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I remember
2024-11-06 Today brought in a new category: filesystems. Sadly, the website did not process it well. I am working on that. It may take a few days.
2024-11-07 Commit processing is halted. I have a fix for the new category. It is making its way through the system.
UPDATE: the backend is processing the original filesystems commit now. It should take about an hour.
UPDATE: as of 20:30 UTC, the filesystems commit has been processed. Commit processing is now up to date.
Port details on branch 2024Q3
go121 Go programming language
1.21.13_1 lang on this many watch lists=4 search for ports that depend on this port An older version of this port was marked as vulnerable. Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 1.21.13_1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2023-08-12 11:51:09
Last Update: 2024-08-18 14:43:54
Commit Hash: 3f08599
People watching this port, also watch:: zstd, bhyve-firmware, go, nginx, syncthing
Go is an open source programming environment that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb - no subversion history for this port

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (3 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. /usr/local/share/licenses/go121-1.21.13_1/
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/go121-1.21.13_1/LICENSE
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/go121-1.21.13_1/BSD3CLAUSE
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • go121>0:lang/go121
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/lang/go121/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install lang/go121
  • pkg install go121
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: go121
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
ONLY_FOR_ARCHS: aarch64 amd64 armv6 armv7 i386 riscv64
TIMESTAMP = 1723182953 SHA256 (go1.21.13.src.tar.gz) = 71fb31606a1de48d129d591e8717a63e0c5565ffba09a24ea9f899a13214c34d SIZE (go1.21.13.src.tar.gz) = 26997630

Expand this list (12 items)

Collapse this list.

SHA256 (go-freebsd-arm64-go1.20.tar.xz) = 674e0a9bce8b64dcc085b000eb83ae880e96be1ee47dad6ec86c82dbe5550623 SIZE (go-freebsd-arm64-go1.20.tar.xz) = 32640640 SHA256 (go-freebsd-amd64-go1.20.tar.xz) = 170f612c4b8a59400f27d642aab37afa831fe2d6df3e7473dec2d4574a59a46c SIZE (go-freebsd-amd64-go1.20.tar.xz) = 34684360 SHA256 (go-freebsd-arm6-go1.20.tar.xz) = acf99dbb285c6d2b80e0abfe4bffd0d230516ea84d17be0d5bc1045809e3d33a SIZE (go-freebsd-arm6-go1.20.tar.xz) = 33418476 SHA256 (go-freebsd-arm7-go1.20.tar.xz) = 12dd61c802eada70380f0b4755656d82dbf228575c056775c682456380be5039 SIZE (go-freebsd-arm7-go1.20.tar.xz) = 33346596 SHA256 (go-freebsd-386-go1.20.tar.xz) = 34e888a37153270b33503a23885ea4c85ba4bd09849d2c937fc9d312c0f49983 SIZE (go-freebsd-386-go1.20.tar.xz) = 35448892 SHA256 (go-freebsd-riscv64-go1.20.tar.xz) = 010921013d24124ff31f4b1965456349547acf936572fc6e0bcf95a0542794bd SIZE (go-freebsd-riscv64-go1.20.tar.xz) = 33807544

Collapse this list.

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
Master port: lang/go-devel
This port has no dependencies.
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. accessibility/darkman
  2. archivers/nfpm
  3. audio/gonic
  4. audio/murmur-cli
  5. audio/pms-devel
  6. audio/visp-go
  7. benchmarks/ali
Expand this list (536 items / 529 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. benchmarks/bombardier
  3. benchmarks/ddosify
  4. benchmarks/hey
  5. benchmarks/plow
  6. benchmarks/vegeta
  7. biology/kmcp
  8. biology/ncbi-entrez-direct
  9. biology/seqkit
  10. biology/taxonkit
  11. biology/unikmer
  12. converters/yj
  13. databases/cayley
  14. databases/cockroach
  15. databases/go-carbon
  16. databases/go-pgweb
  17. databases/goose
  18. databases/immudb
  19. databases/imposm3
  20. databases/influxdb
  21. databases/influxdb2-cli
  22. databases/litestream
  23. databases/mongodb-tools
  24. databases/octosql
  25. databases/percona-orchestrator
  26. databases/pg_tileserv
  27. databases/pgmetrics
  28. databases/prometheus-postgres-exporter
  29. databases/prometheus-postgresql-adapter
  30. databases/rqlite
  31. databases/tile38
  32. databases/timescaledb-backup
  33. databases/timescaledb-tune
  34. deskutils/chart
  35. deskutils/dstask
  36. deskutils/noti
  37. deskutils/ultralist
  38. devel/android-tools
  39. devel/app-builder
  40. devel/app-builder-devel
  41. devel/arduino-builder
  42. devel/arduinoOTA
  43. devel/awless
  44. devel/bazel-buildtools
  45. devel/bit
  46. devel/buf
  47. devel/buildkite-agent
  48. devel/capslock
  49. devel/chroma
  50. devel/delve
  51. devel/dupl
  52. devel/dwarf2json
  53. devel/esbuild
  54. devel/etcd
  55. devel/etcd31
  56. devel/etcd32
  57. devel/etcd33
  58. devel/etcd34
  59. devel/gh
  60. devel/ghq
  61. devel/git-bug
  62. devel/git-codereview
  63. devel/git-lfs
  64. devel/git-town
  65. devel/gitleaks
  66. devel/gitty
  67. devel/glab
  68. devel/gllvm
  69. devel/go-bindata
  70. devel/go-bindata-assetfs
  71. devel/go-git
  72. devel/go-perf
  73. devel/go-wire
  74. devel/gocheese
  75. devel/gocritic
  76. devel/gogs
  77. devel/golangci-lint
  78. devel/golint
  79. devel/gopls
  80. devel/goprotobuf
  81. devel/goredo
  82. devel/goswagger
  83. devel/gpm
  84. devel/grv
  85. devel/gum
  86. devel/gvp
  87. devel/hub
  88. devel/influx-pkg-config
  89. devel/jiri
  90. devel/lab
  91. devel/lets
  92. devel/liteide
  93. devel/loccount
  94. devel/mage
  95. devel/modd
  96. devel/mutagen
  97. devel/packr
  98. devel/please
  99. devel/pprof
  100. devel/prototool
  101. devel/revive
  102. devel/scc
  103. devel/shfmt
  104. devel/soft-serve
  105. devel/statik
  106. devel/stuffbin
  107. devel/taskctl
  108. devel/tinygo
  109. devel/venom
  110. devel/yaegi
  111. dns/acme-dns
  112. dns/amass
  113. dns/blocky
  114. dns/cli53
  115. dns/coredns
  116. dns/dnscrypt-proxy2
  117. dns/dnsx
  118. dns/doggo
  119. dns/godns
  120. dns/mosdns
  121. dns/nextdns
  122. dns/prometheus-dnssec-exporter
  123. dns/q-dns
  124. dns/rdap
  125. dns/subfinder
  126. dns/yandex-ddns
  127. dns/zdns
  128. editors/gomate
  129. editors/micro
  130. emulators/magia
  131. filesystems/webdavfs
  132. filesystems/zfs-snap-diff
  133. filesystems/zrepl
  134. finance/fixc
  135. finance/lnd
  136. finance/ticker
  137. ftp/curlie
  138. ftp/pget
  139. games/automuteus
  140. games/neo-cowsay
  141. graphics/corrupter
  142. graphics/jp
  143. graphics/vhs
  144. irc/soju
  145. lang/gomacro
  146. mail/aerc
  147. mail/hydroxide
  148. mail/mailhog
  149. mail/mailslurper
  150. mail/mox
  151. mail/opensmtpd-filter-rspamd
  152. mail/opensmtpd-filter-senderscore
  153. mail/smtprelay
  154. misc/cheat
  155. misc/chrono
  156. misc/concourse
  157. misc/cryptoballot
  158. misc/dive
  159. misc/exercism
  160. misc/fq
  161. misc/gobuster
  162. misc/lf
  163. misc/perkeep
  164. misc/slides
  165. misc/timetrace
  166. misc/wego
  167. multimedia/livego
  168. net/benthos
  169. net/bosh-bootloader
  170. net/bosh-cli
  171. net/cf
  172. net/clash
  173. net/cloudquery
  174. net/concourse-fly
  175. net/containernetworking-plugins
  176. net/croc
  177. net/drive
  178. net/evans
  179. net/gdrive
  180. net/geoipupdate
  181. net/go-bapu
  182. net/go-cs
  183. net/go-tcping
  184. net/gobgp
  185. net/goreplay
  186. net/gorss
  187. net/grpcox
  188. net/grpcui
  189. net/grpcurl
  190. net/gscloud
  191. net/ipinfo-cli
  192. net/k6
  193. net/kube-apiserver
  194. net/kube-controller-manager
  195. net/kube-scheduler
  196. net/librespeed-cli
  197. net/librespeed-go
  198. net/madonctl
  199. net/nats-nkeys
  200. net/nats-nsc
  201. net/nats-server
  202. net/nats-streaming-server
  203. net/nats-top
  204. net/natscli
  205. net/nsq
  206. net/ooni-mini
  207. net/ooni-probe-cli
  208. net/qrcp
  209. net/rclone
  210. net/redpanda-connect
  211. net/revsocks
  212. net/rospo
  213. net/s5cmd
  214. net/seaweedfs
  215. net/slackcat
  216. net/speedtest-go
  217. net/spoofdpi
  218. net/stc
  219. net/storj
  220. net/termshark
  221. net/tunneller
  222. net/v2ray
  223. net/wireguard-go
  224. net/wireproxy
  225. net/xapsd
  226. net/yggdrasil
  227. net-im/coyim
  228. net-im/dendrite
  229. net-im/discordo
  230. net-im/gomuks
  231. net-im/gotktrix
  232. net-im/gotosocial
  233. net-im/matterbridge
  234. net-im/matterircd
  235. net-im/nextcloud-spreed-signaling
  236. net-im/purple-gowhatsapp
  237. net-im/slack-term
  238. net-im/ssh-chat
  239. net-im/teleirc
  240. net-im/xmpp-client
  241. net-mgmt/adguard-exporter
  242. net-mgmt/alertmanager
  243. net-mgmt/bind_exporter
  244. net-mgmt/blackbox_exporter
  245. net-mgmt/bosun
  246. net-mgmt/carbon-relay-ng
  247. net-mgmt/carbonzipper
  248. net-mgmt/grok_exporter
  249. net-mgmt/icingadb
  250. net-mgmt/intel-snap
  251. net-mgmt/kapacitor
  252. net-mgmt/mqtt2prometheus
  253. net-mgmt/mysqld_exporter
  254. net-mgmt/netdata-go
  255. net-mgmt/nsd_exporter
  256. net-mgmt/nvidia_gpu_prometheus_exporter
  257. net-mgmt/php-fpm_exporter
  258. net-mgmt/phpfpm_exporter
  259. net-mgmt/ping_exporter
  260. net-mgmt/prometheus-collectd-exporter
  261. net-mgmt/prometheus1
  262. net-mgmt/prometheus2
  263. net-mgmt/promscale
  264. net-mgmt/promxy
  265. net-mgmt/pushgateway
  266. net-mgmt/semaphore
  267. net-mgmt/smartctl_exporter
  268. net-mgmt/thanos
  269. net-mgmt/unbound_exporter
  270. net-mgmt/victoria-metrics
  271. net-mgmt/vmutils
  272. net-p2p/autoscan
  273. net-p2p/bitmark
  274. net-p2p/bitmark-cli
  275. net-p2p/bitmark-daemon
  276. net-p2p/bitmark-recorder
  277. net-p2p/go-ethereum
  278. ports-mgmt/caronade
  279. ports-mgmt/fallout
  280. ports-mgmt/modules2tuple
  281. ports-mgmt/portgrep
  282. print/ipp-usb
  283. print/pdfcpu
  284. science/csvtk
  285. science/molgif
  286. security/2fa
  287. security/acmetool
  288. security/age
  289. security/assh
  290. security/aws-vault
  291. security/caldera
  292. security/caldera4
  293. security/certmgr
  294. security/certspotter
  295. security/cfssl
  296. security/crlfuzz
  297. security/crowdsec-blocklist-mirror
  298. security/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer
  299. security/ct-submit
  300. security/enc
  301. security/ffuf
  302. security/git-credential-azure
  303. security/git-credential-oauth
  304. security/gitjacker
  305. security/go-cve-dictionary
  306. security/gokart
  307. security/gokey
  308. security/gosec
  309. security/headscale
  310. security/hockeypuck
  311. security/honeytrap
  312. security/horcrux
  313. security/keybase
  314. security/kpmenu
  315. security/meek
  316. security/metasploit
  317. security/nebula
  318. security/nuclei
  319. security/obfs4proxy-tor
  320. security/onionscan
  321. security/osv-scanner
  322. security/picocrypt
  323. security/snowflake-tor
  324. security/sops
  325. security/ssb
  326. security/ssllabs-scan
  327. security/stegify
  328. security/teleport
  329. security/totp-cli
  330. security/trufflehog
  331. security/vuls
  332. security/vulsrepo
  333. security/webtunnel-tor
  334. security/yubikey-agent
  335. security/zlint
  336. shells/antibody
  337. shells/elvish
  338. shells/envy
  339. shells/murex
  340. sysutils/3mux
  341. sysutils/amazon-ssm-agent
  342. sysutils/amazon-ssm-plugin
  343. sysutils/android-ota-payload-extractor
  344. sysutils/aptly
  345. sysutils/autorestic
  346. sysutils/beats7
  347. sysutils/beats8
  348. sysutils/brename
  349. sysutils/buildah
  350. sysutils/cbsd-mq-api
  351. sysutils/cbsd-mq-router
  352. sysutils/chezmoi
  353. sysutils/conmon
  354. sysutils/consul-alerts
  355. sysutils/consul-replicate
  356. sysutils/consul_exporter
  357. sysutils/containerd
  358. sysutils/coreos-ct
  359. sysutils/ctop
  360. sysutils/diffoci
  361. sysutils/direnv
  362. sysutils/docker
  363. sysutils/docker-credential-pass
  364. sysutils/docker-machine
  365. sysutils/docker-registry
  366. sysutils/duf
  367. sysutils/eksctl
  368. sysutils/envconsul
  369. sysutils/epazote
  370. sysutils/equinix-metal-cli
  371. sysutils/f2
  372. sysutils/fx
  373. sysutils/gcp-ops-agent
  374. sysutils/gdu
  375. sysutils/glow
  376. sysutils/go-wtf
  377. sysutils/goawk
  378. sysutils/gomi
  379. sysutils/gotop
  380. sysutils/govmomi
  381. sysutils/hared
  382. sysutils/hcloud
  383. sysutils/hostctl
  384. sysutils/immortal
  385. sysutils/ipfs-go-fs-repo-migrations
  386. sysutils/ipget
  387. sysutils/ipmi_exporter
  388. sysutils/istio
  389. sysutils/jest
  390. sysutils/k9s
  391. sysutils/loki
  392. sysutils/mackerel-agent
  393. sysutils/nerdctl
  394. sysutils/node_exporter
  395. sysutils/nomad-pot-driver
  396. sysutils/nut_exporter
  397. sysutils/oc
  398. sysutils/opa
  399. sysutils/opentofu
  400. sysutils/packer
  401. sysutils/paladin
  402. sysutils/podman
  403. sysutils/rest-server
  404. sysutils/restic
  405. sysutils/runj
  406. sysutils/rush
  407. sysutils/sake
  408. sysutils/sensu-go
  409. sysutils/serf
  410. sysutils/siegfried
  411. sysutils/skopeo
  412. sysutils/smug
  413. sysutils/snmp_exporter
  414. sysutils/sockaddr
  415. sysutils/stressdisk
  416. sysutils/terraform-provider-gridscale
  417. sysutils/terraform-provider-vultr
  418. sysutils/terragrunt
  419. sysutils/viddy
  420. sysutils/walk
  421. textproc/codesearch
  422. textproc/csvq
  423. textproc/dasel
  424. textproc/fzf
  425. textproc/gh-grep
  426. textproc/git-chglog
  427. textproc/go-md2man
  428. textproc/go-transifex-client
  429. textproc/go-yq
  430. textproc/gojq
  431. textproc/gron
  432. textproc/htmltest
  433. textproc/jid
  434. textproc/kepubify
  435. textproc/markdownfmt
  436. textproc/md2roff
  437. textproc/minify
  438. textproc/moar
  439. textproc/ov
  440. textproc/peco
  441. textproc/pup
  442. textproc/sift
  443. textproc/sttr
  444. textproc/termshot
  445. textproc/textnote
  446. textproc/textql
  447. textproc/trdsql
  448. textproc/uni
  449. textproc/up
  450. textproc/vacuum
  451. textproc/vgrep
  452. textproc/yamlfmt
  453. textproc/zed
  454. textproc/zq
  455. www/amfora
  456. www/aquatone
  457. www/beehive
  458. www/bugzilla2atom
  459. www/caddy
  460. www/caddy-custom
  461. www/carbonapi
  462. www/chisel
  463. www/colly
  464. www/devd
  465. www/eden
  466. www/fabio
  467. www/filtron
  468. www/galene
  469. www/ghostunnel
  470. www/go-www
  471. www/gobuffalo
  472. www/gohugo
  473. www/gotty
  474. www/grafana
  475. www/grafana9
  476. www/gurl
  477. www/icapeg
  478. www/jira-cli
  479. www/kineto
  480. www/lux
  481. www/lzr
  482. www/minio
  483. www/mirrorselect
  484. www/morty
  485. www/nginx-vts-exporter
  486. www/oneshot
  487. www/owncast
  488. www/phpfpmtop
  489. www/pomerium
  490. www/pydio-cells
  491. www/remark42
  492. www/reproxy
  493. www/s
  494. www/tusc
  495. www/tusd
  496. www/uchiwa
  497. www/varnish_exporter
  498. www/vultr-cli
  499. www/webhook
  500. www/websocketd
  501. www/writeas-cli
  502. www/writefreely
  503. www/wuzz
  504. www/xcaddy
  505. www/xurls
  506. www/yarr
  507. www/ytdl
  508. www/zgrab2
  509. x11/aminal
  510. x11/cliphist
  511. x11/clipman
  512. x11/darktile
  513. x11/nwg-bar
  514. x11/nwg-dock
  515. x11/nwg-dock-hyprland
  516. x11/nwg-drawer
  517. x11/nwg-look
  518. x11/nwg-menu
  519. x11-wm/fvwm3
  520. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 11 deleted ports
  1. devel/go-protobuf*
  2. net-im/gtkcord4*
  3. sysutils/container-diff*
  4. sysutils/datadog-agent*
  5. sysutils/fusefs-webdavfs*
  6. sysutils/zfs-snap-diff*
  7. sysutils/zrepl*
  8. textproc/mergestat*
  9. textproc/spiff*
  10. www/gitlab-ce*
  11. www/screego*
  12. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Fetch
  1. archivers/nfpm
  2. audio/gonic
  3. benchmarks/bombardier
  4. benchmarks/hey
  5. benchmarks/plow
  6. biology/kmcp
  7. biology/seqkit
Expand this list (242 items / 235 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. biology/taxonkit
  3. biology/unikmer
  4. databases/cayley
  5. databases/goose
  6. databases/immudb
  7. databases/imposm3
  8. databases/influxdb
  9. databases/influxdb2-cli
  10. databases/octosql
  11. databases/pg_tileserv
  12. databases/pgmetrics
  13. databases/prometheus-postgres-exporter
  14. databases/rqlite
  15. databases/timescaledb-tune
  16. devel/buf
  17. devel/buildkite-agent
  18. devel/capslock
  19. devel/esbuild
  20. devel/gh
  21. devel/ghq
  22. devel/git-bug
  23. devel/git-town
  24. devel/gitleaks
  25. devel/gitty
  26. devel/glab
  27. devel/go-git
  28. devel/go-perf
  29. devel/go-wire
  30. devel/gocritic
  31. devel/gogs
  32. devel/golangci-lint
  33. devel/gopls
  34. devel/goprotobuf
  35. devel/goswagger
  36. devel/gum
  37. devel/influx-pkg-config
  38. devel/lab
  39. devel/lets
  40. devel/mutagen
  41. devel/packr
  42. devel/revive
  43. devel/scc
  44. devel/shfmt
  45. devel/soft-serve
  46. devel/stuffbin
  47. devel/venom
  48. dns/amass
  49. dns/blocky
  50. dns/coredns
  51. dns/dnsx
  52. dns/doggo
  53. dns/mosdns
  54. dns/q-dns
  55. dns/subfinder
  56. dns/zdns
  57. editors/micro
  58. filesystems/zrepl
  59. finance/lnd
  60. ftp/pget
  61. games/neo-cowsay
  62. graphics/vhs
  63. irc/soju
  64. lang/gomacro
  65. mail/mox
  66. mail/smtprelay
  67. misc/dive
  68. misc/gobuster
  69. misc/slides
  70. net/benthos
  71. net/clash
  72. net/cloudquery
  73. net/croc
  74. net/evans
  75. net/geoipupdate
  76. net/go-tcping
  77. net/gobgp
  78. net/goreplay
  79. net/grpcui
  80. net/k6
  81. net/librespeed-cli
  82. net/librespeed-go
  83. net/nats-nsc
  84. net/nats-server
  85. net/nats-top
  86. net/natscli
  87. net/nsq
  88. net/ooni-probe-cli
  89. net/rclone
  90. net/redpanda-connect
  91. net/rospo
  92. net/seaweedfs
  93. net/slackcat
  94. net/speedtest-go
  95. net/termshark
  96. net/wireproxy
  97. net/yggdrasil
  98. net-im/dendrite
  99. net-im/gomuks
  100. net-im/gotktrix
  101. net-im/slack-term
  102. net-mgmt/alertmanager
  103. net-mgmt/bind_exporter
  104. net-mgmt/blackbox_exporter
  105. net-mgmt/icingadb
  106. net-mgmt/netdata-go
  107. net-mgmt/phpfpm_exporter
  108. net-mgmt/ping_exporter
  109. net-mgmt/prometheus2
  110. net-mgmt/promscale
  111. net-mgmt/promxy
  112. net-mgmt/pushgateway
  113. net-mgmt/thanos
  114. net-p2p/autoscan
  115. net-p2p/bitmark
  116. net-p2p/bitmark-cli
  117. net-p2p/bitmark-daemon
  118. net-p2p/bitmark-recorder
  119. net-p2p/go-ethereum
  120. ports-mgmt/caronade
  121. ports-mgmt/fallout
  122. ports-mgmt/modules2tuple
  123. ports-mgmt/portgrep
  124. print/pdfcpu
  125. science/csvtk
  126. security/2fa
  127. security/age
  128. security/aws-vault
  129. security/certspotter
  130. security/cfssl
  131. security/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer
  132. security/git-credential-azure
  133. security/git-credential-oauth
  134. security/gitjacker
  135. security/go-cve-dictionary
  136. security/gokart
  137. security/gokey
  138. security/gosec
  139. security/headscale
  140. security/keybase
  141. security/nebula
  142. security/nuclei
  143. security/osv-scanner
  144. security/snowflake-tor
  145. security/sops
  146. security/totp-cli
  147. security/trufflehog
  148. security/vuls
  149. security/vulsrepo
  150. security/zlint
  151. sysutils/3mux
  152. sysutils/autorestic
  153. sysutils/beats8
  154. sysutils/ctop
  155. sysutils/diffoci
  156. sysutils/direnv
  157. sysutils/duf
  158. sysutils/eksctl
  159. sysutils/envconsul
  160. sysutils/equinix-metal-cli
  161. sysutils/f2
  162. sysutils/gcp-ops-agent
  163. sysutils/gdu
  164. sysutils/glow
  165. sysutils/go-wtf
  166. sysutils/gomi
  167. sysutils/gotop
  168. sysutils/govmomi
  169. sysutils/hcloud
  170. sysutils/hostctl
  171. sysutils/ipget
  172. sysutils/ipmi_exporter
  173. sysutils/k9s
  174. sysutils/mackerel-agent
  175. sysutils/nerdctl
  176. sysutils/node_exporter
  177. sysutils/nomad-pot-driver
  178. sysutils/opentofu
  179. sysutils/packer
  180. sysutils/restic
  181. sysutils/runj
  182. sysutils/rush
  183. sysutils/sake
  184. sysutils/serf
  185. sysutils/siegfried
  186. sysutils/smug
  187. sysutils/sockaddr
  188. sysutils/stressdisk
  189. sysutils/terragrunt
  190. sysutils/viddy
  191. textproc/csvq
  192. textproc/dasel
  193. textproc/fzf
  194. textproc/gh-grep
  195. textproc/git-chglog
  196. textproc/go-md2man
  197. textproc/go-transifex-client
  198. textproc/go-yq
  199. textproc/gojq
  200. textproc/kepubify
  201. textproc/md2roff
  202. textproc/minify
  203. textproc/moar
  204. textproc/ov
  205. textproc/termshot
  206. textproc/trdsql
  207. textproc/vacuum
  208. textproc/yamlfmt
  209. textproc/zed
  210. textproc/zq
  211. www/amfora
  212. www/bugzilla2atom
  213. www/caddy
  214. www/chisel
  215. www/fabio
  216. www/ghostunnel
  217. www/gobuffalo
  218. www/gohugo
  219. www/gotty
  220. www/grafana
  221. www/grafana9
  222. www/icapeg
  223. www/jira-cli
  224. www/lux
  225. www/minio
  226. www/oneshot
  227. www/owncast
  228. www/pydio-cells
  229. www/s
  230. www/writefreely
  231. www/xurls
  232. www/zgrab2
  233. x11/darktile
  234. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 3 deleted ports
  1. sysutils/container-diff*
  2. sysutils/zrepl*
  3. textproc/mergestat*
  4. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Run
  1. devel/gpm
  2. devel/gvp
  3. devel/liteide
  4. devel/tinygo
  5. lang/go
  6. security/caldera
  7. security/caldera4
Expand this list (9 items / 2 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. security/metasploit
  3. www/gobuffalo
  4. Collapse this list.

Configuration Options:
===> The following configuration options are available for go121-1.21.13_1: ====> Options available for the single GOAMD64: you have to select exactly one of them V1=on: Use baseline x86-64 instruction set V2=off: V1 instructions plus CMPXCHG16B, LAHF, SAHF, POPCNT, SSE* V3=off: V2 instructions plus AVX*, BMI*, F16C, FMA, LZCNT, MOVBE, OSXSAVE V4=off: V3 instructions plus AVX512* ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
Options name:
cpe shebangfix
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (1 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.

There are no commits on branch 2024Q3 for this port