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Port details
gcc13 GNU Compiler Collection 13
13.3.0 lang on this many watch lists=7 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 13.3.0Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2023-04-29 15:27:09
Last Update: 2024-10-29 23:54:20
Commit Hash: 17024a6
People watching this port, also watch:: webp, wget, perl5, libxml2, freetype2
License: GPLv3 GPLv3RLE
GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection, supports a number of languages. This port installs the C, C++, and Fortran front ends as gcc13, g++13, and gfortran13, respectively.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb - no subversion history for this port

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (46 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. @ldconfig
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/gcc13-13.3.0/
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/gcc13-13.3.0/LICENSE
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/gcc13-13.3.0/GPLv3
  5. /usr/local/share/licenses/gcc13-13.3.0/GPLv3RLE
  6. bin/x86_64-portbld-freebsd14.1-c++13
  7. bin/x86_64-portbld-freebsd14.1-g++13
  8. bin/x86_64-portbld-freebsd14.1-gcc13
  9. bin/x86_64-portbld-freebsd14.1-gcc-13.3.0
  10. bin/x86_64-portbld-freebsd14.1-gcc-ar13
  11. bin/x86_64-portbld-freebsd14.1-gcc-nm13
  12. bin/x86_64-portbld-freebsd14.1-gcc-ranlib13
  13. bin/x86_64-portbld-freebsd14.1-gfortran13
  14. bin/c++13
  15. bin/cpp13
  16. bin/g++13
  17. bin/gcc13
  18. bin/gcc-ar13
  19. bin/gcc-nm13
  20. bin/gcc-ranlib13
  21. bin/gcov13
  22. bin/gcov-dump13
  23. bin/gcov-tool13
  24. bin/gfortran13
  25. bin/lto-dump13
  26. include/gcc13/ISO_Fortran_binding.h
  27. include/libgccjit++.h
  28. include/libgccjit.h
  29. share/man/man1/cpp13.1.gz
  30. share/man/man1/g++13.1.gz
  31. share/man/man1/gcc13.1.gz
  32. share/man/man1/gcov13.1.gz
  33. share/man/man1/gcov-dump13.1.gz
  34. share/man/man1/gcov-tool13.1.gz
  35. share/man/man1/gfortran13.1.gz
  36. share/man/man1/lto-dump13.1.gz
  37. share/gcc-13.3.0/python/libstdcxx/
  38. share/gcc-13.3.0/python/libstdcxx/v6/
  39. share/gcc-13.3.0/python/libstdcxx/v6/
  40. share/gcc-13.3.0/python/libstdcxx/v6/
  41. @postexec if type ccache-update-links >/dev/null 2>&1; then ccache-update-links -v; fi
  42. @postunexec if type ccache-update-links >/dev/null 2>&1; then ccache-update-links -v; fi
  43. @comment Insert PLIST.lib here
  44. @owner
  45. @group
  46. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • gcc13>0:lang/gcc13
  • gcc13-devel
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/lang/gcc13/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install lang/gcc13
  • pkg install gcc13
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: gcc13
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
ONLY_FOR_ARCHS: aarch64 amd64 armv6 armv7 i386 powerpc powerpc64 powerpc64le riscv64
TIMESTAMP = 1724158317 SHA256 (gcc-13.3.0.tar.xz) = 0845e9621c9543a13f484e94584a49ffc0129970e9914624235fc1d061a0c083 SIZE (gcc-13.3.0.tar.xz) = 87909952

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. as : devel/binutils
  2. gmake>=4.4.1 : devel/gmake
  3. makeinfo : print/texinfo
  4. as : devel/binutils
  5. perl5>=5.36<5.37 : lang/perl5.36
Runtime dependencies:
  1. as : devel/binutils
  2. indexinfo : print/indexinfo
Library dependencies:
  1. : math/gmp
  2. : math/mpfr
  3. : math/mpc
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. astro/wcslib
  2. audio/openspc
  3. benchmarks/octave-forge-benchmark
  4. biology/R-cran-BiocManager
  5. biology/plink
  6. biology/py-PySCeS
  7. biology/star
Expand this list (547 items / 540 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. biology/treekin
  3. biology/viennarna
  4. cad/alliance
  5. cad/calculix-ccx
  6. cad/feappv
  7. cad/freecad
  8. cad/gmsh
  9. cad/graywolf
  10. cad/tochnog
  11. cad/xyce
  12. comms/gnuradio
  13. comms/gr-osmosdr
  14. comms/wsjtx
  15. comms/wsjtz
  16. comms/xastir
  17. converters/R-cran-jsonlite
  18. converters/R-cran-rjson
  19. databases/R-cran-RMySQL
  20. databases/R-cran-RPostgreSQL
  21. databases/R-cran-RSQLite
  22. databases/R-cran-cachem
  23. databases/R-cran-fastmap
  24. databases/cockroach
  25. databases/gnats4
  26. databases/proxysql
  27. devel/R-cran-Rcpp
  28. devel/R-cran-bit
  29. devel/R-cran-bit64
  30. devel/R-cran-bitops
  31. devel/R-cran-brio
  32. devel/R-cran-caTools
  33. devel/R-cran-chk
  34. devel/R-cran-cli
  35. devel/R-cran-clock
  36. devel/R-cran-collapse
  37. devel/R-cran-covr
  38. devel/R-cran-data.table
  39. devel/R-cran-diffobj
  40. devel/R-cran-filelock
  41. devel/R-cran-gert
  42. devel/R-cran-git2r
  43. devel/R-cran-glue
  44. devel/R-cran-kit
  45. devel/R-cran-mlbench
  46. devel/R-cran-parallelly
  47. devel/R-cran-parsedate
  48. devel/R-cran-pkgcache
  49. devel/R-cran-profvis
  50. devel/R-cran-promises
  51. devel/R-cran-rappdirs
  52. devel/R-cran-rlang
  53. devel/R-cran-roxygen2
  54. devel/R-cran-sourcetools
  55. devel/R-cran-sys
  56. devel/R-cran-systemfonts
  57. devel/R-cran-testthat
  58. devel/R-cran-tidyselect
  59. devel/R-cran-uuid
  60. devel/RStudio
  61. devel/alire
  62. devel/asfml
  63. devel/asmutils
  64. devel/dwarves
  65. devel/efivar
  66. devel/ga
  67. devel/gcc-arm-embedded
  68. devel/gcc-msp430-ti-toolchain
  69. devel/json-fortran
  70. devel/kBuild
  71. devel/kronosnet
  72. devel/ocaml-lacaml
  73. devel/papi
  74. devel/py-llvmlite
  75. devel/py-lxml
  76. devel/py-numba
  77. devel/py-tables
  78. devel/rhtvision
  79. devel/smv
  80. devel/test-drive
  81. devel/xtensa-esp-elf
  82. editors/emacs-devel
  83. editors/openoffice-4
  84. editors/openoffice-devel
  85. emulators/emulationstation
  86. emulators/openmsx
  87. emulators/wine
  88. emulators/wine-devel
  89. emulators/wine-proton
  90. filesystems/R-cran-fs
  91. filesystems/lkl
  92. finance/R-cran-fBasics
  93. finance/R-cran-fGarch
  94. finance/R-cran-strucchange
  95. finance/R-cran-tseries
  96. finance/R-cran-urca
  97. french/aster
  98. ftp/R-cran-RCurl
  99. ftp/R-cran-curl
  100. games/dxx-rebirth
  101. games/gemrb
  102. games/shaaft
  103. games/xbat
  104. graphics/R-cran-colorspace
  105. graphics/R-cran-farver
  106. graphics/R-cran-ggrepel
  107. graphics/R-cran-jpeg
  108. graphics/R-cran-magick
  109. graphics/R-cran-ragg
  110. graphics/R-cran-s2
  111. graphics/cimg
  112. graphics/enblend
  113. graphics/lightzone
  114. graphics/mahotas
  115. graphics/nurbs++
  116. graphics/p5-PGPLOT
  117. graphics/qgis
  118. graphics/qgis-ltr
  119. graphics/raster3d
  120. graphics/rawtherapee
  121. graphics/zeno
  122. irc/ezbounce
  123. japanese/skkinput3
  124. japanese/xtr
  125. java/openjdk11
  126. java/openjdk11-jre
  127. java/openjdk17
  128. java/openjdk17-jre
  129. java/openjdk18
  130. java/openjdk19
  131. java/openjdk20
  132. java/openjdk21
  133. java/openjdk22
  134. lang/clisp
  135. lang/gforth
  136. lang/julia
  137. lang/nhc98
  138. lang/oo2c
  139. lang/spidermonkey102
  140. lang/spidermonkey128
  141. lang/spidermonkey78
  142. lang/spidermonkey91
  143. math/R
  144. math/R-cran-Amelia
  145. math/R-cran-MCMCpack
  146. math/R-cran-Matching
  147. math/R-cran-NMF
  148. math/R-cran-RcppArmadillo
  149. math/R-cran-RcppEigen
  150. math/R-cran-RcppRoll
  151. math/R-cran-SparseM
  152. math/R-cran-VGAM
  153. math/R-cran-admisc
  154. math/R-cran-backports
  155. math/R-cran-bdsmatrix
  156. math/R-cran-date
  157. math/R-cran-ddalpha
  158. math/R-cran-deldir
  159. math/R-cran-eRm
  160. math/R-cran-energy
  161. math/R-cran-expm
  162. math/R-cran-forecast
  163. math/R-cran-fracdiff
  164. math/R-cran-geepack
  165. math/R-cran-geometry
  166. math/R-cran-gmp
  167. math/R-cran-gsl
  168. math/R-cran-gss
  169. math/R-cran-hexbin
  170. math/R-cran-igraph
  171. math/R-cran-intervals
  172. math/R-cran-ipred
  173. math/R-cran-lme4
  174. math/R-cran-locfit
  175. math/R-cran-lpSolve
  176. math/R-cran-maps
  177. math/R-cran-matrixStats
  178. math/R-cran-mclust
  179. math/R-cran-memisc
  180. math/R-cran-minqa
  181. math/R-cran-mnormt
  182. math/R-cran-mvtnorm
  183. math/R-cran-ncdf4
  184. math/R-cran-nloptr
  185. math/R-cran-quantreg
  186. math/R-cran-raster
  187. math/R-cran-rgenoud
  188. math/R-cran-robustbase
  189. math/R-cran-sf
  190. math/R-cran-slam
  191. math/R-cran-sp
  192. math/R-cran-spdep
  193. math/R-cran-statmod
  194. math/R-cran-terra
  195. math/R-cran-wk
  196. math/R-cran-xts
  197. math/SCIP
  198. math/adept
  199. math/alberta
  200. math/algae
  201. math/arpack++
  202. math/blaspp
  203. math/blaze
  204. math/blis
  205. math/blocksolve95
  206. math/casadi
  207. math/cbc
  208. math/coinutils
  209. math/couenne
  210. math/dbcsr
  211. math/deal.ii
  212. math/dune-alugrid
  213. math/dune-common
  214. math/dune-fem
  215. math/dune-geometry
  216. math/dune-grid
  217. math/dune-grid-glue
  218. math/dune-istl
  219. math/dune-pdelab
  220. math/dune-polygongrid
  221. math/dune-uggrid
  222. math/dune-vtk
  223. math/elemental
  224. math/elpa
  225. math/fftw
  226. math/fftw-float
  227. math/fftw3-quad
  228. math/flexiblas
  229. math/freefem++
  230. math/giacxcas
  231. math/gretl
  232. math/hsl
  233. math/ipopt
  234. math/jags
  235. math/lapack++
  236. math/libRmath
  237. math/libceed
  238. math/linpack
  239. math/moab
  240. math/ntpoly
  241. math/octave
  242. math/octave-forge-actuarial
  243. math/octave-forge-audio
  244. math/octave-forge-automatic-differentiation
  245. math/octave-forge-bim
  246. math/octave-forge-bioinfo
  247. math/octave-forge-biosig
  248. math/octave-forge-bsltl
  249. math/octave-forge-cfitsio
  250. math/octave-forge-cgi
  251. math/octave-forge-civil-engineering
  252. math/octave-forge-coder
  253. math/octave-forge-communications
  254. math/octave-forge-control
  255. math/octave-forge-csg-toolkit
  256. math/octave-forge-data-smoothing
  257. math/octave-forge-database
  258. math/octave-forge-dataframe
  259. math/octave-forge-dicom
  260. math/octave-forge-divand
  261. math/octave-forge-doctest
  262. math/octave-forge-econometrics
  263. math/octave-forge-fda
  264. math/octave-forge-femoctave
  265. math/octave-forge-fenv
  266. math/octave-forge-fileio
  267. math/octave-forge-financial
  268. math/octave-forge-fits
  269. math/octave-forge-fpl
  270. math/octave-forge-fuzzy-logic-toolkit
  271. math/octave-forge-ga
  272. math/octave-forge-general
  273. math/octave-forge-generate_html
  274. math/octave-forge-geographiclib
  275. math/octave-forge-geometry
  276. math/octave-forge-gnuplot
  277. math/octave-forge-gsl
  278. math/octave-forge-hdf5oct
  279. math/octave-forge-ident
  280. math/octave-forge-image
  281. math/octave-forge-informationtheory
  282. math/octave-forge-integration
  283. math/octave-forge-internal-fluid-flow
  284. math/octave-forge-interval
  285. math/octave-forge-io
  286. math/octave-forge-irsa
  287. math/octave-forge-level-set
  288. math/octave-forge-linear-algebra
  289. math/octave-forge-lssa
  290. math/octave-forge-ltfat
  291. math/octave-forge-mapping
  292. math/octave-forge-matgeom
  293. math/octave-forge-mccabe-thiele
  294. math/octave-forge-mechanics
  295. math/octave-forge-miscellaneous
  296. math/octave-forge-missing-functions
  297. math/octave-forge-mpi
  298. math/octave-forge-mqtt
  299. math/octave-forge-msh
  300. math/octave-forge-multicore
  301. math/octave-forge-mvn
  302. math/octave-forge-nan
  303. math/octave-forge-ncarray
  304. math/octave-forge-netcdf
  305. math/octave-forge-nlwing2
  306. math/octave-forge-nnet
  307. math/octave-forge-nurbs
  308. math/octave-forge-oct2mat
  309. math/octave-forge-octave-pool
  310. math/octave-forge-octave_tar
  311. math/octave-forge-octave_zstd
  312. math/octave-forge-octclip
  313. math/octave-forge-octproj
  314. math/octave-forge-odbc
  315. math/octave-forge-odebvp
  316. math/octave-forge-onsas
  317. math/octave-forge-optics
  318. math/octave-forge-optim
  319. math/octave-forge-optiminterp
  320. math/octave-forge-outliers
  321. math/octave-forge-parallel
  322. math/octave-forge-pde1dm
  323. math/octave-forge-pkg-octave-doc
  324. math/octave-forge-plot
  325. math/octave-forge-ponchon-savarit
  326. math/octave-forge-prompt
  327. math/octave-forge-psychrometrics
  328. math/octave-forge-pythonic
  329. math/octave-forge-quaternion
  330. math/octave-forge-queueing
  331. math/octave-forge-rtree
  332. math/octave-forge-secs1d
  333. math/octave-forge-secs2d
  334. math/octave-forge-secs3d
  335. math/octave-forge-signal
  336. math/octave-forge-simp
  337. math/octave-forge-sockets
  338. math/octave-forge-sole
  339. math/octave-forge-sparsersb
  340. math/octave-forge-specfun
  341. math/octave-forge-special-matrix
  342. math/octave-forge-splines
  343. math/octave-forge-sqlite
  344. math/octave-forge-statistics
  345. math/octave-forge-statistics-resampling
  346. math/octave-forge-stk
  347. math/octave-forge-strings
  348. math/octave-forge-struct
  349. math/octave-forge-symband
  350. math/octave-forge-symbolic
  351. math/octave-forge-tablicious
  352. math/octave-forge-tcl-octave
  353. math/octave-forge-timer
  354. math/octave-forge-tsa
  355. math/octave-forge-velas
  356. math/octave-forge-video
  357. math/octave-forge-websockets
  358. math/octave-forge-zenity
  359. math/octave-forge-zeromq
  360. math/openblas
  361. math/openblas64
  362. math/osi
  363. math/py-cyipopt
  364. math/py-libceed
  365. math/py-numpy
  366. math/py-primme
  367. math/py-rpy2
  368. math/py-scikit-umfpack
  369. math/py-scs
  370. math/py-slepc4py
  371. math/qposases
  372. math/sage
  373. math/scalapack
  374. math/scalapackfx
  375. math/scilab
  376. math/scs
  377. math/sdpa
  378. math/sfft
  379. math/slepc
  380. math/slicot
  381. math/spfft
  382. math/spla
  383. math/sprng
  384. math/suitesparse-amd
  385. math/sundials
  386. math/superlu-dist
  387. math/xlife++
  388. misc/R-cran-xfun
  389. misc/adios2
  390. misc/caffe
  391. misc/g810-led
  392. misc/py-pyEDFlib
  393. misc/urh
  394. misc/visp
  395. multimedia/avidemux
  396. multimedia/avidemux-cli
  397. multimedia/avidemux-plugins
  398. multimedia/avidemux-qt5
  399. multimedia/xanim
  400. net/R-cran-pingr
  401. net/ipxe
  402. net/libtnl
  403. net/mpich
  404. net/mpifx
  405. net/openmpi
  406. net/openmpi4
  407. net/py-mpi4py-mpich
  408. net/teddycloud
  409. net/yate
  410. net-mgmt/ipv6mon
  411. net-p2p/cpuminer
  412. print/R-cran-textshaping
  413. science/PETSc
  414. science/R-cran-Epi
  415. science/R-cran-cmprsk
  416. science/R-cran-e1071
  417. science/R-cran-fastICA
  418. science/R-cran-kernlab
  419. science/R-cran-som
  420. science/abinit
  421. science/ascent
  422. science/bagel
  423. science/berkeleygw
  424. science/cgnslib
  425. science/chemps2
  426. science/chrono
  427. science/code_saturne
  428. science/conduit
  429. science/cp2k
  430. science/dakota
  431. science/dalton
  432. science/dftbplus
  433. science/dftd4
  434. science/dirac
  435. science/dynare
  436. science/elk
  437. science/elmerfem
  438. science/erkale
  439. science/fastjet
  440. science/fleur
  441. science/frontistr
  442. science/gbtolib
  443. science/gcp
  444. science/getdp
  445. science/gnudatalanguage
  446. science/harminv
  447. science/hdf
  448. science/hdf5
  449. science/hdf5-110
  450. science/helfem
  451. science/hypre
  452. science/iboview
  453. science/lammps
  454. science/latte
  455. science/libctl
  456. science/libmbd
  457. science/libnegf
  458. science/libpsml
  459. science/libxc
  460. science/liggghts
  461. science/mbdyn
  462. science/mctc-lib
  463. science/meep
  464. science/mopac
  465. science/mpb
  466. science/mpqc
  467. science/mstore
  468. science/multicharge
  469. science/multiwfn
  470. science/netcdf-fortran
  471. science/nwchem
  472. science/ocean
  473. science/octopus
  474. science/openmodelica
  475. science/openmolcas
  476. science/openmx
  477. science/opensim-core
  478. science/paraview
  479. science/pastix
  480. science/pcmsolver
  481. science/pnetcdf
  482. science/psi4
  483. science/py-PyNE
  484. science/py-dftbplus
  485. science/py-obspy
  486. science/py-phono3py
  487. science/py-pyscf
  488. science/py-scikit-sparse
  489. science/py-scipy
  490. science/qmcpack
  491. science/quantum-espresso
  492. science/seacas
  493. science/siconos
  494. science/simbody
  495. science/simple-dftd3
  496. science/sirius
  497. science/spglib
  498. science/spheral
  499. science/tblite
  500. science/tfel
  501. science/tfel-edf
  502. science/tinker
  503. science/trilinos
  504. science/ukrmol+
  505. science/v_sim
  506. science/xtb
  507. security/R-cran-askpass
  508. security/R-cran-digest
  509. security/R-cran-openssl
  510. security/R-cran-sodium
  511. security/seccure
  512. sysutils/R-cran-processx
  513. sysutils/R-cran-ps
  514. sysutils/edk2
  515. sysutils/grub2-efi
  516. sysutils/grub2-pcbsd
  517. textproc/R-cran-XML
  518. textproc/R-cran-commonmark
  519. textproc/R-cran-htmltools
  520. textproc/R-cran-hunspell
  521. textproc/R-cran-markdown
  522. textproc/R-cran-openxlsx
  523. textproc/R-cran-rbibutils
  524. textproc/R-cran-sass
  525. textproc/R-cran-stringi
  526. textproc/R-cran-tth
  527. textproc/R-cran-utf8
  528. textproc/R-cran-writexl
  529. textproc/R-cran-yaml
  530. textproc/toml-f
  531. textproc/xmlf90
  532. www/R-cran-httpuv
  533. www/kannel
  534. x11/i3lock-color
  535. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 7 deleted ports
  1. emulators/wine8*
  2. graphics/R-cran-rgdal*
  3. net/nepenthes*
  4. sysutils/R-cran-fs*
  5. sysutils/fusefs-lkl*
  6. sysutils/libretto-config*
  7. www/thundercache*
  8. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Run
  1. astro/wcslib
  2. audio/openspc
  3. benchmarks/octave-forge-benchmark
  4. biology/R-cran-BiocManager
  5. biology/plink
  6. biology/py-PySCeS
  7. biology/star
Expand this list (539 items / 532 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. biology/treekin
  3. biology/viennarna
  4. cad/alliance
  5. cad/calculix-ccx
  6. cad/feappv
  7. cad/freecad
  8. cad/gmsh
  9. cad/graywolf
  10. cad/tochnog
  11. cad/xyce
  12. comms/gnuradio
  13. comms/gr-osmosdr
  14. comms/wsjtx
  15. comms/wsjtz
  16. comms/xastir
  17. converters/R-cran-jsonlite
  18. converters/R-cran-rjson
  19. databases/R-cran-RMySQL
  20. databases/R-cran-RPostgreSQL
  21. databases/R-cran-RSQLite
  22. databases/R-cran-cachem
  23. databases/R-cran-fastmap
  24. databases/cockroach
  25. databases/gnats4
  26. databases/proxysql
  27. devel/R-cran-Rcpp
  28. devel/R-cran-bit
  29. devel/R-cran-bit64
  30. devel/R-cran-bitops
  31. devel/R-cran-brio
  32. devel/R-cran-caTools
  33. devel/R-cran-chk
  34. devel/R-cran-cli
  35. devel/R-cran-clock
  36. devel/R-cran-collapse
  37. devel/R-cran-covr
  38. devel/R-cran-data.table
  39. devel/R-cran-diffobj
  40. devel/R-cran-filelock
  41. devel/R-cran-gert
  42. devel/R-cran-git2r
  43. devel/R-cran-glue
  44. devel/R-cran-kit
  45. devel/R-cran-mlbench
  46. devel/R-cran-parallelly
  47. devel/R-cran-parsedate
  48. devel/R-cran-pkgcache
  49. devel/R-cran-profvis
  50. devel/R-cran-promises
  51. devel/R-cran-rappdirs
  52. devel/R-cran-rlang
  53. devel/R-cran-roxygen2
  54. devel/R-cran-sourcetools
  55. devel/R-cran-sys
  56. devel/R-cran-systemfonts
  57. devel/R-cran-testthat
  58. devel/R-cran-tidyselect
  59. devel/R-cran-uuid
  60. devel/RStudio
  61. devel/asmutils
  62. devel/dwarves
  63. devel/efivar
  64. devel/ga
  65. devel/gcc-arm-embedded
  66. devel/json-fortran
  67. devel/kBuild
  68. devel/kronosnet
  69. devel/ocaml-lacaml
  70. devel/papi
  71. devel/py-llvmlite
  72. devel/py-lxml
  73. devel/py-numba
  74. devel/py-tables
  75. devel/rhtvision
  76. devel/smv
  77. devel/test-drive
  78. editors/emacs-devel
  79. editors/openoffice-4
  80. editors/openoffice-devel
  81. emulators/emulationstation
  82. emulators/openmsx
  83. emulators/wine
  84. emulators/wine-devel
  85. emulators/wine-proton
  86. filesystems/R-cran-fs
  87. finance/R-cran-fBasics
  88. finance/R-cran-fGarch
  89. finance/R-cran-strucchange
  90. finance/R-cran-tseries
  91. finance/R-cran-urca
  92. french/aster
  93. ftp/R-cran-RCurl
  94. ftp/R-cran-curl
  95. games/dxx-rebirth
  96. games/gemrb
  97. games/shaaft
  98. games/xbat
  99. graphics/R-cran-colorspace
  100. graphics/R-cran-farver
  101. graphics/R-cran-ggrepel
  102. graphics/R-cran-jpeg
  103. graphics/R-cran-magick
  104. graphics/R-cran-ragg
  105. graphics/R-cran-s2
  106. graphics/cimg
  107. graphics/enblend
  108. graphics/lightzone
  109. graphics/mahotas
  110. graphics/nurbs++
  111. graphics/p5-PGPLOT
  112. graphics/qgis
  113. graphics/qgis-ltr
  114. graphics/raster3d
  115. graphics/rawtherapee
  116. graphics/zeno
  117. irc/ezbounce
  118. japanese/skkinput3
  119. japanese/xtr
  120. java/openjdk11
  121. java/openjdk11-jre
  122. java/openjdk17
  123. java/openjdk17-jre
  124. java/openjdk18
  125. java/openjdk19
  126. java/openjdk20
  127. java/openjdk21
  128. java/openjdk22
  129. lang/clisp
  130. lang/gforth
  131. lang/julia
  132. lang/nhc98
  133. lang/oo2c
  134. lang/spidermonkey102
  135. lang/spidermonkey128
  136. lang/spidermonkey78
  137. lang/spidermonkey91
  138. math/R
  139. math/R-cran-Amelia
  140. math/R-cran-MCMCpack
  141. math/R-cran-Matching
  142. math/R-cran-NMF
  143. math/R-cran-RcppArmadillo
  144. math/R-cran-RcppEigen
  145. math/R-cran-RcppRoll
  146. math/R-cran-SparseM
  147. math/R-cran-VGAM
  148. math/R-cran-admisc
  149. math/R-cran-backports
  150. math/R-cran-bdsmatrix
  151. math/R-cran-date
  152. math/R-cran-ddalpha
  153. math/R-cran-deldir
  154. math/R-cran-eRm
  155. math/R-cran-energy
  156. math/R-cran-expm
  157. math/R-cran-forecast
  158. math/R-cran-fracdiff
  159. math/R-cran-geepack
  160. math/R-cran-geometry
  161. math/R-cran-gmp
  162. math/R-cran-gsl
  163. math/R-cran-gss
  164. math/R-cran-hexbin
  165. math/R-cran-igraph
  166. math/R-cran-intervals
  167. math/R-cran-ipred
  168. math/R-cran-lme4
  169. math/R-cran-locfit
  170. math/R-cran-lpSolve
  171. math/R-cran-maps
  172. math/R-cran-matrixStats
  173. math/R-cran-mclust
  174. math/R-cran-memisc
  175. math/R-cran-minqa
  176. math/R-cran-mnormt
  177. math/R-cran-mvtnorm
  178. math/R-cran-ncdf4
  179. math/R-cran-nloptr
  180. math/R-cran-quantreg
  181. math/R-cran-raster
  182. math/R-cran-rgenoud
  183. math/R-cran-robustbase
  184. math/R-cran-sf
  185. math/R-cran-slam
  186. math/R-cran-sp
  187. math/R-cran-spdep
  188. math/R-cran-statmod
  189. math/R-cran-terra
  190. math/R-cran-wk
  191. math/R-cran-xts
  192. math/SCIP
  193. math/adept
  194. math/alberta
  195. math/algae
  196. math/arpack++
  197. math/blaspp
  198. math/blaze
  199. math/blis
  200. math/blocksolve95
  201. math/casadi
  202. math/cbc
  203. math/coinutils
  204. math/couenne
  205. math/dbcsr
  206. math/deal.ii
  207. math/dune-alugrid
  208. math/dune-common
  209. math/dune-fem
  210. math/dune-geometry
  211. math/dune-grid
  212. math/dune-grid-glue
  213. math/dune-istl
  214. math/dune-pdelab
  215. math/dune-polygongrid
  216. math/dune-uggrid
  217. math/dune-vtk
  218. math/elemental
  219. math/elpa
  220. math/fftw
  221. math/fftw-float
  222. math/fftw3-quad
  223. math/flexiblas
  224. math/freefem++
  225. math/giacxcas
  226. math/gretl
  227. math/hsl
  228. math/ipopt
  229. math/jags
  230. math/lapack++
  231. math/libRmath
  232. math/libceed
  233. math/linpack
  234. math/moab
  235. math/ntpoly
  236. math/octave
  237. math/octave-forge-actuarial
  238. math/octave-forge-audio
  239. math/octave-forge-automatic-differentiation
  240. math/octave-forge-bim
  241. math/octave-forge-bioinfo
  242. math/octave-forge-biosig
  243. math/octave-forge-bsltl
  244. math/octave-forge-cfitsio
  245. math/octave-forge-cgi
  246. math/octave-forge-civil-engineering
  247. math/octave-forge-coder
  248. math/octave-forge-communications
  249. math/octave-forge-control
  250. math/octave-forge-csg-toolkit
  251. math/octave-forge-data-smoothing
  252. math/octave-forge-database
  253. math/octave-forge-dataframe
  254. math/octave-forge-dicom
  255. math/octave-forge-divand
  256. math/octave-forge-doctest
  257. math/octave-forge-econometrics
  258. math/octave-forge-fda
  259. math/octave-forge-femoctave
  260. math/octave-forge-fenv
  261. math/octave-forge-fileio
  262. math/octave-forge-financial
  263. math/octave-forge-fits
  264. math/octave-forge-fpl
  265. math/octave-forge-fuzzy-logic-toolkit
  266. math/octave-forge-ga
  267. math/octave-forge-general
  268. math/octave-forge-generate_html
  269. math/octave-forge-geographiclib
  270. math/octave-forge-geometry
  271. math/octave-forge-gnuplot
  272. math/octave-forge-gsl
  273. math/octave-forge-hdf5oct
  274. math/octave-forge-ident
  275. math/octave-forge-image
  276. math/octave-forge-informationtheory
  277. math/octave-forge-integration
  278. math/octave-forge-internal-fluid-flow
  279. math/octave-forge-interval
  280. math/octave-forge-io
  281. math/octave-forge-irsa
  282. math/octave-forge-level-set
  283. math/octave-forge-linear-algebra
  284. math/octave-forge-lssa
  285. math/octave-forge-ltfat
  286. math/octave-forge-mapping
  287. math/octave-forge-matgeom
  288. math/octave-forge-mccabe-thiele
  289. math/octave-forge-mechanics
  290. math/octave-forge-miscellaneous
  291. math/octave-forge-missing-functions
  292. math/octave-forge-mpi
  293. math/octave-forge-mqtt
  294. math/octave-forge-msh
  295. math/octave-forge-multicore
  296. math/octave-forge-mvn
  297. math/octave-forge-nan
  298. math/octave-forge-ncarray
  299. math/octave-forge-netcdf
  300. math/octave-forge-nlwing2
  301. math/octave-forge-nnet
  302. math/octave-forge-nurbs
  303. math/octave-forge-oct2mat
  304. math/octave-forge-octave-pool
  305. math/octave-forge-octave_tar
  306. math/octave-forge-octave_zstd
  307. math/octave-forge-octclip
  308. math/octave-forge-octproj
  309. math/octave-forge-odbc
  310. math/octave-forge-odebvp
  311. math/octave-forge-onsas
  312. math/octave-forge-optics
  313. math/octave-forge-optim
  314. math/octave-forge-optiminterp
  315. math/octave-forge-outliers
  316. math/octave-forge-parallel
  317. math/octave-forge-pde1dm
  318. math/octave-forge-pkg-octave-doc
  319. math/octave-forge-plot
  320. math/octave-forge-ponchon-savarit
  321. math/octave-forge-prompt
  322. math/octave-forge-psychrometrics
  323. math/octave-forge-pythonic
  324. math/octave-forge-quaternion
  325. math/octave-forge-queueing
  326. math/octave-forge-rtree
  327. math/octave-forge-secs1d
  328. math/octave-forge-secs2d
  329. math/octave-forge-secs3d
  330. math/octave-forge-signal
  331. math/octave-forge-simp
  332. math/octave-forge-sockets
  333. math/octave-forge-sole
  334. math/octave-forge-sparsersb
  335. math/octave-forge-specfun
  336. math/octave-forge-special-matrix
  337. math/octave-forge-splines
  338. math/octave-forge-sqlite
  339. math/octave-forge-statistics
  340. math/octave-forge-statistics-resampling
  341. math/octave-forge-stk
  342. math/octave-forge-strings
  343. math/octave-forge-struct
  344. math/octave-forge-symband
  345. math/octave-forge-symbolic
  346. math/octave-forge-tablicious
  347. math/octave-forge-tcl-octave
  348. math/octave-forge-timer
  349. math/octave-forge-tsa
  350. math/octave-forge-velas
  351. math/octave-forge-video
  352. math/octave-forge-websockets
  353. math/octave-forge-zenity
  354. math/octave-forge-zeromq
  355. math/openblas
  356. math/openblas64
  357. math/osi
  358. math/py-cyipopt
  359. math/py-libceed
  360. math/py-numpy
  361. math/py-primme
  362. math/py-rpy2
  363. math/py-scikit-umfpack
  364. math/py-scs
  365. math/py-slepc4py
  366. math/qposases
  367. math/sage
  368. math/scalapack
  369. math/scalapackfx
  370. math/scilab
  371. math/scs
  372. math/sdpa
  373. math/sfft
  374. math/slepc
  375. math/slicot
  376. math/spfft
  377. math/spla
  378. math/sprng
  379. math/suitesparse-amd
  380. math/sundials
  381. math/superlu-dist
  382. math/xlife++
  383. misc/R-cran-xfun
  384. misc/adios2
  385. misc/caffe
  386. misc/g810-led
  387. misc/py-pyEDFlib
  388. misc/urh
  389. misc/visp
  390. multimedia/avidemux
  391. multimedia/avidemux-cli
  392. multimedia/avidemux-plugins
  393. multimedia/avidemux-qt5
  394. multimedia/xanim
  395. net/R-cran-pingr
  396. net/libtnl
  397. net/mpich
  398. net/mpifx
  399. net/openmpi
  400. net/openmpi4
  401. net/py-mpi4py-mpich
  402. net/teddycloud
  403. net/yate
  404. net-mgmt/ipv6mon
  405. net-p2p/cpuminer
  406. print/R-cran-textshaping
  407. science/PETSc
  408. science/R-cran-Epi
  409. science/R-cran-cmprsk
  410. science/R-cran-e1071
  411. science/R-cran-fastICA
  412. science/R-cran-kernlab
  413. science/R-cran-som
  414. science/abinit
  415. science/ascent
  416. science/bagel
  417. science/berkeleygw
  418. science/cgnslib
  419. science/chemps2
  420. science/chrono
  421. science/code_saturne
  422. science/conduit
  423. science/cp2k
  424. science/dakota
  425. science/dalton
  426. science/dftbplus
  427. science/dftd4
  428. science/dirac
  429. science/dynare
  430. science/elk
  431. science/elmerfem
  432. science/erkale
  433. science/fastjet
  434. science/fleur
  435. science/frontistr
  436. science/gbtolib
  437. science/gcp
  438. science/getdp
  439. science/gnudatalanguage
  440. science/harminv
  441. science/hdf
  442. science/hdf5
  443. science/hdf5-110
  444. science/helfem
  445. science/hypre
  446. science/iboview
  447. science/lammps
  448. science/latte
  449. science/libctl
  450. science/libmbd
  451. science/libnegf
  452. science/libpsml
  453. science/libxc
  454. science/liggghts
  455. science/mbdyn
  456. science/mctc-lib
  457. science/meep
  458. science/mopac
  459. science/mpb
  460. science/mpqc
  461. science/mstore
  462. science/multicharge
  463. science/multiwfn
  464. science/netcdf-fortran
  465. science/nwchem
  466. science/ocean
  467. science/octopus
  468. science/openmodelica
  469. science/openmolcas
  470. science/openmx
  471. science/opensim-core
  472. science/paraview
  473. science/pastix
  474. science/pcmsolver
  475. science/pnetcdf
  476. science/psi4
  477. science/py-PyNE
  478. science/py-dftbplus
  479. science/py-obspy
  480. science/py-phono3py
  481. science/py-pyscf
  482. science/py-scikit-sparse
  483. science/py-scipy
  484. science/qmcpack
  485. science/quantum-espresso
  486. science/seacas
  487. science/siconos
  488. science/simbody
  489. science/simple-dftd3
  490. science/sirius
  491. science/spglib
  492. science/spheral
  493. science/tblite
  494. science/tfel
  495. science/tfel-edf
  496. science/tinker
  497. science/trilinos
  498. science/ukrmol+
  499. science/v_sim
  500. science/xtb
  501. security/R-cran-askpass
  502. security/R-cran-digest
  503. security/R-cran-openssl
  504. security/R-cran-sodium
  505. security/seccure
  506. sysutils/R-cran-processx
  507. sysutils/R-cran-ps
  508. sysutils/grub2-efi
  509. sysutils/grub2-pcbsd
  510. textproc/R-cran-XML
  511. textproc/R-cran-commonmark
  512. textproc/R-cran-htmltools
  513. textproc/R-cran-hunspell
  514. textproc/R-cran-markdown
  515. textproc/R-cran-openxlsx
  516. textproc/R-cran-rbibutils
  517. textproc/R-cran-sass
  518. textproc/R-cran-stringi
  519. textproc/R-cran-tth
  520. textproc/R-cran-utf8
  521. textproc/R-cran-writexl
  522. textproc/R-cran-yaml
  523. textproc/toml-f
  524. textproc/xmlf90
  525. www/R-cran-httpuv
  526. www/kannel
  527. x11/i3lock-color
  528. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 6 deleted ports
  1. emulators/wine8*
  2. graphics/R-cran-rgdal*
  3. net/nepenthes*
  4. sysutils/R-cran-fs*
  5. sysutils/libretto-config*
  6. www/thundercache*
  7. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
* - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...

Configuration Options:
===> The following configuration options are available for gcc13-13.3.0: GRAPHITE=off: Support for Graphite loop optimizations MULTILIB=on: Build support for 32-bit and 64-bit targets ====> Options available for the radio BOOTSTRAP: you can only select none or one of them LTO_BOOTSTRAP=off: Build using a full LTO bootstrap STANDARD_BOOTSTRAP=on: Build using a full bootstrap without LTO ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
Options name:
compiler:c++11-lang cpe gmake iconv libtool makeinfo perl5 tar:xz
For install:
To ensure binaries built with this toolchain find appropriate versions of the necessary run-time libraries, you may want to link using -Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib/gcc13 For ports leveraging USE_GCC, USES=compiler, or USES=fortran this happens transparently.
Master Sites:
Expand this list (8 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.

Number of commits found: 16

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
29 Oct 2024 23:54:20
commit hash: 17024a6f828904fbd57ff459b32f9ed21f77a1a4commit hash: 17024a6f828904fbd57ff459b32f9ed21f77a1a4commit hash: 17024a6f828904fbd57ff459b32f9ed21f77a1a4commit hash: 17024a6f828904fbd57ff459b32f9ed21f77a1a4 files touched by this commit
Kyle Evans (kevans) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc*: disable building of libssp

For today's FreeBSD 14 and earlier, libssp is a nop because nothing on
FreeBSD will be referencing these headers or lib.  On FreeBSD 15, it
actively breaks building with FORTIFY_SOURCE enabled and it's not worth
trying to make it work- the potential for GCC improvements comes from
the __builtin_object_size enhancement, not from these headers.

PR:		280265
Approved by:	salvadore (maintainer)
04 Sep 2024 14:31:01
commit hash: 546dc44194b4f9e7c62d71e140d8279243c7ec38commit hash: 546dc44194b4f9e7c62d71e140d8279243c7ec38commit hash: 546dc44194b4f9e7c62d71e140d8279243c7ec38commit hash: 546dc44194b4f9e7c62d71e140d8279243c7ec38 files touched by this commit
Lorenzo Salvadore (salvadore) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc13: Update to 13.3.0


PR:		281091
Tested by:	exp-run (antoine)
13 May 2024 21:19:50
commit hash: 16ebcbbc24a6fca734affcd38a2b3dba29a9145dcommit hash: 16ebcbbc24a6fca734affcd38a2b3dba29a9145dcommit hash: 16ebcbbc24a6fca734affcd38a2b3dba29a9145dcommit hash: 16ebcbbc24a6fca734affcd38a2b3dba29a9145d files touched by this commit
Robert Clausecker (fuz) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc13: enable on riscv64

Builds fine on 15-CURRENT.

PR:		272759
Approved by:	salvadore (maintainer)
MFH:		2024Q2
03 Feb 2024 09:57:04
commit hash: 41870b7b7d042523cff7d8fe3abde24f5a394804commit hash: 41870b7b7d042523cff7d8fe3abde24f5a394804commit hash: 41870b7b7d042523cff7d8fe3abde24f5a394804commit hash: 41870b7b7d042523cff7d8fe3abde24f5a394804 files touched by this commit
Lorenzo Salvadore (salvadore) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc{12,13}: Switch back to standard bootstrap

Switch back to STANDARD_BOOTSTRAP on i386, amd64 and aarch64 as default
option instead of LTO_BOOTSTRAP, forwarding the changes already commited
in the devel ports (commits daf12c76bd531335f58e7602afd3bc8da8fc5c33,
872d61f8ead10a6d935117876cf60057a46770ff, and
da4cb11216a7ed594d5dc453deb4693b48c3c7e9) and in lang/gcc11 (commit

Users wanting to use LTO_BOOTSTRAP can still enable the option manually.

PR:		273397
Tested by:	exp-run (antoine)
28 Jan 2024 13:39:27
commit hash: 9b0ad9222d4ebe8dc862f49142ef50d5cd580016commit hash: 9b0ad9222d4ebe8dc862f49142ef50d5cd580016commit hash: 9b0ad9222d4ebe8dc862f49142ef50d5cd580016commit hash: 9b0ad9222d4ebe8dc862f49142ef50d5cd580016 files touched by this commit
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc13: Moved man to share/man

Approved by:    portmgr (blanket)
13 Jan 2024 08:18:34
commit hash: 11e18f525a8390fda31c44838bde003e23176b95commit hash: 11e18f525a8390fda31c44838bde003e23176b95commit hash: 11e18f525a8390fda31c44838bde003e23176b95commit hash: 11e18f525a8390fda31c44838bde003e23176b95 files touched by this commit
Lorenzo Salvadore (salvadore) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc13: Fix Address sanitizer

Software compiled with -fsanitize=address fails to run with the error
message "ASan runtime does not come first in initial library list; you
should either link runtime to your application or manually preload it

This commit fixes the issue by ignoring the [vdso] loaded shared library
instead of

To successfully run the software compiled with -fsanitize=address it is
still necessary to disable ASLR.

PR:		267751
Reported by:	yuri

Co-authored-by:	Andreas Tobler <>
05 Jan 2024 21:03:48
commit hash: ac46ecbfdcc0db7c51ae946bfe350976a522659dcommit hash: ac46ecbfdcc0db7c51ae946bfe350976a522659dcommit hash: ac46ecbfdcc0db7c51ae946bfe350976a522659dcommit hash: ac46ecbfdcc0db7c51ae946bfe350976a522659d files touched by this commit
Piotr Kubaj (pkubaj) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc13: drop ELFv1 support
31 Dec 2023 00:37:05
commit hash: bbab7f59e9630416397189df70ec133bdd690e38commit hash: bbab7f59e9630416397189df70ec133bdd690e38commit hash: bbab7f59e9630416397189df70ec133bdd690e38commit hash: bbab7f59e9630416397189df70ec133bdd690e38 files touched by this commit
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: Sunset 12.4-RELEASE/12-STABLE from ports tree

- Remove all references to defunct ARCH arm
- Remove all references to defunct ARCH sparc64
- Remove x11-drivers/xf86-video-sunffb which requires defunct sparc64
- Remove sysutils/afbinit requires defunct sparc64 ARCH
- Remove all references to bktr driver
- Remove all references to defunct FreeBSD_12
- Remove all references to OSVERSION/OSREL corresponding to 12
- Remove conditionals in Mk/Uses/
- Remove sparc reference from Mk/Uses/
- Remove BROKEN_sparc64/NOT_FOR_ARCH=sparc64
- Remove BROKEN_FreeBSD_12* from:
- Remove OpenSSL patches from:
- Remove conditional flags for OSVERSION >= 1300000 to fixed flags.
  Also move conditional flags for non sparc64/arm ARCH to fixed flags.

Reviewed by:	brooks, jbeich, rene, salvadore
Differential Revision:
15 Dec 2023 20:36:59
commit hash: a4831f4933d006071d96a861506ff0db44d1d3accommit hash: a4831f4933d006071d96a861506ff0db44d1d3accommit hash: a4831f4933d006071d96a861506ff0db44d1d3accommit hash: a4831f4933d006071d96a861506ff0db44d1d3ac files touched by this commit
Dimitry Andric (dim) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc12 lang/gcc12-devel lang/gcc13 lang/gcc13-devel lang/gcc14-devel: fix
build without bootstrap

When more recent gcc ports are built without bootstrap, compiling libcc1
plugins results in errors similar to:

  In file included from
  In file included from /usr/include/c++/v1/vector:321:
  In file included from /usr/include/c++/v1/__format/formatter_bool.h:20:
  In file included from /usr/include/c++/v1/__format/formatter_integral.h:32:
  /usr/include/c++/v1/locale:289:36: error: attempt to use a poisoned identifier
    289 |         __status = (unsigned char*)malloc(__nkw);
        |                                    ^
  /usr/include/c++/v1/locale:1584:28: error: attempt to use a poisoned
   1584 |         __ob =
        |                            ^
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
05 Dec 2023 18:11:27
commit hash: 510dbd1e2012877cbbdc37a38f6189ce7b38d1bacommit hash: 510dbd1e2012877cbbdc37a38f6189ce7b38d1bacommit hash: 510dbd1e2012877cbbdc37a38f6189ce7b38d1bacommit hash: 510dbd1e2012877cbbdc37a38f6189ce7b38d1ba files touched by this commit
Thierry Thomas (thierry) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc12+: forward the installation of ISO_Fortran_binding.h in a separate dir

PR:		275431
Approved by:	salvadore@ (maintainer)
14 Oct 2023 20:38:33
commit hash: 3dcacae36ff804f6e9edf5c7cf538cfaa68bc800commit hash: 3dcacae36ff804f6e9edf5c7cf538cfaa68bc800commit hash: 3dcacae36ff804f6e9edf5c7cf538cfaa68bc800commit hash: 3dcacae36ff804f6e9edf5c7cf538cfaa68bc800 files touched by this commit
Lorenzo Salvadore (salvadore) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc13: Update to 13.2.0

12 Oct 2023 05:06:22
commit hash: a05177f62a5a0e74b5df871069ea42400c0ed90acommit hash: a05177f62a5a0e74b5df871069ea42400c0ed90acommit hash: a05177f62a5a0e74b5df871069ea42400c0ed90acommit hash: a05177f62a5a0e74b5df871069ea42400c0ed90a files touched by this commit
Piotr Kubaj (pkubaj) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc13: disable LTO on powerpc to fix build

cc1plus: out of memory allocating 48749344 bytes after a total of 0 bytes
06 Oct 2023 17:48:53
commit hash: b7833e78f7bdf5b00b5b0d25ed983f1b8d413e32commit hash: b7833e78f7bdf5b00b5b0d25ed983f1b8d413e32commit hash: b7833e78f7bdf5b00b5b0d25ed983f1b8d413e32commit hash: b7833e78f7bdf5b00b5b0d25ed983f1b8d413e32 files touched by this commit
Dimitry Andric (dim) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc10 lang/gcc11 lang/gcc11-devel lang/gcc12 lang/gcc12-devel lang/gcc13
lang/gcc13-devel lang/gcc14-devel: fix build with libc++ 17

When building relatively recent gcc ports (with C++ in them) against
libc++ 17, you get errors similar to:

  In file included from
  In file included from
  In file included from /usr/include/c++/v1/vector:321:
  In file included from /usr/include/c++/v1/__format/formatter_bool.h:20:
  In file included from /usr/include/c++/v1/__format/formatter_integral.h:32:
  In file included from /usr/include/c++/v1/locale:202:
  /usr/include/c++/v1/__locale:546:5: error: '__abi_tag__' attribute only
applies to structs, variables, functions, and namespaces
        |     ^
  /usr/include/c++/v1/__config:813:37: note: expanded from macro
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
19 Jun 2023 15:19:22
commit hash: 91117ec83f966fad5e943737928abe956cd49720commit hash: 91117ec83f966fad5e943737928abe956cd49720commit hash: 91117ec83f966fad5e943737928abe956cd49720commit hash: 91117ec83f966fad5e943737928abe956cd49720 files touched by this commit
Piotr Kubaj (pkubaj) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc*: fix build with CPUTYPE?=g[3-5]

GCC does not accept -mcpu=g4, but does accept -mcpu=G4.
02 May 2023 09:39:47
commit hash: f4e302c0416a53ceec6c9605234b570f775167dbcommit hash: f4e302c0416a53ceec6c9605234b570f775167dbcommit hash: f4e302c0416a53ceec6c9605234b570f775167dbcommit hash: f4e302c0416a53ceec6c9605234b570f775167db files touched by this commit
Piotr Kubaj (pkubaj) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc13: switch to using clang on powerpc64*

As with other released GCC versions (as opposed to snapshots), use base
clang to build this port.
29 Apr 2023 15:23:21
commit hash: e14f6cef2ce3de2986e854b87d2766f0691d83aacommit hash: e14f6cef2ce3de2986e854b87d2766f0691d83aacommit hash: e14f6cef2ce3de2986e854b87d2766f0691d83aacommit hash: e14f6cef2ce3de2986e854b87d2766f0691d83aa files touched by this commit
Lorenzo Salvadore (salvadore) search for other commits by this committer
lang/gcc13: Add port

GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection, supports a number of languages.
This port installs the C, C++, and Fortran front ends as gcc13,
g++13, and gfortran13, respectively.

This is the first release from the GCC 13 series.
It largely is a copy of lang/gcc13-devel, with release-specific
modifications from lang/gcc12.

Common issues that could happen when porting code to GCC 13:


Reviewed by:	gerald, Dan McGregor <>
Differential Revision:

Number of commits found: 16