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Port details
libXext X11 Extension library
1.3.6,1 x11 on this many watch lists=114 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 1.3.6,1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2003-12-22 01:03:18
Last Update: 2024-02-05 08:01:51
Commit Hash: 042adad
People watching this port, also watch:: libX11, libXau, libXdmcp, freetype2, expat
License: MIT
This package contains the X Extension library.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (89 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. @ldconfig
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/libXext-1.3.6,1/
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/libXext-1.3.6,1/LICENSE
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/libXext-1.3.6,1/MIT
  5. include/X11/extensions/MITMisc.h
  6. include/X11/extensions/XEVI.h
  7. include/X11/extensions/XLbx.h
  8. include/X11/extensions/XShm.h
  9. include/X11/extensions/Xag.h
  10. include/X11/extensions/Xcup.h
  11. include/X11/extensions/Xdbe.h
  12. include/X11/extensions/Xext.h
  13. include/X11/extensions/Xge.h
  14. include/X11/extensions/dpms.h
  15. include/X11/extensions/extutil.h
  16. include/X11/extensions/multibuf.h
  17. include/X11/extensions/security.h
  18. include/X11/extensions/shape.h
  19. include/X11/extensions/sync.h
  20. include/X11/extensions/xtestext1.h
  21. lib/libXext.a
  22. lib/
  23. lib/
  24. lib/
  25. libdata/pkgconfig/xext.pc
  26. share/man/man3/DBE.3.gz
  27. share/man/man3/DPMSCapable.3.gz
  28. share/man/man3/DPMSDisable.3.gz
  29. share/man/man3/DPMSEnable.3.gz
  30. share/man/man3/DPMSForceLevel.3.gz
  31. share/man/man3/DPMSGetTimeouts.3.gz
  32. share/man/man3/DPMSGetVersion.3.gz
  33. share/man/man3/DPMSInfo.3.gz
  34. share/man/man3/DPMSQueryExtension.3.gz
  35. share/man/man3/DPMSSetTimeouts.3.gz
  36. share/man/man3/XShape.3.gz
  37. share/man/man3/XShapeCombineMask.3.gz
  38. share/man/man3/XShapeCombineRectangles.3.gz
  39. share/man/man3/XShapeCombineRegion.3.gz
  40. share/man/man3/XShapeCombineShape.3.gz
  41. share/man/man3/XShapeGetRectangles.3.gz
  42. share/man/man3/XShapeInputSelected.3.gz
  43. share/man/man3/XShapeOffsetShape.3.gz
  44. share/man/man3/XShapeQueryExtension.3.gz
  45. share/man/man3/XShapeQueryExtents.3.gz
  46. share/man/man3/XShapeQueryVersion.3.gz
  47. share/man/man3/XShapeSelectInput.3.gz
  48. share/man/man3/XShm.3.gz
  49. share/man/man3/XShmAttach.3.gz
  50. share/man/man3/XShmCreateImage.3.gz
  51. share/man/man3/XShmCreatePixmap.3.gz
  52. share/man/man3/XShmDetach.3.gz
  53. share/man/man3/XShmGetEventBase.3.gz
  54. share/man/man3/XShmGetImage.3.gz
  55. share/man/man3/XShmPixmapFormat.3.gz
  56. share/man/man3/XShmPutImage.3.gz
  57. share/man/man3/XShmQueryExtension.3.gz
  58. share/man/man3/XShmQueryVersion.3.gz
  59. share/man/man3/XcupGetReservedColormapEntries.3.gz
  60. share/man/man3/XcupQueryVersion.3.gz
  61. share/man/man3/XcupStoreColors.3.gz
  62. share/man/man3/XdbeAllocateBackBufferName.3.gz
  63. share/man/man3/XdbeBeginIdiom.3.gz
  64. share/man/man3/XdbeDeallocateBackBufferName.3.gz
  65. share/man/man3/XdbeEndIdiom.3.gz
  66. share/man/man3/XdbeFreeVisualInfo.3.gz
  67. share/man/man3/XdbeGetBackBufferAttributes.3.gz
  68. share/man/man3/XdbeGetVisualInfo.3.gz
  69. share/man/man3/XdbeQueryExtension.3.gz
  70. share/man/man3/XdbeSwapBuffers.3.gz
  71. share/man/man3/Xevi.3.gz
  72. share/man/man3/XeviGetVisualInfo.3.gz
  73. share/man/man3/XeviQueryExtension.3.gz
  74. share/man/man3/XeviQueryVersion.3.gz
  75. share/man/man3/Xmbuf.3.gz
  76. share/man/man3/XmbufChangeBufferAttributes.3.gz
  77. share/man/man3/XmbufChangeWindowAttributes.3.gz
  78. share/man/man3/XmbufCreateBuffers.3.gz
  79. share/man/man3/XmbufCreateStereoWindow.3.gz
  80. share/man/man3/XmbufDestroyBuffers.3.gz
  81. share/man/man3/XmbufDisplayBuffers.3.gz
  82. share/man/man3/XmbufGetBufferAttributes.3.gz
  83. share/man/man3/XmbufGetScreenInfo.3.gz
  84. share/man/man3/XmbufGetVersion.3.gz
  85. share/man/man3/XmbufGetWindowAttributes.3.gz
  86. share/man/man3/XmbufQueryExtension.3.gz
  87. @owner
  88. @group
  89. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • libXext>0:x11/libXext
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/x11/libXext/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install x11/libXext
  • pkg install libXext
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: libXext
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1707114832 SHA256 (xorg/lib/libXext-1.3.6.tar.xz) = edb59fa23994e405fdc5b400afdf5820ae6160b94f35e3dc3da4457a16e89753 SIZE (xorg/lib/libXext-1.3.6.tar.xz) = 341092

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. pkgconf>=1.3.0_1 : devel/pkgconf
  2. xorgproto>=0 : x11/xorgproto
  3. xorg-macros.pc : devel/xorg-macros
  4. x11.pc : x11/libX11
  5. xau.pc : x11/libXau
Runtime dependencies:
  1. x11.pc : x11/libX11
  2. xau.pc : x11/libXau
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. accessibility/caribou
  2. accessibility/gammy
  3. accessibility/kmousetool
  4. astro/opencpn
  5. astro/openuniverse
  6. astro/wmglobe
  7. astro/wmjupiter
Expand this list (1288 items / 1281 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. astro/wmmoonclock
  3. astro/wmsolar
  4. astro/wmspaceweather
  5. astro/wmsun
  6. astro/xearth
  7. astro/xephem
  8. astro/xphoon
  9. astro/xplanet
  10. astro/xtide
  11. audio/cardinal
  12. audio/csound
  13. audio/dpf-plugins-lv2
  14. audio/dragonfly-reverb-lv2
  15. audio/drumgizmo
  16. audio/fossmixer
  17. audio/giada
  18. audio/grip
  19. audio/lmms
  20. audio/midi-matrix-lv2
  21. audio/
  22. audio/mixxx
  23. audio/moony-lv2
  24. audio/mumble
  25. audio/nas
  26. audio/ocp
  27. audio/rosegarden
  28. audio/schismtracker
  29. audio/sherlock-lv2
  30. audio/snack
  31. audio/strawberry
  32. audio/timidity++
  33. audio/timidity++-xaw
  34. audio/vm-lv2
  35. audio/vst3sdk
  36. audio/wmmp
  37. audio/wmsmixer
  38. audio/wolf-shaper-lv2
  39. audio/xanalyser
  40. audio/xmcd
  41. audio/xmix
  42. audio/xmmix
  43. audio/zam-plugins-lv2
  44. audio/zynaddsubfx
  45. benchmarks/unixbench
  46. biology/ncbi-toolkit
  47. biology/protomol
  48. biology/seaview
  49. biology/viennarna
  50. cad/alliance
  51. cad/appcsxcad
  52. cad/brlcad
  53. cad/calculix
  54. cad/electric
  55. cad/freecad
  56. cad/gmsh
  57. cad/graywolf
  58. cad/kicad
  59. cad/kicad-devel
  60. cad/lepton-eda
  61. cad/magic
  62. cad/ngspice_rework
  63. cad/opencascade
  64. cad/opencascade740
  65. cad/openvsp
  66. cad/py-gmsh
  67. cad/qcsxcad
  68. cad/spice
  69. cad/sumo
  70. chinese/fcitx
  71. chinese/gcin
  72. comms/acfax
  73. comms/flamp
  74. comms/flcluster
  75. comms/fldigi
  76. comms/flmsg
  77. comms/flrig
  78. comms/linrad
  79. comms/viewfax
  80. comms/xastir
  81. converters/wkhtmltopdf
  82. databases/grass7
  83. databases/grass8
  84. databases/pgmodeler
  85. databases/sqsh
  86. deskutils/anydesk
  87. deskutils/autocutsel
  88. deskutils/calibre
  89. deskutils/charmtimetracker
  90. deskutils/copyq
  91. deskutils/easystroke
  92. deskutils/feathernotes
  93. deskutils/genius
  94. deskutils/gnome-contacts
  95. deskutils/gnome-maps
  96. deskutils/gnome-screenshot
  97. deskutils/hs-arbtt
  98. deskutils/i3lock
  99. deskutils/ical
  100. deskutils/kdeconnect-kde
  101. deskutils/latte-dock
  102. deskutils/mate-utils
  103. deskutils/plan
  104. deskutils/sliderule
  105. deskutils/tpb
  106. deskutils/xcalendar
  107. deskutils/xmdiary
  108. deskutils/xpostit
  109. deskutils/xpostitPlus
  110. deskutils/xwrits
  111. devel/agar
  112. devel/allegro
  113. devel/allegro5
  114. devel/efl
  115. devel/electron31
  116. devel/electron32
  117. devel/electron33
  118. devel/electron34
  119. devel/geany-plugin-debugger
  120. devel/geany-plugin-scope
  121. devel/glui
  122. devel/godot
  123. devel/godot-tools
  124. devel/godot35
  125. devel/godot35-tools
  126. devel/goffice
  127. devel/juce
  128. devel/juce706
  129. devel/kf5-kcrash
  130. devel/kf5-kidletime
  131. devel/kf6-kidletime
  132. devel/pdcurses
  133. devel/plan9port
  134. devel/qt6-base
  135. devel/raylib
  136. devel/root
  137. devel/sdl20
  138. devel/sdl3
  139. devel/simavr
  140. devel/simgear
  141. devel/t1lib
  142. devel/wininfo
  143. devel/xxgdb
  144. devel/zeal
  145. editors/calligra
  146. editors/calligraplan
  147. editors/diamond
  148. editors/emacs
  149. editors/featherpad
  150. editors/libreoffice
  151. editors/openoffice-4
  152. editors/openoffice-devel
  153. editors/ted
  154. editors/texmacs
  155. editors/vscode
  156. editors/xvile
  157. emulators/86Box
  158. emulators/adamem
  159. emulators/almostti
  160. emulators/ares
  161. emulators/atari800
  162. emulators/cingb
  163. emulators/darcnes
  164. emulators/dolphin-emu
  165. emulators/fbsd-duckstation
  166. emulators/fmsx
  167. emulators/frodo
  168. emulators/hatari
  169. emulators/higan
  170. emulators/mame
  171. emulators/mastergear
  172. emulators/nestopia
  173. emulators/open-vm-tools
  174. emulators/pcemu
  175. emulators/pcsx2
  176. emulators/qemu
  177. emulators/qemu-devel
  178. emulators/qemu8
  179. emulators/quasi88
  180. emulators/reicast
  181. emulators/rvvm
  182. emulators/snes9x-gtk
  183. emulators/stonx
  184. emulators/teo
  185. emulators/vgb-bin
  186. emulators/vgba-bin
  187. emulators/vice
  188. emulators/virtualbox-ose
  189. emulators/virtualbox-ose-70
  190. emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions
  191. emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions-legacy
  192. emulators/virtualbox-ose-legacy
  193. emulators/visualboyadvance-m
  194. emulators/wine
  195. emulators/wine-devel
  196. emulators/wine-proton
  197. emulators/x48
  198. emulators/xbraitenberg
  199. emulators/xhomer
  200. emulators/xsystem35
  201. emulators/xzx
  202. filesystems/xfsm
  203. finance/quba-viewer
  204. ftp/wmget
  205. games/3dc
  206. games/KnightCap
  207. games/SpaceCadetPinball
  208. games/SpaceCadetPinball-devel
  209. games/billardgl
  210. games/brutalchess
  211. games/bugsx
  212. games/bzflag
  213. games/cake
  214. games/connectfive
  215. games/construo
  216. games/crossfire-client
  217. games/darkplaces
  218. games/doom
  219. games/doomsday
  220. games/eureka
  221. games/exult
  222. games/exult-devel
  223. games/falconseye
  224. games/flightgear
  225. games/freetennis
  226. games/gnome-2048
  227. games/gnome-nibbles
  228. games/gracer
  229. games/heretic
  230. games/irrlamb
  231. games/jaggedalliance2
  232. games/joequake
  233. games/lightsoff
  234. games/lincity
  235. games/luanti
  236. games/lwjgl
  237. games/magiccube4d
  238. games/megaglest
  239. games/memonix
  240. games/nehquake
  241. games/nethack36
  242. games/netrek-client-cow
  243. games/nexuiz
  244. games/oblige
  245. games/oneko-sakura
  246. games/openjazz
  247. games/openssn
  248. games/powermanga
  249. games/q2p
  250. games/quadrapassel
  251. games/quake2lnx
  252. games/quake2max
  253. games/quakeforge
  254. games/regoth
  255. games/retroarch
  256. games/searchandrescue
  257. games/sol
  258. games/steelstorm
  259. games/tenebrae
  260. games/torcs
  261. games/tuxracer
  262. games/valyriatear
  263. games/vamos
  264. games/wesnoth
  265. games/wmeyes
  266. games/wmpuzzle
  267. games/wmqstat
  268. games/wmtictactoe
  269. games/xasteroids
  270. games/xbat
  271. games/xblackjack
  272. games/xboing
  273. games/xcheckers
  274. games/xchomp
  275. games/xconq
  276. games/xcubes
  277. games/xdesktopwaves
  278. games/xdigger
  279. games/xdino
  280. games/xhexagons
  281. games/xhime
  282. games/xinfocom
  283. games/xisola
  284. games/xjewel
  285. games/xjig
  286. games/xjumpx
  287. games/xkoules
  288. games/xmball
  289. games/xmemory
  290. games/xmille
  291. games/xmine
  292. games/xmlink
  293. games/xmris
  294. games/xmulti
  295. games/xnethack
  296. games/xoct
  297. games/xosmulti
  298. games/xpanex
  299. games/xpilot
  300. games/xpipeman
  301. games/xpyraminx
  302. games/xrisk
  303. games/xroach
  304. games/xrobots
  305. games/xrot
  306. games/xrubik
  307. games/xscavenger
  308. games/xshogi
  309. games/xskewb
  310. games/xsokoban
  311. games/xspacewarp
  312. games/xspringies
  313. games/xtic
  314. games/xtriangles
  315. games/xtrojka
  316. games/xvier
  317. graphics/Coin
  318. graphics/GraphicsMagick
  319. graphics/ImageMagick6
  320. graphics/ImageMagick7
  321. graphics/argyllcms
  322. graphics/aseprite
  323. graphics/azpainter
  324. graphics/azpainterb
  325. graphics/bgfx
  326. graphics/blender
  327. graphics/bonzomatic
  328. graphics/cairo
  329. graphics/cloudcompare
  330. graphics/clutter
  331. graphics/clutter-gtk3
  332. graphics/cogl
  333. graphics/darktable
  334. graphics/digikam
  335. graphics/djview4
  336. graphics/entangle
  337. graphics/ftgl
  338. graphics/fv
  339. graphics/gauche-gl
  340. graphics/geomview
  341. graphics/gimp-app
  342. graphics/gimp-beautify-plugin
  343. graphics/gle
  344. graphics/gmic-qt
  345. graphics/gnash
  346. graphics/graphviz
  347. graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-gl
  348. graphics/gthumb
  349. graphics/ida
  350. graphics/imlib2
  351. graphics/imlib2_loaders
  352. graphics/inkscape
  353. graphics/jogl
  354. graphics/krita
  355. graphics/krita-gmic-plugin
  356. graphics/kxstitch
  357. graphics/lfview
  358. graphics/libafterimage
  359. graphics/libchamplain
  360. graphics/libglvnd
  361. graphics/libimg
  362. graphics/lximage-qt
  363. graphics/magnum
  364. graphics/maim
  365. graphics/meh
  366. graphics/mesa-demos
  367. graphics/mesa-devel
  368. graphics/mesa-dri
  369. graphics/mesa-gallium-va
  370. graphics/mesa-gallium-vdpau
  371. graphics/mesa-libs
  372. graphics/milton
  373. graphics/mupdf
  374. graphics/natron
  375. graphics/ocaml-lablgl
  376. graphics/ogre3d
  377. graphics/ogre3d19
  378. graphics/opendx
  379. graphics/openfx-arena
  380. graphics/opensubdiv
  381. graphics/oyranos
  382. graphics/p5-OpenGL
  383. graphics/pcl-pointclouds
  384. graphics/piglit
  385. graphics/plotutils
  386. graphics/py-ueberzug
  387. graphics/qiv
  388. graphics/quat-gui
  389. graphics/rx
  390. graphics/scrot
  391. graphics/seom
  392. graphics/simpleviewer
  393. graphics/tgif
  394. graphics/urho3d
  395. graphics/vcg
  396. graphics/vv
  397. graphics/xfig
  398. graphics/xgrasp
  399. graphics/xournalpp
  400. graphics/xpaint
  401. graphics/xpdf3
  402. graphics/xpx
  403. graphics/xtexcad
  404. graphics/xv
  405. graphics/xv-m17n
  406. graphics/xwpick
  407. graphics/zbar
  408. irc/dxirc
  409. irc/kvirc
  410. japanese/aobook
  411. japanese/kdrill
  412. japanese/kinput2
  413. japanese/kterm
  414. japanese/plan
  415. japanese/skkinput
  416. japanese/skkinput3
  417. japanese/uim-anthy
  418. japanese/xv
  419. java/openjdk11
  420. java/openjdk11-jre
  421. java/openjdk17
  422. java/openjdk17-jre
  423. java/openjdk18
  424. java/openjdk19
  425. java/openjdk20
  426. java/openjdk21
  427. java/openjdk22
  428. java/openjdk23
  429. java/openjdk8
  430. java/openjdk8-jre
  431. lang/cjs
  432. lang/elk
  433. lang/gjs
  434. lang/squeak
  435. lang/swipl
  436. mail/bbmail
  437. mail/coolmail
  438. mail/exim-monitor
  439. mail/thunderbird
  440. mail/wmbiff
  441. mail/wmmaiload
  442. mail/xbuffy
  443. mail/xfaces
  444. mail/xmail
  445. mail/xmailwatcher
  446. math/R
  447. math/giacxcas
  448. math/hexcalc
  449. math/ngraph
  450. math/octave
  451. math/openturns
  452. math/plplot
  453. math/reduce
  454. math/rkward
  455. math/snns
  456. math/vtk8
  457. math/vtk9
  458. math/xgap
  459. math/xgraph
  460. misc/copperspice-examples
  461. misc/far2l
  462. misc/hotkeys
  463. misc/ktouch
  464. misc/magicpoint
  465. misc/openvdb
  466. misc/parley
  467. misc/pspresent
  468. misc/qt5ct
  469. misc/unclutter
  470. misc/visp
  471. misc/wmScoreBoard
  472. misc/wmjulia
  473. misc/wmweather+
  474. misc/wmwork
  475. misc/xless
  476. misc/xosd
  477. misc/xtar
  478. multimedia/avidemux
  479. multimedia/avidemux-cli
  480. multimedia/avidemux-plugins
  481. multimedia/avidemux-qt5
  482. multimedia/butt
  483. multimedia/cheese
  484. multimedia/cineencoder
  485. multimedia/clutter-gst3
  486. multimedia/jellyfin-media-player
  487. multimedia/kodi
  488. multimedia/libva
  489. multimedia/libva-utils
  490. multimedia/libvdpau
  491. multimedia/libxine
  492. multimedia/mplayer
  493. multimedia/mpv
  494. multimedia/mythtv
  495. multimedia/obs-studio
  496. multimedia/qt5-multimedia
  497. multimedia/qt6-multimedia
  498. multimedia/recordmydesktop
  499. multimedia/simplescreenrecorder
  500. multimedia/smplayer
  501. multimedia/uxplay
  502. multimedia/vlc
  503. multimedia/xanim
  504. multimedia/xine
  505. net/boinc-client
  506. net/freerdp
  507. net/freerdp3
  508. net/krfb
  509. net/pload
  510. net/pvm
  511. net/remmina
  512. net/spiritvnc
  513. net/tigervnc-server
  514. net/tigervnc-viewer
  515. net/tightvnc
  516. net/vino
  517. net/wmnd
  518. net/wmnet
  519. net/wmnetload
  520. net/wmping
  521. net/wmwave
  522. net/wmwifi
  523. net/x11vnc
  524. net-im/gajim
  525. net-im/psi
  526. net-im/signal-desktop
  527. net-im/telegram-desktop
  528. net-im/tokodon
  529. net-im/uTox
  530. net-im/vqcc-gtk
  531. net-mgmt/driftnet
  532. news/knews
  533. print/bibview
  534. print/flpsed
  535. print/ghostscript10
  536. print/gv
  537. print/qt6-pdf
  538. print/tex-xdvik
  539. print/xmbibtex
  540. russian/xruskb
  541. science/2d-rewriter
  542. science/afni
  543. science/cgnslib
  544. science/chrono
  545. science/dakota
  546. science/dlib-cpp
  547. science/drawxtl
  548. science/elmerfem
  549. science/geant4
  550. science/gnudatalanguage
  551. science/liggghts
  552. science/massxpert
  553. science/medit
  554. science/molscript
  555. science/paraview
  556. science/py-dlib
  557. science/zotero
  558. security/kf5-kdesu
  559. security/kf6-kdesu
  560. security/plasma6-kscreenlocker
  561. sysutils/asfsm
  562. sysutils/asmem
  563. sysutils/barrier
  564. sysutils/cinnamon-settings-daemon
  565. sysutils/conky
  566. sysutils/conky-awesome
  567. sysutils/deskflow
  568. sysutils/dunst
  569. sysutils/gnome-settings-daemon
  570. sysutils/lineak-defaultplugin
  571. sysutils/lineak-xosdplugin
  572. sysutils/lineakd
  573. sysutils/lxqt-config
  574. sysutils/lxterminal
  575. sysutils/mate-control-center
  576. sysutils/mate-power-manager
  577. sysutils/mate-settings-daemon
  578. sysutils/nvclock
  579. sysutils/plasma5-libksysguard
  580. sysutils/root-tail
  581. sysutils/synergy
  582. sysutils/wmapmload
  583. sysutils/wmbsdbatt
  584. sysutils/wmcpuload
  585. sysutils/wmcube
  586. sysutils/wmdiskmon
  587. sysutils/wmflame
  588. sysutils/wmmemfree
  589. sysutils/wmmemload
  590. sysutils/wmscript
  591. sysutils/xbatt
  592. sysutils/xbattbar
  593. sysutils/xcpustate
  594. sysutils/xdu
  595. sysutils/xfce4-power-manager
  596. sysutils/xfce4-settings
  597. textproc/arianna
  598. textproc/crow-translate
  599. textproc/fldiff
  600. textproc/goldendict-ng
  601. textproc/mgdiff
  602. textproc/uim
  603. textproc/uim-gtk2
  604. textproc/uim-gtk3
  605. textproc/uim-m17nlib
  606. textproc/uim-qt5
  607. textproc/uim-qt6
  608. www/chromium
  609. www/dillo2
  610. www/firefox
  611. www/firefox-esr
  612. www/iridium
  613. www/kf5-khtml
  614. www/lagrange
  615. www/librewolf
  616. www/qt5-webengine
  617. www/qt6-webengine
  618. www/tor-browser
  619. www/ungoogled-chromium
  620. www/waterfox
  621. x11/3ddesktop
  622. x11/albert
  623. x11/bbrun
  624. x11/bmpanel2
  625. x11/cde
  626. x11/cde-25
  627. x11/cde-devel
  628. x11/cinnamon-desktop
  629. x11/cinnamon-screensaver
  630. x11/cinnamon-session
  631. x11/conlecterm
  632. x11/deforaos-locker
  633. x11/find-cursor
  634. x11/florence
  635. x11/flruler
  636. x11/glcapsviewer
  637. x11/gnome-shell
  638. x11/gstreamer1-plugins-x
  639. x11/gstreamer1-plugins-ximagesrc
  640. x11/hs-xmobar
  641. x11/i3lock-color
  642. x11/idesk
  643. x11/imwheel
  644. x11/kb2mb2
  645. x11/keybinder
  646. x11/keybinder-gtk3
  647. x11/keynav
  648. x11/kf5-kdelibs4support
  649. x11/kf5-kwindowsystem
  650. x11/kf5-plasma-framework
  651. x11/kf6-kwindowsystem
  652. x11/libXScrnSaver
  653. x11/libXcomposite
  654. x11/libXi
  655. x11/libXinerama
  656. x11/libXpm
  657. x11/libXpresent
  658. x11/libXrandr
  659. x11/libXres
  660. x11/libXtst
  661. x11/libXv
  662. x11/libXvMC
  663. x11/libXxf86dga
  664. x11/libXxf86vm
  665. x11/libsx
  666. x11/lilyterm
  667. x11/lsw
  668. x11/lupe
  669. x11/lxqt-globalkeys
  670. x11/mate-screensaver
  671. x11/mate-session-manager
  672. x11/metalock
  673. x11/mxico
  674. x11/numlockx
  675. x11/nvidia-driver
  676. x11/nvidia-driver-304
  677. x11/nvidia-driver-340
  678. x11/nvidia-driver-390
  679. x11/nvidia-driver-470
  680. x11/nvidia-secondary-driver
  681. x11/nvidia-secondary-driver-390
  682. x11/nvidia-settings
  683. x11/p5-X11-GUITest
  684. x11/p5-X11-IdleTime
  685. x11/p5-X11-Xlib
  686. x11/plasma6-kgamma
  687. x11/plasma6-kscreen
  688. x11/plasma6-libplasma
  689. x11/plasma6-plasma-desktop
  690. x11/plasma6-plasma-workspace
  691. x11/pmenu
  692. x11/rxvt-unicode
  693. x11/screengrab
  694. x11/showkeys
  695. x11/slick-greeter
  696. x11/slim
  697. x11/slock
  698. x11/slop
  699. x11/sterm
  700. x11/tint
  701. x11/virtualgl
  702. x11/wdm
  703. x11/wmappl
  704. x11/wmctrl-fork
  705. x11/wmdrawer
  706. x11/wmsystemtray
  707. x11/workrave
  708. x11/x11perf
  709. x11/x3270
  710. x11/xantfarm
  711. x11/xauth
  712. x11/xautolock
  713. x11/xbanish
  714. x11/xbiff
  715. x11/xcalib
  716. x11/xcb
  717. x11/xcmd
  718. x11/xcoloredit
  719. x11/xcolors
  720. x11/xdm
  721. x11/xdpyinfo
  722. x11/xeyes
  723. x11/xfce4-dashboard
  724. x11/xfce4-screensaver
  725. x11/xfce4-screenshooter-plugin
  726. x11/xfishtank
  727. x11/xforward
  728. x11/xidle
  729. x11/xinput
  730. x11/xkeycaps
  731. x11/xlockmore
  732. x11/xlogo
  733. x11/xlupe
  734. x11/xmascot
  735. x11/xmotd
  736. x11/xmsg
  737. x11/xpra
  738. x11/xprintidle
  739. x11/xprompt
  740. x11/xrestop
  741. x11/xscope
  742. x11/xscreensaver
  743. x11/xset
  744. x11/xsnow
  745. x11/xstroke
  746. x11/xtacy
  747. x11/xterm
  748. x11/xtestpicture
  749. x11/xtoolwait
  750. x11/xwatchwin
  751. x11/xwinwrap
  752. x11/xwit
  753. x11/xxkb
  754. x11/xzoom
  755. x11-clocks/asclock
  756. x11-clocks/asclock-xlib
  757. x11-clocks/bbdate
  758. x11-clocks/bclock
  759. x11-clocks/buici-clock
  760. x11-clocks/catclock
  761. x11-clocks/emiclock
  762. x11-clocks/glclock
  763. x11-clocks/lmclock
  764. x11-clocks/oclock
  765. x11-clocks/t3d
  766. x11-clocks/tclock
  767. x11-clocks/wmbday
  768. x11-clocks/wmbinclock
  769. x11-clocks/wmblueclock
  770. x11-clocks/wmcalclock
  771. x11-clocks/wmclockmon
  772. x11-clocks/wmitime
  773. x11-clocks/wmtimer
  774. x11-clocks/xalarm
  775. x11-clocks/xdaliclock-classic
  776. x11-drivers/xf86-input-wacom
  777. x11-fm/konqueror
  778. x11-fm/sushi
  779. x11-fm/xcruise
  780. x11-fm/xdiskusage
  781. x11-servers/x2vnc
  782. x11-servers/x2x
  783. x11-themes/Kvantum
  784. x11-themes/qt5-style-plugins
  785. x11-toolkits/SoXt
  786. x11-toolkits/Xaw3d
  787. x11-toolkits/copperspice
  788. x11-toolkits/fltk
  789. x11-toolkits/fox16
  790. x11-toolkits/fox17
  791. x11-toolkits/gnustep-back
  792. x11-toolkits/gstreamer1-plugins-pango
  793. x11-toolkits/gtk20
  794. x11-toolkits/gtk30
  795. x11-toolkits/gtk40
  796. x11-toolkits/kf5-kguiaddons
  797. x11-toolkits/lesstif
  798. x11-toolkits/libXaw
  799. x11-toolkits/libXmu
  800. x11-toolkits/libwnck3
  801. x11-toolkits/libxaw3dxft
  802. x11-toolkits/mowitz
  803. x11-toolkits/neXtaw
  804. x11-toolkits/open-motif
  805. x11-toolkits/open-motif-devel
  806. x11-toolkits/otk
  807. x11-toolkits/p5-Prima
  808. x11-toolkits/pangolin
  809. x11-toolkits/plib
  810. x11-toolkits/qhotkey
  811. x11-toolkits/soqt
  812. x11-toolkits/tk86
  813. x11-toolkits/tk90
  814. x11-toolkits/tkdnd
  815. x11-toolkits/tkshape
  816. x11-toolkits/tktray
  817. x11-toolkits/xbae
  818. x11-wm/afterstep-stable
  819. x11-wm/afterstep1
  820. x11-wm/amiwm
  821. x11-wm/awesome
  822. x11-wm/bbkeys
  823. x11-wm/bbpager
  824. x11-wm/compiz
  825. x11-wm/compiz-plugins-extra
  826. x11-wm/compiz-plugins-main
  827. x11-wm/compiz-plugins-unsupported
  828. x11-wm/compton
  829. x11-wm/ctwm
  830. x11-wm/e16
  831. x11-wm/echinus
  832. x11-wm/emwm
  833. x11-wm/emwm-utils
  834. x11-wm/epplets
  835. x11-wm/evilwm
  836. x11-wm/fluxbox
  837. x11-wm/fluxter
  838. x11-wm/fvwm2
  839. x11-wm/fvwm3
  840. x11-wm/gamescope
  841. x11-wm/herbstluftwm
  842. x11-wm/hs-xmonad
  843. x11-wm/icewm
  844. x11-wm/jwm
  845. x11-wm/libdockapp
  846. x11-wm/libwraster
  847. x11-wm/lxqt-panel
  848. x11-wm/lxqt-session
  849. x11-wm/lxqt-wayland-session
  850. x11-wm/magpie
  851. x11-wm/marco
  852. x11-wm/metacity
  853. x11-wm/muffin
  854. x11-wm/mutter
  855. x11-wm/notion
  856. x11-wm/nscde
  857. x11-wm/obpager
  858. x11-wm/openbox
  859. x11-wm/oroborus
  860. x11-wm/pekwm
  861. x11-wm/picom
  862. x11-wm/plasma6-kwin
  863. x11-wm/ratpoison
  864. x11-wm/sawfish
  865. x11-wm/skippy-xd
  866. x11-wm/twm
  867. x11-wm/vtwm
  868. x11-wm/windowmaker
  869. x11-wm/wm2
  870. x11-wm/wmanager
  871. x11-wm/wmii
  872. x11-wm/wmii-devel
  873. x11-wm/wmx
  874. x11-wm/xcompmgr
  875. x11-wm/xfce4-panel
  876. x11-wm/xfce4-wm
  877. x11-wm/yeahwm
  878. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 405 deleted ports
  1. audio/amarok*
  2. audio/amarok-kde4*
  3. audio/arts*
  4. audio/csound6*
  5. audio/gqmpeg-devel*
  6. audio/schism*
  7. audio/terminatorx*
  8. audio/wmrecord*
  9. audio/workman*
  10. audio/wsoundprefs*
  11. audio/xmms-ahx*
  12. audio/xmms-curses*
  13. audio/xmms-festalon*
  14. audio/xmms-flac*
  15. audio/xmms-nsf*
  16. audio/xmms-sndfile*
  17. audio/xmms-wma*
  18. audio/xmms-xymms*
  19. audio/xmradio*
  20. benchmarks/xengine*
  21. biology/rasmol*
  22. cad/gmsh-occ*
  23. cad/linuxcnc-devel*
  24. chinese/cxterm*
  25. chinese/fqterm*
  26. chinese/oxim*
  27. comms/geoid*
  28. comms/seyon*
  29. databases/compass*
  30. databases/grass*
  31. databases/grass6*
  32. deskutils/aspostit*
  33. deskutils/knotes*
  34. deskutils/nagaina*
  35. deskutils/plasma5-sddm-kcm*
  36. deskutils/xmaddressbook*
  37. deskutils/xrolo*
  38. devel/allegro-devel*
  39. devel/directfb*
  40. devel/electron11*
  41. devel/electron12*
  42. devel/electron13*
  43. devel/electron17*
  44. devel/electron18*
  45. devel/electron19*
  46. devel/electron21*
  47. devel/electron22*
  48. devel/electron23*
  49. devel/electron24*
  50. devel/electron25*
  51. devel/electron26*
  52. devel/electron27*
  53. devel/electron28*
  54. devel/electron29*
  55. devel/electron30*
  56. devel/electron4*
  57. devel/electron5*
  58. devel/electron6*
  59. devel/electron7*
  60. devel/electron9*
  61. devel/geany-plugin-multiterm*
  62. devel/goffice010*
  63. devel/pdcurses-the*
  64. editors/asedit*
  65. editors/atom*
  66. editors/axe*
  67. editors/libreoffice6*
  68. editors/openoffice-3*
  69. editors/openoffice-3-devel*
  70. editors/*
  71. editors/*
  72. editors/*
  73. editors/*
  74. editors/rospell*
  75. editors/thoteditor*
  76. editors/xemacs-devel*
  77. editors/yzis*
  78. editors/zoinks*
  79. emulators/dolphin-emu-devel*
  80. emulators/duckstation*
  81. emulators/ines*
  82. emulators/m2000*
  83. emulators/mess*
  84. emulators/minivmac*
  85. emulators/pcsxr*
  86. emulators/qemu2*
  87. emulators/qemu30*
  88. emulators/qemu31*
  89. emulators/qemu40*
  90. emulators/qemu41*
  91. emulators/qemu42*
  92. emulators/qemu5*
  93. emulators/qemu50*
  94. emulators/qemu6*
  95. emulators/qemu7*
  96. emulators/qemu70*
  97. emulators/snes9x*
  98. emulators/tuxnes*
  99. emulators/vMac*
  100. emulators/wine-staging*
  101. emulators/wine7*
  102. emulators/wine8*
  103. finance/kmymoney2*
  104. finance/opentaxsolver*
  105. ftp/llnlxdir*
  106. ftp/llnlxftp*
  107. games/BillardGL*
  108. games/acm*
  109. games/bubbros*
  110. games/capicity*
  111. games/capitalism*
  112. games/cosmo*
  113. games/cultivation*
  114. games/flightgear-atlas*
  115. games/gru*
  116. games/jetpack*
  117. games/minetest*
  118. games/openalchemist*
  119. games/ppracer*
  120. games/rigsofrods*
  121. games/seahaven*
  122. games/spellathon*
  123. games/spider*
  124. games/tetrons*
  125. games/tyrquake*
  126. games/vegastrike*
  127. games/xataxx*
  128. games/xbattle*
  129. games/xbloody*
  130. games/xflame*
  131. games/xgospel*
  132. games/xkobo*
  133. games/xminesweep*
  134. games/xpacman*
  135. games/xpilot-ng-client*
  136. games/xripple*
  137. games/xroads*
  138. games/xtris*
  139. games/xwelltris*
  140. games/yamsweeper*
  141. graphics/EZWGL*
  142. graphics/GraphicsMagick13*
  143. graphics/ImageMagick*
  144. graphics/ayam*
  145. graphics/blender-lts28*
  146. graphics/blender-lts29*
  147. graphics/cairomm16*
  148. graphics/cinepaint*
  149. graphics/copperspice*
  150. graphics/darktable38*
  151. graphics/darktable40*
  152. graphics/darktable42*
  153. graphics/divxcalc*
  154. graphics/djview4-qt4*
  155. graphics/dri*
  156. graphics/enfle*
  157. graphics/evas-engine-opengl*
  158. graphics/evas-engine-x11*
  159. graphics/evas-engine-xrender*
  160. graphics/ffff*
  161. graphics/gbm*
  162. graphics/gimp-gmic-plugin*
  163. graphics/iccexamin*
  164. graphics/imlib*
  165. graphics/inventor*
  166. graphics/ivtools*
  167. graphics/ksnapshot*
  168. graphics/ksnapshot-kde4*
  169. graphics/libEGL*
  170. graphics/libGL*
  171. graphics/libGLw*
  172. graphics/libgfx*
  173. graphics/libggi*
  174. graphics/libglapi*
  175. graphics/libglesv2*
  176. graphics/libglut*
  177. graphics/libreatlas*
  178. graphics/llpp*
  179. graphics/lprof-devel*
  180. graphics/mesagl*
  181. graphics/pixmap*
  182. graphics/plotmtv*
  183. graphics/pornview*
  184. graphics/py-gimp*
  185. graphics/pyro*
  186. graphics/ruby-opengl*
  187. graphics/skencil*
  188. graphics/spectacle*
  189. graphics/spectacle-devel*
  190. graphics/urt*
  191. graphics/wdune*
  192. graphics/xfig-devel*
  193. graphics/xfpovray*
  194. graphics/xmagv*
  195. graphics/xmandel*
  196. graphics/xmms-fishmatic*
  197. graphics/xmorph*
  198. japanese/gxditview*
  199. japanese/jed*
  200. japanese/jmode*
  201. japanese/jmode-skk*
  202. japanese/vflib*
  203. japanese/xyaku*
  204. java/classpath*
  205. java/jdk15*
  206. java/jdk16*
  207. java/openjdk12*
  208. java/openjdk13*
  209. java/openjdk14*
  210. java/openjdk15*
  211. java/openjdk16*
  212. java/openjdk6*
  213. java/openjdk6-jre*
  214. korean/eterm*
  215. lang/beignet*
  216. lang/modula3*
  217. lang/otcl*
  218. lang/swi-pl*
  219. mail/ml*
  220. mail/thunderbird-esr*
  221. mail/thunderbird3*
  222. mail/wmpop3lb*
  223. mail/xlbiff*
  224. math/asir2000*
  225. math/libR*
  226. math/sage*
  227. math/vtk6*
  228. misc/xgas*
  229. misc/xpns*
  230. misc/xtypo*
  231. multimedia/QtAV*
  232. multimedia/cinelerra-gg*
  233. multimedia/dtv*
  234. multimedia/fxtv*
  235. multimedia/gmerlin*
  236. multimedia/gstreamer-plugins*
  237. multimedia/kodi-devel*
  238. multimedia/libva-glx*
  239. multimedia/mpeg2codec*
  240. multimedia/mpeg2play*
  241. multimedia/mpeg_play*
  242. multimedia/mpv034*
  243. multimedia/mythtv-frontend*
  244. multimedia/vic*
  245. net/freerdp1*
  246. net/jags*
  247. net/remmina-plugin-rdp*
  248. net/ssvnc*
  249. net/tigervnc-devel*
  250. net/tridiavnc*
  251. net/twinkle*
  252. net/vnc*
  253. net/wmnet2*
  254. net/wmwlmon*
  255. net/xipmsg*
  256. net-im/empathy*
  257. net-im/gajim-devel*
  258. net-im/komclean*
  259. net-im/kopete-kde4*
  260. net-im/licq-qt-gui*
  261. net-im/ring-gnome*
  262. net-im/sim-im*
  263. net-im/sim-im-devel*
  264. net-im/trix*
  265. net-im/webinar*
  266. net-mgmt/tork*
  267. news/xrn*
  268. polish/kadu*
  269. print/ghostscript7*
  270. print/ghostscript7-x11*
  271. print/ghostscript8*
  272. print/ghostscript8-x11*
  273. print/ghostscript9*
  274. print/ghostscript9-agpl*
  275. print/ghostscript9-agpl-x11*
  276. print/ghostscript9-x11*
  277. print/xdvi*
  278. science/cdcl*
  279. science/dcl*
  280. science/kmovisto*
  281. security/bsp_upektfmess*
  282. security/keepassx*
  283. security/keepassx-devel*
  284. security/keepassx2*
  285. security/plasma5-kscreenlocker*
  286. security/stegdetect*
  287. sysutils/battfink*
  288. sysutils/contool*
  289. sysutils/lavaps*
  290. sysutils/plasma5-kinfocenter*
  291. sysutils/roottail*
  292. sysutils/synergy-1*
  293. sysutils/xfsm*
  294. sysutils/xloadface*
  295. sysutils/xvidcap*
  296. textproc/beediff*
  297. textproc/uim-gtk*
  298. textproc/uim-kde4*
  299. textproc/uim-qt4*
  300. vietnamese/vnterm*
  301. www/bookmarkbridge*
  302. www/chimera*
  303. www/cliqz*
  304. www/firefox36*
  305. www/kompozer*
  306. www/libxul*
  307. www/libxul19*
  308. www/nspluginwrapper*
  309. www/nspluginwrapper-devel*
  310. www/opera*
  311. www/opera-devel*
  312. www/palemoon*
  313. www/plugger*
  314. www/seamonkey*
  315. www/webkit2-gtk3*
  316. www/webkit2-gtk4*
  317. x11/blast*
  318. x11/cde-24*
  319. x11/deskpaint*
  320. x11/dgs*
  321. x11/dynamag*
  322. x11/emu*
  323. x11/fbdesk*
  324. x11/gtk-launch*
  325. x11/hs-X11*
  326. x11/i3lock*
  327. x11/kde-runtime-kde4*
  328. x11/kde-workspace-kde4*
  329. x11/kde4-runtime*
  330. x11/kde4-workspace*
  331. x11/kdelibs-kde4*
  332. x11/kdelibs4*
  333. x11/libXTrap*
  334. x11/libXevie*
  335. x11/libXp*
  336. x11/libXxf86misc*
  337. x11/libdmx*
  338. x11/libgnomemm26*
  339. x11/lightdm-slick-greeter*
  340. x11/plasma5-kgamma5*
  341. x11/plasma5-kscreen*
  342. x11/plasma5-plasma-desktop*
  343. x11/plasma5-plasma-workspace*
  344. x11/props*
  345. x11/sisctrl*
  346. x11/wmctrl*
  347. x11/xaniroc*
  348. x11/xclick*
  349. x11/xco*
  350. x11/xdbedizzy*
  351. x11/xlogout*
  352. x11/xmon*
  353. x11/xrx*
  354. x11-clocks/pclock*
  355. x11-clocks/swisswatch*
  356. x11-clocks/xtimer*
  357. x11-drivers/xf86-video-openchrome*
  358. x11-fm/rox-session*
  359. x11-fm/xfm*
  360. x11-fm/xnc*
  361. x11-fonts/libXfontcache*
  362. x11-servers/xorg-dmx*
  363. x11-servers/xorg-nestserver*
  364. x11-themes/qt4-style-Kvantum*
  365. x11-themes/qt5-style-Kvantum*
  366. x11-toolkits/efltk*
  367. x11-toolkits/gnustep-art*
  368. x11-toolkits/gnustep-cairo*
  369. x11-toolkits/gnustep-xdps*
  370. x11-toolkits/gtk12*
  371. x11-toolkits/gtkada3*
  372. x11-toolkits/py-wmdockapps*
  373. x11-toolkits/qt4-gui*
  374. x11-toolkits/qt5-gtkplatform*
  375. x11-toolkits/ruby-fox16*
  376. x11-toolkits/soqt-devel*
  377. x11-toolkits/tk87*
  378. x11-toolkits/xview-clients*
  379. x11-wm/aewm*
  380. x11-wm/afterstep*
  381. x11-wm/ahwm*
  382. x11-wm/awesome2*
  383. x11-wm/awesome3*
  384. x11-wm/badwm*
  385. x11-wm/blwm*
  386. x11-wm/compiz-fusion*
  387. x11-wm/compizconfig-backend-gconf*
  388. x11-wm/compizconfig-python*
  389. x11-wm/compton-yshui*
  390. x11-wm/fvwm*
  391. x11-wm/hackedbox*
  392. x11-wm/jewel*
  393. x11-wm/larswm*
  394. x11-wm/lwm*
  395. x11-wm/matchbox*
  396. x11-wm/matwm2*
  397. x11-wm/plasma5-kwin*
  398. x11-wm/qvwm*
  399. x11-wm/sapphire*
  400. x11-wm/skippy*
  401. x11-wm/treewm*
  402. x11-wm/w9wm*
  403. x11-wm/wampager*
  404. x11-wm/windowlab*
  405. x11-wm/wmcp*
  406. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Libraries

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 3 deleted ports
  1. devel/vulkan-tools*
  2. java/openjdk7*
  3. java/openjdk7-jre*
  4. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Run
  1. accessibility/caribou
  2. accessibility/gammy
  3. accessibility/kmousetool
  4. astro/opencpn
  5. astro/openuniverse
  6. astro/wmglobe
  7. astro/wmjupiter
Expand this list (1289 items / 1282 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. astro/wmmoonclock
  3. astro/wmsolar
  4. astro/wmspaceweather
  5. astro/wmsun
  6. astro/xearth
  7. astro/xephem
  8. astro/xphoon
  9. astro/xplanet
  10. astro/xtide
  11. audio/cardinal
  12. audio/csound
  13. audio/dpf-plugins-lv2
  14. audio/dragonfly-reverb-lv2
  15. audio/drumgizmo
  16. audio/fossmixer
  17. audio/giada
  18. audio/grip
  19. audio/lmms
  20. audio/midi-matrix-lv2
  21. audio/
  22. audio/mixxx
  23. audio/moony-lv2
  24. audio/mumble
  25. audio/nas
  26. audio/ocp
  27. audio/rosegarden
  28. audio/schismtracker
  29. audio/sherlock-lv2
  30. audio/snack
  31. audio/strawberry
  32. audio/timidity++
  33. audio/timidity++-xaw
  34. audio/vm-lv2
  35. audio/vst3sdk
  36. audio/wmmp
  37. audio/wmsmixer
  38. audio/wolf-shaper-lv2
  39. audio/xanalyser
  40. audio/xmcd
  41. audio/xmix
  42. audio/xmmix
  43. audio/zam-plugins-lv2
  44. audio/zynaddsubfx
  45. benchmarks/unixbench
  46. biology/ncbi-toolkit
  47. biology/protomol
  48. biology/seaview
  49. biology/viennarna
  50. cad/alliance
  51. cad/appcsxcad
  52. cad/brlcad
  53. cad/calculix
  54. cad/electric
  55. cad/freecad
  56. cad/gmsh
  57. cad/graywolf
  58. cad/kicad
  59. cad/kicad-devel
  60. cad/lepton-eda
  61. cad/magic
  62. cad/ngspice_rework
  63. cad/opencascade
  64. cad/opencascade740
  65. cad/openvsp
  66. cad/py-gmsh
  67. cad/qcsxcad
  68. cad/spice
  69. cad/sumo
  70. chinese/fcitx
  71. chinese/gcin
  72. comms/acfax
  73. comms/flamp
  74. comms/flcluster
  75. comms/fldigi
  76. comms/flmsg
  77. comms/flrig
  78. comms/linrad
  79. comms/viewfax
  80. comms/xastir
  81. converters/wkhtmltopdf
  82. databases/grass7
  83. databases/grass8
  84. databases/pgmodeler
  85. databases/sqsh
  86. deskutils/anydesk
  87. deskutils/autocutsel
  88. deskutils/calibre
  89. deskutils/charmtimetracker
  90. deskutils/copyq
  91. deskutils/easystroke
  92. deskutils/feathernotes
  93. deskutils/genius
  94. deskutils/gnome-contacts
  95. deskutils/gnome-maps
  96. deskutils/gnome-screenshot
  97. deskutils/hs-arbtt
  98. deskutils/i3lock
  99. deskutils/ical
  100. deskutils/kdeconnect-kde
  101. deskutils/latte-dock
  102. deskutils/mate-utils
  103. deskutils/plan
  104. deskutils/sliderule
  105. deskutils/tpb
  106. deskutils/xcalendar
  107. deskutils/xmdiary
  108. deskutils/xpostit
  109. deskutils/xpostitPlus
  110. deskutils/xwrits
  111. devel/agar
  112. devel/allegro
  113. devel/allegro5
  114. devel/efl
  115. devel/electron31
  116. devel/electron32
  117. devel/electron33
  118. devel/electron34
  119. devel/geany-plugin-debugger
  120. devel/geany-plugin-scope
  121. devel/glui
  122. devel/godot
  123. devel/godot-tools
  124. devel/godot35
  125. devel/godot35-tools
  126. devel/goffice
  127. devel/juce
  128. devel/juce706
  129. devel/kf5-kcrash
  130. devel/kf5-kidletime
  131. devel/kf6-kidletime
  132. devel/pdcurses
  133. devel/plan9port
  134. devel/qt6-base
  135. devel/raylib
  136. devel/root
  137. devel/sdl20
  138. devel/sdl3
  139. devel/simavr
  140. devel/simgear
  141. devel/t1lib
  142. devel/wininfo
  143. devel/xxgdb
  144. devel/zeal
  145. editors/calligra
  146. editors/calligraplan
  147. editors/diamond
  148. editors/emacs
  149. editors/featherpad
  150. editors/libreoffice
  151. editors/openoffice-4
  152. editors/openoffice-devel
  153. editors/ted
  154. editors/texmacs
  155. editors/vscode
  156. editors/xvile
  157. emulators/86Box
  158. emulators/adamem
  159. emulators/almostti
  160. emulators/ares
  161. emulators/atari800
  162. emulators/cingb
  163. emulators/darcnes
  164. emulators/dolphin-emu
  165. emulators/fbsd-duckstation
  166. emulators/fmsx
  167. emulators/frodo
  168. emulators/hatari
  169. emulators/higan
  170. emulators/mame
  171. emulators/mastergear
  172. emulators/nestopia
  173. emulators/open-vm-tools
  174. emulators/pcemu
  175. emulators/pcsx2
  176. emulators/qemu
  177. emulators/qemu-devel
  178. emulators/qemu8
  179. emulators/quasi88
  180. emulators/reicast
  181. emulators/rvvm
  182. emulators/snes9x-gtk
  183. emulators/stonx
  184. emulators/teo
  185. emulators/vgb-bin
  186. emulators/vgba-bin
  187. emulators/vice
  188. emulators/virtualbox-ose
  189. emulators/virtualbox-ose-70
  190. emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions
  191. emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions-legacy
  192. emulators/virtualbox-ose-legacy
  193. emulators/visualboyadvance-m
  194. emulators/wine
  195. emulators/wine-devel
  196. emulators/wine-proton
  197. emulators/x48
  198. emulators/xbraitenberg
  199. emulators/xhomer
  200. emulators/xsystem35
  201. emulators/xzx
  202. filesystems/xfsm
  203. finance/quba-viewer
  204. ftp/wmget
  205. games/3dc
  206. games/KnightCap
  207. games/SpaceCadetPinball
  208. games/SpaceCadetPinball-devel
  209. games/billardgl
  210. games/brutalchess
  211. games/bugsx
  212. games/bzflag
  213. games/cake
  214. games/connectfive
  215. games/construo
  216. games/crossfire-client
  217. games/darkplaces
  218. games/doom
  219. games/doomsday
  220. games/eureka
  221. games/exult
  222. games/exult-devel
  223. games/falconseye
  224. games/flightgear
  225. games/freetennis
  226. games/gnome-2048
  227. games/gnome-nibbles
  228. games/gracer
  229. games/heretic
  230. games/irrlamb
  231. games/jaggedalliance2
  232. games/joequake
  233. games/lightsoff
  234. games/lincity
  235. games/luanti
  236. games/lwjgl
  237. games/magiccube4d
  238. games/megaglest
  239. games/memonix
  240. games/nehquake
  241. games/nethack36
  242. games/netrek-client-cow
  243. games/nexuiz
  244. games/oblige
  245. games/oneko-sakura
  246. games/openjazz
  247. games/openssn
  248. games/powermanga
  249. games/q2p
  250. games/quadrapassel
  251. games/quake2lnx
  252. games/quake2max
  253. games/quakeforge
  254. games/regoth
  255. games/retroarch
  256. games/searchandrescue
  257. games/sol
  258. games/steelstorm
  259. games/tenebrae
  260. games/torcs
  261. games/tuxracer
  262. games/valyriatear
  263. games/vamos
  264. games/wesnoth
  265. games/wmeyes
  266. games/wmpuzzle
  267. games/wmqstat
  268. games/wmtictactoe
  269. games/xasteroids
  270. games/xbat
  271. games/xblackjack
  272. games/xboing
  273. games/xcheckers
  274. games/xchomp
  275. games/xconq
  276. games/xcubes
  277. games/xdesktopwaves
  278. games/xdigger
  279. games/xdino
  280. games/xhexagons
  281. games/xhime
  282. games/xinfocom
  283. games/xisola
  284. games/xjewel
  285. games/xjig
  286. games/xjumpx
  287. games/xkoules
  288. games/xmball
  289. games/xmemory
  290. games/xmille
  291. games/xmine
  292. games/xmlink
  293. games/xmris
  294. games/xmulti
  295. games/xnethack
  296. games/xoct
  297. games/xosmulti
  298. games/xpanex
  299. games/xpilot
  300. games/xpipeman
  301. games/xpyraminx
  302. games/xrisk
  303. games/xroach
  304. games/xrobots
  305. games/xrot
  306. games/xrubik
  307. games/xscavenger
  308. games/xshogi
  309. games/xskewb
  310. games/xsokoban
  311. games/xspacewarp
  312. games/xspringies
  313. games/xtic
  314. games/xtriangles
  315. games/xtrojka
  316. games/xvier
  317. graphics/Coin
  318. graphics/GraphicsMagick
  319. graphics/ImageMagick6
  320. graphics/ImageMagick7
  321. graphics/argyllcms
  322. graphics/aseprite
  323. graphics/azpainter
  324. graphics/azpainterb
  325. graphics/bgfx
  326. graphics/blender
  327. graphics/bonzomatic
  328. graphics/cairo
  329. graphics/cloudcompare
  330. graphics/clutter
  331. graphics/clutter-gtk3
  332. graphics/cogl
  333. graphics/darktable
  334. graphics/digikam
  335. graphics/djview4
  336. graphics/entangle
  337. graphics/ftgl
  338. graphics/fv
  339. graphics/gauche-gl
  340. graphics/geomview
  341. graphics/gimp-app
  342. graphics/gimp-beautify-plugin
  343. graphics/gle
  344. graphics/gmic-qt
  345. graphics/gnash
  346. graphics/graphviz
  347. graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-gl
  348. graphics/gthumb
  349. graphics/ida
  350. graphics/imlib2
  351. graphics/imlib2_loaders
  352. graphics/inkscape
  353. graphics/jogl
  354. graphics/krita
  355. graphics/krita-gmic-plugin
  356. graphics/kxstitch
  357. graphics/lfview
  358. graphics/libafterimage
  359. graphics/libchamplain
  360. graphics/libglvnd
  361. graphics/libimg
  362. graphics/lximage-qt
  363. graphics/magnum
  364. graphics/maim
  365. graphics/meh
  366. graphics/mesa-demos
  367. graphics/mesa-devel
  368. graphics/mesa-dri
  369. graphics/mesa-gallium-va
  370. graphics/mesa-gallium-vdpau
  371. graphics/mesa-libs
  372. graphics/milton
  373. graphics/mupdf
  374. graphics/natron
  375. graphics/ocaml-lablgl
  376. graphics/ogre3d
  377. graphics/ogre3d19
  378. graphics/opendx
  379. graphics/openfx-arena
  380. graphics/opensubdiv
  381. graphics/oyranos
  382. graphics/p5-OpenGL
  383. graphics/pcl-pointclouds
  384. graphics/piglit
  385. graphics/plotutils
  386. graphics/py-ueberzug
  387. graphics/qiv
  388. graphics/quat-gui
  389. graphics/rx
  390. graphics/scrot
  391. graphics/seom
  392. graphics/simpleviewer
  393. graphics/tgif
  394. graphics/urho3d
  395. graphics/vcg
  396. graphics/vv
  397. graphics/xfig
  398. graphics/xgrasp
  399. graphics/xournalpp
  400. graphics/xpaint
  401. graphics/xpdf3
  402. graphics/xpx
  403. graphics/xtexcad
  404. graphics/xv
  405. graphics/xv-m17n
  406. graphics/xwpick
  407. graphics/zbar
  408. irc/dxirc
  409. irc/kvirc
  410. japanese/aobook
  411. japanese/kdrill
  412. japanese/kinput2
  413. japanese/kterm
  414. japanese/plan
  415. japanese/skkinput
  416. japanese/skkinput3
  417. japanese/uim-anthy
  418. japanese/xv
  419. java/openjdk11
  420. java/openjdk11-jre
  421. java/openjdk17
  422. java/openjdk17-jre
  423. java/openjdk18
  424. java/openjdk19
  425. java/openjdk20
  426. java/openjdk21
  427. java/openjdk22
  428. java/openjdk23
  429. java/openjdk8
  430. java/openjdk8-jre
  431. lang/cjs
  432. lang/elk
  433. lang/gjs
  434. lang/squeak
  435. lang/swipl
  436. mail/bbmail
  437. mail/coolmail
  438. mail/exim-monitor
  439. mail/thunderbird
  440. mail/wmbiff
  441. mail/wmmaiload
  442. mail/xbuffy
  443. mail/xfaces
  444. mail/xmail
  445. mail/xmailwatcher
  446. math/R
  447. math/giacxcas
  448. math/hexcalc
  449. math/ngraph
  450. math/octave
  451. math/openturns
  452. math/plplot
  453. math/reduce
  454. math/rkward
  455. math/snns
  456. math/vtk8
  457. math/vtk9
  458. math/xgap
  459. math/xgraph
  460. misc/copperspice-examples
  461. misc/far2l
  462. misc/hotkeys
  463. misc/ktouch
  464. misc/magicpoint
  465. misc/openvdb
  466. misc/parley
  467. misc/pspresent
  468. misc/qt5ct
  469. misc/unclutter
  470. misc/visp
  471. misc/wmScoreBoard
  472. misc/wmjulia
  473. misc/wmweather+
  474. misc/wmwork
  475. misc/xless
  476. misc/xosd
  477. misc/xtar
  478. multimedia/avidemux
  479. multimedia/avidemux-cli
  480. multimedia/avidemux-plugins
  481. multimedia/avidemux-qt5
  482. multimedia/butt
  483. multimedia/cheese
  484. multimedia/cineencoder
  485. multimedia/clutter-gst3
  486. multimedia/jellyfin-media-player
  487. multimedia/kodi
  488. multimedia/libva
  489. multimedia/libva-utils
  490. multimedia/libvdpau
  491. multimedia/libxine
  492. multimedia/mplayer
  493. multimedia/mpv
  494. multimedia/mythtv
  495. multimedia/obs-studio
  496. multimedia/qt5-multimedia
  497. multimedia/qt6-multimedia
  498. multimedia/recordmydesktop
  499. multimedia/simplescreenrecorder
  500. multimedia/smplayer
  501. multimedia/uxplay
  502. multimedia/vlc
  503. multimedia/xanim
  504. multimedia/xine
  505. net/boinc-client
  506. net/freerdp
  507. net/freerdp3
  508. net/krfb
  509. net/pload
  510. net/pvm
  511. net/remmina
  512. net/spiritvnc
  513. net/tigervnc-server
  514. net/tigervnc-viewer
  515. net/tightvnc
  516. net/vino
  517. net/wmnd
  518. net/wmnet
  519. net/wmnetload
  520. net/wmping
  521. net/wmwave
  522. net/wmwifi
  523. net/x11vnc
  524. net-im/gajim
  525. net-im/psi
  526. net-im/signal-desktop
  527. net-im/telegram-desktop
  528. net-im/tokodon
  529. net-im/uTox
  530. net-im/vqcc-gtk
  531. net-mgmt/driftnet
  532. news/knews
  533. print/bibview
  534. print/flpsed
  535. print/ghostscript10
  536. print/gv
  537. print/qt6-pdf
  538. print/tex-xdvik
  539. print/xmbibtex
  540. russian/xruskb
  541. science/2d-rewriter
  542. science/afni
  543. science/cgnslib
  544. science/chrono
  545. science/dakota
  546. science/dlib-cpp
  547. science/drawxtl
  548. science/elmerfem
  549. science/geant4
  550. science/gnudatalanguage
  551. science/liggghts
  552. science/massxpert
  553. science/medit
  554. science/molscript
  555. science/paraview
  556. science/py-dlib
  557. science/zotero
  558. security/kf5-kdesu
  559. security/kf6-kdesu
  560. security/plasma6-kscreenlocker
  561. sysutils/asfsm
  562. sysutils/asmem
  563. sysutils/barrier
  564. sysutils/cinnamon-settings-daemon
  565. sysutils/conky
  566. sysutils/conky-awesome
  567. sysutils/deskflow
  568. sysutils/dunst
  569. sysutils/gnome-settings-daemon
  570. sysutils/lineak-defaultplugin
  571. sysutils/lineak-xosdplugin
  572. sysutils/lineakd
  573. sysutils/lxqt-config
  574. sysutils/lxterminal
  575. sysutils/mate-control-center
  576. sysutils/mate-power-manager
  577. sysutils/mate-settings-daemon
  578. sysutils/nvclock
  579. sysutils/plasma5-libksysguard
  580. sysutils/root-tail
  581. sysutils/synergy
  582. sysutils/wmapmload
  583. sysutils/wmbsdbatt
  584. sysutils/wmcpuload
  585. sysutils/wmcube
  586. sysutils/wmdiskmon
  587. sysutils/wmflame
  588. sysutils/wmmemfree
  589. sysutils/wmmemload
  590. sysutils/wmscript
  591. sysutils/xbatt
  592. sysutils/xbattbar
  593. sysutils/xcpustate
  594. sysutils/xdu
  595. sysutils/xfce4-power-manager
  596. sysutils/xfce4-settings
  597. textproc/arianna
  598. textproc/crow-translate
  599. textproc/fldiff
  600. textproc/goldendict-ng
  601. textproc/mgdiff
  602. textproc/uim
  603. textproc/uim-gtk2
  604. textproc/uim-gtk3
  605. textproc/uim-m17nlib
  606. textproc/uim-qt5
  607. textproc/uim-qt6
  608. www/chromium
  609. www/dillo2
  610. www/firefox
  611. www/firefox-esr
  612. www/iridium
  613. www/kf5-khtml
  614. www/lagrange
  615. www/librewolf
  616. www/qt5-webengine
  617. www/qt6-webengine
  618. www/tor-browser
  619. www/ungoogled-chromium
  620. www/waterfox
  621. x11/3ddesktop
  622. x11/albert
  623. x11/bbrun
  624. x11/bmpanel2
  625. x11/cde
  626. x11/cde-25
  627. x11/cde-devel
  628. x11/cinnamon-desktop
  629. x11/cinnamon-screensaver
  630. x11/cinnamon-session
  631. x11/conlecterm
  632. x11/deforaos-locker
  633. x11/find-cursor
  634. x11/florence
  635. x11/flruler
  636. x11/glcapsviewer
  637. x11/gnome-shell
  638. x11/gstreamer1-plugins-x
  639. x11/gstreamer1-plugins-ximagesrc
  640. x11/hs-xmobar
  641. x11/i3lock-color
  642. x11/idesk
  643. x11/imwheel
  644. x11/kb2mb2
  645. x11/keybinder
  646. x11/keybinder-gtk3
  647. x11/keynav
  648. x11/kf5-kdelibs4support
  649. x11/kf5-kwindowsystem
  650. x11/kf5-plasma-framework
  651. x11/kf6-kwindowsystem
  652. x11/libXScrnSaver
  653. x11/libXcomposite
  654. x11/libXi
  655. x11/libXinerama
  656. x11/libXpm
  657. x11/libXpresent
  658. x11/libXrandr
  659. x11/libXres
  660. x11/libXtst
  661. x11/libXv
  662. x11/libXvMC
  663. x11/libXxf86dga
  664. x11/libXxf86vm
  665. x11/libsx
  666. x11/lilyterm
  667. x11/lsw
  668. x11/lupe
  669. x11/lxqt-globalkeys
  670. x11/mate-screensaver
  671. x11/mate-session-manager
  672. x11/metalock
  673. x11/mxico
  674. x11/numlockx
  675. x11/nvidia-driver
  676. x11/nvidia-driver-304
  677. x11/nvidia-driver-340
  678. x11/nvidia-driver-390
  679. x11/nvidia-driver-470
  680. x11/nvidia-secondary-driver
  681. x11/nvidia-secondary-driver-390
  682. x11/nvidia-settings
  683. x11/p5-X11-GUITest
  684. x11/p5-X11-IdleTime
  685. x11/p5-X11-Xlib
  686. x11/plasma6-kgamma
  687. x11/plasma6-kscreen
  688. x11/plasma6-libplasma
  689. x11/plasma6-plasma-desktop
  690. x11/plasma6-plasma-workspace
  691. x11/pmenu
  692. x11/rxvt-unicode
  693. x11/screengrab
  694. x11/showkeys
  695. x11/slick-greeter
  696. x11/slim
  697. x11/slock
  698. x11/slop
  699. x11/sterm
  700. x11/tint
  701. x11/virtualgl
  702. x11/wdm
  703. x11/wmappl
  704. x11/wmctrl-fork
  705. x11/wmdrawer
  706. x11/wmsystemtray
  707. x11/workrave
  708. x11/x11perf
  709. x11/x3270
  710. x11/xantfarm
  711. x11/xauth
  712. x11/xautolock
  713. x11/xbanish
  714. x11/xbiff
  715. x11/xcalib
  716. x11/xcb
  717. x11/xcmd
  718. x11/xcoloredit
  719. x11/xcolors
  720. x11/xdm
  721. x11/xdpyinfo
  722. x11/xeyes
  723. x11/xfce4-dashboard
  724. x11/xfce4-screensaver
  725. x11/xfce4-screenshooter-plugin
  726. x11/xfishtank
  727. x11/xforward
  728. x11/xidle
  729. x11/xinput
  730. x11/xkeycaps
  731. x11/xlockmore
  732. x11/xlogo
  733. x11/xlupe
  734. x11/xmascot
  735. x11/xmotd
  736. x11/xmsg
  737. x11/xorg-libraries
  738. x11/xpra
  739. x11/xprintidle
  740. x11/xprompt
  741. x11/xrestop
  742. x11/xscope
  743. x11/xscreensaver
  744. x11/xset
  745. x11/xsnow
  746. x11/xstroke
  747. x11/xtacy
  748. x11/xterm
  749. x11/xtestpicture
  750. x11/xtoolwait
  751. x11/xwatchwin
  752. x11/xwinwrap
  753. x11/xwit
  754. x11/xxkb
  755. x11/xzoom
  756. x11-clocks/asclock
  757. x11-clocks/asclock-xlib
  758. x11-clocks/bbdate
  759. x11-clocks/bclock
  760. x11-clocks/buici-clock
  761. x11-clocks/catclock
  762. x11-clocks/emiclock
  763. x11-clocks/glclock
  764. x11-clocks/lmclock
  765. x11-clocks/oclock
  766. x11-clocks/t3d
  767. x11-clocks/tclock
  768. x11-clocks/wmbday
  769. x11-clocks/wmbinclock
  770. x11-clocks/wmblueclock
  771. x11-clocks/wmcalclock
  772. x11-clocks/wmclockmon
  773. x11-clocks/wmitime
  774. x11-clocks/wmtimer
  775. x11-clocks/xalarm
  776. x11-clocks/xdaliclock-classic
  777. x11-drivers/xf86-input-wacom
  778. x11-fm/konqueror
  779. x11-fm/sushi
  780. x11-fm/xcruise
  781. x11-fm/xdiskusage
  782. x11-servers/x2vnc
  783. x11-servers/x2x
  784. x11-themes/Kvantum
  785. x11-themes/qt5-style-plugins
  786. x11-toolkits/SoXt
  787. x11-toolkits/Xaw3d
  788. x11-toolkits/copperspice
  789. x11-toolkits/fltk
  790. x11-toolkits/fox16
  791. x11-toolkits/fox17
  792. x11-toolkits/gnustep-back
  793. x11-toolkits/gstreamer1-plugins-pango
  794. x11-toolkits/gtk20
  795. x11-toolkits/gtk30
  796. x11-toolkits/gtk40
  797. x11-toolkits/kf5-kguiaddons
  798. x11-toolkits/lesstif
  799. x11-toolkits/libXaw
  800. x11-toolkits/libXmu
  801. x11-toolkits/libwnck3
  802. x11-toolkits/libxaw3dxft
  803. x11-toolkits/mowitz
  804. x11-toolkits/neXtaw
  805. x11-toolkits/open-motif
  806. x11-toolkits/open-motif-devel
  807. x11-toolkits/otk
  808. x11-toolkits/p5-Prima
  809. x11-toolkits/pangolin
  810. x11-toolkits/plib
  811. x11-toolkits/qhotkey
  812. x11-toolkits/soqt
  813. x11-toolkits/tk86
  814. x11-toolkits/tk90
  815. x11-toolkits/tkdnd
  816. x11-toolkits/tkshape
  817. x11-toolkits/tktray
  818. x11-toolkits/xbae
  819. x11-wm/afterstep-stable
  820. x11-wm/afterstep1
  821. x11-wm/amiwm
  822. x11-wm/awesome
  823. x11-wm/bbkeys
  824. x11-wm/bbpager
  825. x11-wm/compiz
  826. x11-wm/compiz-plugins-extra
  827. x11-wm/compiz-plugins-main
  828. x11-wm/compiz-plugins-unsupported
  829. x11-wm/compton
  830. x11-wm/ctwm
  831. x11-wm/e16
  832. x11-wm/echinus
  833. x11-wm/emwm
  834. x11-wm/emwm-utils
  835. x11-wm/epplets
  836. x11-wm/evilwm
  837. x11-wm/fluxbox
  838. x11-wm/fluxter
  839. x11-wm/fvwm2
  840. x11-wm/fvwm3
  841. x11-wm/gamescope
  842. x11-wm/herbstluftwm
  843. x11-wm/hs-xmonad
  844. x11-wm/icewm
  845. x11-wm/jwm
  846. x11-wm/libdockapp
  847. x11-wm/libwraster
  848. x11-wm/lxqt-panel
  849. x11-wm/lxqt-session
  850. x11-wm/lxqt-wayland-session
  851. x11-wm/magpie
  852. x11-wm/marco
  853. x11-wm/metacity
  854. x11-wm/muffin
  855. x11-wm/mutter
  856. x11-wm/notion
  857. x11-wm/nscde
  858. x11-wm/obpager
  859. x11-wm/openbox
  860. x11-wm/oroborus
  861. x11-wm/pekwm
  862. x11-wm/picom
  863. x11-wm/plasma6-kwin
  864. x11-wm/ratpoison
  865. x11-wm/sawfish
  866. x11-wm/skippy-xd
  867. x11-wm/twm
  868. x11-wm/vtwm
  869. x11-wm/windowmaker
  870. x11-wm/wm2
  871. x11-wm/wmanager
  872. x11-wm/wmii
  873. x11-wm/wmii-devel
  874. x11-wm/wmx
  875. x11-wm/xcompmgr
  876. x11-wm/xfce4-panel
  877. x11-wm/xfce4-wm
  878. x11-wm/yeahwm
  879. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 405 deleted ports
  1. audio/amarok*
  2. audio/amarok-kde4*
  3. audio/arts*
  4. audio/csound6*
  5. audio/gqmpeg-devel*
  6. audio/schism*
  7. audio/terminatorx*
  8. audio/wmrecord*
  9. audio/workman*
  10. audio/wsoundprefs*
  11. audio/xmms-ahx*
  12. audio/xmms-curses*
  13. audio/xmms-festalon*
  14. audio/xmms-flac*
  15. audio/xmms-nsf*
  16. audio/xmms-sndfile*
  17. audio/xmms-wma*
  18. audio/xmms-xymms*
  19. audio/xmradio*
  20. benchmarks/xengine*
  21. biology/rasmol*
  22. cad/gmsh-occ*
  23. cad/linuxcnc-devel*
  24. chinese/cxterm*
  25. chinese/fqterm*
  26. chinese/oxim*
  27. comms/geoid*
  28. comms/seyon*
  29. databases/compass*
  30. databases/grass*
  31. databases/grass6*
  32. deskutils/aspostit*
  33. deskutils/knotes*
  34. deskutils/nagaina*
  35. deskutils/plasma5-sddm-kcm*
  36. deskutils/xmaddressbook*
  37. deskutils/xrolo*
  38. devel/allegro-devel*
  39. devel/directfb*
  40. devel/electron11*
  41. devel/electron12*
  42. devel/electron13*
  43. devel/electron17*
  44. devel/electron18*
  45. devel/electron19*
  46. devel/electron21*
  47. devel/electron22*
  48. devel/electron23*
  49. devel/electron24*
  50. devel/electron25*
  51. devel/electron26*
  52. devel/electron27*
  53. devel/electron28*
  54. devel/electron29*
  55. devel/electron30*
  56. devel/electron4*
  57. devel/electron5*
  58. devel/electron6*
  59. devel/electron7*
  60. devel/electron9*
  61. devel/geany-plugin-multiterm*
  62. devel/goffice010*
  63. devel/pdcurses-the*
  64. editors/asedit*
  65. editors/atom*
  66. editors/axe*
  67. editors/libreoffice6*
  68. editors/openoffice-3*
  69. editors/openoffice-3-devel*
  70. editors/*
  71. editors/*
  72. editors/*
  73. editors/*
  74. editors/rospell*
  75. editors/thoteditor*
  76. editors/xemacs-devel*
  77. editors/yzis*
  78. editors/zoinks*
  79. emulators/dolphin-emu-devel*
  80. emulators/duckstation*
  81. emulators/ines*
  82. emulators/m2000*
  83. emulators/mess*
  84. emulators/minivmac*
  85. emulators/pcsxr*
  86. emulators/qemu2*
  87. emulators/qemu30*
  88. emulators/qemu31*
  89. emulators/qemu40*
  90. emulators/qemu41*
  91. emulators/qemu42*
  92. emulators/qemu5*
  93. emulators/qemu50*
  94. emulators/qemu6*
  95. emulators/qemu7*
  96. emulators/qemu70*
  97. emulators/snes9x*
  98. emulators/tuxnes*
  99. emulators/vMac*
  100. emulators/wine-staging*
  101. emulators/wine7*
  102. emulators/wine8*
  103. finance/kmymoney2*
  104. finance/opentaxsolver*
  105. ftp/llnlxdir*
  106. ftp/llnlxftp*
  107. games/BillardGL*
  108. games/acm*
  109. games/bubbros*
  110. games/capicity*
  111. games/capitalism*
  112. games/cosmo*
  113. games/cultivation*
  114. games/flightgear-atlas*
  115. games/gru*
  116. games/jetpack*
  117. games/minetest*
  118. games/openalchemist*
  119. games/ppracer*
  120. games/rigsofrods*
  121. games/seahaven*
  122. games/spellathon*
  123. games/spider*
  124. games/tetrons*
  125. games/tyrquake*
  126. games/vegastrike*
  127. games/xataxx*
  128. games/xbattle*
  129. games/xbloody*
  130. games/xflame*
  131. games/xgospel*
  132. games/xkobo*
  133. games/xminesweep*
  134. games/xpacman*
  135. games/xpilot-ng-client*
  136. games/xripple*
  137. games/xroads*
  138. games/xtris*
  139. games/xwelltris*
  140. games/yamsweeper*
  141. graphics/EZWGL*
  142. graphics/GraphicsMagick13*
  143. graphics/ImageMagick*
  144. graphics/ayam*
  145. graphics/blender-lts28*
  146. graphics/blender-lts29*
  147. graphics/cairomm16*
  148. graphics/cinepaint*
  149. graphics/copperspice*
  150. graphics/darktable38*
  151. graphics/darktable40*
  152. graphics/darktable42*
  153. graphics/divxcalc*
  154. graphics/djview4-qt4*
  155. graphics/dri*
  156. graphics/enfle*
  157. graphics/evas-engine-opengl*
  158. graphics/evas-engine-x11*
  159. graphics/evas-engine-xrender*
  160. graphics/ffff*
  161. graphics/gbm*
  162. graphics/gimp-gmic-plugin*
  163. graphics/iccexamin*
  164. graphics/imlib*
  165. graphics/inventor*
  166. graphics/ivtools*
  167. graphics/ksnapshot*
  168. graphics/ksnapshot-kde4*
  169. graphics/libEGL*
  170. graphics/libGL*
  171. graphics/libGLw*
  172. graphics/libgfx*
  173. graphics/libggi*
  174. graphics/libglapi*
  175. graphics/libglesv2*
  176. graphics/libglut*
  177. graphics/libreatlas*
  178. graphics/llpp*
  179. graphics/lprof-devel*
  180. graphics/mesagl*
  181. graphics/pixmap*
  182. graphics/plotmtv*
  183. graphics/pornview*
  184. graphics/py-gimp*
  185. graphics/pyro*
  186. graphics/ruby-opengl*
  187. graphics/skencil*
  188. graphics/spectacle*
  189. graphics/spectacle-devel*
  190. graphics/urt*
  191. graphics/wdune*
  192. graphics/xfig-devel*
  193. graphics/xfpovray*
  194. graphics/xmagv*
  195. graphics/xmandel*
  196. graphics/xmms-fishmatic*
  197. graphics/xmorph*
  198. japanese/gxditview*
  199. japanese/jed*
  200. japanese/jmode*
  201. japanese/jmode-skk*
  202. japanese/vflib*
  203. japanese/xyaku*
  204. java/classpath*
  205. java/jdk15*
  206. java/jdk16*
  207. java/openjdk12*
  208. java/openjdk13*
  209. java/openjdk14*
  210. java/openjdk15*
  211. java/openjdk16*
  212. java/openjdk6*
  213. java/openjdk6-jre*
  214. korean/eterm*
  215. lang/beignet*
  216. lang/modula3*
  217. lang/otcl*
  218. lang/swi-pl*
  219. mail/ml*
  220. mail/thunderbird-esr*
  221. mail/thunderbird3*
  222. mail/wmpop3lb*
  223. mail/xlbiff*
  224. math/asir2000*
  225. math/libR*
  226. math/sage*
  227. math/vtk6*
  228. misc/xgas*
  229. misc/xpns*
  230. misc/xtypo*
  231. multimedia/QtAV*
  232. multimedia/cinelerra-gg*
  233. multimedia/dtv*
  234. multimedia/fxtv*
  235. multimedia/gmerlin*
  236. multimedia/gstreamer-plugins*
  237. multimedia/kodi-devel*
  238. multimedia/libva-glx*
  239. multimedia/mpeg2codec*
  240. multimedia/mpeg2play*
  241. multimedia/mpeg_play*
  242. multimedia/mpv034*
  243. multimedia/mythtv-frontend*
  244. multimedia/vic*
  245. net/freerdp1*
  246. net/jags*
  247. net/remmina-plugin-rdp*
  248. net/ssvnc*
  249. net/tigervnc-devel*
  250. net/tridiavnc*
  251. net/twinkle*
  252. net/vnc*
  253. net/wmnet2*
  254. net/wmwlmon*
  255. net/xipmsg*
  256. net-im/empathy*
  257. net-im/gajim-devel*
  258. net-im/komclean*
  259. net-im/kopete-kde4*
  260. net-im/licq-qt-gui*
  261. net-im/ring-gnome*
  262. net-im/sim-im*
  263. net-im/sim-im-devel*
  264. net-im/trix*
  265. net-im/webinar*
  266. net-mgmt/tork*
  267. news/xrn*
  268. polish/kadu*
  269. print/ghostscript7*
  270. print/ghostscript7-x11*
  271. print/ghostscript8*
  272. print/ghostscript8-x11*
  273. print/ghostscript9*
  274. print/ghostscript9-agpl*
  275. print/ghostscript9-agpl-x11*
  276. print/ghostscript9-x11*
  277. print/xdvi*
  278. science/cdcl*
  279. science/dcl*
  280. science/kmovisto*
  281. security/bsp_upektfmess*
  282. security/keepassx*
  283. security/keepassx-devel*
  284. security/keepassx2*
  285. security/plasma5-kscreenlocker*
  286. security/stegdetect*
  287. sysutils/battfink*
  288. sysutils/contool*
  289. sysutils/lavaps*
  290. sysutils/plasma5-kinfocenter*
  291. sysutils/roottail*
  292. sysutils/synergy-1*
  293. sysutils/xfsm*
  294. sysutils/xloadface*
  295. sysutils/xvidcap*
  296. textproc/beediff*
  297. textproc/uim-gtk*
  298. textproc/uim-kde4*
  299. textproc/uim-qt4*
  300. vietnamese/vnterm*
  301. www/bookmarkbridge*
  302. www/chimera*
  303. www/cliqz*
  304. www/firefox36*
  305. www/kompozer*
  306. www/libxul*
  307. www/libxul19*
  308. www/nspluginwrapper*
  309. www/nspluginwrapper-devel*
  310. www/opera*
  311. www/opera-devel*
  312. www/palemoon*
  313. www/plugger*
  314. www/seamonkey*
  315. www/webkit2-gtk3*
  316. www/webkit2-gtk4*
  317. x11/blast*
  318. x11/cde-24*
  319. x11/deskpaint*
  320. x11/dgs*
  321. x11/dynamag*
  322. x11/emu*
  323. x11/fbdesk*
  324. x11/gtk-launch*
  325. x11/hs-X11*
  326. x11/i3lock*
  327. x11/kde-runtime-kde4*
  328. x11/kde-workspace-kde4*
  329. x11/kde4-runtime*
  330. x11/kde4-workspace*
  331. x11/kdelibs-kde4*
  332. x11/kdelibs4*
  333. x11/libXTrap*
  334. x11/libXevie*
  335. x11/libXp*
  336. x11/libXxf86misc*
  337. x11/libdmx*
  338. x11/libgnomemm26*
  339. x11/lightdm-slick-greeter*
  340. x11/plasma5-kgamma5*
  341. x11/plasma5-kscreen*
  342. x11/plasma5-plasma-desktop*
  343. x11/plasma5-plasma-workspace*
  344. x11/props*
  345. x11/sisctrl*
  346. x11/wmctrl*
  347. x11/xaniroc*
  348. x11/xclick*
  349. x11/xco*
  350. x11/xdbedizzy*
  351. x11/xlogout*
  352. x11/xmon*
  353. x11/xrx*
  354. x11-clocks/pclock*
  355. x11-clocks/swisswatch*
  356. x11-clocks/xtimer*
  357. x11-drivers/xf86-video-openchrome*
  358. x11-fm/rox-session*
  359. x11-fm/xfm*
  360. x11-fm/xnc*
  361. x11-fonts/libXfontcache*
  362. x11-servers/xorg-dmx*
  363. x11-servers/xorg-nestserver*
  364. x11-themes/qt4-style-Kvantum*
  365. x11-themes/qt5-style-Kvantum*
  366. x11-toolkits/efltk*
  367. x11-toolkits/gnustep-art*
  368. x11-toolkits/gnustep-cairo*
  369. x11-toolkits/gnustep-xdps*
  370. x11-toolkits/gtk12*
  371. x11-toolkits/gtkada3*
  372. x11-toolkits/py-wmdockapps*
  373. x11-toolkits/qt4-gui*
  374. x11-toolkits/qt5-gtkplatform*
  375. x11-toolkits/ruby-fox16*
  376. x11-toolkits/soqt-devel*
  377. x11-toolkits/tk87*
  378. x11-toolkits/xview-clients*
  379. x11-wm/aewm*
  380. x11-wm/afterstep*
  381. x11-wm/ahwm*
  382. x11-wm/awesome2*
  383. x11-wm/awesome3*
  384. x11-wm/badwm*
  385. x11-wm/blwm*
  386. x11-wm/compiz-fusion*
  387. x11-wm/compizconfig-backend-gconf*
  388. x11-wm/compizconfig-python*
  389. x11-wm/compton-yshui*
  390. x11-wm/fvwm*
  391. x11-wm/hackedbox*
  392. x11-wm/jewel*
  393. x11-wm/larswm*
  394. x11-wm/lwm*
  395. x11-wm/matchbox*
  396. x11-wm/matwm2*
  397. x11-wm/plasma5-kwin*
  398. x11-wm/qvwm*
  399. x11-wm/sapphire*
  400. x11-wm/skippy*
  401. x11-wm/treewm*
  402. x11-wm/w9wm*
  403. x11-wm/wampager*
  404. x11-wm/windowlab*
  405. x11-wm/wmcp*
  406. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
* - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...

Configuration Options:
No options to configure
Options name:
cpe tar:xz xorg xorg-cat:lib xorg
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (10 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.

Number of commits found: 45

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
05 Feb 2024 08:01:51
commit hash: 042adadbfd22245b13462262aa21b1f17c90c9c1commit hash: 042adadbfd22245b13462262aa21b1f17c90c9c1commit hash: 042adadbfd22245b13462262aa21b1f17c90c9c1commit hash: 042adadbfd22245b13462262aa21b1f17c90c9c1 files touched by this commit
Emmanuel Vadot (manu) search for other commits by this committer
x11/libXext: Update to 1.3.6


Sponsored by:	Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG
27 Jan 2024 00:30:40
commit hash: f492a50085e2dedb74ee8597dd950f296943787ccommit hash: f492a50085e2dedb74ee8597dd950f296943787ccommit hash: f492a50085e2dedb74ee8597dd950f296943787ccommit hash: f492a50085e2dedb74ee8597dd950f296943787c files touched by this commit
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
x11/libXext: Moved man to share/man

Approved by:    portmgr (blanket)
07 Sep 2022 21:58:51
commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Remove WWW entries moved into port Makefiles

Commit b7f05445c00f has added WWW entries to port Makefiles based on
WWW: lines in pkg-descr files.

This commit removes the WWW: lines of moved-over URLs from these
pkg-descr files.

Approved by:		portmgr (tcberner)
07 Sep 2022 21:10:59
commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Add WWW entries to port Makefiles

It has been common practice to have one or more URLs at the end of the
ports' pkg-descr files, one per line and prefixed with "WWW:". These
URLs should point at a project website or other relevant resources.

Access to these URLs required processing of the pkg-descr files, and
they have often become stale over time. If more than one such URL was
present in a pkg-descr file, only the first one was tarnsfered into
the port INDEX, but for many ports only the last line did contain the
port specific URL to further information.

There have been several proposals to make a project URL available as
a macro in the ports' Makefiles, over time.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
20 Jul 2022 14:23:32
commit hash: d357bca4f0e71714865e030d7a1e611845d9050bcommit hash: d357bca4f0e71714865e030d7a1e611845d9050bcommit hash: d357bca4f0e71714865e030d7a1e611845d9050bcommit hash: d357bca4f0e71714865e030d7a1e611845d9050b files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
x11: remove 'Created by' lines

A big Thank You to the original contributors of these ports:

  *  Adam Weinberger <>
  *  Adam Weinberger <>
  *  Alex Dupre <>
  *  Alexander Matey <>
  *  Alexander Nedotsukov <>
  *  Alexey Dokuchaev <>
  *  Alexey Dokuchaev <>
  *  Alexey Mikhailov <>
  *  Andrew Pantyukhin <>
  *  Anton Berezin <>
  *  Anton Toernqvist <>
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
06 Apr 2021 14:31:07
commit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344eb files touched by this commit
Mathieu Arnold (mat) search for other commits by this committer
Remove # $FreeBSD$ from Makefiles.
03 Nov 2019 21:56:38
Revision:516607Original commit files touched by this commit
zeising search for other commits by this committer
Switch all ports to use USES=xorg-cat

Change all ports to use USES=xorg-cat instead of the old XORG_CAT
Add USES=xorg and USES=gl as needed to x11@ ports
16 Jun 2019 20:36:24
Revision:504367Original commit files touched by this commit
zeising search for other commits by this committer
x11/libXext: Update to 1.3.4

Update x11/libXext to 1.3.4.
This release contains misc bugfixes, typo fixes and build system

pet portlint by moving USES and CPE information earlier.


Sponsored by:	B3 Init
11 Sep 2018 18:34:28
Revision:479538Original commit files touched by this commit
zeising search for other commits by this committer
Change x11/xorgproto to become a build dep

Change x11/xorgproto to become a build time dependency when added to
USE_XORG.  Change the dependency to be on the port, rather than a file the
port installs.
Fix fallout.
Bump portrevision on depending ports.

PR:		230909
Reviewed by:	eadler
Approved by:	portmgr (antoine)
exp-run:	antoine
Differential Revision:
31 Jul 2018 18:41:30
Revision:476013Original commit files touched by this commit
zeising search for other commits by this committer
Switch to xorgproto instead of individual packages

Upstream used to distribute protocol headers as separate packages, but has
decided to merge those to a common package, named xorgproto.  This update
tracks that change.

* Add a new port, x11/xorgproto, with are protocol headers for xorg.
* Hook the new protocol port to the build and to infrastructure in
* Update all ports with a dependency on any of the old *proto packages to
  instead depend on xorgproto.  Bump portrevision.
* Delete the old *proto packages, update MOVED.

PR:		230023
Submitted by:	zeising
Approved by:	portmgr (antoine)
exp-run by:	antoine
18 Apr 2015 15:34:37
Revision:384234Original commit files touched by this commit
kwm search for other commits by this committer
Misc port updates:

Update gccmakedep to 1.0.3.
Update imake to 1.0.7.
Update libpciaccess to 0.13.3.
Update libdrm to 2.4.60.
Update bitmap to 1.0.8.
Update fstobdf to 1.0.6.
Update iceauth to 1.0.7.
Update libXdmcp to 1.1.2.
Update libXp to 1.0.3.
Update libXvMC to 1.0.9.
Update libXxf86vm to 1.1.4.
Update libxshmfence to 1.2.
Update randrproto to 1.4.1.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
22 Mar 2015 15:57:09
Revision:381933Original commit files touched by this commit
robak search for other commits by this committer
x11/libXext: add CPE information

- Maintainer's timeout (

PR:		197734
Submitted by:	Shun <>
01 Nov 2014 14:44:15
Revision:372016Original commit files touched by this commit
kwm search for other commits by this committer
Update the following Xorg components:

libXext to 1.3.3
libxcb and xcb-proto to 1.11
libxkbcommon to 0.5.0
pixman to 0.32.6
xinit to 1.3.4
xkeyboard-config to 2.13
xrandr to 1.4.3
xtrans to 1.3.5

Use INSTALL_TARGET=install-strip for stripping.
Drop @dirrm[try] from plist

Obtained from: xorg-dev repo
23 Apr 2014 13:25:17
Revision:351936Original commit files touched by this commit
tijl search for other commits by this committer
When linking a library libA with a library libB using libtool, if
exists, libtool will add all libraries refers to (dependency_libs
field) to the linker command line and store them in the dependency_libs
field of  So everything that subsequently links with libA will also
link to these extra libraries.  This causes too much overlinking.

This commit modifies Mk/Uses/ so it empties the dependency_libs
field in .la libraries during staging.  However, because .la libraries have
very limited use when dependency_libs is empty it makes sense to completely
remove them during staging.

So with this commit USES=libtool is modified to remove .la libraries and a
new form (USES=libtool:keepla) is introduced in case they need to be kept
(dependency_libs is still emptied).
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
16 Apr 2014 18:28:50
Revision:351411Original commit files touched by this commit
zeising search for other commits by this committer
The FreeBSD x11@ and graphics team proudly presents
a zeising, kwm production, with help from dumbbell, bdrewery:


This update switches over to use the new xorg stack by default on FreeBSD 9
and 10 stable, on osversions where vt(9) is available.
It is still possible to use the old stack by specifying WITHOUT_NEW_XORG in
/etc/make.conf .
FreeBSD 8-STABLE and released versions of FreeBSD still use
the old version.
A package repository with binary packages for new xorg will
be available soon.

This patch also contains updates of libxcb and related ports, pixman, as well
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
16 Dec 2013 11:11:10
Revision:336621Original commit files touched by this commit
zeising search for other commits by this committer
Switch FreeBSD CURRENT to use the new xorg stack (WITH_NEW_XORG=) [0]
If the old xorg stack is still needed, it is possible to add WITHOUT_NEW_XORG=
to /etc/make.conf to get the old version.

Update several xorg related ports, including:
x11/libxcb 1.9.1 -> 1.9.3
graphics/libdrm 2.4.46 -> 2.4.50
x11/pixman 0.30.2 -> 0.32.4
x11/xkeyboard-config 2.9 -> 2.10.1
x11-drivers/xf86-input-keyboard 1.7.0 -> 1.8.0

Fix dissapearing cursor in xf86-video-vmware [2]

Stagify all x11@-owned ports

Bump portrevisions for xf86-* ports due to xserver version change.

Fix fallout from updates where needed.

Thanks to:	all testersi, bdrewery and the FreeBSD x11@ team
exp-run by:	bdrewery [1]
PR:		ports/184684 [1], ports/181385 [2]
Submitted by:	Douglas Carmichael <> [2]
Approved by:	portmgr (bdrewery), core (jhb) [0]
20 Sep 2013 23:43:20
Revision:327777Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Add NO_STAGE all over the place in preparation for the staging support (cat:
04 Jun 2013 19:31:30
Revision:319899Original commit files touched by this commit
zeising search for other commits by this committer
Fix security issues in xorg client libraries.
Most libraries were updated to newer versions, in some cases patches
were backported instead.

Most notably, x11/libX11 was updated to 1.6.0

Security:	CVE-2013-1981
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
25 May 2013 14:37:03
Revision:319055Original commit files touched by this commit
zeising search for other commits by this committer
The FreeBSD x11 team proudly presents
an zeising, kwm, miwi, bapt, eadler production:

Xorg 7.7

xserver 1.12.4 (new xorg only)
Mesa 8.0.4, including libGL, libGLU and dri (new xorg only)
libX11 1.5.0
libxcb 1.9
libdrm 2.4.42 (new xorg only)
freeglut 2.8.1
Also starring:
Updates to drivers and other libraries and utilities
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
09 Nov 2011 15:26:04
Original commit files touched by this commit
miwi search for other commits by this committer
- Remove WITH_FBSD10_FIX, is no longer needed
28 Oct 2011 18:53:24
Original commit files touched by this commit
miwi search for other commits by this committer
- Fix build on FreeBSD 10
22 Sep 2011 13:51:54
Original commit files touched by this commit
eadler search for other commits by this committer
- updated evieext to 1.1.1
- updated libSM to 1.2.0,1
- updated libX11 to 1.4.4,1
- updated libXevie to 1.0.3
- updated libXext to 1.3.0_1,1
- updated libXfixes to 4.0.4
- updated libXi to 1.4.3,1
- updated libXinerama to 1.1.1,1
- updated libXp to 1.0.1,1
- updated libXpm to 3.5.9
- updated libXrandr to 1.3.2
- updated libXrender to 0.9.6
- updated libXres to 1.0.5
- updated libXtst to 1.2.0
- updated libXv to 1.0.6,1
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
25 Feb 2011 16:52:50
Original commit files touched by this commit
miwi search for other commits by this committer
- Please welcome Xorg 7.5.1

The X-Server has been patched to the latest 1.7.X series, drivers
and fonts have been updated to the latest versions. This update includes
some components from Xorg 7.6 with a lot of improvements, and it seems
that the performance is much better than the old version. Also this
Update fix build issues with clang and binutils 2.17.50 in current,
remove 6.X gruft and de-author pkg-descr.

I would like to thank:

        Beat Gaetzi
        Dima Panov
        Koop Mast
        Eitan Adler
        and all Testers.

PR:             ports/147646
01 May 2010 11:41:07
Original commit files touched by this commit
miwi search for other commits by this committer
- Update to Xorg 7.5

The Intel drivers was patched to work with
the new server. The drivers for Vesa, NV,NVIDIA and
ATI have been tested thoroughfully and seem to work fine.
A complete changelog of Xorg 7.5 can you read here:

A note to FreeBSD 6.X users: We strongly recommend you
to update your system to 7.x or above.

For updating try

portupgrade -af \*
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
29 Jan 2009 23:19:59
Original commit files touched by this commit
rnoland search for other commits by this committer
Update to 1.0.5
23 Jan 2009 16:28:36
Original commit files touched by this commit
flz search for other commits by this committer
- Update ports to 7.4+ (few ports are more recent than the katamari).
- Bump PORTREVISION for all ports depending on libglut since the shlib
version number went from 4 to 3.
- Bump PORTREVISION for all ports depending on libXaw as isn't
installed anymore.
- Couple of ports fixes (mostly missing xorg components added to USE_XORG).
19 May 2007 20:32:57
Original commit files touched by this commit
flz search for other commits by this committer
- Welcome 7.2 \o/.
- Set X11BASE to ${LOCALBASE} for recent ${OSVERSION}.
- Bump PORTREVISION for ports intalling files in ${X11BASE}.
23 Feb 2006 10:40:45
Original commit files touched by this commit
ade search for other commits by this committer
Conversion to a single libtool environment.

Approved by:    portmgr (kris)
24 Jan 2006 03:16:52
Original commit files touched by this commit
edwin search for other commits by this committer

Approved by: krion@
15 Nov 2005 06:52:12
Original commit files touched by this commit
ade search for other commits by this committer
Mass-conversion to the USE_AUTOTOOLS New World Order.  The code present
in essentially makes this a no-op given that all the
old variables set a USE_AUTOTOOLS_COMPAT variable, which is parsed in
exactly the same way as USE_AUTOTOOLS itself.

Moreover, USE_AUTOTOOLS has already been extensively tested by the GNOME
team -- all GNOME 2.12.x ports use it.

Preliminary documentation can be found at:

which is in the process of being SGMLized before introduction into the
Porters Handbook.

Light blue touch-paper.  Run.
12 Apr 2005 03:26:57
Original commit files touched by this commit
obrien search for other commits by this committer
At Kris's request, back out the MACHINE_ARCH spelling correction until
after 5.4-RELEASE.
11 Apr 2005 08:04:41
Original commit files touched by this commit
obrien search for other commits by this committer
Assist getting more ports working on AMD64 by obeying the
Ports Collection documentation and use 'ARCH' rather than 'MACHINE_ARCH'.
06 Mar 2005 00:15:08
Original commit files touched by this commit
lesi search for other commits by this committer
Remove hardcoding of MTREE_FILE. This is handled in since
rev. 1.503 for ${PREFIX} == ${XPREFIX} cases.
14 Feb 2005 21:35:27
Original commit files touched by this commit
lesi search for other commits by this committer
09 Dec 2004 20:55:54
Original commit files touched by this commit
anholt search for other commits by this committer
Use the right MTREE_FILE, since we're not using USE_X_PREFIX.
26 Jul 2004 18:32:46
Original commit files touched by this commit
anholt search for other commits by this committer
Register missing CONFLICTS, mostly on xorg-libraries-*

Reported by:    Kent Stewart <>
09 Jul 2004 17:43:11
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Apply a big libtool patch to allow porters to use the libtool installed by
the libtoolX ports instead of the one included with each port.  Ports that
set USE_LIBTOOL_VER=X will now use the ports version of libtool instead of
the included version.  To restore previous behavior, use the new macro,
USE_INC_LIBTOOL_VER.  Both macros accept the same argument: a libtool version.

For example, to use the ports version of libtool-1.5, add the following to
your Makefile:

USE_LIBTOOL_VER=        15

To use the included version of libtool with extra hacks provided by
libtool-1.5, add the following to your Makefile:


With this change, ports that had to add additional libtool hacks to prevent
.la files from being installed or to fix certain threading issues can now
delete those hacks (after appropriate testing, of course).

PR:             63944
Based on work by:eik and marcus
Approved by:    ade (autotools maintainer)
Tested by:      kris on pointyhat
Bound to be hidden problems:    You bet
11 May 2004 07:19:50
Original commit files touched by this commit
anholt search for other commits by this committer
Update to 6.4.3.
10 May 2004 03:14:06
Original commit files touched by this commit
anholt search for other commits by this committer
Correct dependencies so xextensions always comes with the package.
31 Mar 2004 03:12:58
Original commit files touched by this commit
trevor search for other commits by this committer
SIZEify (maintainer timeout)
24 Mar 2004 18:28:26
Original commit files touched by this commit
lofi search for other commits by this committer
Declare CONFLICTS between X extension/library ports and
14 Mar 2004 06:17:56
Original commit files touched by this commit
ade search for other commits by this committer
Whoa there, boy, that's a mighty big commit y'all have there...

Begin autotools sanitization sequence by requiring ports to explicitly
specify which version of {libtool,autoconf,automake} they need, erasing
the concept of a "system default".

For ports-in-waiting:

        USE_LIBTOOL=YES         ->      USE_LIBTOOL_VER=13
        USE_AUTOCONF=YES        ->      USE_AUTOCONF_VER=213
        USE_AUTOMAKE=YES        ->      USE_AUTOMAKE_VER=14

Ports attempting to use the old style system after June 1st 2004 will be
sorely disappointed.
04 Feb 2004 05:10:27
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION on all ports that depend on gettext to aid with upgrading.

(Part 1)
25 Jan 2004 08:25:49
Original commit files touched by this commit
anholt search for other commits by this committer
Update to 6.4.2
22 Dec 2003 01:02:26
Original commit files touched by this commit
anholt search for other commits by this committer
New port: Prerelease version of libXext from
X Extension library.

Testing is encouraged, but please do not use these ports as dependencies until
they are updated to release tarballs and the XFree86 ports have been updated to
depend on them.

Number of commits found: 45