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Port details on branch 2024Q4
sqlite3 SQL database engine in a C library
3.46.1,1 databases on this many watch lists=159 search for ports that depend on this port An older version of this port was marked as vulnerable. Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 3.46.1,1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2004-08-31 19:11:46
Last Update: 2024-08-26 16:28:31
Commit Hash: 8d38e8f
People watching this port, also watch:: expat, libiconv, libxml2, pcre, curl
License: PD
SQLite is an SQL database engine in a C library. Programs that link the SQLite library can have SQL database access without running a separate RDBMS process. The distribution comes with a standalone command-line access program (sqlite3) that can be used to administer an SQLite database and which serves as an example of how to use the SQLite library.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
There is no configure plist information for this port.
Dependency lines:
  • sqlite3>0:databases/sqlite3
  • sqlite3
  • sqlite3-icu
  • sqlite3-tcl
  • tcl-sqlite3
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/databases/sqlite3/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install databases/sqlite3
  • pkg install sqlite3
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: sqlite3
Package flavors (<flavor>: <package>)
  • default: sqlite3
  • icu: sqlite3-icu
  • tcl: sqlite3-tcl
TIMESTAMP = 1724580150 SHA256 ( = def3fc292eb9ecc444f6c1950e5c79d8462ed5e7b3d605fd6152d145e1d5abb4 SIZE ( = 14276926

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. tclsh8.6 : lang/tcl86
Library dependencies:
  1. : devel/libedit
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. databases/lua-lsqlite3
  2. databases/py-apsw
  3. dns/opendnssec2
  4. lang/basic256
  5. ports-mgmt/portfind
  6. sysutils/fastfetch

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 16 deleted ports
  1. databases/php-sqlite3*
  2. devel/gearmand-devel*
  3. devel/subversion-static*
  4. dns/bind10*
  5. dns/bundy*
  6. dns/opendnssec13*
  7. mail/thunderbird-esr*
  8. misc/cdcollect*
  9. net/desktop-data-model*
  10. sysutils/docker-freebsd*
  11. textproc/askgit*
  12. textproc/mergestat*
  13. www/cliqz*
  14. www/hedgedoc*
  15. www/libxul*
  16. www/seamonkey*
  17. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Libraries
  1. archivers/rpm4
  2. archivers/urbackup-client
  3. archivers/urbackup-server
  4. astro/foxtrotgps
  5. astro/merkaartor
  6. astro/opencpn
  7. astro/viking
Expand this list (563 items / 556 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. audio/audacity
  3. audio/deadbeef-waveform-seekbar-plugin
  4. audio/gnome-podcasts
  5. audio/gogglesmm
  6. audio/gonic
  7. audio/harp
  8. audio/libdjinterop
  9. audio/libgpod
  10. audio/linuxsampler
  11. audio/lollypop
  12. audio/mixxx
  13. audio/osd-lyrics
  14. audio/owntone
  15. audio/pragha
  16. audio/shortwave
  17. audio/strawberry
  18. biology/abyss
  19. biology/augustus
  20. biology/gcta
  21. biology/ncbi-blast+
  22. biology/ugene
  23. cad/camotics
  24. cad/horizon-eda
  25. cad/qelectrotech
  26. chinese/ibus-array
  27. chinese/ibus-libpinyin
  28. chinese/ibus-pinyin
  29. chinese/libcangjie
  30. chinese/libchewing
  31. chinese/pycangjie
  32. chinese/pyzy
  33. comms/trustedqsl
  34. databases/akonadi
  35. databases/courier-authlib-sqlite
  36. databases/cppdb
  37. databases/diesel
  38. databases/emacsql
  39. databases/emacsql-devel
  40. databases/evolution-data-server
  41. databases/gom
  42. databases/grass7
  43. databases/grass8
  44. databases/kdb
  45. databases/libdbi-drivers
  46. databases/libdrizzle
  47. databases/libgda5
  48. databases/libgda5-jdbc
  49. databases/libgda5-ldap
  50. databases/libgda5-mysql
  51. databases/libgda5-postgresql
  52. databases/libgda5-ui
  53. databases/libzdb
  54. databases/lua-lsqlite3
  55. databases/luadbi
  56. databases/luasql-sqlite3
  57. databases/ocaml-sqlite3
  58. databases/ods2sql
  59. databases/pgloader3
  60. databases/php81-pdo_sqlite
  61. databases/php81-sqlite3
  62. databases/php82-pdo_sqlite
  63. databases/php82-sqlite3
  64. databases/php83-pdo_sqlite
  65. databases/php83-sqlite3
  66. databases/php84-pdo_sqlite
  67. databases/php84-sqlite3
  68. databases/proftpd-mod_sql_sqlite
  69. databases/py-apsw
  70. databases/py-databases
  71. databases/py-ormar
  72. databases/py-peewee
  73. databases/py-sqlite3
  74. databases/qt5-sqldrivers-sqlite3
  75. databases/qt6-base_sqldriver
  76. databases/rubygem-do_sqlite3
  77. databases/rubygem-sqlite3
  78. databases/rubygem-sqlite3-ruby
  79. databases/rubygem-sqlite31
  80. databases/soci
  81. databases/spatialite
  82. databases/spatialite-tools
  83. databases/spatialite_gui
  84. databases/sqlcached
  85. databases/sqlclient
  86. databases/sqlite-ext-miscfuncs
  87. databases/sqlite-ext-pcre
  88. databases/sqlite-ext-regexp
  89. databases/sqlite-ext-spellfix
  90. databases/sqlitebrowser
  91. databases/sqlitecpp
  92. databases/sqliteodbc
  93. databases/sqlitestudio
  94. databases/tcl-sqlite3
  95. databases/virtualpg
  96. databases/vsqlite
  97. deskutils/bookworm
  98. deskutils/calibre
  99. deskutils/cherrytree
  100. deskutils/fbreader
  101. deskutils/gnome-contacts
  102. deskutils/gnome-pomodoro
  103. deskutils/growl-for-linux
  104. deskutils/gworkspace-gwmetadata
  105. deskutils/nextcloudclient
  106. deskutils/owncloudclient
  107. deskutils/pinot
  108. deskutils/presage
  109. deskutils/subsurface
  110. deskutils/xfce4-notifyd
  111. devel/RStudio
  112. devel/appstream-glib
  113. devel/build2
  114. devel/cbang
  115. devel/codequery
  116. devel/cvstrac
  117. devel/ghostie
  118. devel/gittrac
  119. devel/ikos
  120. devel/ksql
  121. devel/kyua
  122. devel/laminar
  123. devel/libsoup
  124. devel/libsoup3
  125. devel/llbuild
  126. devel/matreshka
  127. devel/p5-subversion
  128. devel/phasar
  129. devel/poco
  130. devel/py-subversion
  131. devel/ruby-subversion
  132. devel/subversion
  133. devel/subversion-lts
  134. devel/svntrac
  135. devel/zeal
  136. dns/opendnssec2
  137. dns/powerdns
  138. editors/calligra
  139. editors/emacs
  140. editors/emacs-devel
  141. editors/texmacs
  142. emulators/mame
  143. emulators/mgba
  144. emulators/nemu
  145. filesystems/sqlfs
  146. finance/ktoblzcheck
  147. ftp/filezilla
  148. ftp/wzdftpd
  149. games/DDNet
  150. games/etlegacy
  151. games/flightgear
  152. games/freeciv
  153. games/freeciv-nox11
  154. games/freeciv21
  155. games/freeminer
  156. games/irrlamb
  157. games/ldmud
  158. games/lightsoff
  159. games/luanti
  160. games/minetestmapper
  161. games/openmw
  162. games/pokerth
  163. games/stonesoup
  164. games/supertuxkart
  165. games/warzone2100
  166. games/wyrmgus
  167. games/xmoto
  168. german/tipp10
  169. graphics/birdfont
  170. graphics/colmap
  171. graphics/colord
  172. graphics/colord-gtk
  173. graphics/darktable
  174. graphics/elementary-photos
  175. graphics/gdal
  176. graphics/hugin
  177. graphics/libchamplain
  178. graphics/librasterlite2
  179. graphics/mapcache
  180. graphics/mapnik
  181. graphics/openslide
  182. graphics/osgearth
  183. graphics/proj
  184. graphics/qgis
  185. graphics/qgis-ltr
  186. graphics/rawstudio
  187. graphics/shotwell
  188. graphics/tippecanoe
  189. graphics/zathura
  190. irc/ircd-ratbox
  191. irc/soju
  192. japanese/uim-anthy
  193. java/java-subversion
  194. java/openjfx14
  195. java/sqlitejdbc
  196. lang/munger
  197. lang/neko
  198. lang/racket
  199. lang/seed7
  200. lang/smalltalk
  201. lang/snobol4
  202. mail/bogofilter-sqlite
  203. mail/cyrus-imapd30
  204. mail/cyrus-imapd310
  205. mail/cyrus-imapd32
  206. mail/cyrus-imapd34
  207. mail/cyrus-imapd36
  208. mail/cyrus-imapd38
  209. mail/dovecot-fts-xapian
  210. mail/dspam
  211. mail/evolution
  212. mail/evolution-ews
  213. mail/exim-sqlite
  214. mail/geary
  215. mail/greylite
  216. mail/mlmmj-archive-mid
  217. mail/mlmmj-archiver
  218. mail/mutt
  219. mail/opensmtpd-extras-table-sqlite
  220. mail/rspamd
  221. mail/rspamd-devel
  222. math/R-cran-terra
  223. math/cadabra2
  224. math/mdal
  225. math/octave-forge-sqlite
  226. math/openturns
  227. math/sage
  228. misc/adios2
  229. multimedia/arcan
  230. multimedia/avidemux
  231. multimedia/avidemux-cli
  232. multimedia/avidemux-plugins
  233. multimedia/avidemux-qt5
  234. multimedia/emby-server
  235. multimedia/jellyfin
  236. multimedia/kodi
  237. net/asterisk18
  238. net/boinc-client
  239. net/csync2
  240. net/freeswitch
  241. net/gerbera
  242. net/glusterfs
  243. net/grilo-plugins
  244. net/kamailio
  245. net/kget
  246. net/liblinphone
  247. net/liferea
  248. net/mediastreamer
  249. net/megacmd
  250. net/minidlna
  251. net/ntopng
  252. net/onedrive
  253. net/rssguard
  254. net/turnserver
  255. net/vnstat
  256. net-im/biboumi
  257. net-im/dino
  258. net-im/ejabberd
  259. net-im/folks
  260. net-im/libaccounts-glib
  261. net-im/pidgin
  262. net-im/profanity
  263. net-im/telepathy-gabble
  264. net-im/telepathy-logger
  265. net-mgmt/aircrack-ng
  266. net-mgmt/rackmonkey
  267. net-mgmt/seafile-client
  268. net-mgmt/seafile-gui
  269. net-mgmt/seafile-server
  270. net-p2p/bitcoin
  271. net-p2p/bitcoin-daemon
  272. net-p2p/c-lightning
  273. net-p2p/clboss
  274. net-p2p/lidarr
  275. net-p2p/ncdc
  276. net-p2p/prowlarr
  277. net-p2p/radarr
  278. net-p2p/readarr
  279. net-p2p/sonarr
  280. net-p2p/udpt
  281. net-p2p/uhub
  282. news/inn
  283. news/inn-current
  284. ports-mgmt/packagekit
  285. ports-mgmt/pkgcompare
  286. print/simple-fb2-reader
  287. print/sioyek
  288. science/dlib-cpp
  289. science/orthanc
  290. science/orthanc-webviewer
  291. science/paraview
  292. science/py-dlib
  293. science/py-tensorflow
  294. science/ttk
  295. science/vmd
  296. science/zotero
  297. security/arti
  298. security/authenticator
  299. security/axc
  300. security/bzrtp
  301. security/cvechecker
  302. security/diswall
  303. security/flawz
  304. security/gnupg
  305. security/klee
  306. security/libomemo
  307. security/nss
  308. security/sequoia-sq
  309. security/softhsm2
  310. security/sslproxy
  311. security/subversion-gnome-keyring
  312. security/tpm2-pkcs11
  313. security/wazuh-agent
  314. security/wazuh-manager
  315. security/ylva
  316. sysutils/bulk_extractor
  317. sysutils/cbsd
  318. sysutils/createrepo_c
  319. sysutils/dupd
  320. sysutils/fluxengine
  321. sysutils/libdnf
  322. sysutils/lnav
  323. sysutils/nix
  324. sysutils/sleuthkit
  325. sysutils/tracker
  326. sysutils/tracker-miners
  327. sysutils/tracker3
  328. sysutils/zeitgeist
  329. textproc/link-grammar
  330. textproc/mdocml
  331. textproc/redland
  332. textproc/soothsayer
  333. textproc/uim
  334. textproc/uim-gtk
  335. textproc/uim-gtk3
  336. textproc/uim-m17nlib
  337. textproc/uim-qt5
  338. www/aria2
  339. www/bacula-web
  340. www/domoticz
  341. www/domoticz-devel
  342. www/ephemera
  343. www/epiphany
  344. www/fusionpbx
  345. www/glewlwyd
  346. www/kannel
  347. www/kannel-sqlbox
  348. www/luakit
  349. www/luakit-devel
  350. www/midori
  351. www/mod_dav_svn
  352. www/ncgopher
  353. www/newsboat
  354. www/newsraft
  355. www/rssroll
  356. www/trafficserver
  357. www/webkit2-gtk3
  358. www/webkit2-gtk4
  359. www/wt
  360. www/xsp
  361. x11/yelp
  362. x11-fonts/font-manager
  363. x11-toolkits/libshumate
  364. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 194 deleted ports
  1. archivers/rpm5*
  2. astro/osmium*
  3. astro/tangogps*
  4. audio/clementine-player*
  5. audio/firefly*
  6. audio/forked-daapd*
  7. audio/gmpc*
  8. audio/gmpc-magnatune*
  9. audio/gradio*
  10. audio/libgpod-sharp*
  11. audio/linnya*
  12. audio/xmms2*
  13. biology/seqtools*
  14. chinese/sunpinyin*
  15. databases/adabase*
  16. databases/emacs-sqlite3-api*
  17. databases/gdl2*
  18. databases/gosqlite3*
  19. databases/gtksql*
  20. databases/mysql-workbench52*
  21. databases/php5-pdo_sqlite*
  22. databases/php5-sqlite3*
  23. databases/php53-pdo_sqlite*
  24. databases/php53-sqlite3*
  25. databases/php55-pdo_sqlite*
  26. databases/php55-sqlite3*
  27. databases/php56-pdo_sqlite*
  28. databases/php56-sqlite3*
  29. databases/php70-pdo_sqlite*
  30. databases/php70-sqlite3*
  31. databases/php71-pdo_sqlite*
  32. databases/php71-sqlite3*
  33. databases/php72-pdo_sqlite*
  34. databases/php72-sqlite3*
  35. databases/php73-pdo_sqlite*
  36. databases/php73-sqlite3*
  37. databases/php74-pdo_sqlite*
  38. databases/php74-sqlite3*
  39. databases/php80-pdo_sqlite*
  40. databases/php80-sqlite3*
  41. databases/pure-sql3*
  42. databases/py3-apsw*
  43. databases/py32-sqlite3*
  44. databases/py33-sqlite3*
  45. databases/py34-sqlite3*
  46. databases/py35-sqlite3*
  47. databases/py36-sqlite3*
  48. databases/pypy-sqlite3*
  49. databases/qt4-sqlite3-plugin*
  50. databases/ruby-dbd_sqlite3*
  51. databases/sqlite-ext-mobigroup*
  52. databases/sqlitebrowser-qt5*
  53. databases/sqliteman*
  54. deskutils/ktagebuch*
  55. deskutils/mirall*
  56. deskutils/osmo*
  57. devel/clanlib*
  58. devel/clanlib22*
  59. devel/gearmand*
  60. devel/gearmand-devel*
  61. devel/ignition-transport*
  62. devel/kyua-cli*
  63. devel/libopensync*
  64. devel/libopensync022*
  65. devel/libsoup-gnome*
  66. devel/monotone*
  67. devel/nemiver*
  68. devel/poco-devel*
  69. devel/poco-ssl*
  70. devel/py-yum-metadata-parser*
  71. devel/seed*
  72. devel/seed3*
  73. devel/subversion16*
  74. devel/subversion17*
  75. devel/subversion18*
  76. devel/subversion19*
  77. dns/bind10*
  78. dns/bundy*
  79. dns/opendnssec13*
  80. editors/codelite*
  81. emulators/mess*
  82. games/gcompris*
  83. games/kajongg*
  84. games/kajongg-kde4*
  85. games/latrine*
  86. games/minetest*
  87. games/mudmagic*
  88. games/stonesoup-sdl*
  89. games/voxelands*
  90. games/voxelands-server*
  91. games/xptools*
  92. graphics/darktable38*
  93. graphics/darktable40*
  94. graphics/darktable42*
  95. graphics/f-spot*
  96. graphics/hugin-2016*
  97. graphics/libchamplain08*
  98. graphics/librasterlite*
  99. graphics/libreatlas*
  100. irc/ircd-ratbox-devel*
  101. irc/ratbox-services*
  102. java/openjfx8-devel*
  103. java/subversion-java*
  104. lang/J*
  105. lang/phantomjs*
  106. lang/pypy-devel*
  107. lang/pypy3-devel*
  108. lang/swift*
  109. mail/dspam-devel*
  110. mail/libmapi*
  111. mail/thunderbird-esr*
  112. misc/katalog*
  113. misc/krecipes*
  114. misc/krecipes-kde4*
  115. multimedia/avidemux-qt4*
  116. multimedia/avidemux26*
  117. multimedia/avidemux26-cli*
  118. multimedia/avidemux26-plugins*
  119. multimedia/avidemux26-qt4*
  120. multimedia/banshee*
  121. multimedia/emby-server-devel*
  122. multimedia/freetuxtv*
  123. multimedia/gmerlin*
  124. multimedia/kodi-devel*
  125. multimedia/mediabrowser*
  126. multimedia/miro*
  127. multimedia/plexhometheater*
  128. multimedia/vdr-plugin-upnp*
  129. multimedia/xbmc*
  130. multimedia/xbmc-pvr*
  131. net/asterisk*
  132. net/asterisk10*
  133. net/asterisk11*
  134. net/asterisk13*
  135. net/asterisk15*
  136. net/asterisk16*
  137. net/coturn*
  138. net/desktop-data-model*
  139. net/kget-kde4*
  140. net/mediatomb*
  141. net/ns3*
  142. net/owncloud-csync*
  143. net/quiterss*
  144. net/s3ql*
  145. net-im/cawbird*
  146. net-im/corebird*
  147. net-im/kopete-kde4*
  148. net-im/openfetion*
  149. net-im/ring-gnome*
  150. net-im/telepathy-salut*
  151. net-im/venom*
  152. net-mgmt/ccnet*
  153. net-mgmt/ccnet-client*
  154. net-mgmt/ccnet-server*
  155. net-mgmt/seafile*
  156. net-mgmt/sx*
  157. net-p2p/gnunet*
  158. net-p2p/sonarr-devel*
  159. news/inn-CURRENT*
  160. ports-mgmt/chucky*
  161. ports-mgmt/packagekit-qt4*
  162. ports-mgmt/prhistory*
  163. science/coot*
  164. security/certificate-transparency*
  165. security/gnomint*
  166. security/gnupg22*
  167. security/klamav*
  168. security/openvas-manager*
  169. security/openvas8-manager*
  170. security/openvas9-manager*
  171. security/ruby-bitwarden*
  172. security/softhsm*
  173. security/subversion-kwallet*
  174. security/titan*
  175. sysutils/fusefs-sqlfs*
  176. sysutils/istatserver*
  177. sysutils/tracker-client*
  178. sysutils/tracker-gnome*
  179. sysutils/tracker-libtrackergtk*
  180. textproc/uim-kde4*
  181. textproc/uim-qt4*
  182. www/libxul*
  183. www/libxul19*
  184. www/mnogosearch*
  185. www/mod_auth_openid*
  186. www/mongrel2*
  187. www/newsbeuter*
  188. www/qt5-webkit*
  189. www/seamonkey*
  190. www/webkit-gtk2*
  191. www/webkit-gtk3*
  192. www/webkit-qt5*
  193. www/wt3*
  194. x11-toolkits/libshumate-shortwave*
  195. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Run
  1. comms/limesuite
  2. games/gnubg
  3. lang/mono6.8
  4. ports-mgmt/portfind
  5. ports-mgmt/portsdb
  6. sysutils/cbsd

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 2 deleted ports
  1. misc/cdcollect*
  2. sysutils/docker-freebsd*
  3. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
* - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...

Configuration Options:
===> The following configuration options are available for sqlite3-3.46.1,1: ARMOR=off: Detect misuse of the API DBPAGE=on: Enable DBPAGE Virtual Table DBSTAT=on: Enable DBSTAT Virtual Table DIRECT_READ=on: File is read directly from disk DQS=off: Double-quoted String Literals EXAMPLES=on: Build and/or install examples EXTENSION=on: Allow loadable extensions FTS3_TOKEN=on: Enable two-args version fts3_tokenizer FTS4=on: Enable FTS3/4 (Full Text Search) module FTS5=on: Enable version 5 full-text search engine LIKENOTBLOB=off: LIKE does not match blobs MEMMAN=off: Allow it to release unused memory METADATA=on: Enable column metadata NORMALIZE=off: Enable normalized sql function NULL_TRIM=off: Omits NULL columns at the ends of rows RBU=off: Enable the resumable bulk update SECURE_DELETE=on: Overwrite deleted information with zeros SORT_REF=off: To use references in the sorter STATIC=off: Build static executables and/or libraries STMT=off: Prepared statement scan status STRIP=on: Strip binaries before installation TCL=off: Enable tcl extension and sqlite_analyzer THREADS=on: Threading support TRUSTED_SCHEMA=off: SQL functions & virtual tables are considered unsafe UNKNOWN_SQL=off: Suppress unknown function errors UNLOCK_NOTIFY=on: Enable notification on unlocking UPDATE_LIMIT=off: UPDATE/DELETE is extended with ORDER BY and LIMIT URI=on: Enable use the URI filename URI_AUTHORITY=off: Allow convert URL into a UNC ====> Optional extensions SESSION=off: Enable the session extension ====> Optional functions OFFSET=off: Enable sqlite_offset() returning records file offset SOUNDEX=off: Enable the soundex() SQL function ====> Index type for range queries GEOPOLY=off: Uses the GeoJSON notation (RFC-7946) RTREE=on: Enable R*Tree module RTREE_INT=off: Store 32-bit sig int (no float) coordinates ====> Unicode support ICU=off: Unicode support via ICU UNICODE61=on: Unicode Version 6.1 tokenizer ====> Where to store temporary file: you have to select exactly one of them TS0=off: Always use temporary file TS1=on: File by default, change allowed PRAGMA TS2=off: Memory by default, change allowed PRAGMA TS3=off: Always use memory ====> Which query planner to use, stability or ...: you can only select none or one of them STAT3=off: Collect histogram data from leftmost column STAT4=off: Collect histogram data from all columns ====> Command line editing library: you can only select none or one of them LIBEDIT=on: Command line editing via libedit READLINE=off: Command line editing via libreadline ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
Options name:
libtool pathfix zip libedit tcl:build
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