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Port details
xorgproto X Window System unified protocol definitions
2024.1 x11 on this many watch lists=30 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 2024.1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2018-07-31 18:42:09
Last Update: 2024-05-15 22:28:52
Commit Hash: c3f1423
People watching this port, also watch:: libXdmcp, libXau, expat, glib, gettext-runtime
License: MIT
This package contains the X Window System unified protocol definitions. They where previously scattered through different packages, but have been merged to one package.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (175 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. /usr/local/share/licenses/xorgproto-2024.1/
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/xorgproto-2024.1/LICENSE
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/xorgproto-2024.1/MIT
  4. include/GL/glxint.h
  5. include/GL/glxmd.h
  6. include/GL/glxproto.h
  7. include/GL/glxtokens.h
  8. include/GL/internal/glcore.h
  9. include/X11/DECkeysym.h
  10. include/X11/HPkeysym.h
  11. include/X11/Sunkeysym.h
  12. include/X11/X.h
  13. include/X11/XF86keysym.h
  14. include/X11/XWDFile.h
  15. include/X11/Xalloca.h
  16. include/X11/Xarch.h
  17. include/X11/Xatom.h
  18. include/X11/Xdefs.h
  19. include/X11/Xfuncproto.h
  20. include/X11/Xfuncs.h
  21. include/X11/Xmd.h
  22. include/X11/Xos.h
  23. include/X11/Xos_r.h
  24. include/X11/Xosdefs.h
  25. include/X11/Xpoll.h
  26. include/X11/Xproto.h
  27. include/X11/Xprotostr.h
  28. include/X11/Xthreads.h
  29. include/X11/Xw32defs.h
  30. include/X11/Xwindows.h
  31. include/X11/Xwinsock.h
  32. include/X11/ap_keysym.h
  33. include/X11/dri/xf86dri.h
  34. include/X11/dri/xf86driproto.h
  35. include/X11/dri/xf86dristr.h
  36. include/X11/extensions/EVI.h
  37. include/X11/extensions/EVIproto.h
  38. include/X11/extensions/XI.h
  39. include/X11/extensions/XI2.h
  40. include/X11/extensions/XI2proto.h
  41. include/X11/extensions/XIproto.h
  42. include/X11/extensions/XKB.h
  43. include/X11/extensions/XKBproto.h
  44. include/X11/extensions/XKBsrv.h
  45. include/X11/extensions/XKBstr.h
  46. include/X11/extensions/XResproto.h
  47. include/X11/extensions/Xv.h
  48. include/X11/extensions/XvMC.h
  49. include/X11/extensions/XvMCproto.h
  50. include/X11/extensions/Xvproto.h
  51. include/X11/extensions/ag.h
  52. include/X11/extensions/agproto.h
  53. include/X11/extensions/applewmconst.h
  54. include/X11/extensions/applewmproto.h
  55. include/X11/extensions/bigreqsproto.h
  56. include/X11/extensions/bigreqstr.h
  57. include/X11/extensions/composite.h
  58. include/X11/extensions/compositeproto.h
  59. include/X11/extensions/cup.h
  60. include/X11/extensions/cupproto.h
  61. include/X11/extensions/damageproto.h
  62. include/X11/extensions/damagewire.h
  63. include/X11/extensions/dbe.h
  64. include/X11/extensions/dbeproto.h
  65. include/X11/extensions/dmx.h
  66. include/X11/extensions/dmxproto.h
  67. include/X11/extensions/dpmsconst.h
  68. include/X11/extensions/dpmsproto.h
  69. include/X11/extensions/dri2proto.h
  70. include/X11/extensions/dri2tokens.h
  71. include/X11/extensions/dri3proto.h
  72. include/X11/extensions/ge.h
  73. include/X11/extensions/geproto.h
  74. include/X11/extensions/lbx.h
  75. include/X11/extensions/lbxproto.h
  76. include/X11/extensions/mitmiscconst.h
  77. include/X11/extensions/mitmiscproto.h
  78. include/X11/extensions/multibufconst.h
  79. include/X11/extensions/multibufproto.h
  80. include/X11/extensions/panoramiXproto.h
  81. include/X11/extensions/presentproto.h
  82. include/X11/extensions/presenttokens.h
  83. include/X11/extensions/randr.h
  84. include/X11/extensions/randrproto.h
  85. include/X11/extensions/recordconst.h
  86. include/X11/extensions/recordproto.h
  87. include/X11/extensions/recordstr.h
  88. include/X11/extensions/render.h
  89. include/X11/extensions/renderproto.h
  90. include/X11/extensions/saver.h
  91. include/X11/extensions/saverproto.h
  92. include/X11/extensions/secur.h
  93. include/X11/extensions/securproto.h
  94. include/X11/extensions/shapeconst.h
  95. include/X11/extensions/shapeproto.h
  96. include/X11/extensions/shapestr.h
  97. include/X11/extensions/shm.h
  98. include/X11/extensions/shmproto.h
  99. include/X11/extensions/shmstr.h
  100. include/X11/extensions/syncconst.h
  101. include/X11/extensions/syncproto.h
  102. include/X11/extensions/syncstr.h
  103. include/X11/extensions/xcmiscproto.h
  104. include/X11/extensions/xcmiscstr.h
  105. include/X11/extensions/xf86bigfont.h
  106. include/X11/extensions/xf86bigfproto.h
  107. include/X11/extensions/xf86bigfstr.h
  108. include/X11/extensions/xf86dga.h
  109. include/X11/extensions/xf86dga1const.h
  110. include/X11/extensions/xf86dga1proto.h
  111. include/X11/extensions/xf86dga1str.h
  112. include/X11/extensions/xf86dgaconst.h
  113. include/X11/extensions/xf86dgaproto.h
  114. include/X11/extensions/xf86dgastr.h
  115. include/X11/extensions/xf86vm.h
  116. include/X11/extensions/xf86vmproto.h
  117. include/X11/extensions/xf86vmstr.h
  118. include/X11/extensions/xfixesproto.h
  119. include/X11/extensions/xfixeswire.h
  120. include/X11/extensions/xtestconst.h
  121. include/X11/extensions/xtestext1const.h
  122. include/X11/extensions/xtestext1proto.h
  123. include/X11/extensions/xtestproto.h
  124. include/X11/extensions/xwaylandproto.h
  125. include/X11/fonts/FS.h
  126. include/X11/fonts/FSproto.h
  127. include/X11/fonts/font.h
  128. include/X11/fonts/fontproto.h
  129. include/X11/fonts/fontstruct.h
  130. include/X11/fonts/fsmasks.h
  131. include/X11/keysym.h
  132. include/X11/keysymdef.h
  133. libdata/pkgconfig/applewmproto.pc
  134. libdata/pkgconfig/bigreqsproto.pc
  135. libdata/pkgconfig/compositeproto.pc
  136. libdata/pkgconfig/damageproto.pc
  137. libdata/pkgconfig/dmxproto.pc
  138. libdata/pkgconfig/dpmsproto.pc
  139. libdata/pkgconfig/dri2proto.pc
  140. libdata/pkgconfig/dri3proto.pc
  141. libdata/pkgconfig/fixesproto.pc
  142. libdata/pkgconfig/fontsproto.pc
  143. libdata/pkgconfig/glproto.pc
  144. libdata/pkgconfig/inputproto.pc
  145. libdata/pkgconfig/kbproto.pc
  146. libdata/pkgconfig/presentproto.pc
  147. libdata/pkgconfig/randrproto.pc
  148. libdata/pkgconfig/recordproto.pc
  149. libdata/pkgconfig/renderproto.pc
  150. libdata/pkgconfig/resourceproto.pc
  151. libdata/pkgconfig/scrnsaverproto.pc
  152. libdata/pkgconfig/videoproto.pc
  153. libdata/pkgconfig/xcmiscproto.pc
  154. libdata/pkgconfig/xextproto.pc
  155. libdata/pkgconfig/xf86bigfontproto.pc
  156. libdata/pkgconfig/xf86dgaproto.pc
  157. libdata/pkgconfig/xf86driproto.pc
  158. libdata/pkgconfig/xf86vidmodeproto.pc
  159. libdata/pkgconfig/xineramaproto.pc
  160. libdata/pkgconfig/xproto.pc
  161. libdata/pkgconfig/xwaylandproto.pc
  162. share/doc/xorgproto/compositeproto.txt
  163. share/doc/xorgproto/damageproto.txt
  164. share/doc/xorgproto/dri2proto.txt
  165. share/doc/xorgproto/dri3proto.txt
  166. share/doc/xorgproto/fixesproto.txt
  167. share/doc/xorgproto/presentproto.txt
  168. share/doc/xorgproto/randrproto.txt
  169. share/doc/xorgproto/renderproto.txt
  170. share/doc/xorgproto/resproto.txt
  171. share/doc/xorgproto/xv-protocol-v2.txt
  172. share/doc/xorgproto/xwaylandproto.txt
  173. @owner
  174. @group
  175. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • xorgproto>0:x11/xorgproto
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/x11/xorgproto/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install x11/xorgproto
  • pkg install xorgproto
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
PKGNAME: xorgproto
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1711437392 SHA256 (xorg/proto/xorgproto-2024.1.tar.xz) = 372225fd40815b8423547f5d890c5debc72e88b91088fbfb13158c20495ccb59 SIZE (xorg/proto/xorgproto-2024.1.tar.xz) = 760500

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. pkgconf>=1.3.0_1 : devel/pkgconf
  2. xorg-macros.pc : devel/xorg-macros
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. accessibility/gammy
  2. accessibility/qt5-speech
  3. archivers/ark
  4. astro/celestia
  5. astro/celestia-gtk
  6. astro/nightfall
  7. astro/opencpn
Expand this list (1468 items / 1461 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. astro/openuniverse
  3. astro/qmapshack
  4. audio/abgate-lv2
  5. audio/avldrums-lv2
  6. audio/bambootracker
  7. audio/bespokesynth
  8. audio/cardinal
  9. audio/carla
  10. audio/cava
  11. audio/csoundqt
  12. audio/din
  13. audio/dpf-plugins-lv2
  14. audio/dragonfly-reverb-lv2
  15. audio/drumkv1-lv2
  16. audio/drumstick
  17. audio/dsbmixer
  18. audio/faustlive
  19. audio/fmit
  20. audio/fogpad-lv2
  21. audio/fossmixer
  22. audio/furnace
  23. audio/gogglesmm
  24. audio/hpsjam
  25. audio/jacktrip
  26. audio/jamulus
  27. audio/komposter
  28. audio/lsp-plugins-lv2
  29. audio/midi-matrix-lv2
  30. audio/midipp
  31. audio/midivisualizer
  32. audio/mixxx
  33. audio/moony-lv2
  34. audio/muse-sequencer
  35. audio/musescore
  36. audio/odin2-synthesizer
  37. audio/padthv1-lv2
  38. audio/pc-mixer
  39. audio/pianobooster
  40. audio/plasma6-kpipewire
  41. audio/plasma6-plasma-pa
  42. audio/polyphone
  43. audio/psindustrializer
  44. audio/pulseaudio-qt
  45. audio/qaudiosonar
  46. audio/qjackctl
  47. audio/qmidictl
  48. audio/qmidinet
  49. audio/qsampler
  50. audio/qxgedit
  51. audio/rhythmbox
  52. audio/samplv1-lv2
  53. audio/sherlock-lv2
  54. audio/shuriken
  55. audio/sonic-visualiser
  56. audio/spectacle-lv2
  57. audio/spectmorph
  58. audio/ssr-lv2
  59. audio/stone-phaser-lv2
  60. audio/string-machine-lv2
  61. audio/synthv1-lv2
  62. audio/tiatracker
  63. audio/virtual_oss_ctl
  64. audio/vm-lv2
  65. audio/vmpk
  66. audio/wolf-shaper-lv2
  67. audio/x42-plugins-lv2
  68. audio/zam-plugins-lv2
  69. audio/zynaddsubfx
  70. benchmarks/unixbench
  71. biology/molden
  72. biology/sigviewer
  73. biology/ugene
  74. cad/PrusaSlicer
  75. cad/brlcad
  76. cad/calculix
  77. cad/camotics
  78. cad/freecad
  79. cad/gds3d
  80. cad/gmsh
  81. cad/kicad-devel
  82. cad/klayout
  83. cad/ldview
  84. cad/leocad
  85. cad/librecad
  86. cad/librepcb
  87. cad/librnd
  88. cad/magic
  89. cad/meshlab
  90. cad/netgen
  91. cad/opencascade
  92. cad/opencascade740
  93. cad/openctm
  94. cad/openscad
  95. cad/openscad-devel
  96. cad/openvsp
  97. cad/pcb
  98. cad/pdnmesh
  99. cad/py-gmsh
  100. cad/qcad
  101. cad/qelectrotech
  102. cad/qspeakers
  103. cad/qucs-s
  104. cad/repsnapper
  105. cad/solvespace
  106. cad/spice
  107. cad/sumo
  108. cad/veroroute
  109. cad/z88
  110. chinese/chinese-calendar
  111. chinese/librime
  112. comms/cubicsdr
  113. comms/gqrx
  114. comms/klog
  115. comms/qsstv
  116. comms/sdr++
  117. comms/sigdigger
  118. comms/suwidgets
  119. comms/wsjtx
  120. databases/grass7
  121. databases/grass8
  122. databases/kexi
  123. databases/pgmodeler
  124. databases/redisdesktopmanager
  125. databases/sqlitestudio
  126. deskutils/anydesk
  127. deskutils/cairo-dock
  128. deskutils/cairo-dock-plugins
  129. deskutils/calindori
  130. deskutils/fet
  131. deskutils/flameshot
  132. deskutils/i3lock
  133. deskutils/kchmviewer
  134. deskutils/kdeconnect-kde
  135. deskutils/kf6-kstatusnotifieritem
  136. deskutils/kmail-account-wizard
  137. deskutils/kodaskanna
  138. deskutils/kongress
  139. deskutils/korganizer
  140. deskutils/lumina-archiver
  141. deskutils/lumina-calculator
  142. deskutils/lumina-fileinfo
  143. deskutils/lumina-fm
  144. deskutils/lumina-mediaplayer
  145. deskutils/lumina-pdf
  146. deskutils/lumina-photo
  147. deskutils/lumina-screenshot
  148. deskutils/lumina-textedit
  149. deskutils/mybee-qt
  150. deskutils/plasma6-milou
  151. deskutils/plasma6-sddm-kcm
  152. deskutils/plasma6-xdg-desktop-portal-kde
  153. deskutils/qmediamanager
  154. deskutils/qownnotes
  155. deskutils/qtfeedback
  156. deskutils/recoll
  157. deskutils/subsurface
  158. deskutils/znotes
  159. devel/agar
  160. devel/allegro
  161. devel/allegro5
  162. devel/asfml
  163. devel/bullet
  164. devel/electron31
  165. devel/electron32
  166. devel/electron33
  167. devel/eql5
  168. devel/fifechan
  169. devel/gammaray
  170. devel/gitqlient
  171. devel/godot
  172. devel/godot-tools
  173. devel/godot35
  174. devel/godot35-tools
  175. devel/guichan
  176. devel/gwenhywfar-qt5
  177. devel/imake
  178. devel/juce
  179. devel/juce706
  180. devel/kde-dev-utils
  181. devel/kf6-kbookmarks
  182. devel/kf6-kcmutils
  183. devel/kf6-kconfig
  184. devel/kf6-kcrash
  185. devel/kf6-kdbusaddons
  186. devel/kf6-kdeclarative
  187. devel/kf6-kfilemetadata
  188. devel/kf6-kidletime
  189. devel/kf6-kio
  190. devel/kf6-knewstuff
  191. devel/kf6-knotifications
  192. devel/kf6-knotifyconfig
  193. devel/kf6-kparts
  194. devel/kf6-kpeople
  195. devel/kf6-ktexteditor
  196. devel/kf6-solid
  197. devel/kyra
  198. devel/liteide
  199. devel/lndir
  200. devel/love
  201. devel/love07
  202. devel/love08
  203. devel/love10
  204. devel/love5
  205. devel/makedepend
  206. devel/nextpnr
  207. devel/nodeeditor
  208. devel/p5-SDL
  209. devel/plasma6-kwrited
  210. devel/plasma6-plasma-sdk
  211. devel/plasma6-plasma5support
  212. devel/py-bullet3
  213. devel/py-qt5-pyqt
  214. devel/py-qt5-qscintilla2
  215. devel/py-qt6-qscintilla2
  216. devel/pyotherside-qt5
  217. devel/pyside2
  218. devel/pyside2-tools
  219. devel/qscintilla2
  220. devel/qscintilla2-designerplugin
  221. devel/qt5-remoteobjects
  222. devel/qtcreator
  223. devel/raylib
  224. devel/root
  225. devel/sasm
  226. devel/sdl12
  227. devel/seer-gdb
  228. devel/sfml
  229. devel/sfml1
  230. devel/shadered
  231. devel/simavr
  232. devel/simgear
  233. editors/calligra
  234. editors/diamond
  235. editors/encryptpad
  236. editors/featherpad
  237. editors/imhex
  238. editors/libreoffice
  239. editors/notepadnext
  240. editors/notepadnext-devel
  241. editors/openoffice-4
  242. editors/openoffice-devel
  243. editors/tea
  244. editors/texmaker
  245. editors/texstudio
  246. editors/texworks
  247. editors/vscode
  248. emulators/aranym
  249. emulators/cannonball
  250. emulators/cemu
  251. emulators/dgen-sdl
  252. emulators/dolphin-emu
  253. emulators/dosbox-staging
  254. emulators/dosbox-x
  255. emulators/emu64
  256. emulators/emulationstation
  257. emulators/fbneo
  258. emulators/fceux
  259. emulators/flexemu
  260. emulators/fs-uae
  261. emulators/gens
  262. emulators/higan
  263. emulators/libretro-flycast
  264. emulators/libretro-kronos
  265. emulators/libretro-mame
  266. emulators/libretro-reicast
  267. emulators/magia
  268. emulators/mame
  269. emulators/mgba
  270. emulators/mupen64plus-audio-sdl
  271. emulators/mupen64plus-core
  272. emulators/mupen64plus-input-sdl
  273. emulators/mupen64plus-qt
  274. emulators/mupen64plus-rsp-hle
  275. emulators/mupen64plus-ui-console
  276. emulators/mupen64plus-video-arachnoid
  277. emulators/mupen64plus-video-glide64
  278. emulators/mupen64plus-video-glide64mk2
  279. emulators/mupen64plus-video-rice
  280. emulators/mupen64plus-video-z64
  281. emulators/nestopia
  282. emulators/open-vm-tools
  283. emulators/openmsx
  284. emulators/pcem
  285. emulators/qemu
  286. emulators/qemu8
  287. emulators/qmc2
  288. emulators/reicast
  289. emulators/rpcs3
  290. emulators/sameboy
  291. emulators/stonx
  292. emulators/tic-80
  293. emulators/ukncbtl
  294. emulators/vice
  295. emulators/virtualbox-ose
  296. emulators/virtualbox-ose-70
  297. emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions
  298. emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions-legacy
  299. emulators/virtualbox-ose-legacy
  300. emulators/visualboyadvance-m
  301. emulators/vt100
  302. emulators/wine
  303. emulators/wine-devel
  304. emulators/wine-proton
  305. filesystems/dsbmc
  306. finance/qtbitcointrader
  307. finance/quba-viewer
  308. games/Bugdom
  309. games/Bugdom2
  310. games/DDNet
  311. games/LibreMines
  312. games/NBlood
  313. games/OpenLara
  314. games/abuse_sdl
  315. games/alephone
  316. games/alienarena
  317. games/amnesia-tdd
  318. games/apoolGL
  319. games/armagetronad
  320. games/assaultcube
  321. games/astromenace
  322. games/asylum
  323. games/atr3d
  324. games/auralquiz
  325. games/avoision
  326. games/avp
  327. games/barony
  328. games/battalion
  329. games/billardgl
  330. games/blackshadeselite
  331. games/blobby
  332. games/blockout
  333. games/blokish
  334. games/bloodfrontier
  335. games/brainparty
  336. games/briquolo
  337. games/brutalchess
  338. games/burrtools
  339. games/bzflag
  340. games/caph
  341. games/cave9
  342. games/cdogs-sdl
  343. games/chessx
  344. games/chromium-bsu
  345. games/chromono
  346. games/colobot
  347. games/colorcode
  348. games/connectfive
  349. games/construo
  350. games/craft
  351. games/crashtest
  352. games/cretan-hubris
  353. games/criticalmass
  354. games/crrcsim
  355. games/csmash
  356. games/cube
  357. games/darkplaces
  358. games/diaspora
  359. games/doom
  360. games/doomlegacy
  361. games/doomsday
  362. games/dreamchess
  363. games/duel
  364. games/dustrac
  365. games/dxx-rebirth
  366. games/eduke32
  367. games/egl
  368. games/egoboo
  369. games/el
  370. games/endless-sky
  371. games/etlegacy
  372. games/etracer
  373. games/eureka
  374. games/excido
  375. games/ezquake
  376. games/f1spirit-remake
  377. games/fbg2
  378. games/fishsupper
  379. games/fkiss
  380. games/flightgear
  381. games/foobillard
  382. games/freedroidrpg
  383. games/freeminer
  384. games/freeorion
  385. games/freetennis
  386. games/frogatto
  387. games/gcompris-qt
  388. games/gillo
  389. games/glaxium
  390. games/glest
  391. games/glmaze
  392. games/glob2
  393. games/gltron
  394. games/gnome-chess
  395. games/gnome-nibbles
  396. games/gnubg
  397. games/gnubik
  398. games/gnujump
  399. games/golly
  400. games/goonies
  401. games/gracer
  402. games/hedgewars
  403. games/hexalate
  404. games/holotz-castle
  405. games/hyperrogue
  406. games/ioquake3
  407. games/iortcw
  408. games/iqpuzzle
  409. games/irrlamb
  410. games/jaggedalliance2
  411. games/jfsw
  412. games/jigzo
  413. games/joequake
  414. games/jvgs
  415. games/keeperrl
  416. games/kobodeluxe
  417. games/ksudoku
  418. games/kubrick
  419. games/lander
  420. games/legesmotus
  421. games/libretro-beetle_psx
  422. games/libretro-boom3
  423. games/libretro-desmume
  424. games/libretro-parallel_n64
  425. games/libretro-pcsx_rearmed
  426. games/libretro-play
  427. games/libretro-puae
  428. games/libretro-tyrquake
  429. games/libretro-vecx
  430. games/lightsoff
  431. games/lincity-ng
  432. games/linwarrior
  433. games/luanti
  434. games/lugaru
  435. games/lwjgl3
  436. games/marblemarcher
  437. games/megaglest
  438. games/megamario
  439. games/memonix
  440. games/motogt
  441. games/naev
  442. games/nehquake
  443. games/netherearth
  444. games/netradiant
  445. games/neverball
  446. games/nimuh
  447. games/oolite
  448. games/openage
  449. games/openarena
  450. games/opencity
  451. games/openclonk
  452. games/openenroth
  453. games/openjk
  454. games/openmw
  455. games/openrct2
  456. games/openspades
  457. games/openxcom
  458. games/osgg
  459. games/palomino
  460. games/peg-e
  461. games/phlipple
  462. games/pinball
  463. games/pingus
  464. games/pink-pony
  465. games/pioneer
  466. games/pokerth
  467. games/prboom-plus
  468. games/py-fife
  469. games/q2p
  470. games/q2pro
  471. games/q3cellshading
  472. games/quadrapassel
  473. games/quake2lnx
  474. games/quake2max
  475. games/quakeforge
  476. games/qudos
  477. games/r1q2
  478. games/rawgl
  479. games/re3
  480. games/redeclipse
  481. games/redeclipse16
  482. games/regoth
  483. games/retroarch
  484. games/rlvm
  485. games/sauerbraten
  486. games/scourge
  487. games/scummvm
  488. games/sdb
  489. games/sdl-ball
  490. games/sea-defender
  491. games/searchandrescue
  492. games/shockolate
  493. games/shootingstar
  494. games/simplevaders
  495. games/simsu
  496. games/slade
  497. games/solarconquest
  498. games/solarus
  499. games/steelstorm
  500. games/stormbaancoureur
  501. games/supertux
  502. games/supertux2
  503. games/supertuxkart
  504. games/teeworlds
  505. games/tenebrae
  506. games/tesseract
  507. games/thegrind
  508. games/tomatoes
  509. games/tome4
  510. games/tome4-beta
  511. games/torcs
  512. games/toycars
  513. games/trackballs
  514. games/tremulous
  515. games/trenchbroom
  516. games/trigger-rally
  517. games/tuxkart
  518. games/tuxracer
  519. games/ufoai
  520. games/uhexen2
  521. games/ultimatestunts
  522. games/valyriatear
  523. games/vavoom
  524. games/violetland
  525. games/warzone2100
  526. games/widelands
  527. games/wizznic
  528. games/worldofpadman
  529. games/wyrmgus
  530. games/xjig
  531. games/xmoto
  532. games/xorgramana
  533. games/xtrojka
  534. games/yquake2
  535. games/zaz
  536. german/tipp10
  537. graphics/Coin
  538. graphics/alizams
  539. graphics/anttweakbar
  540. graphics/appleseed
  541. graphics/bgfx
  542. graphics/bonzomatic
  543. graphics/cairo
  544. graphics/cegui
  545. graphics/cloudcompare
  546. graphics/colmap
  547. graphics/converseen
  548. graphics/cxxplot
  549. graphics/darktable
  550. graphics/diffpdf
  551. graphics/digikam
  552. graphics/dilay
  553. graphics/diplib
  554. graphics/djview4
  555. graphics/embree
  556. graphics/engauge-digitizer
  557. graphics/evolvotron
  558. graphics/f3d
  559. graphics/fracplanet
  560. graphics/fractgen
  561. graphics/fraqtive
  562. graphics/freeglut
  563. graphics/freetype-gl
  564. graphics/ftgl
  565. graphics/fv
  566. graphics/gauche-gl
  567. graphics/geomorph
  568. graphics/geomview
  569. graphics/glaxnimate
  570. graphics/glbinding
  571. graphics/glee
  572. graphics/glew
  573. graphics/glfw2
  574. graphics/gliv
  575. graphics/glosm
  576. graphics/glpng
  577. graphics/glvis
  578. graphics/glx-utils
  579. graphics/gource
  580. graphics/goxel
  581. graphics/gpxsee
  582. graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-gl
  583. graphics/hugin
  584. graphics/imv
  585. graphics/instant-meshes
  586. graphics/jogl
  587. graphics/katarakt
  588. graphics/kf6-kimageformats
  589. graphics/kf6-kplotting
  590. graphics/kf6-kquickcharts
  591. graphics/kf6-ksvg
  592. graphics/kf6-prison
  593. graphics/klatexformula
  594. graphics/kludge3d
  595. graphics/knotter
  596. graphics/kphotoalbum
  597. graphics/kquickimageeditor
  598. graphics/lib3ds
  599. graphics/libQGLViewer
  600. graphics/libcaca
  601. graphics/libepoxy
  602. graphics/libgltext
  603. graphics/libglvnd
  604. graphics/libosmesa
  605. graphics/libprojectm
  606. graphics/libvisual04-plugins
  607. graphics/lux
  608. graphics/magnum-extras
  609. graphics/maim
  610. graphics/mesa-demos
  611. graphics/mesa-devel
  612. graphics/mesa-dri
  613. graphics/mesa-gallium-va
  614. graphics/mesa-gallium-vdpau
  615. graphics/mesa-gallium-xa
  616. graphics/mesa-libs
  617. graphics/milton
  618. graphics/mupdf
  619. graphics/ocaml-lablgl
  620. graphics/ogre3d
  621. graphics/ogre3d19
  622. graphics/open3d
  623. graphics/opencolorio-tools
  624. graphics/opencsg
  625. graphics/opendx
  626. graphics/openfx-arena
  627. graphics/openfx-misc
  628. graphics/openrm
  629. graphics/openvkl
  630. graphics/osg
  631. graphics/osg34
  632. graphics/osgearth
  633. graphics/ospray
  634. graphics/ospray-studio
  635. graphics/oyranos
  636. graphics/panoglview
  637. graphics/partio
  638. graphics/pcl-pointclouds
  639. graphics/pencil2d
  640. graphics/peruse
  641. graphics/pgplot
  642. graphics/photoflare
  643. graphics/piglit
  644. graphics/pinpoint
  645. graphics/pixie
  646. graphics/poppler-qt6
  647. graphics/py-pyglet
  648. graphics/py-pyglet1
  649. graphics/py-python-poppler-qt5
  650. graphics/py-qt5-3d
  651. graphics/py-visvis
  652. graphics/qgis
  653. graphics/qgis-ltr
  654. graphics/qt5-opengl
  655. graphics/qt5-wayland
  656. graphics/qtpbfimageplugin
  657. graphics/quat-gui
  658. graphics/quesoglc
  659. graphics/qvge
  660. graphics/radius-engine
  661. graphics/recastnavigation
  662. graphics/sdl2_gpu
  663. graphics/sdl_ttf
  664. graphics/seexpr
  665. graphics/seom
  666. graphics/sharpconstruct
  667. graphics/simpleviewer
  668. graphics/tiled
  669. graphics/togl
  670. graphics/urho3d
  671. graphics/vpaint
  672. graphics/waffle
  673. graphics/wings
  674. graphics/xaos
  675. graphics/yukon
  676. java/eclipse
  677. java/java3d
  678. java/openjfx14
  679. lang/basic256
  680. lang/eisl
  681. lang/erlang-wx
  682. lang/kf5-kross
  683. lang/smalltalk
  684. lang/squeak
  685. mail/thunderbird
  686. math/alberta
  687. math/analitza
  688. math/asymptote
  689. math/curv
  690. math/freefem++
  691. math/g2o
  692. math/geogram
  693. math/giacxcas
  694. math/kalgebra
  695. math/mathgl
  696. math/mathmod
  697. math/minizinc-ide
  698. math/octave
  699. math/octomap
  700. math/openmesh
  701. math/poly2tri
  702. math/qwtplot3d
  703. math/reduce
  704. math/scilab
  705. math/the-algorithms-c++
  706. math/ump
  707. math/vtk8
  708. math/vtk9
  709. math/zegrapher
  710. misc/actiona
  711. misc/copperspice-examples
  712. misc/crosti
  713. misc/dartsim
  714. misc/ecflow
  715. misc/edfbrowser
  716. misc/kf6-purpose
  717. misc/openhantek
  718. misc/openvdb
  719. misc/qbrew
  720. misc/qlcplus
  721. misc/qt5ct
  722. misc/qt6ct
  723. misc/tellico
  724. misc/valentina
  725. misc/visp
  726. misc/wmtunlo
  727. multimedia/arcan
  728. multimedia/avidemux
  729. multimedia/avidemux-cli
  730. multimedia/avidemux-plugins
  731. multimedia/avidemux-qt5
  732. multimedia/bino
  733. multimedia/clutter-gst
  734. multimedia/clutter-gst3
  735. multimedia/dvbcut
  736. multimedia/ffaudioconverter
  737. multimedia/gstreamer1-vaapi
  738. multimedia/kamoso
  739. multimedia/kdenlive
  740. multimedia/kodi
  741. multimedia/kodi-addon-screensaver.biogenesis
  742. multimedia/kodi-addon-screensaver.matrixtrails
  743. multimedia/kodi-addon-screensaver.stars
  744. multimedia/kodi-addon-visualization.fishbmc
  745. multimedia/kodi-addon-visualization.projectm
  746. multimedia/kodi-addon-visualization.shadertoy
  747. multimedia/kodi-addon-visualization.spectrum
  748. multimedia/libva
  749. multimedia/libva-vdpau-driver
  750. multimedia/libvdpau
  751. multimedia/libvdpau-va-gl
  752. multimedia/libxine
  753. multimedia/lives
  754. multimedia/minitube
  755. multimedia/mkvtoolnix
  756. multimedia/mplayer
  757. multimedia/mpv
  758. multimedia/mpvqt
  759. multimedia/musique
  760. multimedia/mythtv
  761. multimedia/nymphcast
  762. multimedia/obs-streamfx
  763. multimedia/obs-studio
  764. multimedia/olive
  765. multimedia/opentoonz
  766. multimedia/ossia-score
  767. multimedia/qpwgraph
  768. multimedia/qt5-multimedia
  769. multimedia/shotcut
  770. multimedia/smplayer
  771. multimedia/totem
  772. multimedia/vlc
  773. multimedia/webcamoid
  774. net/freerdp
  775. net/freerdp3
  776. net/kf6-kcalendarcore
  777. net/kf6-kcontacts
  778. net/kf6-kdav
  779. net/landrop
  780. net/mediastreamer
  781. net/rsplib
  782. net/spoofer
  783. net/tigervnc-server
  784. net/wpa_supplicant_gui
  785. net/x11vnc
  786. net/x2goclient
  787. net-im/chatterino2
  788. net-im/cutegram
  789. net-im/kaidan
  790. net-im/ricochet
  791. net-im/signal-desktop
  792. net-im/spectral
  793. net-im/telegram-desktop
  794. net-im/tg_owt
  795. net-mgmt/virt-viewer
  796. net-p2p/qbittorrent
  797. net-p2p/retroshare
  798. polish/qnapi
  799. ports-mgmt/portrac
  800. print/gl2ps
  801. print/limereport
  802. print/miktex
  803. print/posterazor
  804. print/scribus-devel
  805. print/sioyek
  806. science/afni
  807. science/avogadro2
  808. science/avogadrolibs
  809. science/cgnslib
  810. science/chrono
  811. science/drawxtl
  812. science/elmerfem
  813. science/gabedit
  814. science/gchemutils
  815. science/geant4
  816. science/ghemical
  817. science/iboview
  818. science/kalzium
  819. science/libghemical
  820. science/liboglappth
  821. science/liggghts
  822. science/luscus
  823. science/medit
  824. science/molscript
  825. science/multiwfn
  826. science/openmodelica
  827. science/opensim-core
  828. science/paraview
  829. science/py-pymol
  830. science/scidavis
  831. science/shelxle
  832. science/simbody
  833. science/smoldyn
  834. science/v_sim
  835. science/vipster
  836. science/vmd
  837. science/wxmacmolplt
  838. science/xcrysden
  839. science/xdrawchem
  840. security/picocrypt
  841. security/plasma6-kscreenlocker
  842. security/plasma6-ksshaskpass
  843. security/yubikey-manager-qt
  844. security/yubioath-desktop
  845. sysutils/UEFITool
  846. sysutils/accounts-qml-module
  847. sysutils/cinnamon-control-center
  848. sysutils/daggy
  849. sysutils/dsbbatmon
  850. sysutils/dsblogoutmgr
  851. sysutils/dsbsu
  852. sysutils/kf6-baloo
  853. sysutils/kf6-kuserfeedback
  854. sysutils/kf6-kwallet
  855. sysutils/kshutdown
  856. sysutils/logstalgia
  857. sysutils/luckybackup
  858. sysutils/mate-power-manager
  859. sysutils/pc-networkmanager
  860. sysutils/plasma6-discover
  861. sysutils/plasma6-drkonqi
  862. sysutils/plasma6-kde-cli-tools
  863. sysutils/plasma6-kinfocenter
  864. sysutils/plasma6-kmenuedit
  865. sysutils/plasma6-ksystemstats
  866. sysutils/plasma6-libksysguard
  867. sysutils/plasma6-plasma-disks
  868. sysutils/plasma6-plasma-systemmonitor
  869. sysutils/plasma6-polkit-kde-agent-1
  870. sysutils/plasma6-powerdevil
  871. sysutils/plasma6-systemsettings
  872. sysutils/qdirstat
  873. sysutils/qflipper
  874. sysutils/qtpass
  875. sysutils/signon-ui
  876. sysutils/signond
  877. sysutils/tarsnap-gui
  878. sysutils/trueos-libqt5
  879. sysutils/xfce4-settings
  880. textproc/kdiff3
  881. textproc/kf6-sonnet
  882. textproc/kf6-syntax-highlighting
  883. textproc/pageedit
  884. textproc/scim-kmfl-imengine
  885. textproc/uim-qt5
  886. textproc/uim-qt6
  887. www/chromium
  888. www/firefox
  889. www/firefox-esr
  890. www/gtkhtml4
  891. www/iridium
  892. www/kf5-kjsembed
  893. www/librewolf
  894. www/links
  895. www/plasma6-plasma-browser-integration
  896. www/py-qt5-webengine
  897. www/qt5-webengine
  898. www/qt5-webglplugin
  899. www/qt5-webview
  900. www/tor-browser
  901. www/ungoogled-chromium
  902. www/waterfox
  903. www/webkit2-gtk
  904. x11/3ddesktop
  905. x11/albert
  906. x11/aminal
  907. x11/bitmap
  908. x11/cinnamon
  909. x11/cinnamon-session
  910. x11/cool-retro-term
  911. x11/darktile
  912. x11/dsbautostart
  913. x11/erun
  914. x11/fireflies
  915. x11/gdm
  916. x11/glcapsviewer
  917. x11/gnome-session
  918. x11/i3lock-color
  919. x11/iceauth
  920. x11/kf5-plasma-framework
  921. x11/kf6-frameworkintegration
  922. x11/kf6-kded
  923. x11/kf6-kglobalaccel
  924. x11/kf6-krunner
  925. x11/kf6-kwindowsystem
  926. x11/kitty
  927. x11/libICE
  928. x11/libSM
  929. x11/libX11
  930. x11/libXScrnSaver
  931. x11/libXau
  932. x11/libXcomposite
  933. x11/libXcursor
  934. x11/libXdamage
  935. x11/libXdmcp
  936. x11/libXext
  937. x11/libXfixes
  938. x11/libXi
  939. x11/libXinerama
  940. x11/libXpm
  941. x11/libXpresent
  942. x11/libXrandr
  943. x11/libXrender
  944. x11/libXres
  945. x11/libXtst
  946. x11/libXv
  947. x11/libXvMC
  948. x11/libXxf86dga
  949. x11/libXxf86vm
  950. x11/libxkbfile
  951. x11/libxshmfence
  952. x11/listres
  953. x11/lsw
  954. x11/lumina-core
  955. x11/mate-screensaver
  956. x11/metalock
  957. x11/nvidia-settings
  958. x11/nxcomp
  959. x11/openrgb
  960. x11/oscar
  961. x11/p5-X11-XCB
  962. x11/p5-X11-Xlib
  963. x11/pcdm
  964. x11/plasma6-kactivitymanagerd
  965. x11/plasma6-kgamma
  966. x11/plasma6-kglobalacceld
  967. x11/plasma6-kscreen
  968. x11/plasma6-kwayland
  969. x11/plasma6-layer-shell-qt
  970. x11/plasma6-libkscreen
  971. x11/plasma6-libplasma
  972. x11/plasma6-plasma-activities
  973. x11/plasma6-plasma-desktop
  974. x11/plasma6-plasma-integration
  975. x11/plasma6-plasma-workspace
  976. x11/rgb
  977. x11/sddm
  978. x11/slock
  979. x11/slop
  980. x11/sxpc
  981. x11/tabbed
  982. x11/thingylaunch
  983. x11/virtualgl
  984. x11/workrave
  985. x11/wscreensaver
  986. x11/x3270
  987. x11/xcursorgen
  988. x11/xdpyinfo
  989. x11/xdriinfo
  990. x11/xfce4-clipman-plugin
  991. x11/xfce4-screensaver
  992. x11/xinput
  993. x11/xkbutils
  994. x11/xlockmore
  995. x11/xrestop
  996. x11/xscope
  997. x11/xscreensaver
  998. x11/xsnow
  999. x11/xwininfo
  1000. x11/xwinwrap
  1001. x11-clocks/glclock
  1002. x11-clocks/xdaliclock
  1003. x11-drivers/xf86-input-egalax
  1004. x11-drivers/xf86-input-elographics
  1005. x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev
  1006. x11-drivers/xf86-input-joystick
  1007. x11-drivers/xf86-input-keyboard
  1008. x11-drivers/xf86-input-libinput
  1009. x11-drivers/xf86-input-mouse
  1010. x11-drivers/xf86-input-synaptics
  1011. x11-drivers/xf86-input-vmmouse
  1012. x11-drivers/xf86-input-void
  1013. x11-drivers/xf86-input-wacom
  1014. x11-drivers/xf86-video-amdgpu
  1015. x11-drivers/xf86-video-ast
  1016. x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati
  1017. x11-drivers/xf86-video-dummy
  1018. x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel
  1019. x11-drivers/xf86-video-mga
  1020. x11-drivers/xf86-video-nv
  1021. x11-drivers/xf86-video-qxl
  1022. x11-drivers/xf86-video-scfb
  1023. x11-drivers/xf86-video-vesa
  1024. x11-drivers/xf86-video-vmware
  1025. x11-drivers/xorgxrdp
  1026. x11-drivers/xorgxrdp-devel
  1027. x11-fm/fsv2
  1028. x11-fm/qtfm
  1029. x11-fm/rox-filer
  1030. x11-fonts/bdftopcf
  1031. x11-fonts/fonttosfnt
  1032. x11-fonts/libFS
  1033. x11-fonts/libXfont
  1034. x11-fonts/libXfont2
  1035. x11-fonts/libXft
  1036. x11-fonts/libfontenc
  1037. x11-fonts/mkfontscale
  1038. x11-fonts/showfont
  1039. x11-fonts/xfs
  1040. x11-servers/Xfstt
  1041. x11-servers/xarcan
  1042. x11-servers/xorg-server
  1043. x11-servers/xwayland
  1044. x11-themes/kf6-kcolorscheme
  1045. x11-themes/kf6-kiconthemes
  1046. x11-themes/kf6-qqc2-desktop-style
  1047. x11-themes/plasma6-breeze
  1048. x11-themes/plasma6-kde-gtk-config
  1049. x11-themes/plasma6-oxygen
  1050. x11-themes/plasma6-qqc2-breeze-style
  1051. x11-themes/qgnomeplatform
  1052. x11-themes/qt5-style-plugins
  1053. x11-toolkits/SoXt
  1054. x11-toolkits/copperspice
  1055. x11-toolkits/fltk
  1056. x11-toolkits/fox16
  1057. x11-toolkits/fox17
  1058. x11-toolkits/gnustep-back
  1059. x11-toolkits/gtkglarea2
  1060. x11-toolkits/gtkglext
  1061. x11-toolkits/imgui
  1062. x11-toolkits/irrlicht
  1063. x11-toolkits/kf6-kcompletion
  1064. x11-toolkits/kf6-kconfigwidgets
  1065. x11-toolkits/kf6-kguiaddons
  1066. x11-toolkits/kf6-kirigami
  1067. x11-toolkits/kf6-kitemviews
  1068. x11-toolkits/kf6-kjobwidgets
  1069. x11-toolkits/kf6-ktextwidgets
  1070. x11-toolkits/kf6-kwidgetsaddons
  1071. x11-toolkits/kf6-kxmlgui
  1072. x11-toolkits/kirigami-addons-qt6
  1073. x11-toolkits/lesstif
  1074. x11-toolkits/libXaw
  1075. x11-toolkits/libXmu
  1076. x11-toolkits/libXt
  1077. x11-toolkits/mygui-opengl
  1078. x11-toolkits/nanogui
  1079. x11-toolkits/ocaml-graphics
  1080. x11-toolkits/otk
  1081. x11-toolkits/pangolin
  1082. x11-toolkits/plasma6-kdeplasma-addons
  1083. x11-toolkits/plib
  1084. x11-toolkits/py-kivy
  1085. x11-toolkits/py-qt5-charts
  1086. x11-toolkits/py-qt5-datavis3d
  1087. x11-toolkits/py-wxPython4
  1088. x11-toolkits/pythonqt
  1089. x11-toolkits/qhotkey
  1090. x11-toolkits/qml-box2d
  1091. x11-toolkits/qt5-declarative
  1092. x11-toolkits/qt5-declarative-test
  1093. x11-toolkits/qt5-gui
  1094. x11-toolkits/qwt6
  1095. x11-toolkits/soqt
  1096. x11-toolkits/swt
  1097. x11-toolkits/wxgtk30
  1098. x11-toolkits/wxgtk32
  1099. x11-toolkits/xforms
  1100. x11-wm/awesome
  1101. x11-wm/compiz
  1102. x11-wm/compiz-plugins-extra
  1103. x11-wm/compiz-plugins-main
  1104. x11-wm/compiz-plugins-unsupported
  1105. x11-wm/compton
  1106. x11-wm/e16
  1107. x11-wm/emerald
  1108. x11-wm/fluxbox
  1109. x11-wm/fluxter
  1110. x11-wm/lxqt-wayland-session
  1111. x11-wm/muffin
  1112. x11-wm/plasma6-kdecoration
  1113. x11-wm/plasma6-kwin
  1114. x11-wm/transset
  1115. x11-wm/wmanager
  1116. x11-wm/wmii
  1117. x11-wm/wmname
  1118. x11-wm/xfce4-wm
  1119. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 344 deleted ports
  1. archivers/ark-devel*
  2. astro/celestia-gnome*
  3. astro/qlandkartegt*
  4. audio/amarok-kde4*
  5. audio/clementine-player*
  6. audio/mixxx20*
  7. audio/mixxx21*
  8. audio/mixxx22*
  9. audio/nekobi-lv2*
  10. audio/plasma5-kpipewire*
  11. cad/gmsh-occ*
  12. cad/linuxcnc-devel*
  13. cad/py-ocp*
  14. cad/varkon*
  15. comms/py-qt5-sensors*
  16. comms/py-qt5-serialport*
  17. databases/compass*
  18. databases/py-qt5-sql*
  19. deskutils/plasma5-xdg-desktop-portal-kde*
  20. devel/allegro-devel*
  21. devel/clanlib*
  22. devel/clanlib1*
  23. devel/datovka*
  24. devel/directfb*
  25. devel/dolphin-plugins-devel*
  26. devel/electron11*
  27. devel/electron12*
  28. devel/electron13*
  29. devel/electron17*
  30. devel/electron18*
  31. devel/electron19*
  32. devel/electron21*
  33. devel/electron22*
  34. devel/electron23*
  35. devel/electron24*
  36. devel/electron25*
  37. devel/electron26*
  38. devel/electron27*
  39. devel/electron28*
  40. devel/electron29*
  41. devel/electron30*
  42. devel/electron4*
  43. devel/electron5*
  44. devel/electron6*
  45. devel/electron7*
  46. devel/electron9*
  47. devel/erlang-esdl*
  48. devel/geany-plugin-multiterm*
  49. devel/godot2*
  50. devel/godot2-tools*
  51. devel/py-qt5-designer*
  52. devel/py-qt5-designerplugin*
  53. devel/py-qt5-help*
  54. devel/py-qt5-location*
  55. devel/py-qt5-positioning*
  56. devel/py-qt5-remoteobjects*
  57. devel/py-qt5-test*
  58. devel/qbs*
  59. devel/qscintilla2-designerplugin-qt5*
  60. devel/qscintilla2-qt5*
  61. devel/qscintilla2-qt6*
  62. devel/rlvm*
  63. devel/sdl_gnat*
  64. devel/sfml251*
  65. editors/atom*
  66. editors/imhex-current*
  67. editors/kate-devel*
  68. editors/libreoffice6*
  69. editors/textroom*
  70. emulators/desmume*
  71. emulators/gngeo*
  72. emulators/mess*
  73. emulators/pcsxr*
  74. emulators/ppsspp-devel*
  75. emulators/ppsspp-qt5-devel*
  76. emulators/qemu-sbruno*
  77. emulators/qemu2*
  78. emulators/qemu30*
  79. emulators/qemu31*
  80. emulators/qemu40*
  81. emulators/qemu41*
  82. emulators/qemu42*
  83. emulators/qemu5*
  84. emulators/qemu50*
  85. emulators/qemu6*
  86. emulators/qemu7*
  87. emulators/qemu70*
  88. emulators/wine7*
  89. emulators/wine8*
  90. emulators/wxmupen64plus*
  91. emulators/yabause*
  92. games/OpenDiablo2*
  93. games/allacrost*
  94. games/armagetron*
  95. games/asteroid*
  96. games/bloboats*
  97. games/boswars*
  98. games/cleanq3*
  99. games/critterding*
  100. games/d2x-xl*
  101. games/dangerdeep*
  102. games/diameter*
  103. games/epiar*
  104. games/fishfight*
  105. games/fteqw*
  106. games/ggz-sdl-games*
  107. games/goldencheetah*
  108. games/iourbanterror*
  109. games/kiki*
  110. games/ksudoku-kde4*
  111. games/kubrick-kde4*
  112. games/libretro-fbalpha*
  113. games/libretro-paralleln64*
  114. games/libretro-uae*
  115. games/manaplus*
  116. games/marsnomercy*
  117. games/minetest*
  118. games/openalchemist*
  119. games/plutocracy*
  120. games/pouetchess*
  121. games/ppracer*
  122. games/prboom*
  123. games/quake3*
  124. games/residualvm*
  125. games/scorched3d*
  126. games/shaaft*
  127. games/spring*
  128. games/stonesoup-sdl*
  129. games/vegastrike*
  130. games/voxelands*
  131. games/warsow*
  132. games/xpilot-ng-client*
  133. games/xptools*
  134. graphics/autoq3d*
  135. graphics/ayam*
  136. graphics/blender-lts28*
  137. graphics/blender-lts29*
  138. graphics/bugle*
  139. graphics/clutter-gtk*
  140. graphics/copperspice*
  141. graphics/darktable38*
  142. graphics/darktable40*
  143. graphics/darktable42*
  144. graphics/djview4-qt4*
  145. graphics/electricsheep*
  146. graphics/gle-graphics*
  147. graphics/gltt*
  148. graphics/gsculpt*
  149. graphics/gstreamer-plugins-gl*
  150. graphics/gwenview-devel*
  151. graphics/inventor*
  152. graphics/kpovmodeler*
  153. graphics/kudu*
  154. graphics/libGLw*
  155. graphics/libgfx*
  156. graphics/libxatracker*
  157. graphics/llpp*
  158. graphics/luxrender*
  159. graphics/luxrender14*
  160. graphics/meshviewer*
  161. graphics/okular-devel*
  162. graphics/openfx-io*
  163. graphics/openscenegraph*
  164. graphics/osg-devel*
  165. graphics/pencil*
  166. graphics/py-qt5-svg*
  167. graphics/py-soya3d*
  168. graphics/qslim*
  169. graphics/qt4-opengl*
  170. graphics/radiance*
  171. graphics/sage*
  172. graphics/spectacle-devel*
  173. graphics/structuresynth*
  174. graphics/tiffgt*
  175. graphics/truevision*
  176. graphics/tulip*
  177. graphics/wdune*
  178. java/classpath*
  179. java/openjfx8-devel*
  180. lang/beignet*
  181. lang/modula3*
  182. lang/py-qt5-qml*
  183. math/PDL*
  184. math/analitza-kde4*
  185. math/kalgebra-kde4*
  186. math/mandelbulber2*
  187. math/qtiplot*
  188. math/qwtplot3d-qt4*
  189. math/vtk5*
  190. math/vtk6*
  191. math/xppaut*
  192. misc/opensubdiv*
  193. misc/orion*
  194. misc/survex*
  195. misc/zygrib*
  196. multimedia/2mandvd*
  197. multimedia/QtAV*
  198. multimedia/aegisub*
  199. multimedia/cinelerra-gg*
  200. multimedia/din*
  201. multimedia/f3d*
  202. multimedia/gmerlin*
  203. multimedia/gstreamer-plugins*
  204. multimedia/gstreamer1-qt*
  205. multimedia/kodi-devel*
  206. multimedia/libquicktime*
  207. multimedia/libva-glx*
  208. multimedia/mediadownloader*
  209. multimedia/mlt*
  210. multimedia/mlt6*
  211. multimedia/mpv034*
  212. multimedia/mythtv-frontend*
  213. multimedia/obs-scrab*
  214. multimedia/phonon-gstreamer*
  215. multimedia/py-qt5-multimedia*
  216. multimedia/py-qt5-multimediawidgets*
  217. multimedia/qmmp*
  218. multimedia/smtube*
  219. multimedia/vdr-plugin-softhddevice*
  220. multimedia/vdr-plugin-xineliboutput*
  221. multimedia/vlc-qt4*
  222. multimedia/vlc3*
  223. multimedia/xtheater*
  224. net/freerdp1*
  225. net/quiterss*
  226. net/tigervnc-devel*
  227. net-im/diligent*
  228. net-im/empathy*
  229. net-im/gitterdone*
  230. net-im/teamwords*
  231. net-im/webinar*
  232. print/py-qt5-printsupport*
  233. science/avogadro*
  234. science/coot*
  235. science/gwyddion*
  236. science/molden*
  237. science/openstructure*
  238. security/keepassx*
  239. security/keepassx-devel*
  240. security/keepassx2*
  241. shells/sparforte*
  242. sysutils/dsbmc*
  243. sysutils/signon-qt5*
  244. sysutils/sysadm-client*
  245. www/kristall*
  246. www/links-hacked*
  247. www/py-qt5-webkit*
  248. www/py-qt5-webkitwidgets*
  249. www/qupzilla-qt5*
  250. www/seamonkey*
  251. www/webkit-gtk2*
  252. www/webkit-gtk3*
  253. www/webkit2-gtk3*
  254. www/webkit2-gtk4*
  255. www/wt3*
  256. x11/gpctool*
  257. x11/i3lock*
  258. x11/kde-workspace-kde4*
  259. x11/konsole-devel*
  260. x11/libXTrap*
  261. x11/libXevie*
  262. x11/libXp*
  263. x11/libXprintAppUtil*
  264. x11/libXprintUtil*
  265. x11/libXxf86misc*
  266. x11/libdmx*
  267. x11/libxkbui*
  268. x11/mere-about*
  269. x11/plasma5-kwayland-integration*
  270. x11/plasma5-layer-shell-qt*
  271. x11/plasma5-plasma-workspace*
  272. x11/py-qt4-opengl*
  273. x11/py-qt5-opengl*
  274. x11/qt4-graphicssystems-opengl*
  275. x11/radare-cutter*
  276. x11/thinglaunch*
  277. x11/xfindproxy*
  278. x11/xfwp*
  279. x11/xrx*
  280. x11/xscreensaver-gnome*
  281. x11/xscreensaver-gnome-hacks*
  282. x11/xsel*
  283. x11-drivers/xf86-input-acecad*
  284. x11-drivers/xf86-input-fpit*
  285. x11-drivers/xf86-input-hyperpen*
  286. x11-drivers/xf86-input-mutouch*
  287. x11-drivers/xf86-input-penmount*
  288. x11-drivers/xf86-video-apm*
  289. x11-drivers/xf86-video-ark*
  290. x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati-legacy*
  291. x11-drivers/xf86-video-chips*
  292. x11-drivers/xf86-video-cirrus*
  293. x11-drivers/xf86-video-geode*
  294. x11-drivers/xf86-video-glint*
  295. x11-drivers/xf86-video-i128*
  296. x11-drivers/xf86-video-i740*
  297. x11-drivers/xf86-video-mach64*
  298. x11-drivers/xf86-video-neomagic*
  299. x11-drivers/xf86-video-openchrome*
  300. x11-drivers/xf86-video-r128*
  301. x11-drivers/xf86-video-rendition*
  302. x11-drivers/xf86-video-s3*
  303. x11-drivers/xf86-video-s3virge*
  304. x11-drivers/xf86-video-savage*
  305. x11-drivers/xf86-video-siliconmotion*
  306. x11-drivers/xf86-video-sis*
  307. x11-drivers/xf86-video-sunffb*
  308. x11-drivers/xf86-video-tdfx*
  309. x11-drivers/xf86-video-trident*
  310. x11-drivers/xf86-video-tseng*
  311. x11-drivers/xf86-video-voodoo*
  312. x11-fm/dolphin-devel*
  313. x11-fonts/libXfontcache*
  314. x11-servers/xephyr*
  315. x11-servers/xorg-dmx*
  316. x11-servers/xorg-nestserver*
  317. x11-servers/xorg-vfbserver*
  318. x11-servers/xwayland-devel*
  319. x11-toolkits/fltk-devel*
  320. x11-toolkits/fox14*
  321. x11-toolkits/gtk12*
  322. x11-toolkits/gtkada3*
  323. x11-toolkits/hs-OpenGLRaw*
  324. x11-toolkits/kirigami-addons-devel*
  325. x11-toolkits/nucleo*
  326. x11-toolkits/py-qt5-chart*
  327. x11-toolkits/py-qt5-gui*
  328. x11-toolkits/py-qt5-quick*
  329. x11-toolkits/py-qt5-quick3d*
  330. x11-toolkits/py-qt5-quickwidgets*
  331. x11-toolkits/py-qt5-widgets*
  332. x11-toolkits/py-wxPython40*
  333. x11-toolkits/qt4-gui*
  334. x11-toolkits/qt5-gtkplatform*
  335. x11-toolkits/qt5-quick*
  336. x11-toolkits/soqt-devel*
  337. x11-toolkits/swt-devel*
  338. x11-toolkits/v*
  339. x11-toolkits/wxgtk28*
  340. x11-toolkits/wxgtk28-common*
  341. x11-toolkits/wxgtk28-contrib*
  342. x11-toolkits/wxgtk28-contrib-common*
  343. x11-toolkits/wxgtk31*
  344. x11-wm/compton-yshui*
  345. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Run
  1. x11/libXdmcp

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 4 deleted ports
  1. devel/rlvm*
  2. games/ppracer*
  3. security/keepassx*
  4. x11/libXprintUtil*
  5. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
* - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...

Configuration Options:
===> The following configuration options are available for xorgproto-2024.1: DOCS=on: Build and/or install documentation ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
Options name:
tar:xz xorg-cat:proto xorg
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (9 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.

Number of commits found: 21

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
15 May 2024 22:28:52
commit hash: c3f142350f8f9f4a929023eca10055be1cd2cd08commit hash: c3f142350f8f9f4a929023eca10055be1cd2cd08commit hash: c3f142350f8f9f4a929023eca10055be1cd2cd08commit hash: c3f142350f8f9f4a929023eca10055be1cd2cd08 files touched by this commit
Jan Beich (jbeich) search for other commits by this committer
x11/xorgproto: update to 2024.1

PR:		278495
Approved by:	manu
27 Oct 2023 09:16:13
commit hash: 61e150dcde10eb9deb9d00614a416263160a35cacommit hash: 61e150dcde10eb9deb9d00614a416263160a35cacommit hash: 61e150dcde10eb9deb9d00614a416263160a35cacommit hash: 61e150dcde10eb9deb9d00614a416263160a35ca files touched by this commit
Emmanuel Vadot (manu) search for other commits by this committer
x11/xorgproto: Update to 2023.2

Sponsored by:	Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG
21 May 2023 09:12:30
commit hash: e5a0215417930a60ac8fbbc630fad6aa354446e5commit hash: e5a0215417930a60ac8fbbc630fad6aa354446e5commit hash: e5a0215417930a60ac8fbbc630fad6aa354446e5commit hash: e5a0215417930a60ac8fbbc630fad6aa354446e5 files touched by this commit
Dimitry Andric (dim) search for other commits by this committer
x11/xorgproto: ensure Xos.h does not define index() as a macro

During the exp-run for clang 16, it turned out that Xos.h defines
index() and rindex() as preprocessor macros, and this causes many
problems with libc++ headers [1]:

  /usr/include/c++/v1/variant:532:39: error: too few arguments provided to
function-like macro invocation
      return __at(__fmatrix, __vs.index()...)(
  /usr/local/include/X11/Xos.h:67:12: note: macro 'index' defined here
  #   define index(s,c) (strchr((s),(c)))
  /usr/include/c++/v1/variant:813:18: error: too few arguments provided to
function-like macro invocation
      return index() == variant_npos;
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
07 Sep 2022 21:58:51
commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Remove WWW entries moved into port Makefiles

Commit b7f05445c00f has added WWW entries to port Makefiles based on
WWW: lines in pkg-descr files.

This commit removes the WWW: lines of moved-over URLs from these
pkg-descr files.

Approved by:		portmgr (tcberner)
07 Sep 2022 21:10:59
commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Add WWW entries to port Makefiles

It has been common practice to have one or more URLs at the end of the
ports' pkg-descr files, one per line and prefixed with "WWW:". These
URLs should point at a project website or other relevant resources.

Access to these URLs required processing of the pkg-descr files, and
they have often become stale over time. If more than one such URL was
present in a pkg-descr file, only the first one was tarnsfered into
the port INDEX, but for many ports only the last line did contain the
port specific URL to further information.

There have been several proposals to make a project URL available as
a macro in the ports' Makefiles, over time.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
29 Jun 2022 08:35:39
commit hash: e1daf0fa25bebff1fc5056c0051668afd30a9c7dcommit hash: e1daf0fa25bebff1fc5056c0051668afd30a9c7dcommit hash: e1daf0fa25bebff1fc5056c0051668afd30a9c7dcommit hash: e1daf0fa25bebff1fc5056c0051668afd30a9c7d files touched by this commit
Baptiste Daroussin (bapt) search for other commits by this committer
x11/xorgproto: update to 2022.1
21 Nov 2021 18:25:11
commit hash: 0bae2dd0338e85c5afbaa1d5d77ec91572755cd6commit hash: 0bae2dd0338e85c5afbaa1d5d77ec91572755cd6commit hash: 0bae2dd0338e85c5afbaa1d5d77ec91572755cd6commit hash: 0bae2dd0338e85c5afbaa1d5d77ec91572755cd6 files touched by this commit
Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
x11/xorgproto: Add NO_ARCH

Approved by:	portmgr (blanket)
10 Nov 2021 08:09:24
commit hash: bea752c6b22e8a2ce98ebb75bc713ade67e545a7commit hash: bea752c6b22e8a2ce98ebb75bc713ade67e545a7commit hash: bea752c6b22e8a2ce98ebb75bc713ade67e545a7commit hash: bea752c6b22e8a2ce98ebb75bc713ade67e545a7 files touched by this commit
Daniel Engberg (diizzy) search for other commits by this committer
x11/xorgproto: Update to 2021.5

There's no changelog by upstream, commit log:

Exp-run by:	antoine
PR:		259600
Approved by:	arrowd (mentor), zeising (member of x11@)
Differential Revision:
29 Jun 2021 02:04:16
commit hash: de0f70ed2f4f87a3e464443703e060077d40a722commit hash: de0f70ed2f4f87a3e464443703e060077d40a722commit hash: de0f70ed2f4f87a3e464443703e060077d40a722commit hash: de0f70ed2f4f87a3e464443703e060077d40a722 files touched by this commit
Kevin Bowling (kbowling) search for other commits by this committer
Author: Samy Mahmoudi
x11/xorgproto: add LICENSE and clean up Makefile

PR:		230735
Approved by:	x11 (verbal)
18 May 2021 14:51:42
commit hash: dbc56c35a087a7cec3d6e8e9ea56845f26b208a6commit hash: dbc56c35a087a7cec3d6e8e9ea56845f26b208a6commit hash: dbc56c35a087a7cec3d6e8e9ea56845f26b208a6commit hash: dbc56c35a087a7cec3d6e8e9ea56845f26b208a6 files touched by this commit
Jan Beich (jbeich) search for other commits by this committer
x11/xorgproto: update to 2021.4

PR:		255771
Reported by:	portscout
Approved by:	zeising
Exp-run by:	antoine
Differential Revision:
07 Apr 2021 08:09:01
commit hash: cf118ccf875508b9a1c570044c93cfcc82bd455ccommit hash: cf118ccf875508b9a1c570044c93cfcc82bd455ccommit hash: cf118ccf875508b9a1c570044c93cfcc82bd455ccommit hash: cf118ccf875508b9a1c570044c93cfcc82bd455c files touched by this commit
Mathieu Arnold (mat) search for other commits by this committer
One more small cleanup, forgotten yesterday.
Reported by:	lwhsu
06 Apr 2021 14:31:07
commit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344eb files touched by this commit
Mathieu Arnold (mat) search for other commits by this committer
Remove # $FreeBSD$ from Makefiles.
28 May 2020 18:58:36
Revision:536782Original commit files touched by this commit
zeising search for other commits by this committer
x11/xorgproto: Improve description

Improve the package description and comment of x11/xorgproto, to try to be a
bit clearer about what this actually is.
Add WWW:, pointing to the gitlab repo.

No functional change to the package.
28 May 2020 08:43:30
Revision:536752Original commit files touched by this commit
danfe search for other commits by this committer
Sanitize COMMENT per Section 5.6 of the FreeBSD Porter's Handbook (part 6).
14 Apr 2020 19:27:26
Revision:531716Original commit files touched by this commit
zeising search for other commits by this committer
x11/xorgproto: Update to 2020.1

Update x11/xorgproto to 2020.1
Adds a DPMSNotify event
Adds XF86XK_FullScreen keysym

This update is needed to silence the harmless "Could not resolve keysym
XF86FullScreen" message that can be printed on xorg-server start. [1]

Complete changelog:

PR:		245384 [1]
Reported by:  [1]
23 Nov 2019 12:59:57
Revision:518231Original commit files touched by this commit
amdmi3 search for other commits by this committer
- OPTIONize docs

PR:		241811
Submitted by:	amdmi3
Approved by:	maintainer timeout (x11, 2 weeks)
06 Nov 2019 17:58:27
Revision:516911Original commit files touched by this commit
zeising search for other commits by this committer
Update xorgproto, libX11 and libXvMC

Update x11/xorgproto to 2019.2 [0]
Disable all legacy headers, they are no longer needed, since they only
detail deprecated protocol features.

Update x11/libX11 to 1.6.9
This is a minor update, mostly containing fixes to work with updated

Update x11/libXvMC to  1.0.12 [1]
This is a minor update, mostly containing fixes to work with updated

Patch mesa prts to explicitly link against -lXv, previously this was pulled
in by x11/libXvMC, but with changes to libXvMC .pc file, this is no longer
Bump portrevision for mesa-dri because of this.

Thanks fo antoine for the exp-run!

PR:		241314 (exp-run) [0], 240801 [1]
Submitted by: [1]
03 Nov 2019 21:56:38
Revision:516607Original commit files touched by this commit
zeising search for other commits by this committer
Switch all ports to use USES=xorg-cat

Change all ports to use USES=xorg-cat instead of the old XORG_CAT
Add USES=xorg and USES=gl as needed to x11@ ports
22 Jun 2019 19:33:16
Revision:504885Original commit files touched by this commit
zeising search for other commits by this committer
x11/xorgproto: update to 2019.1

Update x11/xorgproto to 2019.1

This release contains cleanups and and a few new keysyms.  No functional
changes to any protocols.

Big thanks to antoine and portmgr for help with the exp-run!


PR:		238728 (exp-run)
exp-run by:	antoine
Sponsored by:	B3 Init (zeising)
06 Aug 2018 12:20:39
Revision:476508Original commit files touched by this commit
mat search for other commits by this committer
Fix Xprint build issue.

For some reason, the patch is supposed to get into a subdirectory
that does not exist:

  |--- man/	2018-07-24 10:46:56 UTC
  |+++ man/
  (Creating file
  Patching file using Plan A...
  Empty context always matches.
  Hunk #1 succeeded at 1.

So patch extracts it in the first existing directory, and then the build fails:

  make[1]: don't know how to make man/Xprint.7. Stop

  make[1]: stopped in /wrkdirs/usr/ports/x11/xorgproto/work/xorgproto-2018.4
  *** Error code 1


Sponsored by:	Absolight
31 Jul 2018 18:41:30
Revision:476013Original commit files touched by this commit
zeising search for other commits by this committer
Switch to xorgproto instead of individual packages

Upstream used to distribute protocol headers as separate packages, but has
decided to merge those to a common package, named xorgproto.  This update
tracks that change.

* Add a new port, x11/xorgproto, with are protocol headers for xorg.
* Hook the new protocol port to the build and to infrastructure in
* Update all ports with a dependency on any of the old *proto packages to
  instead depend on xorgproto.  Bump portrevision.
* Delete the old *proto packages, update MOVED.

PR:		230023
Submitted by:	zeising
Approved by:	portmgr (antoine)
exp-run by:	antoine

Number of commits found: 21