
  2. : x11-fonts/fontconfig
  3. : accessibility/at-spi2-core
  4. : graphics/cairo
  5. : graphics/gdk-pixbuf2
  6. : devel/glib20
  7. : devel/gettext-runtime
  8. : x11-toolkits/gtk20
  9. : textproc/libxml2
  10. : print/harfbuzz
  11. : x11-toolkits/pango
  12. : x11-fonts/fontconfig
  13. : print/freetype2
This port is required by:
for Libraries
  1. astro/foxtrotgps
  2. audio/gnaural
  3. audio/gtkpod
  4. audio/ladish
  5. comms/gnocky
  6. deskutils/gxneur
  7. devel/libglademm24
Expand this list (364 items / 357 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. emulators/tiemu3
  3. graphics/aeskulap
  4. graphics/fyre
  5. graphics/gpaint
  6. graphics/libgnomecanvasmm26
  7. graphics/xournal
  8. mail/gnubiff
  9. math/drgeo
  10. math/gkmap
  11. net-p2p/linuxdcpp
  12. science/ghemical
  13. sysutils/graveman
  14. sysutils/quicksynergy
  15. x11/keyboardcast
  16. x11/wbar
  17. x11-clocks/cairo-clock
  18. x11-toolkits/gtk-sharp20
  19. x11-toolkits/guile-gnome-platform
  20. x11-toolkits/ocaml-lablgtk2
  21. x11-wm/obconf
  22. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 337 deleted ports
  1. accessibility/at-poke*
  2. accessibility/dasher*
  3. accessibility/gnopernicus*
  4. accessibility/gok*
  5. astro/celestia-gnome*
  6. astro/glunarclock*
  7. astro/gmapcatcher*
  8. audio/beast*
  9. audio/cantus_3*
  10. audio/decibel-audio-player*
  11. audio/gimmix*
  12. audio/glame*
  13. audio/glurp*
  14. audio/gmidimonitor*
  15. audio/gmpc*
  16. audio/gmpc-extraplaylist*
  17. audio/gmpc-magnatune*
  18. audio/idjc*
  19. audio/istream*
  20. audio/jack-rack*
  21. audio/jack_mixer*
  22. audio/liteamp*
  23. audio/mpdbrowser*
  24. audio/muine*
  25. audio/musicbox-tag-editor*
  26. audio/soundconverter*
  27. audio/specimen*
  28. audio/tagtool*
  29. cad/brickutils*
  30. cad/linuxcnc-devel*
  31. chinese/srecite*
  32. comms/ge-x2212*
  33. comms/gmfsk*
  34. databases/emma*
  35. databases/libgnomedb*
  36. databases/mergeant*
  37. databases/mysql-workbench51*
  38. databases/pgworksheet*
  39. databases/py-sqlkit*
  40. deskutils/blogtk*
  41. deskutils/chmsee*
  42. deskutils/conduit*
  43. deskutils/everygui*
  44. deskutils/fusenshi*
  45. deskutils/gbirthday*
  46. deskutils/gdesklets*
  47. deskutils/gimmie*
  48. deskutils/global-menu*
  49. deskutils/gnochm*
  50. deskutils/gnome-blog*
  51. deskutils/gnome-main-menu*
  52. deskutils/gourmet*
  53. deskutils/gruler*
  54. deskutils/gtg*
  55. deskutils/gtweakui*
  56. deskutils/kupfer*
  57. deskutils/labyrinth*
  58. deskutils/mate-menu-editor*
  59. deskutils/multisync*
  60. deskutils/multisync-backup*
  61. deskutils/multisync-syncml*
  62. deskutils/narval*
  63. deskutils/nautilus-locked-folder*
  64. deskutils/nautilus-open-terminal*
  65. deskutils/nemo-extensions*
  66. deskutils/ontv*
  67. deskutils/planner*
  68. deskutils/pybookreader*
  69. deskutils/rubrica*
  70. deskutils/splashsetter*
  71. deskutils/tomboy*
  72. deskutils/x-tile*
  73. devel/bzr-gtk*
  74. devel/diffuse*
  75. devel/dreampie*
  76. devel/flowdesigner*
  77. devel/frama-c*
  78. devel/gaphor*
  79. devel/gazpacho*
  80. devel/geany-plugin-geanypy*
  81. devel/giggle*
  82. devel/glade3*
  83. devel/goffice04*
  84. devel/goffice06*
  85. devel/goffice1*
  86. devel/gtkparasite*
  87. devel/guikachu*
  88. devel/hs-glade*
  89. devel/libglade-java*
  90. devel/libglademm*
  91. devel/mono-tools*
  92. devel/monodevelop*
  93. devel/preps-gui*
  94. devel/prepstools*
  95. devel/py-libgsf*
  96. devel/py-liblarch_gtk*
  97. devel/py-notify*
  98. devel/py-roxlib*
  99. devel/ros-rx*
  100. editors/conglomerate*
  101. editors/gphpedit*
  102. editors/gwrite*
  103. editors/mate-text-editor*
  104. editors/mlview*
  105. editors/py-room*
  106. editors/scribes*
  107. editors/winefish*
  108. editors/zim*
  109. emulators/desmume*
  110. emulators/loemu*
  111. emulators/tiemu2*
  112. emulators/wine-doors*
  113. finance/mybudget*
  114. finance/sabernetdcs-client*
  115. finance/tryton*
  116. finance/tryton28*
  117. ftp/bareftp*
  118. ftp/gwget*
  119. ftp/pureadmin*
  120. games/childsplay*
  121. games/gbottler*
  122. games/gcompris*
  123. games/gdado*
  124. games/gno3dtet*
  125. games/gnomeattacks*
  126. games/gnomebreakout*
  127. games/gnomekiss*
  128. games/gnomesudoku*
  129. games/gnono*
  130. games/gretools*
  131. games/grhino*
  132. games/gtetrinet*
  133. games/gtktetcolor*
  134. games/gturing*
  135. games/gweled*
  136. games/kye*
  137. games/lostfeathers*
  138. games/magicor*
  139. games/monkeybubble*
  140. games/mudmagic*
  141. games/openalchemist*
  142. games/pycadia*
  143. games/pythonsudoku*
  144. games/teg*
  145. games/xwordpy*
  146. graphics/amide*
  147. graphics/boxer*
  148. graphics/cbrpager*
  149. graphics/comix*
  150. graphics/diacanvas2*
  151. graphics/f-spot*
  152. graphics/gnofract4d*
  153. graphics/gsculpt*
  154. graphics/libgnomecanvasmm*
  155. graphics/mirage*
  156. graphics/nathive*
  157. graphics/py-clutter*
  158. graphics/py-clutter-gtk*
  159. graphics/py-gimp*
  160. graphics/py-goocanvas*
  161. graphics/py-poppler*
  162. graphics/sodipodi*
  163. graphics/truevision*
  164. irc/xchat-gnome*
  165. japanese/gjiten*
  166. japanese/im-ja*
  167. japanese/jd*
  168. japanese/kana-no-quiz*
  169. java/eclipse-devel*
  170. lang/boo*
  171. mail/claws-mail-python*
  172. mail/contact-lookup-applet*
  173. mail/gmail-notify*
  174. mail/mail-notification*
  175. mail/mailtray*
  176. mail/mboxcheck-applet*
  177. math/clarence*
  178. math/gdcalc*
  179. math/lybniz*
  180. misc/bigboard*
  181. misc/cdcollect*
  182. misc/gnome-osd*
  183. misc/gonvert*
  184. misc/gregexp*
  185. misc/metromap*
  186. misc/quick-lounge-applet*
  187. misc/terraform*
  188. misc/typetrainer*
  189. misc/uf-view*
  190. misc/xmonad-log-applet*
  191. multimedia/banshee*
  192. multimedia/beep-media-player*
  193. multimedia/bmp-extra-plugins*
  194. multimedia/devede*
  195. multimedia/gdvrecv*
  196. multimedia/gmencoder*
  197. multimedia/gnome-subtitles*
  198. multimedia/gtk-recordmydesktop*
  199. multimedia/gxmms*
  200. multimedia/kino*
  201. multimedia/moonlight*
  202. multimedia/pyjama*
  203. multimedia/pymp*
  204. net/blam*
  205. net/desktop-data-model*
  206. net/ekiga*
  207. net/g2ipmsg*
  208. net/gnome-mud*
  209. net/gnome-netstatus*
  210. net/gq*
  211. net/grdesktop*
  212. net/gtknetcat*
  213. net/heybuddy*
  214. net/link-monitor-applet*
  215. net/netspeed_applet*
  216. net/online-desktop*
  217. net/remmina-applet*
  218. net/tucan*
  219. net-im/emesene*
  220. net-im/gajim-devel*
  221. net-p2p/nicotine-plus*
  222. palm/gnome-pilot*
  223. palm/synce-trayicon*
  224. print/ggv*
  225. print/gnome-cups-manager*
  226. print/gnomephotoprinter*
  227. print/gribouy*
  228. print/pdfmod*
  229. science/coot*
  230. science/gwyddion*
  231. science/linsmith*
  232. security/gcipher*
  233. security/gnome-gpg*
  234. security/gnome-password-generator*
  235. security/gpass*
  236. security/hotssh*
  237. security/kedpm*
  238. security/libgnomesu*
  239. security/parano*
  240. security/revelation*
  241. security/seahorse-plugins*
  242. security/tuntun*
  243. security/umit*
  244. security/zenmap*
  245. sysutils/battfink*
  246. sysutils/bubblemon2*
  247. sysutils/cog*
  248. sysutils/eiciel*
  249. sysutils/flyback*
  250. sysutils/gnome-device-manager*
  251. sysutils/gnome-pkgview*
  252. sysutils/gnome-schedule*
  253. sysutils/gnome-system-tools*
  254. sysutils/gnomebaker*
  255. sysutils/nautilus-cd-burner*
  256. sysutils/pessulus*
  257. sysutils/pyrenamer*
  258. sysutils/sensors-applet*
  259. sysutils/serpentine*
  260. sysutils/tracker-gnome*
  261. sysutils/xvidcap*
  262. textproc/gnome-spell*
  263. textproc/gnome-translate*
  264. textproc/py-xmltools*
  265. textproc/sagasu*
  266. textproc/stardict2*
  267. textproc/uim-gnome*
  268. www/erwn*
  269. www/evolution-webcal*
  270. www/gurlchecker*
  271. www/openvrml*
  272. www/py-webkitgtk*
  273. www/screem*
  274. www/uzbl*
  275. x11/avant-window-navigator*
  276. x11/avant-window-navigator-gnome*
  277. x11/avant-window-navigator-xfce4*
  278. x11/brightside*
  279. x11/gnome-applets*
  280. x11/gnome-panel*
  281. x11/gnome-screensaver*
  282. x11/gnome-swallow*
  283. x11/gsynaptics*
  284. x11/gtstarter*
  285. x11/hotwire-shell*
  286. x11/libgnome-java*
  287. x11/py-xdot06*
  288. x11/wbarconf*
  289. x11/xcurs*
  290. x11/xscreensaver-gnome*
  291. x11/xscreensaver-gnome-hacks*
  292. x11-clocks/gtubeclock*
  293. x11-clocks/sanduhr*
  294. x11-fm/gnome-commander2*
  295. x11-fm/py-nautilus*
  296. x11-fm/sunflower*
  297. x11-themes/gnome-themes-extras*
  298. x11-toolkits/eel*
  299. x11-toolkits/gai*
  300. x11-toolkits/gal2*
  301. x11-toolkits/gnocl*
  302. x11-toolkits/gnome-desktop-sharp20*
  303. x11-toolkits/gnome-sharp20*
  304. x11-toolkits/gtk-sharp10*
  305. x11-toolkits/gtksourceview*
  306. x11-toolkits/gtksourceview-sharp*
  307. x11-toolkits/hippo-canvas*
  308. x11-toolkits/libbonoboui*
  309. x11-toolkits/libbonobouimm*
  310. x11-toolkits/libgail-gnome*
  311. x11-toolkits/libgnomeprintui*
  312. x11-toolkits/libgnomeprintuimm*
  313. x11-toolkits/libgnomeui*
  314. x11-toolkits/libgnomeuimm*
  315. x11-toolkits/libgnomeuimm26*
  316. x11-toolkits/libpanelappletmm*
  317. x11-toolkits/libxfce4gui*
  318. x11-toolkits/p5-Glade2*
  319. x11-toolkits/p5-Gnome2*
  320. x11-toolkits/p5-Gnome2-Canvas*
  321. x11-toolkits/p5-Gtk2-GladeXML*
  322. x11-toolkits/phat*
  323. x11-toolkits/py-gnome-desktop*
  324. x11-toolkits/py-gnome-extras*
  325. x11-toolkits/py-gnome2*
  326. x11-toolkits/py-gtk2*
  327. x11-toolkits/py-gtkglext*
  328. x11-toolkits/py-gtksourceview*
  329. x11-toolkits/py-gui*
  330. x11-toolkits/py-kiwi*
  331. x11-toolkits/py-kiwi-gtk*
  332. x11-toolkits/py-sexy*
  333. x11-toolkits/py-vte*
  334. x11-toolkits/swt-devel*
  335. x11-wm/ccsm*
  336. x11-wm/obmenu*
  337. x11-wm/simple-ccsm*
  338. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
* - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...

Configuration Options:
No options to configure
Options name:
tar:bzip2 gmake gnome libtool pathfix pkgconfig localbase
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (10 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.

Number of commits found: 93

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
17 Mar 2025 04:02:08
commit hash: e87d8134a3460dff28f0c469fff83a187e9820bccommit hash: e87d8134a3460dff28f0c469fff83a187e9820bccommit hash: e87d8134a3460dff28f0c469fff83a187e9820bccommit hash: e87d8134a3460dff28f0c469fff83a187e9820bc files touched by this commit
Charlie Li (vishwin) search for other commits by this committer rename gdkpixbuf2 to gdkpixbuf to prepare for port move

The GTK 1-based gdk-pixbuf has not existed for some time.

No functional or package changes.
02 Mar 2023 05:23:10
commit hash: fa81a4f5f8ed2bc2104eca4ebbb1b69731bae2e8commit hash: fa81a4f5f8ed2bc2104eca4ebbb1b69731bae2e8commit hash: fa81a4f5f8ed2bc2104eca4ebbb1b69731bae2e8commit hash: fa81a4f5f8ed2bc2104eca4ebbb1b69731bae2e8 files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
accessibility/at-spi2-core: update to 2.46.0

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.46.0:
* Fix GetInterfaces documentation on org.a11y.atspi.Accessible

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.45.91:
* Send device event controller events using the same signature as other
* Document the Accessible, Action, and Cache dbus interfaces.
* Fix license of atspi-gmain.c (#87).

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.45.90:
* xml: Add some documentation.
* xml: Fix event arguments.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
20 Jul 2022 14:21:35
commit hash: aa6eefd5e663357e8223399bc38c7987f5e35746commit hash: aa6eefd5e663357e8223399bc38c7987f5e35746commit hash: aa6eefd5e663357e8223399bc38c7987f5e35746commit hash: aa6eefd5e663357e8223399bc38c7987f5e35746 files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
devel: remove 'Created by' lines

A big Thank You to the original contributors of these ports:

  *  "Waitman Gobble" <>
  *  <>
  *  Aaron Dalton <>
  *  Aaron Dalton <>
  *  Aaron H. K. Diep <>
  *  Aaron Hurt <>
  *  Abel Chow <>
  *  Adam McLaurin
  *  Adam Saponara <>
  *  Adam Weinberger <>
  *  Ade Lovett <>
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
10 Apr 2022 19:11:41
commit hash: d63665f7cd9c99880704a3c5bc221829cb009744commit hash: d63665f7cd9c99880704a3c5bc221829cb009744commit hash: d63665f7cd9c99880704a3c5bc221829cb009744commit hash: d63665f7cd9c99880704a3c5bc221829cb009744 files touched by this commit
Charlie Li (vishwin) search for other commits by this committer
textproc/libxml2: bump all LIB_DEPENDS consumers

This is a separate commit to facilitate easier cherry-picking for

PR: 262853, 262940, 262877, 263126
Approved by: fluffy (mentor)
26 Mar 2022 08:27:27
commit hash: 247c7db7513f1264922428278678da641c5a3f52commit hash: 247c7db7513f1264922428278678da641c5a3f52commit hash: 247c7db7513f1264922428278678da641c5a3f52commit hash: 247c7db7513f1264922428278678da641c5a3f52 files touched by this commit
Matthias Fechner (mfechner) search for other commits by this committer
textproc/libxml2: bump all dependencies

This should make sure that all dependent ports will pick
up the new version commited with a13ec21cd733f67a9fc0dc00ab45268bdc236246
16 Mar 2022 13:23:33
commit hash: 2789a7f314f4e488b07a844192b88f3cf61d05d4commit hash: 2789a7f314f4e488b07a844192b88f3cf61d05d4commit hash: 2789a7f314f4e488b07a844192b88f3cf61d05d4commit hash: 2789a7f314f4e488b07a844192b88f3cf61d05d4 files touched by this commit
Baptiste Daroussin (bapt) search for other commits by this committer
gnome: general cleanup

Use base make where applicable, drop .la files
Remove now useless referencehack
Convert to USES=localbase where applicable
06 Apr 2021 14:31:07
commit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344eb files touched by this commit
Mathieu Arnold (mat) search for other commits by this committer
Remove # $FreeBSD$ from Makefiles.
15 Jan 2020 21:32:06
Revision:523179Original commit files touched by this commit
kwm search for other commits by this committer
Drop the python option.

Python 2 is used for libglade-convert any users would have converted ages ago.
23 Mar 2019 18:44:49
Revision:496680Original commit files touched by this commit
kwm search for other commits by this committer
Reorder post-patch blocks, so they both get applied in the !PYTHON case.
22 Mar 2019 23:57:11
Revision:496605Original commit files touched by this commit
kwm search for other commits by this committer
Fix build after base r345349

While do some cleanup of the port.

PR:		236141
19 Feb 2018 11:10:43
Revision:462307Original commit files touched by this commit
antoine search for other commits by this committer
Reduce dependency on the python2 metaport

PR:		225752
Submitted by:	Yasuhiro KIMURA
01 Apr 2016 14:00:57
Revision:412346Original commit files touched by this commit
mat search for other commits by this committer
Remove ${PORTSDIR}/ from dependencies, categories d, e, f, and g.

With hat:	portmgr
Sponsored by:	Absolight
02 Aug 2015 15:03:20
Revision:393429Original commit files touched by this commit
tijl search for other commits by this committer
By default libtool replaces -export-symbols <file> with -retain-symbols-file
<file> on ELF systems, but this doesn't really do what -export-symbols is
meant to do.  On GNU ELF systems it converts <file> to a simple version
script first and then uses -version-script instead of -retain-symbols-file.
Let USES=libtool patch libtool scripts to do this on all systems with GNU

Bump PORTREVISION on all ports where the build log contains -export-symbols.

audio/calf: This port builds a module that now exports only one function,
but it also builds a number of executables that link to this module and
expect to see other functions.  Because it's already a bit dodgy to link to
a module (libtool warns about this) let the module continue to export only
one function and instead build an ordinary library from the same source that
the executables can link to.  Fix a number of other issues in the same
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
14 May 2015 10:15:09
Revision:386312Original commit files touched by this commit
mat search for other commits by this committer

- Replace ${MASTER_SITE_FOO} with FOO.
- Merge MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR into MASTER_SITES when possible. (This means 99.9%
  of the time.)
- Remove occurrences of MASTER_SITE_LOCAL when no subdirectory was present and
  no hint of what it should be was present.
- Fix some logic.
- And generally, make things more simple and easy to understand.

While there, add magic values to the FESTIVAL, GENTOO, GIMP, GNUPG, QT and
SAMBA macros.

Also, replace some EXTRACT_SUFX occurences with USES=tar:*.

Checked by:	make fetch-urlall-list
With hat:	portmgr
Sponsored by:	Absolight
27 Oct 2014 10:40:08
Revision:371546Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Cleanup plist
20 Oct 2014 16:04:14
Revision:371280Original commit files touched by this commit
mva search for other commits by this committer
- Convert ports of devel/ to USES=python

Approved by:	portmgr (implicit)
07 May 2014 10:12:05
Revision:353145Original commit files touched by this commit
tijl search for other commits by this committer
Convert to USES=libtool:keepla tar:bzip2.
16 Apr 2014 18:28:50
Revision:351411Original commit files touched by this commit
zeising search for other commits by this committer
The FreeBSD x11@ and graphics team proudly presents
a zeising, kwm production, with help from dumbbell, bdrewery:


This update switches over to use the new xorg stack by default on FreeBSD 9
and 10 stable, on osversions where vt(9) is available.
It is still possible to use the old stack by specifying WITHOUT_NEW_XORG in
/etc/make.conf .
FreeBSD 8-STABLE and released versions of FreeBSD still use
the old version.
A package repository with binary packages for new xorg will
be available soon.

This patch also contains updates of libxcb and related ports, pixman, as well
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
12 Mar 2014 01:28:25
Revision:347950Original commit files touched by this commit
miwi search for other commits by this committer
- Stage support
13 Jan 2014 21:00:04
Revision:339634Original commit files touched by this commit
rene search for other commits by this committer
Python cleanup:
- USE_PYTHON* = 2.X -> USE_PYTHON* = 2
- USE_PYTHON* = 2.X+ -> USE_PYTHON* = yes
Reviewed by:	python (mva, rm)
Approved by:	portmgr-lurkers (mat)
29 Oct 2013 17:05:51
Revision:331973Original commit files touched by this commit
kwm search for other commits by this committer
Restrict python to -2.7

Submitted by:	mva@
20 Sep 2013 17:13:47
Revision:327724Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Add NO_STAGE all over the place in preparation for the staging support (cat:
devel part 3)
02 Sep 2013 21:53:46
Revision:326099Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Fix stupid mistake
02 Sep 2013 20:51:40
Revision:326088Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Add an explicit dependency on pkgconf
01 Apr 2013 14:46:14
Revision:315652Original commit files touched by this commit
bdrewery search for other commits by this committer
- Fix build with bmake

PR:		ports/177545
Submitted by:	John Marino <>
Approved by:	gnome (kwm)
With hat:	portmgr
19 Mar 2013 10:40:22
Revision:314632Original commit files touched by this commit Sanity Test Failure
kwm search for other commits by this committer
Convert almost all gnome@ ports to OptionsNG, trim header, use USES=pathfix
instead of gnomehack and pet portlint.
Add conflicts with future gnome3 versions.

Reviewed by:	miwi, bapt
01 Jun 2012 05:26:28
Original commit files touched by this commit
dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- update png to 1.5.10
09 Nov 2011 15:26:04
Original commit files touched by this commit
miwi search for other commits by this committer
- Remove WITH_FBSD10_FIX, is no longer needed
29 Oct 2011 10:03:08
Original commit files touched by this commit
miwi search for other commits by this committer
- Fix build on FreeBSD 10

Reported by:    pointyhat
23 Sep 2011 22:26:39
Original commit files touched by this commit
amdmi3 search for other commits by this committer
- Add LDFLAGS to CONFIGURE_ENV and MAKE_ENV (as it was done with LDFLAGS)
- Fix all ports that add {CPP,LD}FLAGS to *_ENV to modify flags instead

PR:             157936
Submitted by:   myself
Exp-runs by:    pav
Approved by:    pav
03 Jul 2011 14:59:23
Original commit files touched by this commit
ohauer search for other commits by this committer
-remove MD5
05 Mar 2011 12:05:29
Original commit files touched by this commit
miwi search for other commits by this committer
- Bump PORTREVISION to force rebuild after python update.
25 Feb 2011 08:50:52
Original commit files touched by this commit
miwi search for other commits by this committer
- Get rid (RUN|BUILD) PYEXPAT since py25 is default in python
28 Mar 2010 06:47:48
Original commit files touched by this commit
dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- update to 1.4.1
Reviewed by:    exp8 run on pointyhat
Supported by:   miwi
05 Feb 2010 11:46:55
Original commit files touched by this commit
dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- update to jpeg-8
08 Aug 2009 21:10:18
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Add the optional Python support as a true OPTION.

PR:             137366
Submitted by:   "Carlos A. M. dos Santos" <> (based on)
31 Jul 2009 13:57:52
Original commit files touched by this commit
dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- bump all port that indirectly depends on libjpeg and have not yet been bumped
or updated
Requested by:   edwin
18 Mar 2009 03:54:03
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Update to 2.6.4.
02 Feb 2009 01:36:16
Original commit files touched by this commit
araujo search for other commits by this committer
- Use GNOME macro instead of ${MASTER_SITE_GNOME}, remove
  MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR when possible.

PR:             ports/125243
Submitted by:   pgollucci
Reworked by:    myself
Tested on:      pointyhat exp-run (pav)
18 Aug 2008 22:12:07
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Update to 2.6.3.
06 Jun 2008 13:21:59
Original commit files touched by this commit
edwin search for other commits by this committer
Bump portrevision due to upgrade of devel/gettext.

The affected ports are the ones with gettext as a run-dependency
according to ports/INDEX-7 (5007 of them) and the ones with USE_GETTEXT
in Makefile (29 of them).

PR:             ports/124340
Submitted by:   edwin@
Approved by:    portmgr (pav)
04 Aug 2007 03:29:57
Original commit files touched by this commit
mezz search for other commits by this committer
Update to 2.6.2.
23 Jun 2007 00:06:58
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Update to 2.16.1.
19 May 2007 20:32:57
Original commit files touched by this commit
flz search for other commits by this committer
- Welcome 7.2 \o/.
- Set X11BASE to ${LOCALBASE} for recent ${OSVERSION}.
- Bump PORTREVISION for ports intalling files in ${X11BASE}.
14 Oct 2006 08:35:50
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Presenting GNOME 2.16.1 for FreeBSD.  This release represents a massive
amount of work by the FreeBSD GNOME Team and our testers.

On top of the usual GNOME update, we have taken this opportunity to move
GNOME from X11BASE to LOCALBASE.  This means roughly 600 ports NOT part of
the GNOME Desktop also need to be changed.  The bulk of the move was carried
out by ahze, mezz, and pav, but it would not have been possible without
cooperation from the FreeBSD KDE team who worked with us to make sure
GNOME and KDE can still coexist happily.  We would also like to send a
shout out to kris and pointyhat for putting up with multiple test runs
until we got something that was solid.

Back to GNOME 2.16.  This release brings a huge amount of new functionality
to FreeBSD.  The standard release notes can be read at .  But on top of what you will read there,
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
12 Jul 2006 17:58:28
Original commit files touched by this commit
ahze search for other commits by this committer
- Update to 2.6.0
31 May 2006 22:18:51
Original commit files touched by this commit
mezz search for other commits by this committer
- Add header in these *-reference ports.
- Fix a few of pkg-descr by chase the rename.
- Move all PORTREVISION and PORTEPOCH to top with ?=.
- Put USE_X_PREFIX back in, but under REFERENCE_PORT, and remove PREFIX? and
  USE_XLIB. This fix ports to use the correct mtree when you change the prefix,
  for example:

        Incorrect: (Without USE_X_PREFIX)
        # cd /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/gtk20
        # make -V MTREE_FILE
        # make PREFIX=/tmp/foo -V MTREE_FILE
        /etc/mtree/BSD.local.dist <-- Here...
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
10 May 2006 16:33:35
Original commit files touched by this commit
jylefort search for other commits by this committer
Move the libglade2 programming reference to the libglade2-reference port.
04 May 2006 21:41:12
Original commit files touched by this commit
edwin search for other commits by this committer
Remove USE_REINPLACE from all categories starting with D
23 Feb 2006 10:40:45
Original commit files touched by this commit
ade search for other commits by this committer
Conversion to a single libtool environment.

Approved by:    portmgr (kris)
23 Nov 2005 22:55:30
Original commit files touched by this commit
pav search for other commits by this committer
- Eat tacos.

  This was a workaround for a merging script in the repository far far away.
23 Nov 2005 22:41:05
Original commit files touched by this commit
pav search for other commits by this committer
- Add SHA256 checksums
15 Nov 2005 06:52:12
Original commit files touched by this commit
ade search for other commits by this committer
Mass-conversion to the USE_AUTOTOOLS New World Order.  The code present
in essentially makes this a no-op given that all the
old variables set a USE_AUTOTOOLS_COMPAT variable, which is parsed in
exactly the same way as USE_AUTOTOOLS itself.

Moreover, USE_AUTOTOOLS has already been extensively tested by the GNOME
team -- all GNOME 2.12.x ports use it.

Preliminary documentation can be found at:

which is in the process of being SGMLized before introduction into the
Porters Handbook.

Light blue touch-paper.  Run.
05 Nov 2005 05:22:06
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION to chase the glib20 shared library update.
13 Mar 2005 00:18:23
Original commit files touched by this commit
pav search for other commits by this committer
- Let libglade2 handle lib/libglade directories instead of gnomehier
12 Mar 2005 21:45:29
Original commit files touched by this commit
bland search for other commits by this committer
Restore WITHOUT_PYTHON knob.
12 Mar 2005 10:39:38
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Presenting GNOME 2.10 for FreeBSD!

The release notes can be found at, and will give you a
good idea of what has gone into this release overall.  However, a lot of
FreeBSD specific additions and fixes have been made.  For example, this
release offers fixed ACPI support as well as new CPU freqeuncy monitoring
support.  See the FreeBSD GNOME 2.10 upgrade page at for the entire list as well
as a list of known issues and upgrade instructions.

GNOME 2.10, as well as all of our releases, would not be possible without
the great team that goes into porting and testign each and every component.
Thanks definitely goes out to ahze, adamw, bland, kwm, mezz, and pav for all
their work.  We would also like to thank our adventurous users that chose to
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
11 Feb 2005 17:30:05
Original commit files touched by this commit
adamw search for other commits by this committer
Update to 2.4.2.
17 Dec 2004 08:06:29
Original commit files touched by this commit
bland search for other commits by this committer
Respect WITHOUT_PYTHON knob.

Noticed by:     dougb
29 Nov 2004 20:32:37
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
I misread a configure variable.  Correct the path to the XML catalog.
29 Nov 2004 20:19:51
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Update to 2.4.1.
08 Nov 2004 09:32:52
Original commit files touched by this commit
pav search for other commits by this committer
- Bump portrevision to ease upgrading to new GNOME

Forgotten by:   marcus, it seems
09 Jul 2004 17:43:11
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Apply a big libtool patch to allow porters to use the libtool installed by
the libtoolX ports instead of the one included with each port.  Ports that
set USE_LIBTOOL_VER=X will now use the ports version of libtool instead of
the included version.  To restore previous behavior, use the new macro,
USE_INC_LIBTOOL_VER.  Both macros accept the same argument: a libtool version.

For example, to use the ports version of libtool-1.5, add the following to
your Makefile:

USE_LIBTOOL_VER=        15

To use the included version of libtool with extra hacks provided by
libtool-1.5, add the following to your Makefile:


With this change, ports that had to add additional libtool hacks to prevent
.la files from being installed or to fix certain threading issues can now
delete those hacks (after appropriate testing, of course).

PR:             63944
Based on work by:eik and marcus
Approved by:    ade (autotools maintainer)
Tested by:      kris on pointyhat
Bound to be hidden problems:    You bet
17 May 2004 16:40:46
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Update to 2.4.0.
05 Apr 2004 03:11:39
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Presenting GNOME 2.6.0.  The FreeBSD GNOME Team feels this our best release
ever.  It fixes many bugs, and adds some features missing in previous
FreeBSD ports.  To help users upgrade from GNOME 2.4, we have constructed an
upgrade FAQ at:

Please read it carefully.  GNOME 2.6 packages are also available for all
supported i386 versions of FreeBSD at:

The FreeBSD GNOME Team would like the thank the following users for their
wonderful testing and patching efforts.  We would especially like to thank
Franz Klammer <> for his wonderful new splash screen.
Without these people, our team, and our team alumni, GNOME on FreeBSD would
not be possible.

Jeremy Messenger <>
Khairil Yusof <>
Koop Mast <>
Simon Barner <>
Tom McLaughlin <>
Scott Dodson <>
Vladimir Grebenschikov <>
18 Mar 2004 13:47:05
Original commit files touched by this commit
pav search for other commits by this committer
- Add SIZE to GNOME ports

Submitted by:   trevor
14 Mar 2004 06:17:56
Original commit files touched by this commit
ade search for other commits by this committer
Whoa there, boy, that's a mighty big commit y'all have there...

Begin autotools sanitization sequence by requiring ports to explicitly
specify which version of {libtool,autoconf,automake} they need, erasing
the concept of a "system default".

For ports-in-waiting:

        USE_LIBTOOL=YES         ->      USE_LIBTOOL_VER=13
        USE_AUTOCONF=YES        ->      USE_AUTOCONF_VER=213
        USE_AUTOMAKE=YES        ->      USE_AUTOMAKE_VER=14

Ports attempting to use the old style system after June 1st 2004 will be
sorely disappointed.
04 Feb 2004 05:21:48
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION on all ports that depend on gettext to aid with upgrading.

(Part 2)
17 Nov 2003 12:29:10
Original commit files touched by this commit
trevor search for other commits by this committer
USE_REINPLACE need be defined only when REINPLACE_CMD is used.
04 Nov 2003 18:08:47
Original commit files touched by this commit
perky search for other commits by this committer
Utilize ${PYEXPAT} which is introduced in 1.40.
22 Apr 2003 04:21:47
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Convert to new GNOME infrastructure.
20 Apr 2003 02:56:27
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
07 Mar 2003 06:01:16
Original commit files touched by this commit
ade search for other commits by this committer
Clear moonlight beckons.
Requiem mors pacem pkg-comment,
And be calm ports tree.

E Nomini Patri, E Fili, E Spiritu Sancti.
16 Feb 2003 00:16:38
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Attempt to remove ${PREFIX}/share/xml if it exists and is empty.

Reported by:    bento
07 Feb 2003 18:42:25
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Update to GNOME 2.2.

This is Phase I.  All existing ports have been updated to their GNOME 2.2
13 Jan 2003 03:11:39
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Remove share/xml if it exists and is empty.

Reported by:    bento
20 Sep 2002 17:07:51
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
GNOME has just changed the layout of their FTP site.  This resulted in
making all the distfiles unfetachable.  Update all GNOME ports that fetch
from MASTER_SITE_GNOME to fetch from the correct location.
29 Aug 2002 20:46:43
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Update to 2.0.1.
11 Jul 2002 15:10:45
Original commit files touched by this commit
sobomax search for other commits by this committer
30 Jun 2002 22:20:44
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
The FreeBSD GNOME team is proud to present GNOME 2.0 Release.
15 Jun 2002 09:05:13
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Update to GNOME 2.0 Release Candidate 1...the "Fever Pitch" release.
11 Jun 2002 08:15:32
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Update to the latest GNOME 2 snapshot.  This will be done it two parts.
This first part is the GNOME 2 API.  The next part will contain the desktop
28 May 2002 16:08:26
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Update to the latest GNOME 2.0 snapshot, the "Stay on target!" release.
19 May 2002 20:16:06
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Back to betas...Update to GNOME 2.0 beta 5.
12 May 2002 06:49:02
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Update to GNOME 2.0 RC2.
02 May 2002 03:37:15
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Update to GNOME 2.0 RC 1.
26 Apr 2002 14:50:03
Original commit files touched by this commit
sobomax search for other commits by this committer
Use GNOME2 beta4 download location for all GNOME2 ports.
26 Apr 2002 09:51:55
Original commit files touched by this commit
sobomax search for other commits by this committer
Add patch necessary for USE_LIBTOOL.
26 Apr 2002 09:51:18
Original commit files touched by this commit
sobomax search for other commits by this committer
06 Apr 2002 22:37:44
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Update to GNOME 2.0 beta3.

Approved by:    sobomax
11 Mar 2002 20:35:07
Original commit files touched by this commit
sobomax search for other commits by this committer
Bring up already ported portion on GNOME2 development platform on par with
GNOME2 beta2 release.
27 Feb 2002 11:21:00
commit hash: fp1.25272@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.25272@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.25272@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
sobomax search for other commits by this committer
Update all components of the GNOME 2.0 to the versions included into GNOME  
2.0-beta release.    
14 Feb 2002 13:40:29
commit hash: fp1.24735@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.24735@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.24735@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
sobomax search for other commits by this committer
Update to 1.99.6 after a repo-copy from ports/devel/libglade.    

Number of commits found: 93