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Port details on branch 2024Q3
icu International Components for Unicode (from IBM)
74.2_1,1 devel on this many watch lists=101 search for ports that depend on this port An older version of this port was marked as vulnerable. Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 74.2_1,1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2001-03-17 05:49:14
Last Update: 2024-07-25 04:18:29
Commit Hash: 0d9611b
People watching this port, also watch:: libxml2, libiconv, expat, pcre, curl
License: ICU
The International Components for Unicode (ICU) is a C and C++ library providing Unicode support (ex. character set conversions, locales, normalization, transliteration, etc.). More information on ICU can be found on the homepage
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (273 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. @ldconfig
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/icu-74.2_1,1/
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/icu-74.2_1,1/LICENSE
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/icu-74.2_1,1/ICU
  5. bin/derb
  6. bin/genbrk
  7. bin/gencfu
  8. bin/gencnval
  9. bin/gendict
  10. bin/genrb
  11. bin/icu-config
  12. bin/icuexportdata
  13. bin/icuinfo
  14. bin/makeconv
  15. bin/pkgdata
  16. bin/uconv
  17. include/unicode/alphaindex.h
  18. include/unicode/appendable.h
  19. include/unicode/basictz.h
  20. include/unicode/brkiter.h
  21. include/unicode/bytestream.h
  22. include/unicode/bytestrie.h
  23. include/unicode/bytestriebuilder.h
  24. include/unicode/calendar.h
  25. include/unicode/caniter.h
  26. include/unicode/casemap.h
  27. include/unicode/char16ptr.h
  28. include/unicode/chariter.h
  29. include/unicode/choicfmt.h
  30. include/unicode/coleitr.h
  31. include/unicode/coll.h
  32. include/unicode/compactdecimalformat.h
  33. include/unicode/curramt.h
  34. include/unicode/currpinf.h
  35. include/unicode/currunit.h
  36. include/unicode/datefmt.h
  37. include/unicode/dbbi.h
  38. include/unicode/dcfmtsym.h
  39. include/unicode/decimfmt.h
  40. include/unicode/displayoptions.h
  41. include/unicode/docmain.h
  42. include/unicode/dtfmtsym.h
  43. include/unicode/dtintrv.h
  44. include/unicode/dtitvfmt.h
  45. include/unicode/dtitvinf.h
  46. include/unicode/dtptngen.h
  47. include/unicode/dtrule.h
  48. include/unicode/edits.h
  49. include/unicode/enumset.h
  50. include/unicode/errorcode.h
  51. include/unicode/fieldpos.h
  52. include/unicode/filteredbrk.h
  53. include/unicode/fmtable.h
  54. include/unicode/format.h
  55. include/unicode/formattednumber.h
  56. include/unicode/formattedvalue.h
  57. include/unicode/fpositer.h
  58. include/unicode/gender.h
  59. include/unicode/gregocal.h
  60. include/unicode/icudataver.h
  61. include/unicode/icuplug.h
  62. include/unicode/idna.h
  63. include/unicode/listformatter.h
  64. include/unicode/localebuilder.h
  65. include/unicode/localematcher.h
  66. include/unicode/localpointer.h
  67. include/unicode/locdspnm.h
  68. include/unicode/locid.h
  69. include/unicode/measfmt.h
  70. include/unicode/measunit.h
  71. include/unicode/measure.h
  72. include/unicode/messagepattern.h
  73. include/unicode/msgfmt.h
  74. include/unicode/normalizer2.h
  75. include/unicode/normlzr.h
  76. include/unicode/nounit.h
  77. include/unicode/numberformatter.h
  78. include/unicode/numberrangeformatter.h
  79. include/unicode/numfmt.h
  80. include/unicode/numsys.h
  81. include/unicode/parseerr.h
  82. include/unicode/parsepos.h
  83. include/unicode/platform.h
  84. include/unicode/plurfmt.h
  85. include/unicode/plurrule.h
  86. include/unicode/ptypes.h
  87. include/unicode/putil.h
  88. include/unicode/rbbi.h
  89. include/unicode/rbnf.h
  90. include/unicode/rbtz.h
  91. include/unicode/regex.h
  92. include/unicode/region.h
  93. include/unicode/reldatefmt.h
  94. include/unicode/rep.h
  95. include/unicode/resbund.h
  96. include/unicode/schriter.h
  97. include/unicode/scientificnumberformatter.h
  98. include/unicode/search.h
  99. include/unicode/selfmt.h
  100. include/unicode/simpleformatter.h
  101. include/unicode/simplenumberformatter.h
  102. include/unicode/simpletz.h
  103. include/unicode/smpdtfmt.h
  104. include/unicode/sortkey.h
  105. include/unicode/std_string.h
  106. include/unicode/strenum.h
  107. include/unicode/stringoptions.h
  108. include/unicode/stringpiece.h
  109. include/unicode/stringtriebuilder.h
  110. include/unicode/stsearch.h
  111. include/unicode/symtable.h
  112. include/unicode/tblcoll.h
  113. include/unicode/timezone.h
  114. include/unicode/tmunit.h
  115. include/unicode/tmutamt.h
  116. include/unicode/tmutfmt.h
  117. include/unicode/translit.h
  118. include/unicode/tzfmt.h
  119. include/unicode/tznames.h
  120. include/unicode/tzrule.h
  121. include/unicode/tztrans.h
  122. include/unicode/ubidi.h
  123. include/unicode/ubiditransform.h
  124. include/unicode/ubrk.h
  125. include/unicode/ucal.h
  126. include/unicode/ucasemap.h
  127. include/unicode/ucat.h
  128. include/unicode/uchar.h
  129. include/unicode/ucharstrie.h
  130. include/unicode/ucharstriebuilder.h
  131. include/unicode/uchriter.h
  132. include/unicode/uclean.h
  133. include/unicode/ucnv.h
  134. include/unicode/ucnv_cb.h
  135. include/unicode/ucnv_err.h
  136. include/unicode/ucnvsel.h
  137. include/unicode/ucol.h
  138. include/unicode/ucoleitr.h
  139. include/unicode/uconfig.h
  140. include/unicode/ucpmap.h
  141. include/unicode/ucptrie.h
  142. include/unicode/ucsdet.h
  143. include/unicode/ucurr.h
  144. include/unicode/udat.h
  145. include/unicode/udata.h
  146. include/unicode/udateintervalformat.h
  147. include/unicode/udatpg.h
  148. include/unicode/udisplaycontext.h
  149. include/unicode/udisplayoptions.h
  150. include/unicode/uenum.h
  151. include/unicode/ufieldpositer.h
  152. include/unicode/uformattable.h
  153. include/unicode/uformattednumber.h
  154. include/unicode/uformattedvalue.h
  155. include/unicode/ugender.h
  156. include/unicode/uidna.h
  157. include/unicode/uiter.h
  158. include/unicode/uldnames.h
  159. include/unicode/ulistformatter.h
  160. include/unicode/uloc.h
  161. include/unicode/ulocale.h
  162. include/unicode/ulocbuilder.h
  163. include/unicode/ulocdata.h
  164. include/unicode/umachine.h
  165. include/unicode/umisc.h
  166. include/unicode/umsg.h
  167. include/unicode/umutablecptrie.h
  168. include/unicode/unifilt.h
  169. include/unicode/unifunct.h
  170. include/unicode/unimatch.h
  171. include/unicode/unirepl.h
  172. include/unicode/uniset.h
  173. include/unicode/unistr.h
  174. include/unicode/unorm.h
  175. include/unicode/unorm2.h
  176. include/unicode/unum.h
  177. include/unicode/unumberformatter.h
  178. include/unicode/unumberoptions.h
  179. include/unicode/unumberrangeformatter.h
  180. include/unicode/unumsys.h
  181. include/unicode/uobject.h
  182. include/unicode/upluralrules.h
  183. include/unicode/uregex.h
  184. include/unicode/uregion.h
  185. include/unicode/ureldatefmt.h
  186. include/unicode/urename.h
  187. include/unicode/urep.h
  188. include/unicode/ures.h
  189. include/unicode/uscript.h
  190. include/unicode/usearch.h
  191. include/unicode/uset.h
  192. include/unicode/usetiter.h
  193. include/unicode/ushape.h
  194. include/unicode/usimplenumberformatter.h
  195. include/unicode/uspoof.h
  196. include/unicode/usprep.h
  197. include/unicode/ustdio.h
  198. include/unicode/ustream.h
  199. include/unicode/ustring.h
  200. include/unicode/ustringtrie.h
  201. include/unicode/utext.h
  202. include/unicode/utf.h
  203. include/unicode/utf16.h
  204. include/unicode/utf32.h
  205. include/unicode/utf8.h
  206. include/unicode/utf_old.h
  207. include/unicode/utmscale.h
  208. include/unicode/utrace.h
  209. include/unicode/utrans.h
  210. include/unicode/utypes.h
  211. include/unicode/uvernum.h
  212. include/unicode/uversion.h
  213. include/unicode/vtzone.h
  214. lib/icu/74.2/
  215. lib/icu/74.2/
  216. lib/icu/
  217. lib/icu/current
  218. lib/icu/
  219. lib/libicudata.a
  220. lib/
  221. lib/
  222. lib/
  223. lib/libicui18n.a
  224. lib/
  225. lib/
  226. lib/
  227. lib/libicuio.a
  228. lib/
  229. lib/
  230. lib/
  231. lib/libicutest.a
  232. lib/
  233. lib/
  234. lib/
  235. lib/libicutu.a
  236. lib/
  237. lib/
  238. lib/
  239. lib/libicuuc.a
  240. lib/
  241. lib/
  242. lib/
  243. libdata/pkgconfig/icu-i18n.pc
  244. libdata/pkgconfig/icu-io.pc
  245. libdata/pkgconfig/icu-uc.pc
  246. share/man/man1/derb.1.gz
  247. share/man/man1/genbrk.1.gz
  248. share/man/man1/gencfu.1.gz
  249. share/man/man1/gencnval.1.gz
  250. share/man/man1/gendict.1.gz
  251. share/man/man1/genrb.1.gz
  252. share/man/man1/icu-config.1.gz
  253. share/man/man1/icuexportdata.1.gz
  254. share/man/man1/makeconv.1.gz
  255. share/man/man1/pkgdata.1.gz
  256. share/man/man1/uconv.1.gz
  257. share/man/man8/genccode.8.gz
  258. share/man/man8/gencmn.8.gz
  259. share/man/man8/gensprep.8.gz
  260. share/man/man8/icupkg.8.gz
  261. sbin/escapesrc
  262. sbin/genccode
  263. sbin/gencmn
  264. sbin/gennorm2
  265. sbin/gensprep
  266. sbin/icupkg
  267. share/icu/74.2/LICENSE
  268. share/icu/74.2/config/mh-bsd-gcc
  269. share/icu/74.2/install-sh
  270. share/icu/74.2/mkinstalldirs
  271. @owner
  272. @group
  273. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • icu>0:devel/icu
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/devel/icu/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install devel/icu
  • pkg install icu
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1711213292 SHA256 (icu4c-74_2-src.tgz) = 68db082212a96d6f53e35d60f47d38b962e9f9d207a74cfac78029ae8ff5e08c SIZE (icu4c-74_2-src.tgz) = 26529443

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
Slave ports:
  1. devel/icu-lx
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. gmake>=4.4.1 : devel/gmake
  2. python3.11 : lang/python311
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. graphics/libfreehand
  2. lang/zig
  3. lang/zig010
  4. www/firefox
  5. www/firefox-esr
  6. www/librewolf
  7. www/node18
Expand this list (22 items / 15 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. www/node20
  3. www/node22
  4. www/tor-browser
  5. www/waterfox
  6. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 11 deleted ports
  1. lang/zig-devel*
  2. lang/zig011*
  3. www/cliqz*
  4. www/node10*
  5. www/node12*
  6. www/node14*
  7. www/node16*
  8. www/node19*
  9. www/node21*
  10. www/node6*
  11. www/node8*
  12. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Libraries
  1. archivers/unarchiver
  2. audio/fooyin
  3. audio/musicpd
  4. audio/ncmpcpp
  5. audio/strawberry
  6. chinese/fcitx5-mcbopomofo
  7. databases/compass
Expand this list (315 items / 308 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. databases/couchdb3
  3. databases/evolution-data-server
  4. databases/firebird30-client
  5. databases/firebird30-server
  6. databases/firebird40-client
  7. databases/firebird40-server
  8. databases/kbibtex
  9. databases/kdb
  10. databases/mongodb60
  11. databases/mysql80-client
  12. databases/mysql80-server
  13. databases/mysql84-client
  14. databases/mysql84-server
  15. databases/mysql90-client
  16. databases/mysql90-server
  17. databases/postgresql12-server
  18. databases/postgresql13-server
  19. databases/postgresql14-server
  20. databases/postgresql15-server
  21. databases/postgresql16-server
  22. databases/postgresql17-server
  23. databases/tarantool
  24. databases/tarantool2
  25. databases/xtrabackup80
  26. databases/xtrabackup81
  27. databases/xtrabackup84
  28. deskutils/calibre
  29. deskutils/peaclock
  30. devel/R-cran-rJava
  31. devel/boost-libs
  32. devel/dee
  33. devel/electron29
  34. devel/electron30
  35. devel/electron31
  36. devel/fbthrift
  37. devel/folly
  38. devel/icu-le-hb
  39. devel/icu-lx
  40. devel/libical
  41. devel/libkiwix
  42. devel/libphonenumber
  43. devel/libzim
  44. devel/objecthash
  45. devel/php81-intl
  46. devel/php82-intl
  47. devel/php83-intl
  48. devel/php84-intl
  49. devel/py-pyicu
  50. devel/qt5-core
  51. devel/qt6-5compat
  52. devel/qt6-base
  53. devel/tclxml
  54. devel/ticcutils
  55. editors/gnome-text-editor
  56. editors/libreoffice
  57. editors/poedit
  58. editors/vscode
  59. emulators/es-de
  60. finance/gnucash
  61. games/0ad
  62. games/an
  63. games/easyrpg-player
  64. games/exult
  65. games/exult-devel
  66. games/freeciv
  67. games/freeciv-nox11
  68. games/liblcf
  69. games/libretro-play
  70. games/openmw
  71. games/openrct2
  72. games/openttd
  73. games/wesnoth
  74. games/widelands
  75. graphics/cfdg
  76. graphics/darktable
  77. graphics/dcmtk
  78. graphics/dia
  79. graphics/epsonscan2
  80. graphics/imv
  81. graphics/libcdr01
  82. graphics/libzmf
  83. graphics/maim
  84. graphics/mapnik
  85. graphics/openfx-arena
  86. graphics/tesseract
  87. irc/znc
  88. irc/znc-push
  89. java/openjfx14
  90. lang/dotnet
  91. lang/gnustep-base
  92. lang/hermes
  93. lang/parrot
  94. lang/spidermonkey102
  95. lang/spidermonkey78
  96. lang/spidermonkey91
  97. lang/urweb
  98. lang/v8
  99. lang/v8-beta
  100. mail/cyrus-imapd30
  101. mail/cyrus-imapd310
  102. mail/cyrus-imapd32
  103. mail/cyrus-imapd34
  104. mail/cyrus-imapd36
  105. mail/cyrus-imapd38
  106. mail/dovecot-fts-flatcurve
  107. mail/dovecot-fts-xapian
  108. mail/evolution
  109. mail/evolution-ews
  110. mail/exim-postgresql
  111. mail/exim-sqlite
  112. mail/geary
  113. mail/postfix
  114. mail/postfix-current
  115. mail/rspamd
  116. mail/rspamd-devel
  117. math/R
  118. math/libqalculate
  119. math/py-rpy2
  120. math/sage
  121. math/timbl
  122. misc/sword
  123. misc/xiphos
  124. multimedia/subtitlecomposer
  125. net/fb303
  126. net/freerdp
  127. net/freerdp3
  128. net/megacmd
  129. net/mvfst
  130. net/openldap25-server
  131. net/openldap26-server
  132. net/tinyfugue-devel
  133. net/wangle
  134. net/yaz
  135. net/zebra-server
  136. net-im/dino
  137. net-im/prosody
  138. net-im/signal-desktop
  139. net-p2p/cardano-db-sync
  140. news/tin
  141. print/harfbuzz-icu
  142. print/libmspub01
  143. print/miktex
  144. print/scribus
  145. print/scribus-devel
  146. print/tex-xetex
  147. print/texlive-base
  148. science/afni
  149. science/dakota
  150. science/openmodelica
  151. science/orthanc
  152. science/orthanc-dicomweb
  153. science/orthanc-webviewer
  154. science/paraview
  155. science/py-tensorflow
  156. security/bitwarden-cli
  157. security/fizz
  158. sysutils/calamares
  159. sysutils/darling-dmg
  160. sysutils/fsearch
  161. sysutils/ltfs
  162. sysutils/tracker
  163. sysutils/tracker-miners
  164. sysutils/tracker3
  165. textproc/R-cran-stringi
  166. textproc/apertium
  167. textproc/cg3
  168. textproc/dwdiff
  169. textproc/gitlab-elasticsearch-indexer
  170. textproc/gspell
  171. textproc/libe-book
  172. textproc/libfolia
  173. textproc/libqxp
  174. textproc/libvisio01
  175. textproc/lttoolbox
  176. textproc/lua-icu-utils
  177. textproc/nuspell
  178. textproc/raptor2
  179. textproc/rubygem-charlock_holmes
  180. textproc/ucto
  181. textproc/zorba
  182. www/chromium
  183. www/envoy
  184. www/epiphany
  185. www/firefox
  186. www/firefox-esr
  187. www/iridium
  188. www/librewolf
  189. www/node18
  190. www/node20
  191. www/node22
  192. www/onlyoffice-documentserver
  193. www/pecl-http
  194. www/proxygen
  195. www/tor-browser
  196. www/ungoogled-chromium
  197. www/waterfox
  198. www/webkit2-gtk3
  199. www/webkit2-gtk4
  200. x11/gnome-console
  201. x11/gnome-shell
  202. x11/konsole-devel
  203. x11/plasma5-plasma-workspace
  204. x11/plasma6-plasma-desktop
  205. x11/plasma6-plasma-workspace
  206. x11/slop
  207. x11-toolkits/gnustep-gui
  208. x11-toolkits/libspelling
  209. x11-toolkits/plasma6-kdeplasma-addons
  210. x11-toolkits/tepl6
  211. x11-toolkits/vte3
  212. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 98 deleted ports
  1. astro/osmium*
  2. chinese/fcitx-keyboard*
  3. chinese/tin*
  4. databases/couchdb*
  5. databases/couchdb2*
  6. databases/firebird20-client*
  7. databases/firebird20-server*
  8. databases/firebird21-client*
  9. databases/firebird21-server*
  10. databases/firebird25-client*
  11. databases/firebird25-server*
  12. databases/mysql81-client*
  13. databases/mysql81-server*
  14. databases/postgresql10-server*
  15. databases/postgresql11-server*
  16. databases/postgresql96-server*
  17. databases/xtrabackup8*
  18. deskutils/california*
  19. deskutils/osmo*
  20. devel/electron21*
  21. devel/electron22*
  22. devel/electron23*
  23. devel/electron24*
  24. devel/electron25*
  25. devel/electron26*
  26. devel/electron27*
  27. devel/electron28*
  28. devel/hs-text-icu*
  29. devel/kiwix-lib*
  30. devel/pecl-intl*
  31. devel/php70-intl*
  32. devel/php71-intl*
  33. devel/php72-intl*
  34. devel/php73-intl*
  35. devel/php74-intl*
  36. devel/php80-intl*
  37. devel/py-icu*
  38. devel/py3-pyicu*
  39. devel/qt4-corelib*
  40. dns/bind10*
  41. editors/libreoffice-legacy*
  42. editors/libreoffice4*
  43. editors/libreoffice6*
  44. graphics/darktable38*
  45. graphics/darktable40*
  46. graphics/darktable42*
  47. graphics/libcdr*
  48. java/openjfx8-devel*
  49. lang/hiphop-php*
  50. lang/phantomjs*
  51. lang/rakudo*
  52. lang/spidermonkey38*
  53. lang/spidermonkey52*
  54. lang/spidermonkey60*
  55. lang/spidermonkey68*
  56. lang/swift*
  57. lang/v8-devel*
  58. mail/postfix-current-sasl*
  59. mail/postfix-ldap-sasl*
  60. mail/postfix-sasl*
  61. mail/postfix35*
  62. math/libR*
  63. misc/sword17*
  64. multimedia/aegisub*
  65. multimedia/subtitlecomposer-kde4*
  66. net/openldap24-server*
  67. print/libmspub*
  68. security/certificate-transparency*
  69. security/prelude-lml*
  70. sysutils/osquery*
  71. textproc/fcitx-keyboard*
  72. textproc/ibus-qt*
  73. textproc/libe-book00*
  74. textproc/libmspub*
  75. textproc/libvisio*
  76. textproc/rubygem-static_holmes*
  77. textproc/xaira*
  78. textproc/xalan-c*
  79. www/cppcms*
  80. www/libxul*
  81. www/mod_pagespeed*
  82. www/node10*
  83. www/node12*
  84. www/node14*
  85. www/node16*
  86. www/node19*
  87. www/node21*
  88. www/node4*
  89. www/node5*
  90. www/node6*
  91. www/node7*
  92. www/node8*
  93. www/qt5-webkit*
  94. www/seamonkey*
  95. www/webkit-gtk2*
  96. www/webkit-gtk3*
  97. www/webkit-qt5*
  98. x11-toolkits/tepl*
  99. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Run
  1. multimedia/emby-server
  2. multimedia/jellyfin
  3. net-p2p/lidarr
  4. net-p2p/prowlarr
  5. net-p2p/radarr
  6. net-p2p/readarr
  7. net-p2p/sonarr

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 2 deleted ports
  1. multimedia/emby-server-devel*
  2. net-p2p/sonarr-devel*
  3. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
* - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...

Configuration Options:
No options to configure
Options name:
compiler:c++11-lib cpe gmake pathfix python:build tar:tgz
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (1 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.

There are no commits on branch 2024Q3 for this port